Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen

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Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen Page 23

by K. D. Peters

  Zane looked around for a moment. “All right. We came. Now show yourself. Hiding is an annoying habit you’ve picked up as of late.” He called.

  Near us, the shadows began shifting and melting into a shape that eventually formed into a man. Dressed all in black, his piercing red eyes practically glowed in the semi darkness. I felt my breath catch in my throat for a moment. It was him. It was Zane’s father.

  “You’ve gotten rather cocky as of late. You’ve even allied yourself with that one’s son. Did you actually think that I wouldn’t call back to you again if you did that?” he asked him.

  “Not at all.” Zane replied. “I knew it was coming sooner or later. You never let me go that long. But this is very soon considering it all. You typically give me a good fifty years after you come after me. That’s always been your pattern before. Why so suddenly change it?”

  “I think you know why.” The demon said, looking behind him at me. I felt frozen to the spot as I stared into those red eyes. In fact, my soul itself began to feel cold from it. And for the first time, I considered that perhaps Jade wasn’t that scary to me after all. This one seemed far more menacing.

  “Ah, I see. So you knew about her. Or you must have at least heard recently.” Zane said.

  “Indeed. The rumor of another being born, and being the child of one who has apparently made a name for himself in Hell now. It was enough for me to decide that perhaps it warranted a closer look.” The demon said.

  I froze as I felt something coiling up my legs. Looking down, I realized that it was the shadows. They’d come to life, and were quickly wrapping around my lower legs. It kept me bolted there to the spot. Beside me, Zane gave him a dirty look. “You realize you’re playing with fire here. I won’t let you close to her.” He said, picking up a nearby pipe. It quickly melted, then formed into a long flaming black spear.

  “Is that so? Let’s see about that.” The demon said. In a flash, he was gone.

  I quickly looked around, feeling a bit of panic rise inside of me. I couldn’t move from where I was. I was a sitting duck!

  But Zane himself moved quickly too. Before I knew it, he was blocking an arm coming down towards his head. “Same old dirty tricks you know. You’ve always used the shadows to your advantage.” He said as he threw him back.

  “There is no shame in using whatever you please. However, it seems that you’re not quite on top of things either. Or has it just been that you’ve suddenly gotten distracted again?” the demon said, looking back over at me.

  For a moment, Zane hesitated. It was odd, but he looked like those words had caught him completely off guard. Like they were revealing something that he was hiding. Unfortunately, this made for a perfect opening for this demon. He moved swiftly, pinning Zane to a nearby wall by his throat. I found myself staring in horror, holding my pendant tightly. For the first time since learning who I was and who my father was, I truly wished that Saffron was free and here with me…

  “Looks like I was right. You've went soft on me again. You should count yourself lucky that I don’t just cut you down now. I can make many more just like you.” The demon said.

  All at once, I heard Saffron’s voice come through the pendant loud and clear. “Let the boy go Astaroth.” he ordered.

  The demon immediately stopped, turning his head back to me. Around my neck, the pendant glowed brightly in the dimming light. “So, you gave her a Heretic Stone. How clever of you.” He said.

  “You expect any less? After all, you know me quite well. I’ve done a lot for you in the last three thousand years or so. And you know that my threats are not to be taken lightly. So I will say this here and now. Let the boy go and release my daughter, or I’ll see to it that you are never able to create another perfect abomination.” Saffron ordered.

  Astaroth quietly looked back at me, not bothering to move. But slowly, he released his grip on Zane, allowing him to fall to the ground. I stared as he then moved over to me, his footsteps seeming to echo in the eerie silence surrounding the alleyway. The air around him was incredibly cold as he stood in front of me. Around my neck, the stone continued to glow, but Saffron remained silent. But before Astaroth could even think of touching me, there was a bright red flash. And suddenly, my legs were free as the shadows around them were shredded away. I quickly backed myself up, and looked over towards the place where the flash had come from. To my shock, there was another very familiar figure there.

  It was Jade.

  Astaroth just looked at him quietly, no real expression playing on his stone cold face. “So, it seems that you’ve decided to intercede. How fitting, given your past history with that one.” He said, his voice remaining in the same cold, even tone.

  “I’m not doing it for him. I simply have nothing more here than a hatred towards you. And given that, I decided it was best to step in where he could not. Besides, I get rather sick of seeing you continuing to attack those you create. You know that it is not in Hell’s benefit with what’s coming if you destroy that boy.” Jade replied.

  “No. Perhaps not.” Astaroth reluctantly agreed. He looked back at Zane, who was slowly lifting himself back up with his spear. He was actually bleeding a little from his head, no doubt the result of being knocked violently back into that wall. I could even see cracks where he’d hit it. “Get yourself up. Stop acting weaker than you are.” Astaroth ordered.

  “Not at all. You know I’m not.” Zane said, raising himself up the rest of the way and shaking it all off. To my surprise, he seemed to have healed pretty quickly.

  “You have a strong boy Astaroth. He is very useful you know. You should stop trying so hard to eliminate the seeds you sew.” Saffron told him. I couldn’t help but note that he seemed pretty pleased now. Apparently, he’d been hoping to see Jade show up there as well.

  “That is for me to decide. However, I am very interested now in what your own plans are with this girl. You chose what she’d be, and you’ve manipulated things to where she would meet that boy that this one sired. You must have more in mind than a mere showdown with angels.” Astaroth said, walking back over in front of me. I just stared up at him, feeling mesmerized all at once. I couldn’t explain it, but something about those red eyes had suddenly drawn me in.

  Jade watched, but didn’t bother moving. Instead, I saw him cross his arms from out of the corner of my eye. “Of course. But then, all of us make our own plans with what we bring into the world. Although you may want to reconsider some of yours. You’ve taught your boy far too well.” he commented.

  It was only then that I realized that Zane had pointed the spear at the back of Astaroth's head. He’d moved so quickly that I hadn’t even seen him do it. “And you call me a fool. What’s the number one lesson you’ve always taught me in all of this? Never let your guard down.” He said, ramming it through his neck.

  I screamed and felt myself take a step back as the black blood splashed from his neck and onto me. Astaroth stumbled a little to the side, choking slightly. But he didn’t fall. Instead, he slowly stood himself up straight and a smile crossed his face. It was a very sadistic looking smile with the dark blood dripping down from the side of his mouth. I could make out that much as I tried to pull back my composure. Once again, my top had blood all over it. Well, it was black blood this time. But still, this was getting old…

  “Well, quite unexpected boy. Bravo.” Astaroth said, yanking the spear back out and tossing it away. It quickly melted into a black puddle on the side of the alley. As I watched, the wound in his neck closed itself back up, not even leaving so much as a scar.

  “Leave us now. I won this one.” Zane ordered.

  “Very well. I will take my leave for now. But mark my words, this will not be the last you'll see of me.” Astaroth said, looking back at me. And with that, he melted back into the shadows. The cold feeling dissipated, and then he was completely gone.

  Zane took a deep breath, rubbing his shoulder slightly and walking back over to me. “Are you okay?” he asked, lo
oking concerned now.

  “I think so.” I managed, although I was still staring at the blood on me.

  “I’m really sorry. I should’ve reacted quicker than that.” Zane apologized, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wiping my face off.

  “Then stop letting your guard down, you hopeless little fool. You all need to learn that one, especially if you want me to consider you worthy of my child. I’ll let this be this time, but next time I expect much better from you.” Saffron said. With that, the stone turned back to normal.

  “Threat well taken Saffron.” Zane muttered.

  Near us, Jade clapped a few times. “Nicely done boy. I’m surprised myself. You’ve gotten much better since the last time I saw you fight with him. You must be training more on your own.” He commented as he walked over to us.

  “You wouldn’t be wrong. I’ve allowed myself some training on my own for quite a while now. But why did you decide to just show up like this? I wouldn’t have thought you had that much of a grudge against Astaroth as to interfere only because you wanted to.” Zane said.

  “Perhaps, perhaps not. I have my reasons for all I do. You’re well aware of that.” Jade replied.

  By then, I was finally getting myself back together. Yes, I was horrified by what had just happened. But at the same time, I was telling myself that I shouldn’t have expected any different. I knew exactly what we came from now. And apparently, our parents could indeed be even bigger enemies then the angels that hunted us or the things that decided they hated us. Zane’s father had made that perfectly clear to me. I just hoped that Saffron wouldn’t turn like that one day. With what Chris had told me, it seemed very possible.

  “Please tell me he’s gone now.” I finally said.

  “Yes. He’s gone. It’s all over now. I’m sorry for dragging you into that though. It’s been a long standing fight.” Zane admitted.

  “I’m okay now. But please don’t do that to me again.” I requested. I just couldn’t find it in me to be too mad at him. It wasn’t like he’d really had a choice in all of that. Astaroth’s threats were made very clear.

  “I warned you before that you need to keep your guard up more child. Perhaps now you’ll start heeding my words.” Jade said.

  I looked back at him then. I still couldn’t quite believe that he was there. “So why help me now? I thought you hated me.” I said.

  Jade shrugged, a slight smile playing on his face. “Like I said, I have my reasons. But just heed what I said. Keep your guard up more, and don’t be so intimidated by the ones who would threaten you. You’re much stronger then you realize, and you can thank him for that.” He said.

  And with that, he was gone, melting away back into the darkness that was all around us. I had to shake my head. I didn’t get Jade at all anymore. First he threatens me, then he saves my life. What gives with that?

  The sound of Zane’s voice brought me back out of those thoughts. “All right.” he said, putting an arm around my shoulder. “Come on, let’s get home. We’ll take the back way so that you don’t have to be seen like this.”

  I was a little more than grateful for the fact that we were so close to home now. I really didn’t want anyone to see me like this. Not to mention that I really wanted a good shower now. This felt disgusting. Still, I found myself looking back as we walked. I actually was kind of hoping to catch a glimpse of Jade then. But it seemed as though he was completely gone. In a way, I felt a tiny bit of disappointment. Why, I didn’t know. All I really knew was that it was there, and continued all the way home.

  Of course, there was one thing I kind of forgot about with all of that too. And as soon as we came into the house, he would come back to me full force.

  “What the hell happened to you?!” Chris said as he came down the stairs and saw us as we walked in.

  “It wasn’t anything too terrible like you’re thinking. Just a little run in with my father. No harm done.” Zane assured him. It was kind of obvious that he was going to try to downplay this. Of course, that was probably the best thing he could've done too. I didn’t doubt that Chris was about to be very upset over all of this.

  “No harm done? Just look at her. She’s covered in demon blood!” Chris said, his anger not dying down one bit.

  “And like I said, no harm was done. I wouldn’t have allowed him to hurt her. Besides, Saffron would’ve made sure that I was dead by now if he had.” Zane argued. For the first time, I saw him actually seem to lose his temper slightly. That was odd for me. Zane was always so calm and collected all the time. But then again, I guessed any of us could if we were pushed far enough.

  “And I can make sure of it too…” Chris started.

  By then, I knew I had to step in. Obviously, this was going to end up way out of hand if I didn’t. “Stop it, both of you. Chris, Zane protected me out there the best he could. And I’m not hurt. So stop arguing. I’m fine.” I protested.

  “The best he could isn’t enough in this situation. If Saffron hadn’t stepped in, then you most definitely would’ve been ripped apart out there. You don’t tangle with Astaroth. That’s the problem with keeping him around as it is.” Chris replied.

  “You think I don’t know that about me Christoff? I am well aware of the mark on my head from both sides. But you are the one who choose this alliance with me, and brought her here for that matter.” Zane reminded him.

  "Then we can leave. You're not going to put her anymore danger because of who you are. It's bad enough we have to deal with the other one." Chris argued.

  "We're not leaving Chris. This wasn't Zane's fault." I protested.

  "In case you've forgotten, I'm the one who's supposed to be protecting you here. And if I say something's too dangerous, then you need to start listening. You haven't figured that out yet?" Chris asked me.

  But before I could respond, another familiar voice cut in. "Chris, stop that. You know this isn't her fault. And it's not really Zane's either. We all know what happens with Astaroth from time to time, and it's not something she can exactly avoid. Just be glad it didn't turn out badly and Zane was able to fight him off again. Besides, don't you think that Saffron wouldn't allow anything to happen to her now?" Will said as he came down the stairs to join us.

  “It doesn’t really matter about Saffron right now, does it? He’s still trapped down there, and there’s not a lot he can do because of it. So it falls on me every time she invites more trouble, which she’s doing a very good job of.” Chris complained.

  His words made me mad though. He was not blaming everything on me. I didn’t care how mad he was. “And whose fault is that?” I challenged. “In case you’ve forgotten, you’re the one who brought me here. You’re the one who came looking for me in the first place!”

  For a moment, the two of us just stood there facing each other down. I couldn’t help but wonder just what he was thinking now. Chris was always good at never letting his thoughts on most of the time, but I’d never gone against him either. Will and Zane just stood back, keeping quiet. Obviously, they weren’t about to get into the middle of our argument now. Finally, Chris spoke. “Fine. I get it. But it is what it is. You just need to stop taking so many chances.” He said, brushing past me to go back upstairs.

  “Hey, hold on! This isn’t over yet!” I said, following him. No, he was not going to just walk away from this. He’d picked the fight, and we were going to finish it.

  Chris stopped in the hallway up there, turning to face me again. “You really think there’s any more to say to this? You seem to be forgetting that whenever you attract trouble, it all ends up falling on my shoulders to make sure it doesn’t get you killed. I can’t keep protecting you from everything. I’m strong, but I’m not that strong in the end. And if any of those angels show up here, then it might all be over. So start listening for once or just go with your father when he comes back!” he snapped back.

  I found myself standing very still as he walked away from me again. I was a little bit stunned n
ow. That was really the first time that he’d said something like that out loud. But I also understood that a lot of it was the truth. He was always the one jumping in to protect me most. He very well could’ve ended up badly hurt because of me in any of the things that had happened to us. I couldn’t help but look down and think of how foolish I'd been. Maybe this wasn’t really a matter of love for Chris after all. Maybe he’d confused love with his perception of duty.

  “And there he goes. Honestly, he’s so harsh at times.” Zane said as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

  “Is it really just because he thinks he has to protect me?” I whispered.

  “No, I wouldn’t say that. But don’t worry so much about it. He’ll get over himself. For now though, why don’t we get you cleaned up? It’s just better to give him time to get over things.” Will suggested, although he was looking down the hallway pretty sternly. Almost like he was debating on whether or not to say something to Chris himself.

  I didn’t bother saying anything more to it though. There really was no point. Besides, it felt far more inviting to just be with Zane and him for now. I liked being around the two of them. I wasn’t sure of exactly why I always felt so much more comfortable with them. Perhaps it was just because of how open they were compared to Chris. Perhaps it was something a little bit more. All I really knew was that I needed the comfort of someone who could understand how I felt at that moment. So I just agreed with Will, and decided to stay with the two of them for the rest of the evening. Hopefully, by morning, all of this would blow over and things would go back to normal.

  At least, that was my hope.


  “So you’d rather spend the time with me and Zane anymore huh? That’s an interesting thing to hear.” Will said as the two of us walked down the path in the park near our home.


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