Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen

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Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen Page 16

by K. D. Peters

  “Yes, I am. You’re thinking far too much into this my darling. He’s already extremely attracted to you. You need not worry about that.” Saffron replied.

  “So you say. But I don’t know that for sure. Half the time, I never know what Chris is thinking.” I admitted. I frowned slightly to myself as I looked into the mirror of the vanity across from me. I knew I was beautiful, but somehow, I still didn’t quite feel it when I was around him.

  “Come now. You know I gave you a very beautiful face. Any one of these boys in this house would love to have a chance with you. Especially that other one.” Saffron said.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked him.

  “I mean Wilhelm Marcos, of course. I know that you notice how he looks at you at times. But this is very good too. We can use that to our advantage if things end up not working out with Christoff, or if Jade interferes too much.” Saffron replied.

  I shivered slightly at his words. This was pure Saffron in the end. He was always considering what worked best when it came down to my protection and being taken care of. It wasn’t the first time he’d said something like this either. While he aimed to eventually place me exclusively with Chris, he also saw no problem with me stringing along either Will or Zane. But this was the first time he’d really shown true interest in another being that attracted to me. So I had to question him on it. “So why Will? Him and Zane are both pretty powerful, and they seemed like they can stand up to Chris pretty good.” I said.

  “I have my reasons. And I’m certain that you’ve sensed things with Wilhelm. After all, it’s quite easy to do, especially when you look into those violet eyes. However, there’s no need for us to get into any of this right now. Instead, why don’t you put on the blue sundress? It’s very beautiful on you, and brings out your eyes perfectly.” Saffron suggested. He’d effectively changed the subject now.

  I got back up, walking back over to the closet and pulling the dress out. I had to admit that I did like this dress. It was a beautiful shade of light blue, with an open back and skirt that came down to my knees. “Okay. I guess this is good.” I agreed.

  I almost sensed Saffron’s smile, even thru the pendant. “Very beautiful. Now get yourself ready and enjoy your time. After all, the boy did throw that match for this.” He said. And with that, he was gone.

  I couldn’t help but smile at his words. I really didn’t doubt now that Chris had done that. After all, he’d come at me a lot stronger before then. And I had been able to defend myself and fight him off somewhat. He’d wanted this to happen. I was absolutely sure of it.

  I ended up spending the morning getting myself ready and doing whatever. This was partly because I did actually want to let Chris get some sleep. For the last few nights, he’d been out very late. I didn’t really know what he was doing, but I hadn’t really gotten up the courage to ask him about it either. Whatever it was, I had the feeling that it was important. So it wasn’t for me to get in the way.

  But as four in the afternoon rolled around, I finally found that I was tired of waiting. Walking back up the spiral staircase, I made my way to his room once again. The room was darkened with the curtains drawn, and he was still sleeping in the bed. I walked over beside him and gently shook him awake. “Hey, are you getting up today?” I asked.

  “Not sure. I haven’t had a lot of sleep, and I’m exhausted.” Chris replied, although he didn’t open his eyes to look at me.

  Well, this wasn’t a good sign. Suddenly, my day didn’t look like it was going to be that great after all. Still, I had to try. “Come on Chris. You promised me a day out together with me today. I won fair and square.” I told him.

  “I know. Sorry, but it has to wait. I’m too tired.” Chris muttered, turning back into his pillow a little bit more.

  “Chris…” I said, actually hearing myself whine a little bit. This just wasn’t fair.

  “It’s not that big of a deal. Why don’t you get Zane to take you? I’ll do it another time.” Chris said.

  “Fine.” I said quietly, standing myself back up. I didn’t have it in me to argue with him now. Instead, I just left the room again and went back downstairs. Grabbing my purse from the hanger in the foyer, I opened the front door and walked out. I’ll admit that I really had no intentions of finding Zane and asking him to take me. I didn’t want him to take me. And asking Will wasn’t even an option, considering he’d left the night before. From what he’d said, he had things that he’d needed to take care of back in New York. According to him, he had a studio up there that he was running behind the scenes, and it was time for him to make his annual appearance. I couldn’t help but think that Will had a pretty cool life with doing that kind of thing.

  But at that moment, I wasn’t really thinking that much of either him or Zane. Instead, I was completely pissed with Chris. I couldn’t believe he’d stood me up like this. Well, basically it was standing me up. After all, he had promised me this day. And to just say that he’d do it another time and that I could go with Zane for now kind of hurt. Maybe I did need to find a way to get myself over him. Maybe Saffron was wrong about him being good for me.

  I honestly couldn’t even say exactly what it was that made me want to stay that close to him at this point. Although Chris treated me decent enough, there weren’t many times where he was actually really gentle or spoke that nicely to me. The hug I’d gotten at the motel and that the morning I’d woken up were kind of like exceptions to the rule. Other than that, Chris was still of kind distant. The most I got to be close to him now was when I chose to sleep beside him some nights, and that was only more because I didn’t seem to have any nightmares when I did. I didn’t get that one myself. And I certainly didn’t get him. What was he so worried about anyway with actually showing me just a little bit more kindness? Did he really not want me to get too close to him? It seemed a little too late for that one if he did…

  Coming to a small outdoor cafe near our home, I sat down at one of the tables and ordered myself an iced tea. Stirring it with my straw, I shook my head again as I thought about Chris's words back at the house. Just what was all of this? Didn't he get how important this had been to me?

  I was so lost in these thoughts that I barely even noticed someone walk up near me. “I’m sorry, is this seat taken?” I suddenly heard a woman ask in a very distinct accent.

  I looked over to see her standing near me. She was very pretty, though a little on the petite side, with long light brown hair and brown eyes. She was smiling politely at me. “No. Please, sit down if you need to.” I replied. I didn’t see any sense in being rude. And she did look a little pale, like she may have needed to rest.

  The woman smiled, taking a seat in the chair beside me. I couldn’t help but notice how nicely she was dressed. She wore a beautiful long brown skirt, and had a matching button up top. All in all, the outfit definitely didn’t look cheap. “Thank you so much. I’ve been walking all day, and my feet are killing me.” She said happily.

  “I could definitely relate to that one. This is a pretty big place.” I admitted.

  “Yes, yes it is. By the way, I am Norma Valjean.” The woman said, offering a hand.

  “Ariana Benson. Nice to meet you.” I said, shaking her hand. Even though I had the sense that she wasn’t really human, she seemed pretty friendly, so it didn’t worry me too much. And it felt nice to actually talk to someone. Everyone else had kind of avoided speaking to me for whatever reason since I’d come to Baton Rouge. I didn’t know why that was, but I’d definitely started noticing it lately.

  “Ariana. What a pretty name. Is it Italian, no?” Norma said.

  “I think so, but I’m not that sure. My dad named me, but I don’t know him that well.” I replied. It seemed like an appropriate lie. After all, other than my speaking to Saffron through that stone, I didn’t know him that well at all yet. My memories were still very slowly returning from when I was a child.

  “Oh, what a shame. Fathers really should be in their children’s
lives, no matter what they are. It’s just better for the child.” Norma said.

  “It’s okay. I kind of get that he wasn’t always able to be.” I told her. “So are you new around here Norma?”

  Norma shook her head. “Oh, no. I’ve lived here for quite a while now. But I have a terrible habit of running around all day through the shops and what not, and then I get too tired and have to stop and rest before I can go home.” She explained. Her accent was definitely showing now as she talked. And it was very odd. Almost like a cross between southern and French.

  “I see. I just moved here. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing.” I told her. I couldn’t help but let out a breath as I thought about Chris again. Seriously, I needed to find a way to make myself stop liking him now. After all, he was Jade’s son, and wasn’t always the nicest guy to me. He'd even stood me up that afternoon. Well, not really, but it felt like he'd stood me up by refusing to get up and telling me that he'd take me another time. I felt myself shaking my head. Why did it hurt now when I thought about that? Was I really that into him?

  “You have been troubled, haven’t you?” Norma noted, apparently watching me and noting my actions.

  “You mean you can tell?” I asked as I forced myself to look back at her. It was odd, but all at once, I found myself staring into those brown eyes. There was something almost hypnotic about them…

  “Trust me, it is written in the eyes. All girls have it written in the eyes when someone troubles them. And I would take guesses with the way your eyes are that your troubles may have something to do with a man.” Norma went on.

  Well, nothing like hitting the nail on the head. It felt weird though. Why was I suddenly so interested in every little word Norma said? That couldn't have been normal. And yet, a part of me was also wondering if this might be a good thing. Maybe Norma could help me sort things out in my head with everything that was going on with me and Chris. “Well, it’s kind of like that. I came down here to stay with this guy. He seemed like a really nice guy, but lately, I’m not that sure.” I admitted.

  “Ah, so it is boy trouble. It’s quite typical actually. Men, they don’t know what they want in the end. They see a girl, they think they like her. But then, they’re not so sure after a while. They question themselves. Am I doing what she’d like me to do? Does she still like me now that she knows me? It causes much trouble for them and for the girl.” Norma told me.

  “I don’t really think he’s the type to question himself like that. He's actually kind of arrogant.” I said.

  “And more to the point, if I can be downright blunt. They just don’t really know how to express themselves. It’s just in their nature. Trust me, I’ve seen many, and they are all lost causes.” Norma replied.

  Well, what she said very well might have been closer to the truth. I could imagine that Chris might have been too proud to tell me his real feelings. But I didn’t think that he was a lost cause either. He did try to be nice to me and sometimes comfort me, even though it often seemed awkward. But most of the time, it just felt like there was a giant wall between us. “Maybe some of that’s true.” I told her. “But I don’t think he’s a complete lost cause. I just don’t think he knows how to really act around me sometimes. It seems like his friends are a lot better at it then he is.”

  Norma didn’t seem too put off by my words. Instead, she nodded. “That is usually that way. But you shouldn’t worry too much either. There are many ways to tell just what they really think. If you like, I can show you how I can tell. Would you like to come visit with me so I can show you?” she offered.

  “I don’t know. It’s getting kind of late…” I started.

  “I promise, I won’t keep you too long. And I think I might have something that could help you very much. Come, come with me.” Norma said, standing up and taking my hands.

  All at once, I felt like I couldn’t refuse her. It was a strange, unnatural feeling. I tried to fight it, but it was no use. I found myself moving to stand with her. Under my cardigan, I felt my pendant suddenly get warm. Saffron? I heard myself say in my mind. But if anything was coming through it, I couldn’t hear it. Instead, I was entranced by Norma’s light brown eyes. And I found myself following her away from the café.

  I ended up following her a few blocks until we came to an old building. It looked like it had once been old apartments, although from the outside, it looked pretty run down. I could see where a few of the windows were cracked and broken, and even the door that led inside was looking like it was starting to rust. Going up the old iron stairs, I felt my nose wrinkle a little bit at the smell of the place. There was that old, musty smell there. But also, there was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. The scent wasn’t terribly strong, but it was there, lying just under that must smell.

  We ended up walking up several flights of those stairs, beings there was no elevator. Finally coming to the end of one of the dark hallways, Norma opened the door to what was apparently her apartment. Inside was somewhat dark as well. Stepping in, I could see that there wasn’t a whole lot of furniture, and what was there was old and worn. I didn’t even see a television. Near me, there was one window that was covered by an old green curtain that looked pretty worn. Even the grey carpeting on the floor was stained and worn looking. All in all, this place looked like a terrible place to live now that I was there.

  Norma turned and smiled at me as we stood in the middle of the living room. “Give me a few minutes. I must make sure it will be ready.” She said, quickly slipping herself through a curtained doorway near us and into the room near us.

  I looked around for a moment, trying to snap my mind out of the hypnotic state it had somehow gone into. Just how did I end up there? I never would’ve just agreed to go somewhere with a complete stranger like this, let alone someone that I could sense now wasn’t human. Did she somehow hypnotize me?

  Finally getting myself to move, I slowly looked at the dilapidated apartment around me. Everything was quiet, say for a few odd scratching sounds here and there. Mice maybe? It wouldn’t have been that unheard of for a place like this. Looking at my watch in the dim light, I realized now that another half an hour had passed since I’d walked in there. What in the world was I doing? I needed to make myself get out of there.

  And yet, I still couldn’t make myself leave. It was like that hold was still on me. Moving without any real thought, I walked over to the curtained room near me. Touching the tattered looking white curtain though, I brought my hand back in disgust. All at once, my mind snapped back out of it. Looking at my hand, I realized that it was covered in something sticky. Almost like a web…

  All at once, a loud clicking sound resounded through the room. It actually made me jump . Quickly looking around, I realized that it had come from up over my head. It sounded like a series of clicks against a hardwood floor. “Norma?” I called cautiously. I reached up and held my pendant tightly. The room was eerily silent as I stood there. "Saffron..." I whispered in desperation. I was getting scared now…

  All at once, I felt the pendant in my hand get very warm. “Get out of there! This is not a place for you!” I heard Saffron order.

  I jumped, running into the webbing over the door and screaming as it tangled up in my hair and onto my dress. I actually had to fight to get myself out of it. But as I did, I suddenly felt like I wasn’t alone. Something very big was coming down behind me. Slowly, I turned my head. And to my horror, I saw large, spider like limbs reaching for me. Somehow, I managed to pull myself all of the way out of the webbing and run to the exiting door. I threw it open, running out to the stairwell. But as I hurried down there, I realized that I heard the clicking sounds again. They were following me, and fast. Glancing back, I could barely believe my eyes. It looked like a cross between a woman and a giant spider bounding down those stairs after me. I quickly brought out my wings and jumped down the rest of the way, gliding to the lobby and out of one of the side doors. I slammed it shut as hard as I could, then turned t
o run. But suddenly, I felt something wrap around my shoulders, binding my wings. I fell backwards as it pulled tight, but somehow managed to land on my side to protect my wings. I had the feeling that if I’d fallen that hard on my back, I could have very well broken one. Looking down, I stared in horror as I realized that it was a long piece of webbing wrapped around me. That thing had just caught me!

  Struggling as hard as I could against it, I looked up again to see the creature slowly walking over to me. It was huge, and towering over me as it got closer. For the first time though, I realized that this wasn’t exactly like a spider. It was a woman with several eyes and long arms and legs like a spider’s. The woman’s face was all too familiar too. “Norma?” I heard myself say in disbelief.

  “Are you surprised?” she asked me. I could see what looked like a smile crossing her face, revealing the fangs lining her huge mouth. “Looks as though your dear daddy couldn't block my spell on you after all. How lucky for me. You walked right into my lair.”


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