From Now Until Infinity

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From Now Until Infinity Page 12

by Layne Harper

  Next, I unzip my skirt allowing it to slide off my hips onto the floor. Colin studies my almost naked body and his lust filled eyes tell me that he approves of my skin colored lace bra, matching thong, and black Louboutin high heels. I’m just standing inside his converted office. He’s still wearing his clothes from this morning which makes me even hotter. I’m not sure what it is about the royal blue shirt and khaki pants, but the image has tormented me all day. It could be the way the shirt shows off the bulging muscles of his arms or how it skims his pectoral muscles. Hell! It could be that my body has been reminded of how great sex can be, and I’ve become insatiable. Who knows? And I don’t care. I want Colin. Now. Here. On his new desk. I’m not even going to make him sing to me.

  I saunter over to him and throw my right leg over him so I’m straddling him while he’s leaning back in his new leather chair. I immediately begin taking his mouth. It’s not like he protests. Colin’s just as turned on as I am. The proof is rock hard against my thigh.

  I break our kiss and begin working my way down his neck planting soft kisses until I get to his collar bone. I pull his royal blue shirt to the side and begin to suck and bite a muscle that I didn’t even know could be so defined.

  He grabs my caramel hair and gently tugs. “Oh fuck, Charlie. That feels so fuckin’ good,” he coos to me through his moans of appreciation. I know that I’m leaving a mark which is exactly my plan. The thought of security and people mobbing Colin, and underwear campaigns with my man naked on billboards, television, and magazine ads makes me want to leave some proof on him that he’s indeed mine and not theirs.

  Colin makes quick work of removing his shirt. I continue to kiss, and nip at his chest. Then, I work my way to his nipples. I begin to pleasure his nipples like he enjoys pleasuring mine. He’s putty in my hands. He begins to groan and hiss. His noises turn me on even more. Having this much power over Colin is beyond hot. I feel his rock hard erection throbbing against me. It reminds me that I haven’t given it any attention yet.

  After his pants are unbuttoned and my hand is wrapped around him, he begins to beg me. “Let me fuck you.” I keep grabbing his erection and working it up and down. “Please… I want to be inside you now.”

  I ignore him and continue to suck and bite his nipples while I massage his cock. I bring my other hand up momentarily abandoning his erection and pinch his nipple while I bite the other one. That’s it. Colin can’t take it any longer. Like a crazed man who’s lost control, he grabs my arms pinning them to my sides. His green eyes are almost black with lust. “I have to be inside you. Now. I tried to tell you, and you wouldn’t listen to me,” he says apologetically.

  Everything happens too quickly for me to think why he’s apologizing, but then I soon realize. My panties are gone in one quick thumb jerk, and he’s picking me up by my hips and slamming me down on his throbbing penis. He holds me still while I watch his face contort in all sorts of odd ways while he fights to maintain control. Doesn’t he know that I like sex best when he’s out of control? I fight to begin moving on top of him, but he’ll not let me. Finally, when his face begins to relax a little bit, he lays me back on his desk and stands up in front of me. Somehow this is accomplished without us breaking our contact. Colin then begins the most punishing assault on my body yet. He picks my legs up and places my feet against his chest.

  “Push against me while I fuck you,” He instructs.

  If feels so fantastic. It’s just what I need. The ache in my lower stomach that I felt since I saw him walk out my bathroom door this morning is finally being addressed.

  “Harder,” I scream.

  I watch his beautiful face break into a huge smile. With two more strokes, I scream his name as the ache turns into shear bliss.

  He doesn’t give me long to recover before I feel his erection begin to swell and throb inside of me as he finds his own release. When he’s done, he pulls me to him and cradles me against his chest in the new office chair.

  When I become coherent again, I mumble, “I like the new desk.”

  He begins to kiss my forehead and strokes my hair. “God, I love your quick mouth,” he complements me.

  I look up at him and smile, “I noticed.” We both know that I‘m not referring to my wit.

  The rest of the evening is spent washing and folding laundry. I must admit though that doing naked laundry with your gorgeous boyfriend is a whole lot more fun than doing laundry alone while watching old reruns of Sex In The City. I’ll also give Colin credit. He didn’t once complain or offer to send all the clothes out to the cleaners. He folded socks and towels like a champ. I know that he’s trying for me, and I love him that much more for it.

  It also gives us a chance to talk. He told me about his housekeeper, Alice (we got a huge laugh out of the Brady Bunch reference). She does all of Colin’s clothes for him, cleans his house, grocery shops, and organizes his closet and drawers. I reason that a thirty-year-old guy, without a wife, needs help with things like domestic chores. On the flip side, the thought of a housekeeper washing my panties makes me cringe.

  “So what do you do?” I ask. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m seriously curious. He can’t work out, play football, and deal with his businesses twenty-four hours a day can he?

  He laughs and flashes me his half smile. “No one’s ever asked me that question. Everyone knows what I do.”

  I toss a hand towel at him. “I mean, I know what you do for a living, but I just can’t imagine that throwing a football takes up all that much time,” I say sarcastically. “I actually am curious, Colin. I know that during the season that you’re really busy every day. I lived through practice, pre-season, and a full season of football. What do you do during the off season?”

  He starts clumsily folding a towel while he thinks about it. Finally he replies, “I guess I make more money for myself.”

  Then, to change the subject, he finds a pair of my lace thong panties and puts them on his head. “Babe, what do you think of my new helmet?” He’s so adorably goofy. He looks nothing like a game day quarterback or guy posing in his underwear. Instead he’s a frat boy who just completed a panty raid on a sorority house.

  “All your helmet needs is a star on the side,” I reply as I pick up another thong and shoot it at him.

  He gets the boyish glint in his eye that I love. I start giggling and grabbing as many thong panties as I can because I just started a war. I grab my weapons and dive on the other side of the formerly red velvet chair.

  Colin yells, “Bombs away!” as he launches a red thong at me.

  There are Hanky Panky thongs of every color and pattern zipping across my bedroom, and the sound of laughter is reverberating off the walls. Just as I stand up to launch a surprise attack on Colin, I’m the one who’s surprised. He pounces on me taking me to the carpet. I squirm trying to get away from him, but he’s not letting me go anywhere. “Say I won the panty war, and I’ll let you up,” he says as he flashes me his beautiful half smile. His green eyes are filled with joy and laughter.

  “Never!” I declare as I struggle to get out of his grasp. I’m laughing so hard that I can barely speak.

  Just as he’s about to start negotiating with me for my release, his phone rings. All our fun dissipates in a second. He lets me go, and offers me a hand to help me stand up. Colin mutters an apology and walks downstairs to talk while I finish laundrypalooza and cleaning up our mess.

  When the laundry is put away, my teeth are brushed, face cleaned, moisturizer applied, and hair is up in a twist, I decide to call Colin. He hasn’t mentioned the ringtone that I associated with my number, and I’m a bit disappointed. I let the phone ring four times before it goes to voicemail. I listen to his message which almost makes me laugh. He sounds so authoritative. It’s definitely not the Colin who I’ve fallen in love with. I wonder if I see a side to him that few people see.

  I’m ready for bed, but I have no Colin. I contemplate going down to his office to see what’s going on, but frankly,
I’m beat. I decide to grab my e-reader and try starting the book that I attempted to read in New Orleans. I haven’t told Colin yet about my rodeo surprise, so I guess that I’ll him on our morning run. As I fall asleep, I think about how different my life is from this time last week. There’s another person in my house, and he loves me. I love him. I can’t wait to wake up in the mornings and see his beautiful face. I look forward to coming home from work. Colin.Fucking.McKinney has been a good addition to my life.

  I’m awakened by Colin gently removing my e-reader from my hands. I stir just long enough to roll over towards him and snuggle into his side. Colin pulls me to him as he quietly sings I Cross My Heart by George Strait. When he gets to the lines “You will always be the miracle that makes my life complete and as long as there’s a breath in me, I’ll make yours just as sweet.” I feel the tears begin to leak out of my eyes. Then, he sings, “as we look into the future it’s as far as we can see,” he rolls my infinity necklace between his fingers.

  “Why are you crying, beautiful girl?” he asks me as he uses his thumb to wipe the tears from my face. “See, the first time that I sing for you, you cry.” He gently teases me.

  “I love that song. I love you. I love that you just sang for me. Thank you,” I say as I kiss his thumb. “You’ve made me feel like the most special girl in the world.”

  He lies his head back down on his pillow and replies, “you’re the most special girl in the world to me, and I should make you feel that way every day.”

  My, sweet, sweet, man. There’s no one in the world happier right now than me.

  * * *

  When my alarm goes off at 6:15, I find that I’m alone in bed. Strangely, this concept is very foreign to me. I assume that Colin’s already downstairs stretching so I quickly throw on my running clothes and take care of my business in the bathroom.

  To my shock, Colin isn’t stretching on my hardwood floors. My second floor is open concept and Colin is a giant so I quickly note that he must be in his office. I walk down the steps expecting to see him sitting in his desk chair, but his office is empty. Colin is nowhere in my house.

  I race upstairs to grab my phone to call him. Panic overwhelms me. If this is his way of ensuring that I never run without him again, he’s made his point. I grab my phone and see that I have a text from him.

  Colin: Sorry, I couldn’t sleep. Run without me. I should be back before you leave for work. Love you.

  That’s it. I reread his message about a hundred times. There are no cryptic clues that he left for me. There’s no explanation to where he is. What if he’s changed his mind about us? What if he needed space already from me? What if he really hates my bed so much that he can’t sleep in it?

  There’s no way that I can run at this point. I don’t have time. I grab a cup of coffee and stomp upstairs. While I shower, I consider calling him, but I don’t. If Colin wanted to talk to me, he’d have called me by now. He knows what time I get up. The only thing that I can determine is that something about the phone call last night while we were folding laundry disturbed him enough that he couldn’t sleep. I hope. I hope that it’s not any of my “what if” reasons.

  Then I get angry. Apparently Mr. McKinney needs a lesson in talking about issues and not running away and shutting me out of problems. Oh! Wait! Maybe that’s a lesson for both of us.

  He’s still not home by the time that I have to leave for the office. Furious doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of how I feel. I spend my time in the car on the way to work doing deep breathing exercises to calm down while I grip my black steering wheel until my knuckles are white.

  Today’s a surgery day, but I’m seeing JT Reynolds after lunch. His appointment was purposely scheduled to give him the most anonymity. Professional athletes guard their injury status like it’s a precious commodity. For example, scheduling would never put two pro footballers on the schedule for the same day. It could sink our practice if they happened to run into each other in the elevator.

  When Brad sees me, he immediately knows that there’s something wrong. The best assistant in the world doesn’t follow me into my office asking if I’m okay. He instead fixes me a tall cup of coffee and gently places it on my desk. He asks nothing about Colin. Brad just gets me up-to-date on my surgeries today.

  I check my phone one last time hoping that a text is waiting for me that I somehow missed. But, alas, there are no texts from my AWOL boyfriend. I hand my phone over to Brad and make my way downstairs to do what I do best – fix what’s broken.

  Three surgeries down and I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. This is a good reality for me. I just spent five hours not thinking about Colin, and I’m in a much better place.

  It’s 2:30. JT Reynolds should be here at three o’clock. I have just enough time to shower and inhale lunch before he arrives. I step off the elevator and head straight for the female locker room. When I round the corner, who’s sitting there, but Colin.Fucking.McKinney.

  Oh! I don’t have time for this. I shoot him a look and keep walking past him.

  “Aren’t you going to say hello?” He asks me in a quiet voice.

  “No,” I reply as I start to turn to walk into the locker room. “I’m in a hurry. I’ve got an appointment in thirty minutes, and you need to be gone.”

  He grabs my arm to stop me from walking. He doesn’t hurt me, but Colin makes it crystal clear that he wants my attention. “I’m sorry. I know that you’re angry with me. We’ll talk later, but I want you to know that what I did, I did for us.”

  Okay. Now I am furious! I’m trying hard to not make a scene in front of my staff and a few patients doing physical therapy. I quietly compose myself as I turn to face him, “Don’t spout cryptic bullshit at me. I’ll leave you with this parting thought. How would you like it if I disappeared from our bed, said I would be home at a certain time and then went MIA?”

  Before he can answer me, I walk into the locker room and take a three minute shower and throw my dress on ditching my scrubs. Colin’s gone when I come out. I sigh in relief. Hopefully, he’s either working out with one of the trainers or has gone home. I don’t want JT and Colin running into each other.

  Brad has a sandwich waiting for me in my office. I take one look at it and my stomach turns. The wilted lettuce on it is enough to make me lose my appetite for a week. I toss it in the garbage. My phone’s sitting in the middle of my desk, and there’s a note next to it.

  First I read Brad’s note, “I’m not sure what is going on with you and Colin, but he looked pitiful when he came looking for you. He makes you happy. Forgive him.” I roll my eyes at the paper. That’s all I need is for Brad to jump ship and join Team Colin. I continue reading, “JT called and said that he’s going to be late. I notified the trainers working with Colin, and they’ll make sure that Colin and JT don’t see each other. No one else called. I’ll be at the dentist getting three cavities filled. Don’t call me. I can’t talk.”

  I sit there for a second relieved that JT is running late. I’m not hungry, but I’m mentally spent and need a few minutes of quiet. I close my eyes and lean back in my desk chair. I don’t fall asleep, but I do rest until the reception desk notifies me that JT’s in an exam room and ready to be seen.

  Before I leave my office, I send Colin a text.

  Me: I hated waking up alone. I’m sorry that you’re upset. I love you, and I have a surprise evening planned. Be home by 4:15.

  I slip my phone in my lab coat pocket not expecting to hear back from Colin, but almost instantly, I feel my phone vibrating.

  Colin: I’m miserable that you woke up alone. You should never do that again. I love you. I’ll see you at home.

  Chapter Eight

  MY APPOINTMENT with JT went better than hoped. He’s a great player in exceptional shape and has a long career ahead of him. He complained of chronic ankle pain. I gave him a shot of cortisone and prescribed some exercises for him to do to strengthen the muscles. He made a follow up appointment to come in
next week.

  I turned George Strait’s Greatest Hits on my car stereo to keep me company on my drive home from work. Hopefully, Colin’s waiting for me. Today started off awful, but I’m determined that tonight will be one of the best nights of our lives. Whatever took Colin away from me last night and this morning will just have to wait until tomorrow. We’ll deal with it then.

  I hang my purse on its special hook and put my keys where they belong. The house is quiet, but I know that Colin’s home because his car is parked outside. I make my way to the second floor. Empty.

  “That’s odd,” I think. He’s usually waiting for me in his office or the living room. I check the time on my watch. It’s 4:30. The security team will be here in thirty minutes.

  I make my way upstairs to my third floor bedroom. The smell of roses hits me like a typhoon wave. It’s so overpowering that it’s almost nauseating. I know that they’re apology roses. Hopefully, Colin’s not going to be too upset when the proverbial garden that has sprung up around my bed is moved outside.

  There he is. My beautiful man is soaking in my bathtub. “Hey, gorgeous. Care to join me?” He asks timidly motioning for me to come towards him.

  I don’t. Instead I lean against the door frame. “I could have sworn when I got up this morning… Alone,” I add for effect. “There were no flowers in our room.”

  He flashes me the patented Colin McKinney half smile and replies, “Just my way of saying that I’m sorry for you having to go to bed and wake up alone.”

  “They’re beautiful, Colin, but I don’t need roses to know that you’re sorry.” I quickly add, “But, I don’t want to talk about it. Tonight’s my turn to surprise you. So, no, I don’t want to join you in the bath. I want you to get out. Put on your cowboy finest because we’re going to the rodeo.”

  Colin sits up straighter and a worried look crosses his face. The lines around his eyes deepen. Before he can say anything, I reassure him that Jenny and Brad have set up security for us, and they’ll be here shortly.


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