The Painter's Passion

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The Painter's Passion Page 26

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  His eyes raised to hers before his head bent to claim her lips.

  The momentary languor with which he’d gingerly touched her evaporated as his mouth tasted her sweetness. His hands dove into her hair, tilting her head back and angling it for better access. Their tongues dueled, each fighting for control of the pleasure that was coming.

  Ana wound her arms around his neck, moaning underneath the onslaught of his mouth. His hands dropped, one sliding around her back to hold her fast against him, the other starting at her hip and trailing up her side, coming to a stop as it engulfed the silky swell of her breast.

  He turned her slightly so that his back was to the mirrored wall. His lips began to leave a trail of kisses along her jawline, her head dropping back with a moan.

  “Let me paint your pleasure, Princess,” he said softly against the side of her neck as his mouth and his tongue began to leave a wake of burning desire in their path.

  Over the next few minutes, Ana’s body became his canvas and his tongue became his brush. His lips kissed and sucked along her scarred collarbone, his tongue moistening the smooth, injured flesh as he dropped to his knees in front of her. Pierce pulled back for a moment to look at the perfectly petite swells in front of him, his hands sliding up from her hips to grasp both mounds, thumbs rubbing over her erect nipples. With a groan, his mouth latched onto one aching bud. Her gasp of desire made his erection throb angrily against the front of his pants. Swirl and suck; it became the ritual of his tongue to worship her breast, pulling her pleasure from her in debilitating waves; his hands returned to her hips to anchor and support her as her knees quaked.

  He wasn’t taking her to bed. Not just yet.

  Releasing her nipple, he kissed his way to her other breast and repeated the torture, stopping a few moments later before she collapsed under the pleasure.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked again hoarsely.

  Her head tipped forward so that she could look down at him, making sure her gaze locked with his when she said, “Yes.”

  The smile he gave her was filled with aroused excitement as his hands pulled her underwear down over her hips, revealing the last, sweetest, part of her. His mouth watered at the scent of her desire that dripped from her sex.

  “Watch in the mirror, gorgeous,” he instructed. “Watch your body do exactly what it was made to do: come apart because of me.”

  That last part had been an unexpected addition, but he couldn’t stomach the thought of someone else giving her this.

  Pierce bent his head, his lips closing over her core. Ana’s entire body quaked underneath his mouth and at the first swipe of his tongue through her slit, her knees buckled and her hands speared through his hair, holding him hard against her as she moaned his name.

  He was too fucking intoxicated to look up, but he knew that she was watching; he knew that tonight, she would do what he asked.

  She couldn’t stand; she couldn’t breathe. It took every ounce of willpower to keep her eyes open and her gaze focused on the naked, blonde in the mirror in front of her – the one who had a male kneeling in front of her with his dark head devouring the wet swollen flesh between her thighs.

  The lights in the room were so bright. The old Ana would have never stood so exposed. The Ana. Her. Now. She was still nervous, but it was nothing compared to the exhilaration she felt seeing him crumble at the sight of her.

  Her mouth now soundlessly spoke his name – the feel of his tongue against her and the image in front of her building the indescribable pressure inside of her. Each lick of his tongue over her sex had her shuddering and black spots appearing in her vision. Still she held his head tighter against her, begging him to release her from the need that built relentlessly inside of her.

  She heard and felt him groan against her and knew that her increasing desire was making this even harder on him. His tongue became more demanding, pushing inside of her. Ana gasped, feeling the waves of her climax cresting, about to break. And then his tongue retreated and flicked over her clit and her orgasm crashed around her.

  As though in a dream, she saw the woman in the mirror shudder, her body undulating against the man who brought her a pleasure that she’d previously thought was unattainable. She saw it and the sight seared through her.

  And the thought that there was more to come, set her ablaze.

  The next thing she knew, Pierce was laying her gently on the soft silk of his bed, the mattress dipping slightly underneath their weight.

  “Perfect,” he rasped as he lay next to her, his fingers gently moving the strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face.

  “Mmm, it was,” she murmured. Her heavy eyelids opened to meet his desirous gaze. “Are you ok?”

  He chuckled, his thumb brushing over her lower lip. “Princess, the only thing painful about being in this bed right now is how badly I need to be inside of you.”

  And in an instant, her body was alive again, electricity innervating every cell in anticipation.

  “So then, why aren’t you?” she whispered back huskily.

  Pierce growled. “Just trying to give you a breather, Princess.”

  She turned on her side to him, her hand coming up to his cheek, and then slowly beginning to slide down the length of his body as she said, “Pierce, I’ve been having a ‘breather’ for my entire life.” She felt his stomach muscles tense under her touch just like his jaw was doing, as her hand slipped over them with only one destination in mind. “I don’t need you to give me a breath; I need you to take my breath away.” And then her hand found the hard ridge of him that she was searching for.

  His eyes closed as her fingers closed over his throbbing cock, relishing in the pleasure of her touch even through his clothing. When they opened again, his gaze smoked with burning red-black coals before he captured her lips with a kiss that she knew would leave her blissfully bruised in the morning.

  “As you wish,” he rasped against her.

  Pushing himself up off the bed to stand, he began to yank off his clothes, having no qualms about destroying any article that didn’t cooperate immediately.

  Her mouth watered as he pulled his shirt from his pants, removing it from his shoulders to reveal his hard, sculpted, and scarred chest; it was the most delicious sight she’d ever seen. She wiped her mouth to make sure she wasn’t drooling. She shuddered, anticipating the feel of her naked breasts against his chest for the first time.

  And then his hands moved to the waistband of his pants.

  She squeezed her thighs together as he deftly undid his belt and the zipper, hooking his thumbs underneath the edge and pulling them to the ground, kicking them off to the side.

  Then, he stood before her as naked – and as aroused – as she was.

  She swallowed over the lump in her throat, for the first time wondering how this was going to work. He had already been too large for her mouth, but to now be inside of her when it had been years since she’d had sex.

  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

  What if it hurt? What if it damaged the part of her that could be pleasured? Her heart began to race, wondering—

  “Ana.” Pierce’s deep voice halted every thought and her gaze jerked up from his arousal to his eyes. “Do you trust me?”

  This time, she couldn’t form the word, so she just nodded.

  Climbing back onto the bed, he returned to where he’d been lying before at her side. He leaned in, whispering, “Trust me” in the breath between their lips before his mouth found her breast again and his hand found her center.

  “Still so wet for me, Princess,” he rasped against her nipple, biting firmly on the taut peak as the discovery only heightened his still-unsatisfied arousal.

  She moaned, her eyes drifting shut as her body drifted back into the fog of pleasure. Her desire built quickly, her legs bending as her heels dug into the mattress, pressing and pushing, needing more.

  His tongue licked over her nipple. “You have no idea,” he said, gently biting along t
he underside of her breast, “how badly I want you, gorgeous.”

  “Please, Pierce,” she moaned, “take me.”

  His mouth swallowed the rest of her moan as she felt his body shift between her thighs.

  “Ana, look at me,” he demanded and her sluggish eyes complied. “I don’t want to hurt you, Princess, but I don’t know that I can…”

  She knew what he was trying to say – and she didn’t care. She wanted him hard, fast, soft, or slow. She rocked her hips up against him, brushing her moist folds over his erection.

  “Now.” It was her turn to demand.

  “Christ,” he swore as he positioned the head of his arousal at her entrance.

  Their gazes locked and in that split second they both knew that there was no going back. Then again, the truth was that they’d crossed that line the moment that they’d met.

  For the first time in his life, Pierce was afraid that he was going to come the second he entered her, but there was no other option; he had to take her. He had to claim her.

  She was his.

  And, fuck him, he was hers.

  He flexed his hips and thrust himself wholly inside of her, roaring with the searing pleasure that blinded him as her tight, untouched muscles peeled back to try to accommodate him.

  So hot. So wet. So tight.

  She may not have been a virgin, but she fucking felt like one and for a second he thought it might have killed him.

  “Pierce.” His name on her breath was what told him that – alive or dead – he was in heaven with her.

  His mouth crushed hers as he slowly slid himself back out, her sex immediately closing behind him. So fucking tight. He should have gone slower, but he couldn’t. Groaning, he filled her again.

  She gasped into his mouth and he prayed that he wasn’t hurting her. His mouth moved to her neck, sucking on the skin as he tried to contain his orgasm that was begging to be released. The next time his hips flexed slowly, trying to let her acclimate to his size; her hips jerked up against his, making his entrance swifter than he had planned. Pure need shot through him.

  “Please… more…” she begged and fuck, if he could turn that down.

  Her words were the key that opened the gates of his desire. Pierce began to thrust relentlessly into her tight passage, cursing himself for how fucking amazing she felt, slick and squeezing around him. Sweat broke out over his body both from the exertion and the restraint.

  As much as he needed to explode, he needed her to find her pleasure first.

  His mouth found its way to her ear.

  “That’s it, Princess,” he growled. “Come for me.” He saw her bite her lip, feeling the tightening of her muscles around him. “I need to feel you come around me. Please.” His last word trailed off as a tortured plea, his muscles shaking as they began to lose control.


  And then, just as her name left his lips, she screamed, her body slamming against him as her core cinched around him.

  Pierce saw stars as his orgasm rocketed through him. He roared into the space as his hips slammed into her over and over again and his release spilled into her, the contractions of her passage pulling every ounce of pent-up desire from his body. He collapsed to the side of her, pulling her on top of him so that their bodies were still joined.

  Their chests rose and fell in harmony for the next few minutes, silence reigning over the room.

  As mind-numbing as his orgasm had been, he wasn’t done with her yet.

  She felt like her entire body was vibrating – humming with the satisfaction of fulfilled desire.

  “I didn’t know it could be like that,” she whispered, grimacing after the words left her mouth.

  Of course, she didn’t know – she’d hardly had sex, much less the sexually satisfying kind.

  His chest rumbled underneath her; she felt his laugh all the way down to his erection that pulsed inside of her with the movement.

  “Not that I’m looking for you to go get proof of this, Princess, but, it’s never like that.”

  Her heart skipped a very rapid beat at his words. She pushed up onto his chest so that she could meet his gaze. Her mouth parted wondering how to ask the question that would get him to verbalize the answer that was written on his face.

  It had never been like that for him; no one made him feel the way that she did.

  “The real question is,” he began roughly, his hands sliding down her back to grasp the firm flesh of her ass, “did I succeed in taking your breath away?”

  The question brought a smile to her face. “Umm… well…” She gave him a teasing, coy smile. “You might have, but I’m not sure. I’m wondering if we should do it again so that I can be certain.”

  “Thank God,” he groaned.

  His hands dropped to the back of her thighs, pulling them towards him, forcing her into kneeling position on top of him.

  Her eyes widened, hands dropping onto his chest to steady herself.

  “This time,” one of his hands slid up to cup her breast, “I want you to take me.”

  He pinched her nipple and she gasped. His other hand gently guided her hips up along his solid length and then back down again, taking him fully back inside of her. She learned quickly. Her hips began to move faster as their desires built again.

  His hand continued to toy with the soft flesh of her breast while his other hand dove straight for her sex, finding the swollen nub between her folds and teasing it as she rode him.

  “Again, Ana,” he ground out, flicking his thumb over her clit to send her soaring over the edge, shattering them both into another searing release.

  This time, she collapsed on top of him and he welcomed her weight. His arms came around her and held her to him as he kissed the top of her head. He never wanted to move. From a bed of all places. What the fuck was his world coming to?

  “Thank you for trusting me,” he whispered softly; it had been a gift more precious than he could ever say.

  “Thank you for not giving up on me,” she whispered back.

  His knuckles lifted her chin and her gaze to his. “I know what you see, but I need you to know what I see – and what I see, Sweetheart, is that there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that I could have resisted you.” His head bent and he lightly touched his lips to hers, sealing in his sincerity.

  With what strength he had left, he pulled out of her with a strained groan and maneuvered them underneath the covers, tucking her close to his side.

  He’d never had sex in a bed before and he’d definitely never slept with a woman in a bed before.

  Both things he never thought he’d want or miss. Now that he had them with her, Pierce wasn’t sure if he’d be able to live without them; he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to live without her. Because whatever the fuck he’d been doing before her, hadn’t been living.

  “Time to sleep? Already?” she whispered against his chest, a yawn escaping at the end of her question.

  He chuckled. “For now, Princess. Don’t worry, I won’t be able to let you sleep for long.” It was meant as a tease, but even as the words came out, he felt his dick stirring again at the thought. Let her sleep, he chided himself, forcing his body to do the same.

  She’d been laying on her right side, sleeping soundly when the lightest touch woke her. Normally, she was a heavy sleeper and would have slept through a hurricane – if such a thing ever hit London. However, because the light touch was on her left shoulder – on her scar – her eyes opened immediately. All sweetly sated dreams evaporated as her body still reacted instinctively to protect herself.

  Her view quickly changed her mind.

  She needed no protection – not tonight, at least.

  Pierce was gently kissing every square inch of the scar that draped over her shoulder and onto her chest.

  Maybe she was still dreaming. In what reality would she ever have imagined waking up after having Earth-shattering sex? In what reality would she ever have imagined waking up in bed with Pie
rce after he tested the bounds of feeling in every cell of her body?

  It couldn’t – it shouldn’t be real. But, it was.

  A small sigh escaped her lips – dream or reality, she didn’t want it to end.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered groggily, goosebumps spreading over her with every brush of his lips.

  “Making sure every inch of you knows just how desirable it is, especially this part, especially to me.”

  She turned her head into the pillow slightly. “Pierce,” she began softly, “please don’t say things like that.”

  “Why not, Princess?” he asked, placing another kiss on her shoulder.

  “Because all I want to do is believe it.”

  “Why shouldn’t you?” Another touch of his lips – longer this time.

  “Because.” She sucked in a shaky breath. “I’ve seen the women that you paint… the women that you…” She shuddered slightly before continuing in the barest whisper, “I know how perfect they are – and how far from it I am.”

  She felt his touch pause. He didn’t pull back, but his movement ceased, as though he were thinking how to respond to what she’d said.

  “Ana,” he rasped, his breath caressing her skin, “I have no problem painting those women. You, on the other hand, I’ve been trying to capture – I’ve been trying to get you out of my head and onto my canvas for weeks and I can’t. Not because there is fault with you, but because there is none. Nothing I do is good enough. None of my attempts show how beautiful, how strong, how determined you are.”

  She held her breath, afraid if she moved that her chest would heave with the tears his touching words evoked.

  “It’s like you are too beautiful to—”

  “Don’t.” She cut him off with a whisper. “Don’t say it.”

  Now, he pulled his head back slightly, his gaze trying to capture hers – a gaze that she purposely avoided.


  “Because I don’t want to fall for you.” She let out a shaky laugh; there was no point in denying the truth in this moment. If he didn’t want her for more than this, he couldn’t say these things.


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