From Now Until Infinity

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From Now Until Infinity Page 23

by Layne Harper

  I walk out of his office, out of the front door, and make it into the waiting SUV before I dissolve into a puddle of tears. I’m too upset to go back to my town home. I can’t face the reporters right now. I don’t want my red, puffy face plastered everywhere.

  I grab my phone and call Colin. He picks up on the third ring. “Hey baby, I love the new ringtone,” which makes me only cry harder.

  “What’s wrong, Caroline? Talk to me,” he compels me in a frantic voice.

  I manage to choke out, “It didn’t go well, and I can’t face the reporters.”

  “Charlie, hand the phone to the driver.” He instructs me.

  I do as I’m told. He talks to the driver for a few minutes while the driver says a lot of “yes sirs.” Then, he hands the phone back to me.

  “I’ve asked the driver to take you to the hotel that Rachael and Aiden are staying at. I’m going to hang up with you, and call Rachael. She’ll meet you and take you to Aiden’s room. Aiden and I’ll be there as soon as possible.”

  “Okay,” I sniffle into the phone immediately feeling better that I don’t have to face the reporters. “I love you,” I add.

  “Oh baby, I love you too. Let me let you go so I can get to you sooner,” he adds so sweetly that it melts my heart.

  I lean back on the cold, leather seat so grateful for him.

  The driver pulls into the parking garage instead of the circle drive at the hotel. I see Rachael waiting for me. She looks like an angel. She’s my angel because she’s the only one who will understand. She has been my best friend since we were kids. She’s the only person who knows absolutely everything that there is to know about me. Rachael has been there through it all, and I’m so thankful that she’s in town and waiting to comfort me.

  I open the car door, and she runs to me. Her arms around me bring more comfort than I could have imagined. She whispers in my ear, “Come on, sweetie. Let’s get you inside.”

  I let her lead me inside the hotel and up to the top floor. Aiden has a large suite with a conference table. This must have been where Mark, Aiden, Colin, Kenzie, and the PR team debated how to handle my relationship with Colin and all the fallout from it. She directs me to a very comfortable looking couch while she busies herself in the kitchenette preparing me something to eat and drink.

  I tell her that I’m not hungry, but she points out that Colin said that the last time that I had eaten was the night before, and she has strict orders to make me eat something.

  I roll my eyes as she places a chicken salad sandwich, a cup of broccoli cheese soup, and a Diet Coke on the coffee table. “Please eat something, Charlie. Colin’s worried about you and frankly, so am I. This’s your chance to prove to us that you’re okay and not slipping into old behaviors.”

  Rachael’s right, but it’s still irritating the hell out of me to constantly have my food intake monitored and exercise routine scrutinized like I’m a newborn baby. Instead of arguing with her, I take a spot on the carpet in front of the coffee table and begin choking down the soup.

  I look at her when I’m about half way done and ask, “Happy now?”

  “Look brat. It must be so terrible to have people that love you and support you. I’ve got a lot of stuff that I pushed off my calendar to drop everything to be at your side. Don’t get me wrong. There’s no place that I’d rather be, but I’d appreciate you not acting like a little shit,” she says in her voice that she uses to intimidate others into bending to her will.

  Nothing like my best friend sitting me straight. “I’m sorry Rach and you’re right. You’re always right.”

  I pick up my sandwich and take a couple of bites. She smiles approvingly at me. “Want to talk about it?”

  “Why not?” I reply. “My dad is essentially cutting me out of his life. He doesn’t approve of Colin. I told him that I loved him, but if he wants to be a part of my life, he’s going to have to get along with Colin because he’s a permanent part of it.”

  “Permanent part, huh?” Rachael asks raising her perfectly plucked light blonde eyebrow.

  “Oh yeah,” I reply smiling while remembering my early morning proposal to Colin. “I’m going to be moving to Dallas, and Colin and I are getting married.” I can’t even tell my best friend that I was one that did the proposing. Colin would murder me.

  Rachael jumps up and yells with excitement as she tackles me to the floor. We roll around acting more like sixteen-year-olds than highly accomplished adults.

  My heart’s the lightest that it’s been in days. I finally am allowing myself to be excited about the changes in my life. Her approval means everything to me. She doesn’t question the timing of it, or if I’m making the right decision. Rachael is my best friend and offering me unconditional support. God, this feels good!

  Suddenly my Colin sense kicks in, and I look up at two smiling boys.

  Colin says very amused, “This isn’t the scene that I was expecting when I raced over here.”

  Rachael jumps up (which is pretty high) and throws her arms around Colin’s neck. “You finally got her to say yes.” She says enthusiastically.

  Aiden shoots Colin and questioning look, and Colin looks at me with one of horror.

  “I told Rachael that we agreed to get married this morning,” I interject. Colin’s face neutralizes.

  “Charlie, I haven’t officially proposed. I didn’t think that we were telling anyone yet.” He’s making very exaggerated gestures toward Rachael and Aiden.

  “Fine. Don’t tell anyone until Colin makes it official,” I reply tartly to Rachael and Aiden.

  The look on Aiden’s face is just what I need. He’s so genuinely happy for Colin and me that he’s glowing. He gives Colin a bro hug and says to just him, “You finally get what you’ve always wanted. You get your Charlie.”

  Colin is beaming. He walks to me and hugs me tightly. “You’re right, man. I get my Charlie.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  THE REST of the day is spent trying on clothes for the interview on Monday. Brad shows up at the suite with half of Nordstrom’s, all of Neiman Marcus, and J Crew. The bellhop has to help him unload his car. Rachael, Brad, and Kenzie play dress-up Caroline while Aiden, Colin, and Mark work on the dissolution of my partnership with my dad. It’s such an obvious metaphor for my life. In one room, I’m being made into something that I’m not while the other room is destroying the part of my now past that defined who I was. I need a long run to sort through this day.

  About halfway through the piles of clothes, I realized that Colin doesn’t have to try mounds of clothes on and then be critiqued by the three bossiest people on the planet. As I saunter out of the suite’s bathroom in a Navy blue sheath dress with a Kelly green sweater over it, I ask Kenzie, “Where’s Colin’s pile of clothes to try on?”

  Kenzie smiles. “Colin’s wearing jeans and his brand of golf shirt.”

  Her answer makes me stomp my foot in anger. “That’s so unfair!”

  Colin must’ve been listening from the other room because he yells, “put her in a lavender wrap dress and silver shoes and be done with it.”

  Brad pipes up. “I actually picked out a lavender dress for her to try. I thought it would look great with her eyes.”

  Hello! I’m standing right here.

  To my great relief it fits. I model it for Colin, and his smile says it all. He likes me in it, but I’m sure he will enjoy it more when it’s lying crumpled on the floor.

  I get Kenzie’s approval. Brad and Rachael begin packing up all the other clothes to take back to the stores.

  Colin walks into the bedroom and announces, “Brad, Caroline and I would like to speak to you in private.”

  Brad shoots me a look of concern, but replies, “Sure.”

  Rachael and Kenzie excuse themselves and Colin shuts the door.

  I start. “Brad, Colin and I’ve talked about it, and we’d like for you to consider moving to Dallas and being my medical assistant as well as personal assistant.” I grab Colin’s ha
nd and give it a reassuring squeeze. “You see, Brad. I’ve got a wedding to plan, and we both know that I can’t function without you.”

  I had expected Brad to be shocked, question my judgment, and need some time to think about it. Instead, Brad says, clapping like an excited toddler, “I get to plan a wedding!”

  He gives me a huge hug and begins to tear up. “I’m so happy for you. You two are just perfect.”

  Colin’s face is beaming. Everything is going as I’m sure that he has planned. “Brad, we would appreciate you not talking about the move or engagement until we can share the news with our families. Jenny will contact you on Monday to go over your salary and moving details.”

  Brad nods his head in understanding. “Oh, this is so exciting.”

  Brad has been my rock for the last couple of years. His approval means so much to me. Colin gives us some privacy as I begin to fill Brad in on the meeting at the attorneys’ office, conversation with my dad today, and my relationship with the practice.

  Brad is disappointed in my dad’s behavior, but he confirms that he isn’t surprised. He also says that he doesn’t want to continue working for the new doctor. Brad has no real ties to Houston. He went to nursing school here and stayed because of the medical center. He seems genuinely excited about moving to Dallas. I’m thrilled.

  Colin interrupts us to inform us that dinner has arrived. Apparently, he took it upon himself to order room service for everyone. I notice that Mark’s not joining us. The tension between the two was evident earlier. I was hoping that I was going to be able to talk to Mark and see where his head’s at. I don’t want their relationship to end because of me.

  Dinner conversation is kept to light and friendly banter. I notice that Rachael and Aiden are sitting by each other at the conference/dining room table. They keep glancing at each other. I can’t wait to get Rachael alone and ask some very detailed questions about last night. Could it be possible that both Rachael and I may have found our way back to our loves? I sure hope so.

  As we finish eating, Kenzie turns to Colin. “I’ll be at your home at ten o’clock on Monday morning. Allison will be arriving at noon. Two hours should give us enough time to prep. I’ve already spoken with Jenny, and the decorators have made the changes to the house that I’ve requested. I emailed you a list of the approved questions that I negotiated with Allison. You and Doctor Collins need to review them and talk about your answers. We want no surprises.”

  “Caroline and I will review the questions tomorrow. I’ll get back with you on anything that we aren’t comfortable discussing.”

  Thank goodness that we’re done eating, because just thinking about the interview sours my stomach. How did I, such a private person, wind up with one of the most well-known faces in the world? The universe is laughing at me right now.

  Then, to my surprise, Colin says to the group at the table, “Caroline and I are leaving to go to Dallas in about fifteen minutes. Is there anything else that we need to discuss?”

  “I don’t have anything packed? I can’t go to Dallas tonight.” I stammer.

  “Brad took care of it.”

  “Oh,” is the best answer that I can come up with.

  Brad looks at me. “Your bags are already in Colin’s car. However, I did bring you an overnight bag in case you wanted to shower and freshen up before you hit the road.”

  I guess it’s not a half bad idea. I grab my bag and head into the suite’s bathroom. The shower feels good, but putting makeup on after crying it all off feels even better. By the time that I slip on the pair of jeans and maroon sweater that Brad packed for me, I’m feeling like a new person.

  Colin’s waiting for me, and he’s obviously ready to get on the road because he keeps incessantly checking his watch.

  “Are you sure you’re okay to drive tonight? We didn’t sleep much.” I ask him.

  He kisses my forehead, and replies, “I’m just fine. Tell everyone bye, beautiful girl.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “COLIN, WHERE are we going?” I ask. He just missed the exit for the highway that leads to Dallas.

  He replies nonchalantly, “I need to take care of some business in College Station. It’s not that far out of our way.”

  “Colin,” I whine. “It’s an extra hour out of our way. I’m tired. Can’t you take care of whatever it is another day?”

  Colin grabs my hand and laughs. “Nope. This has to be taken care of tonight.”

  This is the longest day of my life, and he’s thinking nothing of adding another hour to our trip. “Fine. Then, wake me when we get there.”

  He laughs again and says, “No problem, baby.”

  I recline the seat in the maroon SUV that I bought him so many years ago and close my eyes. As I’m drifting off to sleep, he begins softly singing I Just Want to Dance With You.

  * * *

  “We’re here,” Colin says as he opens my car door for me.

  I open my eyes reluctantly and see that we’re on the campus of Texas A&M University where we both went to school. This is not where I expected us to be going when he said that he has business to take care of in College Station. “Colin, the campus is closed. What are we doing here?”

  “You’ll see, my love. Now, come on,” he says grabbing my hand.

  I follow him blindly as he leads me towards the Academic Building on campus. We pass by students with backpacks heading away from the library. I think of all the hours that I spent in that library and realize that it was worth it. I love being a doctor, and that dream would not have happened without the long hours in that library.

  There’s a cute couple holding hands walking by the dorms that I lived in my freshman year. That’s when I developed a passion for running. On these streets. On these sidewalks. My roommate was a disaster, and I began running to escape her. We walk by the biology building where I spent years listening to lectures and conducting experiments.

  I smile at the memory of the girl who went to school here. She was so determined to make her dreams come true that she didn’t stop to look around and see that there was more to life than just becoming a doctor.

  I glance up at Colin as we walk. His jaw line is set in a determined clench, but his eyes are relaxed. He’s happy, and I’m happy. This is nice.

  The students that we pass don’t recognize Colin or don’t care enough stop us. He played here when these kids were in late elementary school and junior high. Colin McKinney is a legend on campus, but he’s a great quarterback that went to school here a long, long, time ago. I laugh at how the concept of old changes as you grow older.

  Then, I see campus security officers creating a perimeter around a grassy area. There’s a distinguished man in his late fifties or maybe early sixties waiting for us. We’re greeted by the president of the university. Did I wake up, or am I still dreaming?

  He shakes Colin hand and says just to him, “It’s all yours. Good luck, son.”

  Colin shakes his hand back and thanks him. Colin grabs my hand and leads me through the perimeter of campus security. As soon as we pass them, I see the Century Tree and I know what he’s doing. The old oak tree is around 150-years-old. Its wonderful branches rest on the ground creating a cover for students to walk under. It’s always reminded me of my favorite tree that grows in my therapist’s front yard. A simple cement bench sits under the branches and next to the trunk. The legend is if you walk under the branches with the person that you’re dating, you’ll eventually marry them. It’s a tradition of sorts that if one Aggie is going to propose to another Aggie that it happens under the old tree’s branches.

  As we walk towards the tree, I squeeze Colin’s hand. His palm is sweaty. My Colin is nervous. I find it so endearing.

  The cement bench is covered with a maroon blanket. Next to it is a dozen maroon roses and a chilling bottle of champagne with two glasses.

  In a shaky voice, Colin instructs, “Charlie, please take a seat.”

  I do as I’m told and sit on the blanket covered
bench. The night air is cool and a breeze begins to blow. I inadvertently shiver.

  Colin picks up both of my hands and holds them in his as he sits down next to me. Waves of anxiety are rolling off of him. I’m not sure why he’s so anxious. I already asked him to marry me this morning. He knows what my answer is going to be. I initiated this. However, I don’t say anything and let my man have his moment.

  He squeezes my hands and then begins. “Ten-years-ago, I thought that I fell in love with you. I’d like to say that it was love at first sight, but it wasn’t. It was more lust,” he says with a laugh. The sparkle in his green eyes is back, and I love it. “Then, I got to know you, or I thought that I did, on our drives to and from Houston. I liked the person that I met. You were smart, athletic, and driven. It just took me getting shown up on the dance floor and running the streets of College Station to find out just how driven you really are.”

  Colin pauses for a moment as if to collect his thoughts. “Every day that I spent with you, I realized just how much we were perfectly matched for each other. You challenged me. You supported me. You had my back when I needed you. Then, I lost you. I suffered eight years without your beautiful lavender eyes that see into my soul. And your mouth that seems to know just what to say when I need to hear it the most. And your heart that loves me enough to give us another chance. Most of all, I love your mind. You’re so smart. You challenge me in ways that no one else has. You’re unpredictable and constantly keep me on my toes - like proposing to me this morning.”

  Tears begin to fall down my cheeks. For the first time in a long time, they’re tears of love and happiness. I feel Colin’s anxiety changing into waves of joy. He wants us to be together just as much as I do.


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