The Available Wife

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The Available Wife Page 11

by Pennington, Carla

  “What’s going on?’ I asked the guy standing next to me.

  “She just found out that her son is dead,” he answered. “Hummer was a cool dude. He didn’t…”

  “Did you just say Hummer?” I asked frighteningly.


  I slowly backed out of the crowd until I spotted Kingston who was smiling heartily. Then he did the unthinkable.

  “Didn’t he fuck around with other men’s women? One of them probably killed him,” Kingston blurted out.

  Mouths dropped and eyes bucked including mine. I knew I could be insensitive sometimes, but that shit was downright cruel. Especially since he was the one who actually ended the man’s life. The crowd showed their disapproval by cursing him out. However, it didn’t seem to bother him one bit. As Kingston walked away from the mob, I spotted his wife in a corner trying to hide the fact that she was crying, too. Again, I questioned how she knew Tyrell and now Hummer, of course. Damn, I wonder if she knows Germaine, too?

  “We need to get out of here,” Germaine startled me from behind.

  I turned to him. His eyes were red as fire and filled with tears. I knew he wanted me to comfort and console him, but I couldn’t. I was the reason why his friend was dead.

  “You want me to drive?” I offered.

  He gave me a cold look, reached inside his pocket and handed me the keys. We flowed with the weeping crowd and exited the building. Once outside, I spotted Kingston and his wife talking. He lifted her chin and pecked her on the lips when he saw me staring at them. Then he went in for the kill. That tongue that I wanted down my throat was traveling down hers.

  “Bastard,” I said loudly enough for him to hear.

  “What did you say?” Germaine asked.

  Without answering, I hightailed it to my car. As soon as I was within a few feet, all I could do was laugh when I saw all four of my tires flat on the ground.

  “Jealous bitches,” I replied then smiled.

  My grin quickly diminished when I realized that it could’ve been the person blackmailing me. I wasn’t sure, but either way, I needed to involve Kingston. I retrieved my cell phone to text him but Germaine’s presence stopped that.

  “What the hell? Are you calling AAA?” he asked.

  “Aww…yeah,” I stammered knowing that wasn’t the reason my phone was in my hand.


  Around three a.m., I jumped up from my desk after briefly dozing off. I had a dream about me being in jail because of Hummer’s death and my involvement in it. I was dressed in scrubs surrounded by a bunch of butch lesbians waiting to take their turns with me. A light bulb went off in my head as I regrouped from the dream. I still hadn’t gotten rid of the jacket even though my intentions were to. When I left the office that day, I placed the bag in my trunk and planned to toss it in a dumpster on the way home, but it started raining which ultimately distracted my mission.

  I tiptoed down the carpeted stairs with my keys clutched tightly in my hand making sure they didn’t make a sound. Once in the kitchen, I disabled the alarm and walked out the side door. Luckily, I didn’t have to disturb the garage door. I popped the trunk of my car and snatched the Target bag out before walking toward the back of the house where the two garbage bins were. Quickly looking over my shoulder, I lifted one of the tops and held my breath as the stench brushed past my nose. There were two garbage bags inside. I tore one of them open and shoved the Target bag deep inside. When I pulled my arm out, it was covered with bread crumbs, apple peels and a few strands of spaghetti. I wanted to curse, but knew Germaine would hear me from his bedroom window. After picking up a leaf from the ground and flicking the garbage off of my arm, I closed the lid. I thought everything had worked out until I glanced at the upstairs window and saw the panels moving back and forth. Nervously placing my freshly done nail inside my mouth, I hoped like hell that it was just the AC turning back on.


  A week after the reception, I drove through my gated community admiring the bomb ass job that La-lien had done on my nails. If I didn’t know they were acrylic, I would’ve mistaken them for the real thing. Kingston was still giving me the silent treatment, but truthfully it should’ve been the other way around. He was the one acting like a fucking teenager and kissing his wife in front of me. I was pissed, and I wanted to voice it to him. He needed to know how I felt.

  Seconds later, I pulled into my yard and came to an abrupt stop when I saw that Germaine’s truck was parked on the lawn. He had lost his mind. I paid over two grand for that grass to look like that.

  “His stupid ass knows better than this,” I fumed before gliding out of my car and storming inside the house. “Germaine! Germaine! Where in the hell are you? You need to get that truck off my grass before you fuck it up!” I shouted before searching the house for him.

  Eventually, I found him in the basement or better known as his could-have-been-studio. He was playing some tunes on his Yamaha keyboard while tapping on his beat machine at the same time. I hadn’t been down in the basement in so long that I’d completely forgotten that the old ass equipment was there. He needed an upgrade, but I wasn’t about to give him money for it.

  “You need to move your truck off the grass, Germaine. I paid a lot of money for that grass.”

  “I know what the fuck…you paid for. I… was with you when you picked it out,” he slurred before turning up the Grey Goose bottle. I glanced down at his feet and saw a few beer bottles as well. His ass was drunk. “Where are the boys?”

  “What the fuck do you care? You’re never here anyway.”

  “Fuck you, Germaine. I hope you get sclerosis of the fucking liver.”

  I turned and walked back upstairs. My boys were nowhere to be found, so I assumed they were with his folks. He normally didn’t get hammered when they were around. Plus, I’m sure he wanted to sulk in his own damn misery.

  “Why won’t you go with me to Hummer’s funeral?” he startled me after I walked out of the kitchen a few minutes later.

  I stepped away from him because he was all in my face with his rancid breath. The combination of alcohol and cigarettes didn’t sit too well with me.

  “You already know that I’ll be in New Orleans checking out some new talent so, I don’t know why you fixed your mouth to ask me that,” I said, before walking down the stairs. He was close on my heels.

  “Isn’t that what you pay people for?”

  “Yes, but I’m going and you know why. But if all of the alcohol that you consume has warped your brain, let me refresh your memory.”

  “No need.”


  He knew good and damn well why I was going. I loved being part of the scouting. I loved seeing the talent and the hunger in their eyes. It reminded me of when I used to be in their shoes chasing record deals.

  “Can’t you fly out after the funeral?” he whined.

  “No, I can’t.”

  “That’s fucked up, Nikki. Hummer was my fucking friend.”

  “You’re correct. He was your friend,” I concurred then pointed at him in case he’d forgotten. “He was your friend…not mine. Furthermore, the son-of-a-bitch tried to rape me. I wouldn’t dare offer my respects to him. As far as I’m concerned he can rot in hell because that’s where he’s going.”

  “Can you be there for me, Nikki? Please.”

  I stepped away from him, stared into his eyes and gave him a very disapproving look. He was weak and he needed to know that.

  “Your friend deserved to die for what he tried to do to me and there’s no telling how many other women he’s raped. I’m not going to that fucking funeral. Not for you or any one else! How can you sit up here and ask me that shit? You’re weak and a sorry ass excuse for a man!”

  I shocked him when I didn’t flinch after he threw his beer bottle. It barely missed my head before it hit the wall and shattered. Seconds later, Germaine jumped in my face and raised his hand as to slap me. I was ready to call his bluff.

Hit me! Hit me like you should’ve hit Hummer when he stuck his finger in my pussy!” I taunted. I wanted him to hit me. I wanted a bruise on my face so that I could run to Kingston crying. I was more than sure he wouldn’t let it slide.

  I watched Germaine bite down on his lip and slowly lower his hand. “Sorry ass,” I chuckled sinisterly in his face, but stopped when he spit in mine. I was frozen as I watched him stumble toward the door and open it.

  “You haven’t fucked me in damn near a year,” he slurred. “You would think that you’d do that much for me.”

  “You need to ask yourself why I haven’t fucked you,” I snarled at him still shocked by his actions and words.

  “If I ain’t hittin’ it, I’m sure another nigga is,” he growled back.

  “And I’m sure you’re getting pussy from somewhere since I haven’t been fucking you,” I retaliated.

  “When you love someone, you don’t do that type of shit, Nikki.”

  I jumped when he slammed the door. Shaking my head in disbelief, I wiped the glob of spit that was trickling down my eye. The engine on his truck revving brought me out of my shock. I listened to his tires screech as he zoomed down the street. I prayed that he ran into a fucking telephone pole.

  Stomping up the stairs like a mad woman, I shoved the bathroom door open, stood in front of the marble sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I was pissed. I grabbed the bottle of liquid Dove soap, lathered it up then rubbed it all over my face. After ridding my skin of his spit, I flew into my room and called Kingston. No answer.

  I sat at my desk and waited five minutes before calling again. Still, no answer. I stared at the luggage that I’d packed for my trip to New Orleans. There was no way that I was gonna be home when Germaine got back. Instantly, I jumped out of the chair, grabbed the bag and dashed out the door. I frowned when I saw the tire marks that his dumb ass had left on my lawn. After angrily tossing the bag in the trunk of my car, I climbed inside and drove off.

  Nearly thirty minutes later, I checked into the Hyatt Regency on Louisiana Street in downtown Houston. As soon as I made it to my room, I sat down on the comfortable bed and dialed Germaine’s mother’s number. I really didn’t want to talk to that wench, but I wanted to check on my boys.

  “Are my boys with you?” I wasted no time when she answered.

  “First of all, you’re not going to call my house with a damn attitude and not speak,” she quickly shot back.

  I hated listening to her wanna-be proper ass talk because it was all fake. She eliminated her New Orleans drawl as soon as she moved to Houston three years ago.

  I ignored her. “Bitch, are my boys with you?”

  Before she could go off on me again, I heard Johnathan in the background laughing as well as Nathan cooing. I figured she must’ve been holding him. At that moment, I hung up the phone in her face. All I needed to know was where they were.

  Thinking back to Kingston, I couldn’t deal with this silent treatment he was giving me. After clicking on the television, there was a knock at the door.

  “Who in the hell could this be?” I mumbled. When I opened the door I nearly lost my balance as I stared at one-hundred and seventy-five pounds of butterscotch. He had to have the wrong room.

  “May I help you?” I asked.

  “Ms. Wright, you left your ID at the front desk.”

  I extended my hand to retrieve the card. “Thank you. I’d truly be lost without this,” I smiled.

  He returned the smile. “You seemed a little distracted downstairs. We all make mistakes.”

  Was this six foot stallion paying that much attention to me downstairs? He stood so sure of himself in his black suit. His name tag read: Darren, Manager.

  “Well, I’m sorry for the trouble, Darren.”

  “No trouble at all, ma’am.”

  Little did he know, I wanted to get into some trouble with him. “Darren, let me give you something for coming all the way up here,” I said walking back inside the room.

  “Oh, no, ma’am. I can’t accept anything from you. It’s my job to make sure that all guests have a pleasant experience while staying here.” I wondered what he was thinking when I didn’t respond. “Ma’am? Ms. Wright?”

  His eyes widened when I returned to the door. I was standing in my baby blue, Victoria’s Secret, bra and panty set. “Can you accept this?” I asked seductively.

  He tugged at his tie. I guess things were getting a little too hot for him, but he didn’t pass up the offer. He walked inside and closed the door. “This is a first for me,” he said like he’d entered a strip club for the first time.

  “Me too,” I lied.

  I walked up to him and removed his jacket then rubbed and squeezed all over his pecs. He was just enough man, if not more, to get Kingston off my brain. I stared into his eyes while I slowly unbuttoned his stiff, white shirt. His chest poked out like a Spartan. I could tell that the gym was his friend. The four-inch, Dior platform pumps were not high enough for me to reach his lips. Instead, I gently pulled his face to mine. I air kissed him for a few seconds. I felt his breath on my lips as I continued to tease him. Obviously, he couldn’t take it. Darren grabbed my arm and swung me around.

  “I shouldn’t be doing this,” he said while kissing my neck. “I’m married.”

  “So am I,” I spoke softly.

  My response must’ve done something to him because Darren tasted my body from my neck all the way down to my ass. He then gripped the sides of my panties and snatched them down like they didn’t belong.

  “Mmmmmmm,” I moaned. In those few seconds, Kingston was gone. I opened my legs a little wider to allow his fingers access into my pussy. “Mmmmmmm,” I moaned again when they were inside. “Ooooooooh!” I grabbed my breast and squeezed them.

  He crawled in front of me before lifting my leg and carefully placing it over his shoulder. His dark brown eyes stayed locked on mine. He was seconds away from going in for the kill.

  “Darren, we need you downstairs,” were the words that suddenly came through his walkie talkie.

  I obviously wasn’t going to get the chance of experiencing that oral. I wanted to grab that two-way radio and throw it across the room. He rested his head on my ass for a minute then took a deep breath. I was just as disappointed as he was because Kingston was slowly reentering my mind.

  “Perfect timing, huh?” he joked. “I’m getting off in a couple of hours. Can I come back later?” he asked after standing up and slipping on his jacket.

  My buzz had been killed. “That may not be a good idea.”

  He seemed a little disappointed, but hey, it was what it was. He had to catch me while I was in the moment. After going to the bathroom and washing his hands, he left.

  Sadly, I spent the next few hours calling Kingston only to be disappointed. I listened to his entire voice message each time just so I could hear his voice. Thinking about him and listening to his voice had aroused me. My nipples hardened and my pussy moistened. I was in bed naked so I had easy access to them.

  “Mmmmmm, Kingston,” I spoke into the phone after the recorder allowed me to leave a message. My hands massaged my breasts then eagerly eased between my legs to help my water fountain flow. “Baby…..mmmmmmm….it’s wet for you, baby. She wants you.” I placed the phone between my legs to let him hear me fingering myself. “You hear that, baby?” I spoke into the phone after pressing it back against my ear. “She needs you, baby.” The only thing that I loved about masturbating was the fact that I knew my spots. “Kingston, you’re about to make me cum, baby! Baby! Baby!” I howled before dropping the phone.

  Seconds later, my balloon popped. “Shit, that was a good one,” I said to myself before picking the phone back up. After calling back and getting his voice mail once again, I left one final message. “I love you, baby and I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

  I fell asleep with the phone still glued to my ear.


  I stepped off the plane at the Louis A
rmstrong New Orleans International Airport and high stepped to the baggage claim to collect my bags. Once that task was done, I dashed outside and through the slew of people. I needed to catch the first available cab to my hotel. I was extremely pissed that I had to catch a damn cab in the first place. I tore into Meagan as soon as she called to inform me that there was a mix up with the car service. I hung up the phone in her beautifully tanned face and took two deep, long breaths before walking out the door and into the crowded entranceway. For the amount of time I spent trying to hail a cab, I could’ve rented a damn car and drove to the hotel. You would think that the cabbies knew money when they saw it. I figured if I was dressed in a white t-shirt, skinny jeans, dreads bunched up under a ball cap and skin inked all over then they would’ve flocked to me. But unfortunately I didn’t look like Lil’ Wayne. Little did they know, I was money. I reached into my Chanel purse, pulled out a hundred dollar bill and waved it in the air. It was at that moment when three cabs finally raced to me.

  “Good afternoon, ma’am,” the freckle faced white man addressed me after hopping out of the driver’s seat. The cab smelled just like fresh pine.

  “Whatever,” I replied. “Take me to the W Hotel on Poydras,” I continued before placing the money back inside my purse. His facial expression told me that he knew he’d been swindled.

  I pulled my phone out of my purse and called A.J. I needed a fix.

  “Damn, girl, it hasn’t been a year yet,” he joked after answering.

  I laughed. “I’m in town.”

  “Oh really?” I could hear the excitement in his voice.

  “I’m staying at the W on Poydras. I’ll call you with the room number.”

  “Now, how do you know I don’t have anything to do?”

  “I’m sure you’d rather be doing me instead,” I said before hanging up.

  While the cabbie drove the few miles to the hotel, the incident between me and Germaine weighed heavy on my mind. I still couldn’t believe that he spit in my face. Even though I still hadn’t been back home since everything went down, he was surely gonna pay for that shit. My mother was curious to know why I’d called and asked her to check on the boys. But I didn’t give her a reason. I just demanded that she do so.


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