The Available Wife

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The Available Wife Page 13

by Pennington, Carla

  “What?” I snapped my neck at all of them. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “You’re a sad ass excuse for a wife,” Germaine’s mother took a jab at me. “I wish my son had never met you.”

  “If your son hadn’t met me, he wouldn’t have shit,” I jabbed back at her. If we weren’t in a hospital, I probably would’ve stomped a mud hole in that bitch.

  “Niquole, why did you turn your phone off?” my mother chimed in to kill the tenseness. “You have kids. You can’t be turning your phone off like that.”

  “Look, both of you can save this shit. I’m a grown ass woman. I don’t have to answer to either one of you. I’m not Johnathan…you know the little boy who the two of you have more than me!”

  “If you’d stay home and be a mother to them, then there would be no need for us to intervene,” Germaine’s mother blasted.

  I stepped to her. “Look, Glenda…”

  “This is neither the time nor the place,” my mother said jumping between us.

  “You know it’s true,” Glenda addressed my mother. “Your daughter is a sorry excuse for a wife and a mother. My son takes care of those boys…not her.”

  By my mother’s facial expression, I was more than sure she was going to agree. I was just about to throw my phone directly at Glenda’s head, when Tyrell hurried over to me. He stepped in my face like a lion about to demolish his prey.

  “You need to watch yourself,” he barked between gritted teeth before shoving my phone in my hand. “Go check on your fucking husband.” He shoved me in the opposite direction. “Room 218.”

  I glared at them all before it hit me. Two people were missing.

  “Where are my boys?” I asked.

  “They’re with my mom,” Jalisa answered.

  After receiving that confirmation, I slowly walked toward Germaine’s room trying to think of something to say to him. Right before opening the door, I took a deep breath.

  He looked at me then slowly turned away. He had a few visible scratches and bruises on his cheeks, arm and forehead. A sinister part of me wished his ass had been killed in the accident for spitting in my face.

  I didn’t want to be in that damn room. I wanted to be with my man who was now probably fucking Meagan. I looked at my phone then at Germaine. I couldn’t resist. I dialed Meagan’s number. It went straight to voicemail. I took a deep breath and blew it out hard. I had to shake the thought of the two of them rolling around in the sheets. I had to get a hold of myself.

  “You can at least show some kind of damn compassion, Nikki,” Germaine finally spoke. “I was damn near killed the other day and this is your first time seeing me since it happened. And you’re over there on the fucking phone. You haven’t even asked if I was okay.”

  “Well, are you?”

  Before the dynamite could explode in the room, the door opened. Tyrell and another police officer walked inside. It didn’t take long for Tyrell to shake his head at me again. He was probably pissed that I was standing by the door and not by Germaine’s side. Little did he know, it didn’t make any sense for me to pretend.

  “Hey man,” Tyrell’s buff ass addressed Germaine. “I was just out there with your mom and pop. They say they’re not leaving no matter how many times you kick them out your room.”

  Germaine laughed. I could tell that it hurt him to do so due to the horrific face he made.

  “This is the first officer on the scene. Officer Brady,” Tyrell introduced. “We just need to take down some information.”

  Germaine nodded.

  “Any enemies that you know of? Anyone that may want to see you hurt?” Officer Brady got right to the point. I quickly wondered why he would ask such a question. I inched closer to them.

  “Naw, man, why?” Germaine worried. “My brakes just went out on me.”

  “Your brakes didn’t just go out, G. The line was cut,” Tyrell informed him.

  “You’re lucky to be alive,” the other officer joined in.

  “The brake line was cut?” I questioned with a frightened look on my face.

  All three of them turned to me.

  “Yeah, the line was cut,” Tyrell answered. “You know anything about that?” he asked inquisitively but with attitude like he felt or knew I had something to do with it.

  “Now, why in the hell would I know something like that?” I blasted back.

  Not wanting to be interrogated, I swung the room door open and rushed out. First the money, then the pictures, then my tires at the frat party and now this? After regrouping, Tyrell joined me in the hall. He stood in front of me with his arms folded.

  “Anything you need to tell me?” he asked then stood in a drill sergeant stance.

  “No. Why? Do you think I would?”

  “Because you’re acting kinda weird. It seems a little fishy that this happened when you were out of town.”

  Was he serious? Did he really think I was a suspect? I had to get him out of my face. “I’m acting weird, asshole, because I just found out that someone cut the brake line on Germaine’s car.”

  “Don’t act like you give a shit,” he replied.

  “I’m not dignifying that with a response.”

  “You don’t have to. Your actions always speak louder than your words.”

  This Johnny Bravo looking mofo was really testing me. “They do, huh?” I smiled. “Then tell me what this says.” I said, just before walking off.


  When Germaine returned home three days later, I didn’t expect a swarm of folks to invade my home, but he wanted them there to welcome him back. I guess he figured the flowers, get well soon cards and phone calls weren’t enough. I was in no mood for the circus. I had business to take care of regarding my label, but the slew of people in my house killed that idea. There was no way I was gonna get any work done with all the loud laughter and chatter going on. Germaine poured salt on the already festering wound of mine when he turned on the TV. I guess he figured the conversations and laughter in the house weren’t loud enough.

  Meagan had texted me earlier saying that she wasn’t going to be able to make it to the shindig. I wondered how she even found out about it because I knew Germaine didn’t invite her. It was a good thing she declined because I didn’t want that bitch in my house anyway. I probably would’ve poisoned her food. As much as I tried, I couldn’t shake that phone call out of my mind, but Germaine quickly helped me.

  “Nikki, is there any Parmesan cheese here?” I leaned against the counter watching him open and close the cabinet doors. “One of my mom’s friends just brought over some spaghetti.”

  “You’re the one who cooks so you should know,” I snapped.

  “Guess you have a point there.”

  “Why did you invite all these people here, Germaine? You know I have things to do and you know I don’t like people in my house touching my stuff.”

  “These people are my family and friends as well as yours. They were worried about me,” Germaine replied after turning to face me.

  “You could’ve just picked up the damn phone and called them or better yet, you could’ve gone to see them.”

  “Not today, Nikki.”

  “Niquole!” I corrected.

  “Whatever, Niquole,” he replied before burying his face inside the refrigerator.

  “What are you doing?” I asked when I saw him retrieve a bottle of Moscato from the refrigerator.

  “It’s for the guests.”

  “No, that’s mine,” I said after walking over and snatching the bottle from his hand. “If they want alcohol, they need to go buy some.”

  “You’re a piece of work,” Germaine boiled before slamming the refrigerator door then walking away to rejoin the circus.

  I wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone so I took my bottle of wine and walked out the back door. I plopped down on one of the lounge chairs by the pool, removed the wine stopper from the bottle then turned it up.

  “Who is he, Niquole?”

almost spit the wine out. I looked up at my mother who was sporting a nice, long jet black, wig.

  “This has nothing to do with a man, Mama,” I lied before taking another swig from the bottle.

  “You can lie to anyone else, but you sure as hell can’t lie to me. I know you. So, who is he?”

  “None of your business. Leave it alone.”

  “Nikki, don’t do this again.”

  “Mama, will you leave me alone. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes, I do. This situation has Mr. Hughes and that record exec, A.J. Townes written all over it.”

  I was furious that she’d brought that shit up. “Go ahead! Tell me how much of a bitch I am!”

  “You said it. I didn’t. Germaine doesn’t deserve this, Nikki. He’s a good man. If you don’t want him then leave.”

  “I’m trying.” Her facial expression told me that for once, she was shocked. “The only difference now is that I have money to look after.”

  “What about the boys?” she asked like I’d forgot them.

  “You already know that’s a definite. Wherever I go, they go.”

  “This isn’t right and you know it. Your track record is terrible. You always gotta have what you want no matter who gets hurt in the process. Your daughter will never know her mother or her father.”

  My eyes bulged. “Why in the hell are you bringing this shit up, Mama? See, this is the reason why we don’t get along. You’re always in my damn business! You’re always telling me how to run my life!”

  “You need to let go of your evil and selfish ways.”

  “Well, I would’ve never had the baby if A.J. hadn’t lied and told me that we would be together and the same goes for Mr. Hughes.”

  “Did you really think they were gonna leave their wives for you?”

  “Yes,” I answered boldly. “They told me they loved me.”

  “They’re men, Nikki. They say whatever to get what they want.”

  “Well, why can’t that shit work for me? Why can’t I get what the fuck I want?” I questioned.

  “Why couldn’t you be like your sister? You’ve always been trouble.”

  I winced at the thought of her bringing up my sister Adrienne who was five years older than me. She and I had different fathers. When I was ten, her dad convinced my mother to let Adrienne move with him to Chicago. She agreed. I barely knew my sister and neither did my mother for that matter, so it pissed me off when she compared me to her.

  “How can you compare me to someone that you barely fucking know?” I lashed at her. “She got a better deal than I did anyway. She moved out of your house!”

  “I do know her,” she defended. “I know that she’s a good person. She agreed to take your child, didn’t she?”

  At this point, I was fuming.

  “I didn’t want the kid. Adrienne couldn’t have any so she agreed to take the baby and raise her as her daughter so it all worked out perfectly,” I blasted. “Besides, she gets a hefty child support check each month from A.J. and me as well. She ain’t complaining so why the hell should I? Why the hell should you for that matter? Why the hell should I fuck up the home that the child knows?”

  My mother shook her head as I continued.

  “And as far as Cierra goes, she thinks she’s my niece so to hell with that.”

  “I think you’re in over your head. You didn’t win Mr. Hughes by sleeping with him and you didn’t win A.J. or that major advertising he promised toward your record by sleeping with him either.”

  “You’re right, but I did get something out of it. That bastard gave me the money to start my own label to keep the baby and our affair a secret. So, I came out on top.”

  “I wish you had aborted Cierra because she doesn’t deserve you as a mother.”

  “I’m not her fucking mother! It was too late for me to abort her just like it was too late for me to abort Johnathan and Nathan.”

  “Oh my God!” she gasped. “You’re so damn evil.”

  “Don’t act like this is a shock to you. I love my boys, but I didn’t want them at the time.’

  “What about Cierra? Do you love her?”

  I stared into my mother’s eyes and answered, “As my niece...yes.”

  “She needs to know her cousins are really her brothers.”

  “No, she doesn’t!”

  “What are you gonna tell Germaine if he ever finds out?”

  I glared at her. “He won’t. That happened a year before I even met him and frankly, it’s none of his fucking business.”


  “Damn, Mama! Will you please leave this shit alone?”

  She didn’t listen. “Has this new guy told you that he loves you?” I cut my eyes at her and clenched my teeth together. “He hasn’t has he?”

  “He doesn’t have to. I know he loves me. He shows me everyday,” I replied with my head held high.

  “Nikki, you need to get some help. There…”

  I jumped up from the chair and stormed back inside the house. I didn’t need to hear that shit. I knew what I did and I was tired of hearing her bring it up. I knew Kingston loved me and she or no one else was going to make me think otherwise. My mother on my ass and the chitter and chatter in the house had worked my nerves. I walked into the living room and shocked everyone.

  “Get the hell out of my house!”

  “What in the hell is wrong with you?” Germaine barked then jumped in my face.

  “They need to leave. I need to work.”

  “Take your ass to the studio and work. You’re always running there anyway.”

  He had lost his mind. I walked around him like he was nothing and stood firm before everyone. “Get out!”

  No one waited for Germaine to put his foot down. They whispered and snickered, but I didn’t care as long as they did it on their way out the door.

  “That was fucking uncalled for! Do you know how embarrassing that was?” Germaine addressed me.

  “Uhm, I’m gonna take the boys back to the house with me,” my mother intervened before Germaine and I went to blows.

  “There’s no need, Ms. Wright,” Germaine addressed her.

  “Go ahead, Mama. Take them with you.”

  Germaine frowned at me. I knew he was tired of me defying him, but hell, the kids didn’t need to be there. The argument wasn’t over and deep down, he knew this as well. My mother knew what was best and took the boys.

  “Niquole, you need to cool it,” Jalisa added. “Don’t act this way in front of your kids.” By that time, my boys were already out the door. “Why are you acting like this? This is unnecessary. These people are your family and friends. They’re here to support your husband.”

  Like I really needed to hear that last line. She said that shit on purpose to see my reaction. I had one for her though. “Jalisa, get out of my face. When I kicked everyone out of my house that included you as well.”

  She shook her head at me then turned to Germaine who was huffing and puffing like a raging bull. “Germaine, maybe we should just leave,” she addressed him. “You need to cool off and I think I need to do the same before I say some shit that Nikki won’t like.”

  Is this bitch really trying me? “Yeah, you really need to leave now,” I threatened her. “Germaine, you may wanna take her advice.”

  It was more than obvious that he wanted to rip me a new asshole and Jalisa must’ve sensed that as well. She grabbed his arm and led him out the door rubbing his back in the process.


  Around one a.m. my cell phone rang. I was still awake TiVo-ing missed episodes of The Real L Word on Showtime. Even though it was a gay show, I loved the catty drama. Looking at the phone, I quickly pressed the ignore button. Seconds later, it rang again.

  “What, Germaine?” I answered furiously.

  “Can you come out in the garage?”

  I could tell in his voice that he was hammered…again. “For what?”

  “Can you just do this one
thing for me?” he whined.

  I listened to the garage door open and pressed the pause button on the remote. “I’m coming,” I huffed before hanging up. When I reached the garage, he was leaning against his truck finishing off a Heineken. “What do you want?”


  “I don’t have time for this silly shit, Germaine,” I said before turning to walk back inside the house. He raced to the door and stopped me. “Move!” I demanded.

  “You haven’t let me touch you in almost a year.” He used his body to back me against his truck.

  “Germaine, move!”

  “Please. I haven’t touched or smelled you in so long.”

  I started to feel a little bit uncomfortable when he slid the spaghetti strap of my satin gown off my shoulder. I quickly pulled it back up. I assumed this angered him because he forced his tongue inside my mouth. The taste of beer and cigarettes made me gag. I shoved him. That angered him even more. At that moment, he pinned me against the truck with his body and kicked my legs open with his knees.

  “What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Don’t deny me this, Nikki,” he breathed freakishly in my ear. “Do not deny me this. You owe me.”

  I tried to shove him again, but he grabbed my hands and forced them above my head. I tried to wiggle away from him, but couldn’t. His weight against me was more than I could handle. When he slipped his fingers inside my panties, all I could see was Hummer’s face. Germaine was violating me in the same way. I leaned toward his ear and bit it as hard as I could then kneed him in his groin. Before cupping over in pain, the son-of-a-bitch punched me like I was a dude off the street. I was on my way to the pavement, before he caught me by the neck. I could see the anger, hurt, pain and frustration in his eyes as he choked me until I passed out.


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