From Now Until Infinity

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From Now Until Infinity Page 10

by Layne Harper

  I sigh and nod my head in agreement. I’m highly annoyed that he is reacting this way, but I understand his motivation. He knows that I need to run for my mental sanity. He’s not asking me to quit running, he’s just concerned that I’m going to slip back into my old patterns. Colin cares enough about me to keep me healthy. I reason all of this in my mind, but I hate being treated like a child.

  I finish my stretching and drink my water. I throw out the coffee that Colin made for me. It’s already luke warm so I pour myself another mug. Then, I head upstairs to get showered and dressed to begin my day.

  Colin’s in a much better mood and makes small talk with me while I get dressed for work. He chooses what he wants me to wear today, and I let him. It’s almost a relief to not have to think about my wardrobe. We make plans to meet for lunch and for me to introduce him to our trainers that we employ to put together the best rehab protocols for our patients. They have a lot of experience in working with professional athletes. I hope that Colin clicks with one of them or both so he can work out in my office. It would be nice to get to watch him whenever I want.

  He walks me into my garage and opens my car door for me. Brad has been kind enough to bring my car back to my house. He really is the best assistant in the whole world.

  Colin’s still just in running shorts that he must have thrown on to look for me, but he’s taken off his shirt. My eyes naturally move to his beautifully sculpted bare chest. The man’s gorgeous. He has muscles that I didn’t know could be defined. It’s very hard for me to leave him. I have thoughts of kissing his pecs and working my way down his stomach…

  Colin must read my mind (or body language) because he gives me a very chaste kiss on the lips. “Go to work beautiful girl. I’ll pick you and Brad up for lunch.”

  “I love you, honey,” I reply sweetly as I close my car door not wanting to leave him.

  * * *

  “Caroline…Caroline…” my father snaps at me.

  I shake myself out of my very pleasant daydream about one very hot quarterback. “I’m sorry, Dad. What were you saying?”

  I sit back in my office chair and wait for him to begin chastising me for not paying attention. I’m only on my second cup of coffee.

  My dad stands up and begins pacing back and forth in front of my desk. What is it with the men in my life pacing? It’s distracting.

  “What I was saying, Caroline, is that we have a huge influx of professional football players that have been added to my wait list because of the Clay South event. I think you should personally call a few of them and see if you can convince them to see you instead of me,” he concludes.

  I think about it only for a second. I ultimately want to work with just professional athletes like my dad does. I guess the Clay South event was wonderful networking for the practice and hopefully for me professionally. I sure like the results of my personal networking. Colin and I reconnected and my career might be taking a new direction. Maybe Colin’s my muse or good luck charm?

  “Sure. I’ll make some phone calls after lunch. JT Reynolds has an appointment with me for this week. I met him at the event, and he set up an appointment after I got back in town,” I inform my dad.

  My dad stops pacing (thankfully!) and takes a seat. His face breaks into a big smile. Doctor Jack Collins is obviously very pleased with the news. “Wonderful, Caroline,” he pauses before changes the subject. “Now, let me get your thoughts regarding a case I have …”

  * * *

  I’ve checked up on the surgery patients that I had on Friday. They’re all doing well. I’ve seen two more patients this morning that need physical therapy and no surgery. I’ve referred them to our physical therapist on the other side of the floor. The clock says that it’s eleven o’clock, but my stomach says that it’s time for lunch now.

  Brad’s waiting for me in my office, and his face breaks out in a huge smile when he sees me. We didn’t get to have our usual morning banter because my dad caught me as soon as I walked in. Brad’s antsy to get the scoop on my weekend. I haven’t told him yet that Colin is picking us up for lunch. Brad’s like a three-year-old. If I tell him exciting plans too soon, I have to hear him talk about it all day.

  I decide to head Brad off at the pass. “I know that you’re nosey for details on my weekend. Here’s what you get… I had a great time. We ate wonderful food. I drank coffee at Café Du Monde. That’s the end of it. On the other hand, Colin’s picking us up for lunch in thirty minutes.” I decided to leave out the part that Colin wants me to move to Dallas and live with him and move my medical practice from Houston.

  Brad looks pouty. His arms cross over his chest. He doesn’t ask for more details on my weekend, but I know him well enough to know that he’s not going to let me skate by with such little scoop.

  I then shoo him out of my office and pull up the wait list on my computer for my dad’s side of the practice. I have a few minutes and decide to place a phone call to the first three football players on his list. I know who these guys are. They are in their thirties, they all have been pro bowlers at some point in their career, and they’re all most likely going to finish out their careers with the teams that they’re currently with.

  I give myself a quick mental pep talk and make the first call. I wind up either leaving voicemails or messages with assistants, but at least I got the ball rolling. I mentally congratulate myself and grab my purse, and Brad, and head downstairs to meet Colin.

  * * *

  The three of us are seated at my favorite Mexican food restaurant. Thankfully, the hostess has tucked us into a corner. I noticed that Colin received a few second glances as we made our way through the dining room to our table. It could be that he’s so good looking that women were doing a double take, but I’m sure that some of the restaurant patrons recognize him. I remind myself that this is part of dating The Statement.

  I started calling him my mission statement or statement for short when we began dating. He’s like a company’s mission statement. Colin McKinney was/is the complete package… charismatic, great looking, incredible athlete, funny, charming, loyal, and he has the biggest heart of anyone I know. Even when he’s not feeling well or in a bad mood, he signs autographs and talks to his fans. The downside to the mission statement is that he’s one of the most well-known men in the country, he’s been in People Magazine’s sexiest men issue, and models underwear so everyone in the world has seen his bulge.

  Sure enough, we’ve no sooner placed our order with the waitress before his first fan makes his way to the table. I quickly shoot Brad a look to see what he thinks of the interruption, but I’m relieved to see that Brad is enjoying being a celebrity groupie.

  Until our food is served, Colin either poses for pictures, signs autographs, or politely talks football with one person after another.

  He keeps giving me a reassuring knee squeeze under the table or taking my hand. I try hard to not let my annoyance show. Colin doesn’t normally eat out in restaurants so I know that he’s trying hard to be “normal” for me. I’ve now been given a reminder taste of what it’s like to be in a public restaurant with The Statement, and I’m willing to cook more at home.

  Finally, he says to the masses that are surrounding our table, “I’m sorry, but I need to eat lunch.” That seems to send “his biggest fans” back to their tables.

  Colin picks up his fork and digs into his salad (who eats salad at a Mexican food restaurant?) and begins talking to Brad and me as if nothing out of the ordinary has just happened. Maybe for him it isn’t strange to have his lunch interrupted, but it is for me. We’re going to have to find a balance.

  Colin and Brad really seem to hit it off. I’m pleased that my over-the-top gay assistant doesn’t tone his personality down for Colin. Colin’s very accepting of Brad and laughs at the right time when Brad makes a joke. I inwardly smile. Here are two of the three most important men in my life getting along. I’m a very lucky girl.

  When the check comes, I quickly snatch it out of
Colin’s hand and hand my credit card to the waiter. Colin laughs and shakes his head.

  “You’re going to have to be quicker than that McKinney,” I tease him.

  He slides his chair next to mine and gives me a huge kiss on the mouth while he tickles my ribs. I laugh and squirm to get away from him. As I do, I glance at Brad. He’s smiling at me and shaking his head.

  Once Colin has stopped his nonsense, Brad gets a very sincere look on his face. “Colin, thank you for making Caroline so happy. I’ve seen a new side to her since you came back into her life, and I love it.”

  Colin flashes Brad his special half smile that I thought was saved only for me, but I’m willing to share it with him. “I think my girl said it best. We’re both very good for each other.”

  My heart melts. I stand up and hug Brad. I didn’t realize how much his approval meant to me until I had it.

  When we get back to my office building, Colin comes inside with me to meet our trainers. I hold his hand in the elevator, and I’m anxious for him to meet my office staff. Brad keeps giving me strange looks in the elevator, and has a concerned look on his face. I finally mouth, “I’m nervous.”

  He silently mouths, “Oh.”

  When we step out of the elevator on the 34th floor, Colin teases, “Wow! Not much has changed except the name Doctor Caroline Collins has been added to the patient sign in sheet.”

  For some reason his little joke melts my nerves. My step-mom Carmen, whose office is right next to the reception area, comes rushing out to greet Colin. She hugs him like they’re long lost friends. Colin’s reaction back to her is very different than the one that he gave my dad in Los Angeles. He returns her hug with an enthusiastic one and genuine smile.

  She tells me that I’ve got patients already in the examining rooms and that she’ll show Colin around and introduce him to the trainers.

  I reluctantly give Colin an apologetic smile, and he kisses me on the cheek. I had hoped that I could have been the one to make the introductions, but I guess that duty calls. I watch Carmen quickly grab Colin’s attention and start introducing him to the girls who work in the insurance office. Their mouths drop in shock at the sight of him. That’s right ladies! That gorgeous man is devoted to me. He’s all mine!

  The rest of my day is a blur. I didn’t even get to see Colin before he left the office. Brad had to fill me in when I was done seeing patients. I had two emergency work-in appointments. Then, one patient kept me trapped in the exam room going on and on about how the injury happened, and then, a slew of either patients that arrived late or were just exceedingly slow. By the time that I made my way into my office, I literally wanted to die from exhaustion. My long weekend of not sleeping much, plus my run this morning made me so sleepy that I wasn’t sure how I was going to drive home.

  I collapse into my desk chair, and Brad follows me in with a Diet Coke. “Here you go, sweetie. I can tell that you need the caffeine.”

  I quietly thank him take the first blissful sip. I close my eyes for just a second and dream of how good a hot bath will feel.

  Brad only gives me a couple of seconds to dream before he starts relaying my messages to me. Most of them he can take care of, but my ears perk up when he says that all three of the professional players that I contacted today have called back and made appointments.

  I’m beyond thrilled. This good news has a more powerful effect on me than my Diet Coke. That means that between JT Reynolds and these three new players, I’ll have four professional athletes that are my patients. I mentally do a happy dance. I can’t wait to tell my dad and Colin the good news. I, of course, would never tell Colin who the players are because that’s against the law, but I can share with him in generalities my good news.

  Brad agrees to stay and return my phone calls for me so I can go home. I send Colin a quick text.

  Me: Sorry that I didn’t get to say goodbye. Hope everything went well with the trainers. I’ll be home in about 30 minutes.

  Colin quickly replies…

  Colin: Drive carefully. I’ll see you soon. I already took care of dinner.

  I smile at my phone. I could get used to having my man at home with dinner ready.

  Dinner turns out to be take out Thai from the restaurant around the corner, and that’s fine by me. Colin’s in a wonderful mood. He has my dining table set with my nice plates, candles burning, the lights turned down, and soft music playing. His glass is filled with water, but he hands me a glass of my favorite red wine when I walk in the door.

  I stand there for a moment stunned that he’s done all of this for me. Although, it shouldn’t surprise me, he’s an amazingly thoughtful man when he’s not trying to manipulate me into doing what he wants. When I’m finally able to speak, I tease him, “You’re spoiling me McKinney. I’m going to expect this every night.” Then, I throw my arms around his neck and capture his mouth. Our tongues slowly begin their perfect dance. My wonderful welcome home kiss begins to escalate to a passionate “I’ve missed your kiss.” His huge hand reaches around the back of my head and pulls me to him and our kiss intensifies.

  The stresses of my day melt away. All I’m thinking about is him, and how much I want and need him at the moment. He seems to be feeling the same way because my dress that he picked out for me today is suddenly raised over my hips and my panties are removed and tossed aside as if they’re offensive to him. He removes the glass of wine from my hand and sits it down. He looks at me with such adoration in his eyes that I melt for him. “You come home and kiss me like that, and I’ll spoil you every night.”

  I moan and throw my head back. He begins kissing his way down my neck. “Colin,” I purr. “I want you. I need you, baby. Make love to me.”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, he scoops me up and carries me upstairs to my bedroom. He gently sits me down and slips each high heeled shoe off. I’m standing before him in nothing but a bra. He reaches up and tucks the fabric down creating a bustier of sorts. He kneels in front of me and begins a delicious assault on my breasts. He gently begins to nip and suck my erect nipple while his hand kneads my other breast. It feels so delicious that I begin to feel my wetness dampen my inner thighs. I throw my head back and whisper, “that feels so good.”

  He doesn’t acknowledge me. He continues his affection solely focused on my breasts until I’m sure that I’m about to explode. I can’t take the feeling any longer. I need relief, and I need it now. The problem is that he’s still completely dressed, and right now, that’s the biggest problem that I have.

  My hands move frantically down to the button on his pants. I can’t seem to get the button to cooperate with me, and Colin will not stop his assault on my breasts to help me. I begin to feel panicked and desperate. I need to feel him inside of me now. I want the physical reassurance that only he can give me. I don’t want his clothing between us.

  “Please, stop. I need you inside of me,” I beg. I sound desperate to my own ears, and I should feel ashamed, but I’m not. I want his physical acknowledgment that he’s mine and only mine.

  My plea must get through to him because he stops massaging one of my breasts to undo the button and zipper for me. I lunge for his penis and take it in my hand threw his underwear. I begin to pump it up and down. His erection jerks for me, and I quickly slide his underwear down.

  I now have his attention, and Colin stops loving on my breasts. He looks at me with dark, lustful eyes, “I’ve waited all day for this.” From his still kneeling position, he reaches up and tenderly strokes my face. “You’re my gorgeous, girl. When I woke up this morning, and you were gone, I thought for a moment that this had all been just a beautiful but cruel dream. But you’re here, with me, and you’re really mine.”

  I reach up and touch my infinity necklace and then rub my hands against the stubble of his gorgeous face. “I’m yours for infinity.”

  His green eyes slay me. I reach down and begin kissing his mouth again. He pushes me back onto my bed and we slowly make our way toward the headbo

  While still affectionately making love to my mouth, he slides his erection inside of me. I break our kiss to moan in pleasure. Finally, getting the physical reassurance that I need is powerful. Then, he begins the slowest and most wonderful assault on my body. I would love to grab his behind and shove him into me faster and harder, but I’m enjoying this slow, sensual love making.

  I study his face. Colin’s pleasure face is beyond stunning. His lines around his eyes are relaxed and his mouth is slightly open making soft moaning noises. He looks like the boy that I fell in love with ten-years-ago. When we’re making love he hasn’t aged a day. I reach up and stroke his face. I become so overwhelmed with love for this man that tears begin to seep out of my eyes.

  I know how lucky I am to have found him again. There are no “what ifs” nagging at me now. We were meant to be together. I don’t want him to know that I’m tearing up so I quickly place my forearms over my eyes and say, “I can’t take much more of this. I need it hard, baby.”

  He gently laughs. “Your wish is my command.” He begins to slide almost all the way out me and then push forward until I feel him bottom out inside of me. He does this two more times before I begin to yell his name as the waves of pleasure roll over me.

  I’m consumed by my feelings for him and my body tingling orgasm when he finds his own release. We lay together in a tangled, sweaty mess. Neither one of us is daring to break the connection. I wish the world would stop turning just for a moment and let us feel this way forever.

  Finally, Colin rolls over staring into my lavender eyes. “We’ve got to get up. I need to feed you.”

  I let out a groan and throw my leg over his attempting to trap him. “I’m not hungry.”

  He laughs and gently pries my hands off of him so he can look at my face. “Get up my beautiful girl. I have a surprise for you downstairs.”

  Then, he cruelly climbs off of me and throws on running shorts and walks downstairs.


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