The Available Wife

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The Available Wife Page 7

by Pennington, Carla

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” she spoke from the door. “FedEx just delivered another package and they need to check your ID,” she addressed me.

  “Check my ID?” I questioned. “I’ve never heard of shit like that before.”

  Meagan shrugged her shoulders. “He said the sender requested it.”

  I opened my desk drawer and retrieved my ID from my purse then stood up and walked to the lobby with Meagan by my side.

  “What do you think it is?” she asked curiously.

  “I don’t know, but it better be something good to cause all of this hoopla.”

  “Seems like the FedEx guy came at a perfect time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I could feel the tension in your office between you and Germaine.”

  “Meagan, leave it alone,” I said before stopping in front of the cute, tanned, delivery man who gave me the most electrifying smile.

  “Are you Niquole Wright?” he asked.

  I presented my ID to him. After signing my name on their little electronic device, he handed me a huge, purple and black striped box. I thought it was going to be heavy because of its size but, it wasn’t. It couldn’t have weighed more than two pounds.

  “He was cute,” Meagan spoke after the delivery guy walked away.

  “He hasn’t left yet. Go talk to him,” I giggled as I watched her get all googly-eyed over the guy.

  “He doesn’t make enough money for me,” she joked.

  We both laughed.

  “I wonder what in the hell could be in here?” I questioned before slightly shaking the box.

  “Did you order something and forgot about it?” she asked.

  “Possibly, but there’s only one way to find out.”

  When we walked back to my office, Germaine was still sitting with an uneasy look on his face.

  “What’s in the box?” he asked.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” I replied.

  “I’ll bet it’s something else that you don’t need, don’t use or have any room for,” he replied in a slightly nasty tone.

  I rolled my eyes at him and placed the box on my desk accidentally knocking down my favorite photo of Johnathan and Nathan asleep. They were both passed out on their backs in the same snow angel position. Curiously, I lifted the top off the box and retrieved the card that was lying on top of some white tissue paper. I slapped Meagan’s hand away when I saw her trying to lift and peak underneath. I pulled the card from the envelope and held back my ecstatic emotion when I read it.

  This should help take your mind off of things.

  I want this on your body tonight at the party.



  I eased the card back into the envelope and slid it in the front pocket of my Nicole Miller slacks. I tried to hold back my excitement as I dove through the tissue paper. When I finally saw what was inside, I gasped…so did Meagan. Germaine wanted to see what the excitement was all about so he stood up and glanced inside the box as well.

  “Girl, how could you forget that you ordered this?” Meagan spoke enthusiastically as she lifted the dress from the box and pranced around the office with it. “Isn’t this nice, Germaine?” she addressed him.

  “Yeah,” he answered quickly then sat back down.

  I could never understand why he was always acting uneasy around her. I knew they weren’t fucking. I just brushed it off as another black man afraid to be around white people. I could feel Germaine’s eyes on me as he waited for me to answer Meagan’s question.

  “I’ve been so damn swamped with the last minute details for the album release party that I forgot it was being delivered today,” I lied.

  “Please tell me that you’re wearing this to the party?” Meagan continued. “If not, can I borrow it?” she joked.

  “I gotta be fly, don’t I?” I laughed, hoping Germaine couldn’t figure out that I was making everything up as I went along. “Meagan, put the dress back in the box before it gets dirty.”

  “Yeah, I’d better because I can’t afford to replace it. Prada is definitely not in my budget,” she giggled. “I need to head out anyway,” she said after placing the dress back inside the box. “I’ll see y’all later,” she added before bouncing out the door.

  “What did you want to talk to me about?” I asked Germaine then placed the top back over the box.

  I really didn’t care what was on his mind. I just didn’t need him questioning me about the dress. I rubbed my hand over the box as if it meant the world to me. I was so wrapped up in my new gift that I wasn’t paying any attention to the fact that he was watching my every move. He knew there was more to the dress than I was letting on.

  “So, you have a separate bank account that you’re hiding from me?” he asked with piercing eyes. I knew what he was talking about, but couldn’t figure out how he knew about it.

  I glanced down at my computer. “Why are you snooping through my shit, Germaine?”

  “It was in plain sight. I didn’t have to snoop, but don’t try to avoid the subject. What’s the account for? Why didn’t I know about it?”

  I held back the bull that was raging inside of me, but I knew it would be even more suspicious if I prolonged an answer. “The account is for the boys.”

  “The boys?” he asked rhetorically.

  “Yes. College and shit like that. Don’t you want the best for your kids?”

  “Of course. But why did you feel the need to hide that from me?”

  “I don’t have to tell you everything that I do with my money.”

  “Well, if it’s for the boys then I’ll need the code,” he stated.

  “For what?”

  “Because their my kids too, and I should always know what’s going on.”

  I had to laugh. “Germaine, I hope that’s not why you’re here. If so, you’re wasting your damn time. I’m not giving you anything to…”

  “You know what,” he interrupted before tossing a plastic Target bag at me. “I don’t want to hear that same ole BS. Explain that!” He pointed at the bag.

  “What’s this?” I asked, slowly opening the bag.

  “You tell me.”

  Once the bag was opened, I held back the shock that I wanted to show on my face and the gasp that wanted to escape my mouth. Fuck. Why didn’t I get rid of that shit? I thought after glancing at the pink, blood-splattered jacket.

  “Where did you get this?”

  “I was in your car early this morning looking for one of Nathan’s diaper bags. I couldn’t confront you about it then because you dashed out right after I walked back inside the house. Now, answer my question, what is it?”

  “I don’t appreciate you going through my shit, Germaine.”

  “It’s your jacket. You should know what the hell is on it.” His voice grew curious. “Is that blood, Nikki?” he asked before snatching the bag out of my hand.

  I quickly snatched it back and frowned. “You need to mind your own damn business,” I said after turning away from him with the Target bag clutched tightly in my hands. I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t think of a lie fast enough and damn sure wasn’t about to tell him the truth. At that moment, I wish I had let Kingston take the jacket with him and drove to the studio like he instructed.

  “Look, I don’t have time for this shit, Germaine. I’ve got a party to get ready for. Now, will you please leave?” I finally turned to face him.

  He stared at me with a blank look on his face as if nothing that I said or did could stun or shock him anymore.

  “What?” I barked.

  He shook his head before asking, “Since you can’t explain the jacket then can you explain this receipt I found in the trunk as well?”

  I snatched the receipt he pulled from his pocket. I then swallowed the lump in my throat as I stared down at the paper. It was for a four thousand dollar pair of diamond, baguette studs and a two thousand dollar TAG Heuer men’s watch.

  “I know you’re not buying thos
e kinds of gifts for potential clients are you? And I know they’re not for me because you haven’t bought me anything in a while.”

  Germaine stood there like a detective waiting for a confession. It pained me when I made my next move. I opened my bottom desk drawer and pulled out a blue and black striped wrapped box.

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” he laughed after pushing the box that I tried to hand him.

  “Fine! Be ungrateful!” I snapped and dropped the box back into the drawer, happy that I didn’t have to give Kingston’s gifts away.

  “Nikki, where in the hell am I gonna put the earrings? My ears aren’t fucking pierced,” Germaine seethed then pointed to his earlobes. “And you know I could care less about expensive watches. I can tell time just fine on this ten-year-old Citizens,” he said tapping the worn watch.

  I needed to get him out of my shit, but didn’t know how. To my surprise, he did it for me.

  “Don’t hurt yourself thinking of a lie, Nikki. Just remember this. What’s done in the dark always comes to the light,” Germaine said before gliding toward the door. He bumped into Jalisa on his way out.

  Shit! I didn’t feel like being bothered by her either. She was wearing a pair of Jimmy Choo Verity sandals and a black spaghetti strap mini dress. Her long, black hair was pulled back into a very stylish ponytail. She was always in model mode.

  “Hi, Germaine,” she greeted him with a smile.

  “What’s up, Jalisa?” he replied nonchalantly.

  Jalisa glanced at me and gave me a look of wonderment. I guess she figured by Germaine’s reply that I’d said something to put him in such a mood.

  “Well, can I at least get a hug?” she addressed him. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  They embraced for a few seconds while I picked through my food that I no longer desired due to the unwanted interruptions. After the hug, he tried to walk out, but Jalisa grabbed his hand. “Are you okay?”

  “Ask your damn friend,” Germaine nodded toward me then walked out.

  Jalisa walked toward the chairs in front of my desk as if she was walking down a runway. She then sat down and crossed one long leg over the other. But when she opened her mouth to speak, I stopped her.

  “Before you ask me anything about Germaine, save it.”

  “Actually, I was going to ask why you’ve been avoiding my calls.”

  “Jalisa, you know I’m busy.”

  “With work or him?

  I glared at her and answered, “Both. Conversations about him are off limits as well,” I warned. She knew I meant business.

  “How are the boys?”

  “They’re fine. How are you and that guy Austin doing?” I quickly changed the subject.

  “His ass is out the door. I had to get a restraining order against him because that fool went psycho on me when we were in Paris.”


  “Yeah. He was jealous of my blossoming success and tried to start using me as a punching bag.” My eyes widened as she continued. “He hit me once and that was all it took. I kicked him out of my loft and he would show up at my modeling gigs causing a mess. I had to move because he kicked my door in.”

  “Damn, Jalisa, are you alright?”

  “As long as I carry my nine by my side, I’m good. Now, I know why my dad got me those lessons at the gun range,” she laughed.

  I returned the laughter because I remembered those days at the gun range. She was fierce with a gun and anyone would be a fool to be staring down the barrel of it. “So, how long are you here for?” I asked.

  “For a few months. You know there’s no place like home.”

  “If you want to get technical about it, your home is in New Orleans,” I reminded.

  “You know what I mean. I foolishly followed family,” she replied. “The contractor is ready to start the renovations on my condo.”

  “So, are you staying with your folks until it’s done?”

  “Are you crazy? I love my family, but I hate them as well. I’m staying in one of the model condos until it’s done.”

  “Cool.” I was hoping I’d given her enough friendly chit chat because I was ready for her to leave.

  “So, you went to see Kingston the other day when you hung up on me, huh?”

  “I knew it was coming,” I mumbled.

  “I’m assuming you did by your reactions. I’ve got to ask you this, Nikki. Why did you even marry Germaine?”

  I cut my eyes at her. “I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again. I thought he loved me until he deceived me just like all the others.”

  “The man wanted to have a kid, Nikki. What was wrong with that?”

  “This conversation is over.” I wasn’t about to sit and listen to that crap.

  “Why don’t you just leave if you don’t love him anymore?” Jalisa questioned.

  Between her and my mother, I don’t know who got on my nerves the most.

  “Bitch, what do you think I’m trying to do?” Her eyes widened in disbelief. “It’s time for you to leave,” I spoke sternly after standing up and walking toward the door to let her know that I was serious.

  “Wow! You’re kicking me out?”

  “I told you that Kingston was off limits and now, you’re bringing up this bullshit about Germaine so, yes you have to go. I have shit to do anyway.”

  “Okay…okay. I won’t bring them up anymore,” Jalisa tried to convince.

  “Yes, you will and you know it so to keep me from cursing you out when you do, I think it’s best that you leave.”

  “Listen, I came by to see if we could have lunch and do some catching up,” Jalisa continued as if she was prolonging her departure.

  “As you can see on my desk, I have lunch,” I replied. “Look, I’ll just see you at the party.”

  She stood up with much attitude and walked out without a goodbye. I didn’t care that she was pissed. I was tired of her being in my business. After closing and locking the door, I walked back over to my desk then dropped in my chair and blew a long sigh of relief. Germaine was getting too close for comfort and I needed to get my act together before he got any closer. Logging onto my online bank account, I skimmed over my get-a-way account and smiled. Me, Kingston and the boys were gonna be set once I left Germaine.

  My smile turned to a frown when I opened my email account and saw a message from my blackmailer. I slapped my hands across my mouth to keep from screaming when I opened up a few pictures of me and Kingston going in and out of different hotels. I knew I had to put the Niquole and Kingston plan into full force action before that son-of-a-bitch exposed me to the world. In the meantime, I prepared to visit my bank for the new wire transfer.


  I was eager and anxious to get inside of The Roxy for Fortunes’ album release party partly because I knew this female group was gonna blow up, but mainly because I was dying to see Kingston. I was apprehensive about inviting him, but couldn’t deny him access into my world after receiving his breathtaking, unexpected gift.

  When the limo pulled up to The Roxy’s entrance, a slew of reporters and photographers were waiting for my arrival. It didn’t take long for the handsome, freckle faced limo driver to open my door and extend his hand to me which also came along with a wide face smile. It seemed like he’d been practicing before picking me up. As soon as he helped me out, the camera flashes started as well as the chatter. I glanced on both sides of the red carpet and noticed that the reporters and photographers were held at bay by purple, velvet ropes that were the same shade as my dress. It was my time to shine.

  I placed my right foot on the carpet to show off my stunning, five-inch, Prada stilettos. When the flashes died down, I gracefully struck a pose with a huge, bright smile on my face. I was the shit and I knew it. I floated down the red carpet in the beautiful dress that I felt obligated to flaunt knowing that he was going to be at the party. I continued to smile at all of the cameras as I made my way inside t
he club forgetting the fact that I had left Germaine behind. There was no need to flaunt him by my side when he wasn’t the one that I wanted to be there with anyway. Besides, we hadn’t spoken to each other since he walked out of my office earlier that day.

  I was excited to see the place packed from wall to wall with fans, rival label mates and top executives. I knew there was gonna be a huge turnout, but this was beyond what I expected. It made me realize that I was on my way up. I made a mental note to purchase Meagan another bag because she’d outdone herself as usual. The pink and purple strobe lights did it for me because she knew those were my favorite colors. It didn’t take long for me to make my rounds and mingle while secretly searching for Kingston. Germaine had become close friends with many of my associates and clients, so I knew he wouldn’t be bothering me for much of the night.

  I walked and smiled at the spectators and accepted numerous praises and congratulations. I paused when one of them decided to grab my arm. My heart skipped a few beats because I knew it was Kingston. I frowned when I turned around and saw that it wasn’t.

  “Nice party, Niquole.”

  I stared at one of my rivals and fought back the urge to roll my eyes and walk off.

  “Thanks, A.J.” I forced a smile then stared into his gray, hypnotic eyes. I glanced around the room so that I wouldn’t fall under his spell as I had once before. “What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be back in Louisiana tending to your own label?”

  “Damn, is that how you greet me?” he asked cynically. A.J. and I had history; history that continued into the present. “I came by to show my support. I can’t wait to hear these new girls that you’ve signed.”

  Why was he lying? I knew he could care less. “If I were a naïve bitch, I’d believe you.”

  “I’m not lying, baby. I wish you much success since most of it belongs to me,” he smiled, then attempted to kiss my cheek. I pulled back for fear that Kingston would see. “What’s wrong? It would be just like old times. You said it best; what no one knows won’t hurt them.”

  “Bye, A.J.,” I tried to stomp away, but he stopped me.

  “You don’t want our little secret to come out, do you?” he asked.


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