The Painter's Passion

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The Painter's Passion Page 12

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  Although, was Morgan really over protective?

  If he had a sister, he probably would do the same thing, Pierce thought. Then again, he didn’t have any family so he wasn’t sure he knew what any of those feelings were like.

  “Mr. Lane.” Those enigmatic eyes returned to his. “Not only will we need those invitations, but by tomorrow I want to know more details about this event; we aren’t going in blind. I need to know how many other guests will be there, what room in the Shard it’s going to be in, how many other… vendors… are going to be there,” she stopped, realizing that she was rambling. “You get the idea. So, since you are so proud of your contacts, I would suggest you get to contacting because I want all of these details tomorrow so that we can prep. Otherwise, this whole idea is off and we will have to figure out another way.”

  “But—” Morgan attempted to protest, but she interrupted him sternly.

  “Morgan, thank you, but I can handle this.” She turned her gaze to Tony and Gino. “That means that I’ll meet with the two of you on Wednesday to go over logistics.”

  They both nodded.

  “I have a question,” Tash said before Ana could continue giving out her orders. “This might seem silly and I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I have anything to wear that it would seem like this party requires. I mean, you’re talking millions of dollars in stolen art… stolen goods… I think we need to go shopping.”

  Pierce’s eyes narrowed as he watched Ana’s hand go up to her left shoulder subconsciously. She hadn’t even realized that she’d made the movement, but he did. And his mind began to wonder…

  The sweaters, the style of clothes that completely covered her, the way her hands always gravitated to that side of her body.

  There was something she was hiding and the one thing he knew for certain is that now that he’d tasted her, he would never be satisfied until he’d explored every inch of sweet skin and every secret that his seductive sovereign had.

  “Right... Why don’t you and I head to Harrods on Thursday and then afterwards I can prepare you and Morgan for your roles? I want to make sure that you are absolutely comfortable with this, Tash.”

  Pierce felt an unfamiliar warmth spread in his chest as he watched Ana insist on Tash’s comfort and safety first. It had happened several times since they arrived, most times when Ana looked over Tash as though she were her child – and as though her words were coming from experience. If he didn’t know any better, he would say that the warmth was a mix of pride in her actions and longing for someone to care… to have cared… about him that way.

  But he was far too old and far too wise for that kind of hopeful thinking.

  He’d had a mother and she hadn’t given two shits about him; she’d left him to die.

  And most days, he wished he would have.

  “Alright then.” Her shoulders sagged with a sigh. “I think we are done here for now, I’ll be in touch.”

  “See you Wednesday, boss.” Gino tipped his hat and headed for the door.

  “Ana, could I talk to you for a minute?” Tony asked and the eagerly adoring look on his face made Pierce want to punch him. It wasn’t even the face; it was because of who the object of its affection was.

  Overpowering possessiveness was another emotion he’d never experienced until Ana walked into his life and now, it seemed like he had the feeling in spades.

  Watching Ana walk with that too-good motherfucker, Pierce poured himself another glass of vodka, trying not to let his snarl become evident. “Anyone else?” he asked before shutting the lid.

  Morgan waved him off, his gaze also focused on the same golden halo of hair that was disappearing down the hall.

  “I’m going to go up and take a nap,” Tash said, shaking her head and walking over closer to him. “Plus, from the look on your face, it seems like you’re the one who’s going to need most of that.”

  He glared at her.

  “Don’t give me that look,” she chuckled. “Feelings… who knew they could happen to the very best of us?” She put her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to accentuate her lighthearted attempt to calm him; it only made him angrier.

  Until he saw Ana walk back into the kitchen, stopping short for a split second seeing Tash so close to him with her arm around him.

  Their eyes locked and the only thing that he could think was that before he met Ana, making women jealous had been enjoyable. Now… now, there was no pleasure; he knew exactly the same hurt that flickered in her eyes and if it had been anyone but Tash, he would have shrugged her hand off and stepped away. But Tash was a friend… if he really had any of those.

  Her arm dropped anyway almost immediately and she turned to go upstairs.

  “So, what about me?” Pierce heard the deep, silken words roll off of his own tongue. “Don’t you want to meet with me?”

  Immediately, he had the urge to spank that sweet ass of hers when she pursed her beautiful lips; they should never be forced into such a scrunched and disapproving face.

  “Meet with you?” Morgan said, laughing, reminding them both that there was one more person in the room – his presence clouded with the heavy fog of their desire. “Yeah, Pierce, she probably wishes that she’d never met you.”

  Neither of them broke their gaze to look at Morgan or acknowledge his statement. His hand clenched around the glass in his hand, raising the cool glass to his mouth and downing the rest of the liquid.

  He tried to tell himself that the burn in his chest was from the alcohol and not from wondering if there was any truth to Morgan’s statement.

  Friend or not, Morgan was about to learn the hard way that he would fight fire with fire.

  “Fuck you, Morgan,” he said with a smile, finally levelling the other golden head with his darkening stare. He placed his cup in the sink before walking to the stairs, pausing to look at his golden goddess, whose face was flushed from her brother’s mocking comment. “Well, Ana, if you decide you do want to meet with me to curb my roguish thoughts, you know where to find me.”

  And with that he began to climb the stairs, continuing to hear the conversation between the siblings below.

  “What the hell was that supposed to mean, Ana?” Morgan asked.

  “Seriously, Morgan,” Ana replied and Pierce could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

  After that, he was too far away to decipher anything else. He made a beeline straight for his studio, needing to lose himself in something other than the conflicting emotions that the woman he shouldn’t want was making him feel.

  Yeah, Morgan’s comment was snide but he probably would have said the same thing. What really made Pierce angry was the fact that he felt like he deserved it; he’d just had his hand down Ana’s pants and Morgan had no idea.

  If he did, he would kill him – and rightfully so.

  Who would be happy at the thought of their sister sleeping with the devil?

  Chapter 12

  “Ana!” Her brother’s voice stopped her short as she entered the expansive hallway.

  She’d just gone out to the gym after pacing around the house all day waiting for Pierce.

  Her first mistake.

  She should have known that he would do something like this. Instead, she’d made her way down to the kitchen early hoping to catch him. After achieving the Guinness Book of World Record’s award for longest amount of time spent making scrambled eggs, she finally gave up and went and ate in her room – her ears still on high alert for anyone making their way down the stairs.

  But nothing.

  So then, after bringing her plate back downstairs, she set up her iPad on the kitchen counter and attempted to work for a little.

  Because he had to come down for lunch at some point.

  She worked for almost an hour before clicking off the screen in frustration; it seemed that Pierce was intent on not making an appearance this morning… afternoon… possibly even at all today; even though she’d explicitly told him that she wanted him to
provide her with certain necessary information.

  That’s it.

  She knew it was probably going to seem like a bad idea in retrospect, but she didn’t care. She stalked up to the third floor and pounded on his door, calling his name.

  No response.

  She tried again.


  She’d even put her ear to the door to listen for any signs of life inside but to no avail; he must really not be here. With a sigh of frustration, she went back down to her own room to change. She needed to get out of the house, otherwise she was going to drive herself crazy impatiently waiting to talk to him.

  Or waiting to see him.

  She insisted to herself that it was only because she’d demanded this information that she was intent on speaking with him, vehemently denouncing the nagging thought that it was only because she wanted to be alone with him again with the hopes that he would kiss her and touch her like he had before.

  No, that was definitely not it.

  So, she’d gone out and gone to the gym, distracted herself by strolling down Regent Street for a few blocks, and finally stopped at the market on her way home and picked up a few things to make shrimp scampi; her pace quickened as she got closer, eager to know if her tormenter had decided to return home yet.

  “What’s up?” she asked, making sure the door was shut behind her before watching her brother walk down the stairs and approach her.

  “Tash and I are going to go catch a movie, want to come?”

  “A movie?” It sounded dumb, even to her own ears, but she hadn’t been to a movie in… well, probably since she’d been with Shane. Morgan nodded. “I… ahh… I think I’ll pass. I got some stuff to make myself dinner; plus, I have a lot of stuff to prepare for this weekend.”

  Morgan shrugged. “Alright, whatever, sis.”

  “Wait, you and Tash?” She arched an eyebrow at her twin.

  His face mirrored hers before he responded, “Yes, and no. It’s not like that… trust me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s great, but I think she has someone else on her mind.” He paused here just long enough for Ana to find that familiar sinking feeling in her stomach; her concern over whatever existed between Tash and Pierce further solidifying inside of her. “She’s been pretty upset. I just want to get her out of the house. Plus, I want to see the new Star Wars movie.”

  Ana swallowed over the lump in her throat, her eyes leaving her brother’s. “Sounds like fun,” she managed to get out. “Let me know how it is.” And then with a short smile, she walked past him towards the kitchen, trying to focus on the task of putting her groceries away instead of the burning pain that was beginning to spread along with all of the doubts in her mind.

  She put some of the other miscellaneous goods away and then began to get out what she needed to make herself dinner. Just as she finished filling the pot with water, she heard the front door shut, assuming that it was Tash and Morgan leaving.

  She set the pot on top of the large gas stove and turned the burner on high. She moved to give her attention to peeling shrimp when the sinfully handsome man with his hip propped against the island and his arms crossed over his expansive chest seared every other thought from her mind with his darkly burning stare.

  “Pierce.” His name came out breathlessly on her lips and she wished she could kick herself.

  “Ana.” Meanwhile, hers rolled off his tongue with a practiced ease whose seductive tone could – and probably – had made women come just from hearing it alone. “What are you making us?”

  His assumption jarred her back to reality and she blinked before mimicking his stance – arms crossing over her chest.

  “I’m making myself shrimp scampi.”

  “What? You didn’t buy enough for me?” he asked, pretending to be in shock. “I thought we were a team; I thought we were partners.”

  “Oh, did you?” she returned smartly. “Well, partner, where have you been all day? I told you that I needed information from you, but instead, you’ve been out all day gallivanting and doing God knows what.

  Or God knows whom.

  She winced at the thought.

  Stop it, Ana. You don’t care; you can’t.

  He chuckled, stepping closer to her. She didn’t back down, thankfully; however, she couldn’t stop her eyes from skimming over his imposing form. Today, he just had on dark jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt. It was nothing as fancy as the suit he’d been wearing the other day, yet somehow, he managed to look just as devilishly sexy.

  “While I’m flattered that you are so impressed with my information gathering skills of yesterday, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that quickly or that easily. It took me a little time today to find out everything that you asked for, Princess.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she asked in disbelief, even though it was perfectly logical.

  “Mmm,” he murmured in agreement, returning her assessment by letting that dark gaze of his trail languorously down over her, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “Yes, indeed. And then, I even went as far as to go over to the Shard and convince the delightful concierge, Linda, to give me a private tour of the room where the party is going to be.”

  Now, his stare returned to her along with a devilish smile.

  He was waiting for a reaction.

  And she was doing her damnedest not to give him one in spite of the way her body revolted thinking about just what exactly the woman gave him a tour of.

  “How nice of her.” She smirked. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself while managing to accomplish something.” And then she grabbed the carton of shrimp off the counter next to them and turned to the left to the sink.

  Turning her back to him was a mistake.

  She felt him an instant later, standing just behind her, a delicious shiver running up her spine at his proximity.

  And then he leaned closer. “Not as much as I enjoyed you.”

  And then, that shiver turned into an earthquake as her body vibrated instantly with desire.

  Focus, Ana.

  “Well,” she began breathlessly, “I’m still waiting to hear what you’ve learned.”

  “And I’m very eager to share it with you,” he said softly next to her neck. An instant later she felt the lightest touch of his hand at the top of her spine, his fingers beginning to trail lightly down the center of her back. “However, I’m quite hungry and I’m not sure that I can accurately remember everything that I’ve learned until I get some food.”

  Of course.

  “But, since it seems like you don’t have enough to share with me, I’m going to have to find something on my own… and who knows how long that could take.” Ana could practically hear the small smile of victory as he said those last words.

  She pursed her lips, partly annoyed at having her hand forced, mostly annoyed because she’d known she was going to cook for him the second she’d seen him in the kitchen.

  And even worse… she wanted to.

  “Fine,” she huffed, faking the response that he was waiting for before she turned to face him.


  Red sirens went off in her head – whether they were in warning or in anticipation, she didn’t want to contemplate. His hands were now on either side of her, resting on the countertop ledge in front of the sink, his face only a breath away from hers.

  She stared into those dark eyes, her prepared retort falling away as she lost herself in the black depths of his desirous gaze.

  She’d expected to find his smug, victorious expression when she’d turned. Instead, his face was tight and harsh with the same need that she was trying to ignore.

  And then, his hands reached up to cup the sides of her face, his eyes focused solely on her lips.

  “Ana,” he rasped. “Your mouth tastes like heaven.”

  His lips crushed hers, his tongue demanding entrance through their pearly gates.

  She gasped, immediately opening up to him. Ana moaned under the onslaught of his mouth. She should have
seen this coming, but she continued to let his desire for her be a surprise; it was safer that way.

  He drank from her mouth like he had the day prior – like an addict craving his next fix of her singular brand of drug.

  And she was no better.

  She yearned for his touch, for his desire, for the way he made her feel so incredibly wanted.

  Their tongues dueled, hers no longer timid like it had been yesterday. Today, she knew what to expect and she wanted it a thousand times over.

  Minutes ticked on.

  It wasn’t until the sound of the water sizzling off of the stove as it boiled over the rim of the pot registered in her pleasure-infused mind that she pulled back from him. Her eyes met the dark, stormy desire in his.

  “Why do you keep doing that?” she whispered.

  A smile slowly spread from the corners of his oh-so-talented mouth. “For the same reason you keep letting me, Princess.”

  She frowned.

  “Well, I’m not just going to cook for you with no help on your part,” she huffed, pushing the container of raw shrimp that she’d been holding against him. “Everyone else might let you walk all over them, but not me.”

  His head bent down again, but this time to the side of her face to whisper, “Trust me, Princess, there are a great many things I want to do all over you… walking isn’t one of them.”

  Ana felt the heat rising to her face… and between her thighs.

  She needed not to be so close to him; otherwise, she was going to wind up begging him to take her on the kitchen floor.

  Pierce grinned down at her as though he knew what she’d just been thinking.

  “Peel and rinse the shrimp,” she instructed curtly, not waiting for him to take the container from her, setting it on the countertop and moving quickly to the stove to address the overflowing pot of water.

  Calming the bubbling brew, she stirred in the pasta, making sure that the water was at a steady, rolling boil before she hazarded a glance at her sinful sous-chef. Her eyes caught him just before he dropped a shrimp into the sink with a curse.

  A laugh escaped from her before she could stop it.


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