Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen

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Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen Page 14

by K. D. Peters

  “It’s not too hard. Just concentrate.” Zane instructed.

  I nodded, flexing the new wings a little bit. And to my surprise, I easily pulled them back in. It felt a little odd inside of my back, like a fullness, but not as bad as I would’ve imagined. “Great. At least I can let people see me again.” I said, feeling relieved. But just as quickly, they came back out. It took me a few tries to make them finally stay in.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll get used to them. We all did fairly quickly after we changed.” Zane promised, although he was laughing a little to himself. “Now, why don’t we go downstairs and get you some breakfast? I’m sure you must be hungry.”

  Well, he didn’t have to tell me twice. I was starving. After all, I hadn’t had anything to eat since several hours before this all started. And even then, it hadn’t been much. I’d never been someone who could eat a lot in one sitting. And this time, it had definitely caught up with me. I hadn’t eaten in nearly two days, and my stomach felt completely empty.

  The home where Zane was staying was actually very big. Walking down the elegant spiral staircase, I couldn’t help but look around me. I’d never seen such a beautiful home before. I saw that there was a lot of old, antique furniture, and many paintings on the walls. “Are you a collector?” I had to ask him.

  Zane laughed slightly. “You could say that. I do love unique things." he said, smiling slightly at me. It was almost flirtaous in a way. "However, all of the paintings here were done by me.” he continued.

  “Really? You painted all of these?” I said in surprise. These were some of the most beautiful pieces of artwork I’d ever seen. They ranged from abstract to scenery. Looking at some of it, they looked so realistic that I almost felt like I could’ve been there.

  “Indeed. It’s a hobby of mine, and something I’ve always enjoyed. I’ve found throughout the years that I like being able to make something beautiful. Whether it’s music, painting, or even culinary, I enjoy it all.” Zane admitted.

  “That’s pretty amazing. You’re really good.” I had to admit.

  “I suppose it’s one of my talents. Everyone has something.” Zane commented.

  The two of us walked into a beautiful open kitchen. I honestly couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This had to be the most exquisite house I’d ever been in. The kitchen itself looked like it could’ve been bigger than the whole downstairs of my old house, and all the appliances in it were stainless steel. The kitchen itself was done in more of a beige tone, and all of the countertops were made of solid marble. Taking a seat at the center island bar, I watched as Zane looked in the refrigerator near me. “Is there anything in particular you’d like? You’re in luck you know. I’ve got a little bit of everything right now.” he offered.

  “You don’t have to do anything really big.” I said, not wanting to put him through too much trouble, although I was grateful that he was even offering.

  “It’s no trouble at all. Actually, making things always helps me take my mind off of the things that tend to trouble me.” Zane admitted. With that, he pulled out some eggs and various other ingredients.

  "So, what are we having?" I asked him. It looked like it was going to be something pretty good.

  "How does Eggs Benedict sound?" Zane replied.

  "Sounds great." I said. I watched as he began preparing the meal. “Are you worried that something’s coming here after us now?” I asked.

  Zane looked down as he fixed the skillets. “At times I do. After all, they have been a little more active recently. But it’s not that unusual in the end either. The ones who would hunt us tend to do it in spurts. And beings that they’ve learned of there being some new, along with those clans being completely formed, I’d imagine that they’re stepping their game up again.” he explained.

  “I see.” I said.

  “But trust me, you have nothing to worry about here. My home is very well protected, not to mention that I’m here along with Christoff. We wouldn’t allow anything to happen to you.” Zane added.

  “It still seems kind of weird that you only call Chris by his full name.” I admitted.

  “It’s a force of habit in the end. Like I said, I tend to like addressing someone properly. It’s just the way I was born and raised.” Zane replied.

  “I’m going to take it that you’re a lot older then you look.” I said, putting my cheek against my hand. He had to be older, just like Chris. But I wasn’t just asking because I knew about it from Chris before, but because of how he tended to speak. Zane had an odd way of talking here and there that I’d begun to pick up on. Not to mention there seemed to be another accent lying just under that southern one he had.

  Zane smiled over at me. “All of us are. I’m sure you may have been surprised if Christoff told you his true age.” he said.

  “No kidding.” I muttered. “I never would’ve guessed that he‘s over three hundred years old.”

  “I too am the same way in the end. Most of the Shadow Wings who are among the living have been around for several centuries. We’re the survivors or, at least, we’ve been strong enough to survive. Like I said, there are some new, but not many. We’re a rather selective group anymore.” Zane said.

  “And Chris is supposed to be the prince of all of us. It seems kind of strange though. Why is that?” I asked him.

  Zane shrugged. “I suppose the best answer would be in the power he holds. Christoff is one of our most powerful members, and technically the oldest now. Not to mention who his father is. There are many creatures of darkness that would rather bow to Jade then fight with him out of sheer fear alone. Even many of the other Fallen Ones. The only one other than some of the higher ones in Hell that would even think of backlashing Jade would probably be your father.” He said.

  Once again, this came down to the bloodline. I had no doubt about that one. But with it, I was beginning to realize something as well. Just why Chris had come looking for me. Obviously, the Shadow Wings would’ve seen Saffron as an almost, if not, equal to Jade. And if they saw Chris as being so powerful because of Jade, just what were they seeing with me? “So, off the record and all, is that why Chris came looking for me when he did? Is it because of who my father is?” I asked.

  “Well, that’s not really for me to say. After all, I cannot speak for him. However, I would imagine that could be part of it. You and Christoff may share a connection that even we as mixed bloods cannot fully understand. That may even be why he succeeded in finding you where we couldn’t even confirm your existence. It’s at least food for thought.” Zane replied.

  At the time, I believed that perhaps he was just afraid to give me the straight forward answer. Perhaps he feared that Chris might hear him. Or, even worse, that Saffron may. I glanced down at my pendant again. It looked like it always did. Again, I thought of Saffron’s words to me about Chris. There was a powerful connection between the two of us. But that worried me a little bit too. As much as I had found that I liked being around Chris, so much of this felt like it was being forced too.

  As I sat there looking at it though, Zane looked over. “By the way, I was meaning to ask you about that. It’s a Heretic Stone, isn’t it?” he said.

  “Heretic Stone?” I repeated. Was that what this necklace was supposed to be called?

  Zane smiled, laughing a little to himself. “Sorry. I keep forgetting that you’re new to all of this.” He said, finishing what he was doing and walking back over to me with my food. He carefully took the stone into his hand, looking at it like he was studying it for a moment. “I had the feeling I’d seen a stone like this before. It’s called a Heretic Stone. They’re actually pretty rare, considering their hand made by the Fallen. Although I admit that I myself don’t know exactly how they make them or what magic they use. But considering what they’re used for, I’d imagine this must have been Saffron’s gift to you after you were born.”

  “Really? Why would he give it to me when I was born?” I asked.

  “Because it would be the
easiest way to keep tabs on you when he couldn’t be around. He could locate you just about anywhere as long as you’re wearing it.” Zane replied.

  “Well, it does seem like he’s been able to talk to me through it a few times now. I’ve even seen it glow. But I don’t know how to make it so that I can communicate back to him. He hadn’t even used it to talk to me until right after Chris found me.” I admitted.

  “It may be because of what’s happened in the recent years. After all, he’s not exactly free to go yet. He did land himself in quite a bit of trouble from what I’ve been able to hear. But I wouldn’t worry too much. When he gets out, I have no doubt that he’ll come back to you. He probably was around a lot before his confinement as well, considering he’s given you such an intimate gift there.” Zane commented.

  I looked down at my food as he sat the plate in front of me and took a seat across the bar. That was right. Apparently, I had known Saffron in my life before he was sealed away. Somehow, he’d erased my memories. Or at least had sealed them away. I couldn’t help but wonder still why he would do that though. Was it really that dangerous for me to remember him when he wasn’t there?

  My thoughts were interrupted though by the feeling of someone touching my head from behind. Turning, I saw Chris taking a seat beside me. Dressed in a black tee shirt and dark blue jeans, he actually looked more relaxed now than he had since we’d left to come there. “I see you’re feeling better.” He said. I could even detect the relief in his voice.

  “I’m getting there. But my back does still hurt some.” I admitted, feeling myself smile. It was great to finally see him again. I had been feeling myself getting very uneasy about not being able to, although I couldn’t quite make myself voice that.

  “Just give it some time. It’ll get better soon enough.” He replied.

  Zane looked over at him. “I see you’ve decided to join us as well. And here I thought that you may sleep for another day or two.” He said, smiling slightly at his own words. Apparently Will wasn’t the only one who liked to make fun of Chris for his sleeping habits.

  “Very funny. I’d like to see you be awake for almost two days.” Chris shot back.

  “It couldn’t happen. My mind wouldn’t allow it.” Zane replied.

  “Besides, I was made to get myself up. He’s decided that I sleep too much again.” Chris added, putting his cheek against his hand and closing his eyes. He looked a little disgusted all at once.

  I was about to ask who, but suddenly, I felt a strong, heavy presence enter the room. The air actually got colder, and I even began to shiver slightly. I felt a biting fear welling up back deep inside of me, just like when I’d had that dream at the motel days before. Needless to say, I didn’t have to look over my shoulder to know who was there with us now. Zane himself glanced up as well, looking behind us towards the doorway. I watched as his expression changed to a more solemn one. “So you came back here as well did you? Were you that concerned that we couldn’t take care of her, or was it just a morbid curiosity that you’ll never admit to?” he said.

  “Strong words boy. But then again, I didn’t believe that you’d like the fact that I could just show up here at your home sweet home whenever I pleased.” I heard Jade reply.

  “I just don’t like the fact that you’ve made yourself a presence because you’re suddenly interested in what Christoff managed to find. I know that’s all that this is.” Zane told him.

  “Of course you wouldn’t like it. However, I believe that I am just as entitled to be here and around her. After all, I have no immediate intentions of harm.” Jade said, walking over and standing across the bar from me. I felt incredibly uneasy as he looked at me. Facing him in my dreams was one thing, but facing him in reality felt like a complete other. He seemed much more intimidating somehow. Was it because I knew for certain that he was real now? I wasn’t sure. All I really knew was that no matter what else went on around me or who was right there with me, I still feared him and what he may do to me.

  “You do realize that you’re not making it sound any better.” Chris told him quietly. I didn’t miss his glare from the corner of my eye. He definitely wasn’t happy to see him.

  “I just don’t feel like playing any more games.” Jade replied. He reached over and grabbed my chin, making me look at him. I felt frozen there as his eyes stared into mine. Once again, I could see flames in his irises, just like with Saffron. If you could look deep enough, they were there. It definitely had to be the mark of a Fallen Angel…

  “However, I must say that I am surprised by the resemblance.” He continued. “I would’ve thought she’d be more like that girl in her features. But then again, Saffron’s always had to dominate everything he does, not to mention that he also has the softer features as well. It’s what helps give him the edge to make the unsuspecting so comfortable to be around him before he tears them apart.”

  “And it’s what’s always made him attract you as well. You keep forgetting that some of this is your own fault. You let him get close enough before to change that cycle with that woman and cause that whole mess, and she’s the result.” Chris reminded him. He reached over and grabbed his arm, forcing him to let me go.

  Jade wasn’t fazed though. Instead, he just shrugged his shoulders slightly as a smile crossed his face. “Indeed. But I can’t say I’m that disappointed either. After all, we did end up losing that soul in the end for his carelessness, but I had my first look at one of those so called Pure Clans. It at least gave me that much of an opportunity, so it wasn’t a complete waste of time.” he said.

  “You can blame Saffron all you want for that, but it was your fault too you know. I’ve seen pieces of it now, and I know what happened before with the two of you.” I said as I rubbed my face. I’ll be the first to admit that I was still scared stupid of him. But I wasn’t ready to back down either at the moment. He wasn’t pinning all of the blame on Saffron. There was no way in hell that I was going to let him do that. It seemed pretty stupid of me, considering the fact that he was obviously much more powerful than I was, but a part of me just felt very loyal to Saffron somehow.

  Jade just smiled though. “And you’d be right. I’m certain you’ve gotten to see a lot of things now through that little ability of yours. And I’m sure he’s using whatever means he has to his advantage. After all, in the end, our children are always the most loyal to us. We did create their lives.” He said.

  “Didn’t you have somewhere else you needed to be now?” Chris interrupted. By then, he’d definitely seemed to have had enough. In fact, I could feel the tension in the air getting thicker. That couldn’t have been good.

  “I did. But I’m not quite ready to leave just yet. Just have some patience for once in your life. I know you’re more than ready to have me gone. But I have a few things that I wanted to do here first.” Jade replied, still seeming unconcerned about the hostile attitude his son was giving him.

  Chris just turned his head away. I had the distinct feeling that he was beyond disgusted now about all of this. But I also felt a bit puzzled too. Recalling the visions I’d had, Jade had taken care of him as a child. In fact, I’d dare say that he’d been almost loving towards him. What in the world could’ve driven this rift between them when they were once fairly close?

  Near us, Zane looked over at Jade once again. “So, are you staying for breakfast then Jade?” he asked, actually sounding a bit more polite. Although I did believe that I could hear a little bit of sarcasm mixed in there.

  “No. I actually do have somewhere to be now. But I figured I’d take my time.” Jade told him. He then looked back at me. “And I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon enough little girl. But for now, make sure you learn more about yourself and what you come from. You’re going to need all the power you can get soon enough.”

  I didn’t mistake those words. It was the same thing Saffron had been saying. Apparently, something big was gearing up to come at us. That was why Saffron had wanted me to awaken sooner. Tha
t was why he’d forced it. And somehow, I couldn’t help but think that Jade knew more about it then he was willing to tell me.

  And with that, Jade stepped back and disappeared quickly in a wisp of thick black smoke. The cold feeling in the room lifted immediately, along with the heaviness. Once again, he was completely gone. I was actually thankful for that one.

  “Well, that didn’t last long.” Zane commented..

  “He just came here to annoy me over her. He knew I’d be here, and no matter what he says, he wanted to see Ariana in person.” Chris said.

  “Well, maybe you should make it a point to speak to him a little bit more when he comes looking for you. You know he’s been wanting to talk to you for several years now. Besides, you know about how Jade is when it comes to the subject of Saffron. No matter what he says or does, he just can’t leave anything to do with him alone.” Zane said, shaking his head slightly.

  “He could’ve seen me anytime he wanted to. He only wanted to have me come to him. It’s always about playing into his games.” Chris replied.

  “Wow, you two really don’t get along, do you?” I noted.

  “They haven’t gotten along for quite some time now. You could say that strong personalities tend to clash.” Zane said, flashing me a quick smile.

  “Leave it.” Chris ordered.

  “Now, don’t go taking this out on me again. It is what it is. Besides, don’t you think you should be a little nicer around our young lady here?” Zane said, bringing over some food for him as well.

  “There’s nothing wrong with how I’m acting. You and Will both know that.” Chris replied.

  “So you say.” Zane said, sounding unconvinced.

  Once again, I had the distinct feeling that there was something I was missing just slightly in the conversation. But I decided to leave it alone. Instead, I found myself thinking about what Jade had said as I ate. “So it sounds like it’s going to be really bad this time, doesn’t it?” I said, feeling a bit worried.


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