Bláland the Great (Africa): 6
Blokumannaland (Walachia): 787
Blótólf of Olvishaug: 111
Bœjar, Norway: 368
Bœjarbót (the guild bell in Nitharós): 665
Bœkisúthin (Ingi’s ship): 775, 792-795
Bókn (island): 465-466, 469, 535
Bolli Thorláksson: 216
Bolverk: poems by, 578, 569, 601
Borg (Bersi’s estate in Iceland): x-xii, xvi
Borg, Norway. SEE Sarpsborg, Norway
Borgar Thing: 736
Borghild (daughter of Óláf in the Dale): 701
Borghild (daughter of Dag Eilífsson): 731
Borgund, Norway: 470
Borgundarholm (island of Bornholm): 162, 175
Borró, Norway: 47-48
Bothvar (son of Víkinga-Kári): 215, 301
Bothvar Thortharson: ix
Bóvi (fosterfather of Gauthild): 42
bragafull (a beaker): 39
Bragi (the god of poetry): xvi, 126
Bragi the Old (the 1st Norwegian skald): 9
Brand, Bishop: 805
Brand the Generous: 215
Bratsás Ridge: 726
Bratsberg, Norway: 763
Brattahlíth, Greenland: 228
Breitha, Norway: 370
Breithablik (home of Baldr): 10
Breithafjord, Iceland: 174, 330
Bretland (Wales): 86, 88, 99, 641, 676
Brígitha (daughter of Úlf and Jórunn): 608
Brígitha (daughter of Harald Gilli): 757, 815
Brodd-Helgi: 174
Brunswick, Saxony: 561
Brúsi (son of Earl Sigurth): 352-362, 368
Brúsi (a farmer): 741-742
Brúsi Thormótharson: 745
Brynjólf: 190
Brynjólf Úlfaldi (the Camel): 294-296, 662, 817
Bui the Stout: 175-184
Bulgaria: 698
Búriz Heinreksson: 790
Búrizláf (king of Wendland): 162, 164, 168, 175, 224, 226, 228-229
Bursti (thrall of Hákon the Old): 147
Byleist: 47 n
Býness, Norway: 189
Byrtha, Norway: 157, 212, 742
Caithness, Scotland: 85, 189, 351-355, 361, 480, 753
Canterbury, England: 225
Capr (Cyprus?): 694
Castlebridge, England: 659
Cécilía (daughter of Gyrth): 749
Christianity: proclaimed in Norway, 195-217, 370-377, 387-388
in Iceland and Greenland, 227-228
mentioned, xi, 4-5, 108, 111, 193, 211, 244, 289-290, 292, 309-310, 315, 332, 337, 351, 362-363, 369, 397, 491, 493, 550, 587, 662, 696, 705
Claussøn Friis, Peder: xxiv
Cleveland, England: 647
Clontarf, battle of: 352
Codex Frisianus: xxiv
Connaught, Ireland: 678, 683-684
Crane, the (Óláf Tryggvason’s ship): 209, 212-214, 227, 232-235, 241
Cumberland, England: 169
Dag (king of Westmarir): 47
Dag (son of Rauth): 453, 455
Dag (son of Harald Fairhair): 87
Dag (son of Dyggvi): 21, 23
Dag Eilífsson: 683, 686, 710, 731, 756
Dageith (mother of Álf): 24
Dag Hringsson: 489-490, 494, 496, 500, 514, 516, 518, 521
Dag the Powerful (progenitor of the Doglings): 24
Dala-Guthbrand: 137, 369, 370-374
Dales, the. SEE Guthbrands Dale, Norway
Danavirki (Danish defense line): 163-165
Danp, King: 20
Dan the Magnificent (Danish king): 27
Dan the Proud (Danish king): 3, 20
David (king of Scotland): 732
Deer-Head Ness: 462
Denmark: 9, 20-33
passim, 44, 56, 77, 86, 89, 102-123
passim, 139-142
passim, 149-154, 161, 162-168, 173-178
passim, 185, 193-195
passim, 224-244
passim, 246, 250-251, 268-271
passim, 293-296
passim, 307, 347, 350, 398-402
passim, 408, 434-442, 445, 457, 460-464
passim, 478, 486, 488, 524, 541-544, 555-561, 563-567, 569-575, 587, 591-593, 597, 599-602, 603-605, 617-636
passim, 640, 643, 666, 674, 680, 738-745
passim, 741, 743, 745, 790, 804, 806, 808-809, 810-814
díar: 7-10, 13
Dísar (goddess): 33
Dixin (follower of Geira): 162-163
Dofra Fell: 613
Dofra Mountains, Norway: 62, 73, 669
Dofrar, Norway: 368
Doglings (descendants of Dag the Powerful): 24
Dómaldi (son of Visbur): 17-19
Dómar (son of Dómaldi): 19, 20 n
Dótta (daughter of Thorkel Geysa): 602
Drafn, Norway: 463
Draglaun (a ship): 795
Dragseith, Norway: 199
drápa (poem): 65 n, 107, 121, 131, 143, 163, 361, 414, 435, 442, 461, 502, 588, 601, 650, 787
Drápa of the Gods: 160 n
Drápa of the Rood: 442
Drífa (wife of Vanlandi): 16
drótt (king’s men): 20
Drótt (daughter of King Danp): 20
dróttkvœtt measure: 9 n, 84 n, 654 n
dróttnar (kings): 20
dróttningar (queens): 20
Dublin, Ireland: 88, 171, 188, 362, 618, 683-684
Dungath (earl of Caithness): 351
Dúnímiz (nephew of Réttibur): 726, 729
Durni (a dwarf): 16
Dvina River: 140
Dyggvi (son of Dómar): 20-21
Dýrsá, Denmark: 811
Eadgyth (daughter of Earl Godwine): 641
Eadgytha (wife of Godwine): 643
Eadmund (king of England): 99, 575
Eadmund (son of Æthelred): 254, 256, 259, 263
Eadward the Good (son of Æthelred): 256, 259, 445, 555, 575-576, 641-644, 658
Earl’s Dale, Norway: 190
Earl’s Saga (Orkneyinga saga): 362
Eastfjords District, Iceland: 209
Eastfold, Norway: 46 n
East Forest: 30
Eastlands (on Baltic): 35, 44, 136
Eastmen (Norwegians): 29, 75
Edda, Poetic (Older): xv
Edda, Prose: xiv-xv
Edmund the Holy: 251
Egg (Kálf’s estate): 419, 478, 527, 535, 551
Egil: xvi
Egil (son of Aun the Old): 29-31
Egil (foster father of Ástríth): 332
Egil (son of Sithu-Hall): 398, 412, 446-447
Egil (son of Áslák of Forland): 670-674
Egils saga: xiv-xvi
Egil Skallagrímsson (a poet): ix
Egil Ullserk; 115-117
Eidskog Forest: xiii
Eigla. SEE Egils saga
Eika Sound, Norway: 409
Eikrey Islands: 297, 344-345
Eikunda Sound, Norway: 460, 462, 464
Eilíf (son of Earl Rognvald): 343, 578, 698
Eilíf the Gaut: 293-295
Einar (Turf-Einar). SEE Turf-Einar
Einar (from Horthaland): 227
Einar (brother of Guthmund): 395-396
Einar (husband of Helga): 724, 726
Einar (son of Ogmund of Sand): 742
Einar (son of Salmon [Laxa]- Pál): 743, 762
Einar (son of Guthorm Graybeard): 758-759
Einar Skálaglam: poems by, 135—136, 141, 155, 187
Einar Skúlason: poems by, 689, 695-696, 711, 723, 731, 750, 753-756, 767, 776
mentioned, 787
Einar Thambarskelfir: as archer, 237-238, 259
and Óláf Haraldsson, 274-279, 284-285, 375-376
is restored to power, 460-461
at King Knút’s court, 487
champions King Óláf’s sanctity, 526-530
and Harald Sigurtharson, 609-612
mentioned, 159, 227, 237-238, 259, 262, 288, 433,
482, 534-563, 550, 600
Einar Wrymouth (earl of the Orkneys): 352-357, 360, 361, 364
Einbui, Norway: 473
Eindrithi (son of Einar Thambarskelfir): 259-260, 487, 609, 611, 613-614
Eindrithi Heithafylja: 803
Eindrithi Jónsson Mornef: 765, 772-773, 776-777
Eindrithi of Gaut Dale: 741
Eindrithi of Gimsar: 231
Eindrithi Styrkarsson: 141, 259
Eindrithi the Young: 751, 787, 793, 795, 801
Eirík (son of Agnar): 46
Eirík (son of Agni): 23
Eirík (son of Yngvi): 25-26
Eirík (king of Horthaland): 61, 73-74
Eirík (king of Jutland): 76
Eirík (king in Uppsala): 61, 70-72, 83, 118
Eirík (follower of Sigurth Slembidjákn): 737
Eirík, Archbishop: 746
Eirík Árnason: 817
Eirík Ársæl: 705
Eirík Bjóthaskalli: 144-148, 194-195, 215, 301
Eirík Bloodyaxe: slays his brothers, 89, 95
succeeds to the throne, 93
flees the country, 98-99
sons of, 100-124, 128, 130-135, 139-142, 145, 149, 151, 154, 163, 218-219, 272, 307, 351
mentioned, 76, 79, 86-88, 90-91, 94, 96-97, 100, 103, 156, 351, 357
Eirík Emundarson: 320
Eirík Eimuni: 714, 718, 725-726, 738-740
Eirík Hákonarson, Earl: fights the Jómsvíkings, 176-185
harries in the Baltic, 221-224
fights Olaf Tryggvason, 229-244
rules Norway, 259-262
mentioned, 137, 159-161, 193-194, 276, 278, 293, 339
Eirík Heel (son of Eindrithi): 741
Eirík Oddsson: xvi, 743, 747-749
Eiríksdrápa, by Thórth Kolbeinsson: 177–178, 180
Eirík the Good (son of Svein Úlfsson): 666, 680
Eirík the Red: 218, 228
Eirík the Victorious (king of Sweden): 83, 139, 146-147, 185, 307, 321
Eirspennill (Vellum with Copper Clasps): xxiv
Eistland (Esthonia): 320
Eith (Askim), Norway: 53
Eith (Eidsvoll), Norway: 312
Eithaskóg region: 294
Eith Forest: 45, 68, 70, 178, 313, 335-338, 414, 474, 488
Elda, Norway: 778
Elfarvísur (River Ditties): 777
Elf River (Klar Elf River): 44
Elfsi (Álf, son of Alrek): 24
Elizabeth. SEE Ellisif
Ella (English king): 254
Ellipaltar: 589
Ellisif (daughter of Jarizleif): 589-591, 602, 647, 660
Emma (wife of King Æthelred and King Knút): 259, 262, 438-439, 555, 641
Emund (son of Óláf of Sweden): 332, 538, 560
Emund (the lawspeaker): 343-346, 348, 349
England: 44, 79, 92, 96, 98, 101, 106, 131, 169, 171-172, 175, 195, 209, 218, 251-256, 259, 261-263, 266, 271, 296, 350, 389, 398-402
passim, 408, 419, 422, 434, 436, 438, 450, 458, 463, 478-479, 487, 527, 542, 555, 575-576, 641-646, 653, 658-660, 689, 755, 806
Erlend (son of Turf-Einar): 99, 351
Erlend (son of Earl Hákon): 190-191
Erlend (son of Thorfinn): 647, 651, 675, 678
Erlend Hímaldi (son of Jóan the strong): 608
Erlend of Gerthi: 488, 516, 751
Erling (son of Jóan): 549
Erling (son of Eirík Bloodyaxe): 95, 133-134, 142, 149
Erling (son of Earl Hákon): 185
Erling (son of Erlend): 683, 686
Erling (son of Kyrpinga-Orm): 751
Erling Himaldi: 802
Erling of Sól: 196
Erlingsdrápa, by Thorbjorn Skakkaskáld: 752
Erling Skakki: fights with King Ingi, 771-780
and King Magnús, 789-816
mentioned, xxii, 751-752, 756, 763-764, 786, 820-821
Erling Skjálgsson: character and power of, 260-261
and Óláf Haraldsson, 376-387, 464-468
sons of, 488
mentioned: xxi, 198-199, 228, 231, 244, 267, 279, 285, 287-293, 369, 401, 409, 415-419, 434, 451, 460, 469-470, 535
Erling the Old: 141
Erre, Denmark: 740
Esthonia (Esthland): 35-36, 86, 88, 147, 149
Ethla (mistress of Óláf of Sweden): 332
Ethni, Norway: 763
Eyi, Norway: 88
Eyin District, Norway: 63, 367
Eyjafjord, Iceland: 174, 394
Eyland (island): 297-298, 315
Eylimi’s Inlet (Limfjord): 143
Eynafylki: 104
Eyólf (father of Guthmund): 638
Eyólf Dáthaskáld: poems by, 160-161
Eyólf Valgertharson: 174
Eyrar Point: 394, 669
Eyrar Sound (Öresund): 31, 167, 228, 444, 446-449, 463, 622, 705, 740
Eyrathing Assembly: 541, 668, 749, 796, 802, 810, 817
Eystein (son of Athils): 34
Eystein (son of Hálfdan Whiteleg): 45-47
Eystein (son of Eystein the Powerful): 51-52
Eystein (son of Magnús Óláfsson): 674, 681, 688, 699-705, 764-765, 781, 813
Eystein (son of Harald Gilli): 749-757, 763-768, 773-774, 784-785
Eystein, Archbishop: 530, 608-609, 802, 805-807
Eystein, Earl (father of Svanhild): 76
Eystein Glumra: 66, 351
Eystein Meyla: 815, 818-819, 820
Eystein Orri: 416, 651, 656
Eystein the Powerful (or Evil): 49, 51, 59-60, 104-105, 413
Eystein Trafali: 761
Eystri Dale, Norway: 453
Eysýsla (Ösel): 223, 249
Eyvind Elbow (Magnús Bareleg’s marshal): 683, 685-686
Eyvind Finnsson. SEE Eyvind Skáldaspillir
Eyvind Kelda (grandson of Rognvald Rettilbeini): 202-203
Eyvind Kinnrifa: 199, 211
Eyvind Skaldaspillir: poems by, 12, 25, 69, 117-123, 125, 128-131, 134, 142, 180, 363
mentioned, xix, 3
Eyvind Skreya: 119, 122-123
Eyvind Snake: 227
Eyvind Úrarhorn: 295-298, 330, 354, 360
Fœringa saga: xxi
Fáfnir: 237
Fagrskinna Codex: xix, 749 n
Falls, The: 637
Falster (island): 573, 603
Farmatýr: 134
Faroe Islands: xiii, 76, 290, 393, 396-398, 409, 411-412, 428-429, 433
Fasti (one of Fróthi’s earls): 31-32
Fasti. SEE Afra-Fasti
Féey Sound: 115
Fenrir: 117, 127, 129
Fetbreith (Thórálf’s sword): 120
Fetlafjord: 257
Fife, Scotland: 401
Finn (an archer under Earl Eirík): 237
Finn (son of Árni Armóthsson): and Óláf Haraldsson, 417-422
and Harald Sigurtharson, 612-618
mentioned, 368, 474, 495-496, 503, 511, 515, 517, 527, 534, 626, 629, 631, 751, 812
Finn (son of Skopti of Gizki): 678, 682
Finn (brother of Peter Byrtharsvein): 748
Finn (son of Erling Skakki): 812
Finn (from Horthaland): 227
Finnland: 16, 22, 249, 320
Finnmark (Lappland): 86, 294, 363, 414
Finn Sautha-Úlfsson: 743
Finn the Little: 323-324, 326
Fitjar, Norway: 91, 118, 121
Fjalir, Norway: 69, 227, 244, 265
Fjathryndaland, Sweden: 36, 41, 315
Fjolnir (son of Frey): 3, 14-16, 26
Fjón. SEE Funen (Danish island)
Fjord District: 67, 79, 100, 139, 152, 154, 157, 178, 189, 199, 227, 244, 373, 468, 509, 734, 741, 792, 794
Flamland. SEE Flanders
Flanders: 643, 645, 682
fie in (a type of arrow): 123
Flettir-Saxi (son of Bovi): 42
flokk (a short, refrainless poem): 278, 282, 284, 436, 461, 465, 551-552, 604, 634, 777
Flóravág Bay: 721, 763
of the Burning: 215
Fold, Norway. SEE Óslófjord, Norway
Folden. SEE Óslófjord, Norway
Foldenfjord. SEE Óslófjord, Norway
Fólki (son of Birgir Brosa): 757
Fólkvith (son of Svipdag): 40
Forest Districts: 70, 294, 315, 335, 340, 679, 801, 816
Forest Settlements: 309, 678
Forminterra (in Balearic Islands): 692-693
fornaldr saga: xxi
Fornjót: 45
fornyrðislag (poetic measure): 650, 654 n
Fors, Norway: 717, 766, 781
Foxerni, Sweden: 679
Frætharberg: 117
Fræthar Hill: 115
Fræthi (island): 114
France: 259, 263, 450, 621, 642, 689, 751
Franconia: 164
Frederick, Emperor (father of Henry): 694
Frederick, Emperor (son of Henry): 694
Frekeyar Sound: 470, 535
Frey (son of Njorth): 3, 8, 10, 13-14, 21, 23, 33, 69, 72, 107, 157
Freya (daughter of Njorth): 8, 14
freya (mistress of property): 14
Freyvith the Deaf: 346-349
Frigg (wife of Óthin): 7
Frírek (Harald Sigurtharson’s banner-bearer): 652
Frírek Kœna: 793, 796, 803-804
Frísia: 164, 169, 195, 251, 296, 643
Frísland: 86
Frithkolia (Margrét, wife of Magnús Bare-legs): 680-681, 705
Frithleif (son of Fróthi): 27
Frosta, Norway: 204, 206, 276, 731
Frostathing Assembly: 106, 108-109, 207
Frostathings Law: 104
Frosti (Finnish leader): 22
Fróthi (a mythical king): 130
Fróthi (Peace-Frothi): 14, 15
Fróthi (son of Eystein): 59, 60
Fróthi (son of Harald Fairhair): 76, 87
Fróthi, Peace of: 13-14
Fróthi the Bold (king of Denmark): 30-32
Fróthi the Magnificent (or the Peaceful): 27
frúrur (ladies): 14
Fulla (a goddess): 130
Funen (Danish island): 9, 560, 563, 568-569, 572, 574, 591-592, 617, 625
Fyrileif, Norway: 717, 723
Fýri Plains, Sweden: 19, 24-26, 33, 130
Fýri River (near Uppsala): 19 n, 20
Fyrir Valdi, England: 263
Fýrisvellir. SEE Fýri Plain, Sweden
galdralag (magic measure): 646 n
Galicia: 689
Gamal: 633
Gamli (son of Eirík Bloodyaxe): 95, 103, 116-117, 119, 128-129
Gandálf (son of Álfgeir): 49, 53, 59-60
Ganger-Hrólf (son of Rognvald): 78-79, 84, 259
Gartharíki (Russia): 6, 8, 13, 15, 147-149, 161, 170, 186, 188, 223, 288, 297, 342-343, 474, 479, 482-484, 488, 504, 527, 530, 537, 538, 547, 578, 589
Gauka-Thórir: 490-494, 504, 513
Gaular, Norway: 53
Gaular Dale, Norway: 62-63, 69, 109, 189, 191-192, 206, 274, 276, 278, 291
Gaula River: 190
Gaular Ridge: 278, 292, 415
Gauta Skerries: 167
Gautatýr (Óthin): 125
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