Solemn Duty (1997)

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Solemn Duty (1997) Page 19

by Leonard B Scott

  The tall agent raised an eyebrow toward Eli. "The colonel says he doesn't know how to tell us how to get there. Says he was unconscious when he was taken into the house and he didn't know where he was. He only remembers what route he took out of the house and the road he followed until he saw the golden arches. It's your call, Tanner, Atlanta has the lead and you're the rep in town."

  "Get me a doctor to monitor him, and let's get him into a wheelchair. We're going to check out his story."

  The agent smiled. "I thought you'd say that. Everything's ready to roll. I've got a tac team coming and they'll meet us at McDonald's, where the colonel says he needs to go first to get his sense of direction."

  Eli looked into Anderson's eyes. "Sir, while we're moving you, tell me everything you saw and heard. Keep focused, Colonel. I know you're in pain, but keep your attention only on me and listen to my questions and think before you respond.

  Got it?'

  Anderson kept his eyes level with Eli's. "You have to stop hint"

  Minutes later, in the hospital parking lot, Ashley waited until the colonel and the doctor were in the resident office van before whispering to Eli, "What in the hell are you doing?

  We're not the SAC's reps here in Washington-he doesn't even know we're here."

  Eli opened the van's sliding door and whispered, "They don't know that. Just be quiet and take my lead."

  "Tanner, we're going to get in trouble for this."

  "No, Agent Sutton, I'm going to get in trouble. What are they going to do, send me to Columbus, Georgia? Get in."

  Chapter 13.

  Ashley hopped out of the van and followed Eli and Agent Brewer to the middle of the road, where they waved the FBI vehicles and Manassas police cruisers off to the shoulders. Eli spoke impatiently, "Brad, where in the hell is your AIC?"

  Brewer shook his head. "He said he'd be here. I can run the op till he does, but I don't feel comfortable with it. I've never worked with a tac team."

  Eli began taking off his blazer. "I've got experience so I'll take it till your AIC shows up." He tossed his jacket to Ashley and clapped Brewer's shoulder. "I need a look-see man, and you're it. You heard the colonel describe the house, so I need you to make a drive-by and confirm it's the place. Also look to see if there're any vehicles in the drive or next to the house.

  Remember, the colonel said there weren't any when he left the house."

  Brewer handed Eli a handheld radio. "You take this one and I'll use my partner's. We'll take his car and call you when we pass the house." Brewer immediately faded into the darkness, leaving Eli to face the agents and Manassas Police Department officers gathering next to the tac team truck.

  Ashley stepped closer to Eli and whispered, "Tanner, you'd better wait for their Agent in Charge. If anything goes wrong, you'll be blamed."

  Eli handed her the radio. "Hold on to this while I at least get these people briefed on what's going on." He turned and raised his voice. "Okay, people, please give me your attention. I'm Special Agent Tanner and I'm assuming the duties of Agent in Charge until the AIC arrives. I know many of you have not been briefed on the situation. First let me know who I've got here. Senior people please identify yourselves and tell me how many men you have under your control."

  A thin police officer stepped forward. "Agent Tanner, I'm Deputy Colson from the Manassas P. D. I have six officers here and more on the way."

  A stocky man stepped forward in full tactical equipment dark blue fatigues, Kevlar vest, shoulder harness, and tactical radio headset. "Sir, I'm Agent Yates, ops officer for the resident office tac team. The commander and four members of the team haven't arrived yet but should be here within the next twenty minutes. I have eight team members present for duty."

  Eli nodded. "Okay, so far so good. I'm making the tac team's truck the command post for the time being. Let me give everybody a quick update. Colonel Anderson says the house where he was held is down this street about a hundred yards and off to the right in some woods. Agent Brewer is now making a drive-by to confirm that it is in fact the house described by the colonel. For the present we will assume it is and begin planning. As you can see, there are no other houses around. According to the city map provided me by the police, the house is about thirty yards hack from the road and the only entrance is a driveway. The map also shows the Manassas Battlefield Park backs up to the hack of the house. The colonel says he popped four men in the house; all were armed. He says one was carrying a handheld-"

  Ashley ran up to Eli, holding the radio. "Tanner, Agent Brewer just confirmed the house, and he saw a white Jeep or Blazer parked in the drive. Brewer is on the way back."

  Eli raised his hands to quiet those who began talking after hearing the report. "Okay, people, we have to move fast so loosen up and listen. The situation has just changed. There are probable suspects at the house. Deputy Colson, establish a roadblock fifty yards back down the road and another one a quarter mile on past the house. No sirens, no bubble machines.

  Stop all traffic. Nobody, and I mean nobody, passes your roadblocks-and that includes your men. We don't want fratricide problems. Tell your people to be suspicious of everybody.

  Move. Agent Yates, you will assume the duties of the tac team commander since your boss isn't here. First priority is to secure the area around the house. Do you have gators and are your men all equipped with commo and NVGs?"

  "Yes, sir, we have gators and each team member has tac headsets and night vision goggles," Yates said.

  "Good, send a two-man team out now to snoop and poop to the driveway and lay out a gator. Once there, the team is to report and stop any person or vehicle from trying to leave.

  Send another two-man team to the back of the house to keep an eye on things till the rest of us go in. Before they go, brief all your people that suspects are considered armed and extremely dangerous. Verbal warning will be given, and if not heeded, shoot to maim is authorized. I say again is authorized. Go and brief your people and get those two teams out now. Meet me at the C. P. with the rest of your men in five minutes."

  Ashley stepped closer to see Eli's face in the darkness.

  "What do you think you're doing? You don't have authorization to run this operation."

  Eli ignored her and walked over to the driver of the tac team truck. "You have an extra vest and tac headset?"

  "Yes, sir," the young agent said.

  Eli patted his shoulder. "How about getting them for me and a pair of NVGs."

  "Yes, sir. Are you going in with us?"


  "Tanner, did your hear me? Ashley said with a glare. "You can't do this. Wait for the AIC."

  Eli faced her. "Look, Sutton, the killer might be in that house. We can't sit around here and wait. I'm making the decision to go in because there's nobody else here to make it. You stay with the doctor and the colonel in the van. Agent Brewer will run the C. P. and coordinate all additional support that arrives."

  "At least stay and run the C. P., Tanner. Let Brewer go in with. The tac team."

  Eli gave her a tight smile. "I'm going in. It's what I do. Call the Atlanta office and tell them what's going on, then call Ramona and tell her about Anderson-and Sutton, relax, this is what we get paid for. Go on, get back to the van and check on the colonel and make those calls. I'll see ya when it's over."

  Ashley began to speak but the driver walked up holding a vest in one hand and the other equipment Eli had requested in the other. "Sir, here's your gear."

  Eli took the vest. "Thanks, get me a commo check on the tac set and turn on those NVGs for me. You guys got the high speed stuff, I see."

  Ashley backed away; he was in his element and beyond reasoning. She'd seen it before. She remembered all too well her mother trying to convince her dad he should retire from the department, but he had just shrugged and told her he couldn't, he needed to be good at something and he was good at being a detective.

  Ashley stopped by the van and looked over her shoulder. In the headlights of a patrol
car she saw Eli pull his pistol and chamber a round. He was going in just like her father had that night in August so many years ago. Buck Sutton went into the alley with his partner that night, but neither made it out alive. It had been just a kid that killed them, seventeen years old, scared, high, and armed with an Uzi. They said he was probably a lookout. Buck Sutton never saw it coming, they'd said; he died instantly.

  Ashley closed her eyes a moment. Then, turning around, she was about to open the van door when Agent Brewer stepped up beside her.

  "Sutton, where's Tanner?"

  "Over there putting on equipment by the tac truck. He's going in with the tac team. Talk to him, will you? Tell him to wait for the AIC."

  Brewer immediately began walking toward the truck, and said over his shoulder, "He's right, we've got to go in now."

  Seated in the van, a Motorola clenched tightly in her left hand, Ashley looked at her watch and nervously shifted in her seat. The last fifteen minutes had been the worst in her life.

  Anticipation, worry, and wondering had her constantly shifting around to find a comfortable position.

  In the backseat the doctor leaned forward. "Agent Sutton, would you mind telling me what's going on?"

  Ashley looked over her shoulder and saw that Anderson was asleep. "Is he all right?"

  "Yes. I had to give him a painkiller and make him sleep. Are you going to answer my question?"

  Ashley shifted back around to look out the window. "Sir, we're waiting for the tactical team to take down the house. I'm holding a radio on their frequency so we'll be able to monitor their transmissions. Please sit back and take it easy. I need to listen."

  "I see," the doctor said, sitting back. "A 'house takedown' . . . yes, I think I understand . . . thank you."

  A voice coming over the radio in Ashley's hand startled her.

  "Lead, Road team. Over."

  "Road team, this is Lead. Over."

  "Lead, I'm in position and covering while sniper Bravo unrolls gator. Be advised: from my position I can see the house. I see a white Chevy Blazer in front of the garage, over."

  "Roger, Road. We are in position and have visual of house and vehicle. Report when Bravo has joined you and you are set, over."

  "Roger, Lead. He's back with me now. Gator is out and we are set. Over."

  "Good copy, Road. We are deployed and moving in. Be advised: we have spotted one suspect moving in house. I say again, one suspect in the house. Team Four has visual on one male through telescope. He is moving from one unidentified ground floor room into another. Be alert. Out."

  The doctor leaned up again. "What were they saying? I don't understand."

  Ashley spoke in a whisper. "The whole team is on open mike, meaning we hear everything that's said. Road team is the team sent out to block the driveway with gator--it's a strip of metal teeth that rolled out, will puncture the tires of any vehicle. Lead is the tactical team commander, and he just said he and the team were moving in. They have spotted a male suspect in the house."

  "I can't believe this is happening, Agent Sutton. I mean, I've heard of things like this, but--but this is real, isn't it?"

  "Yes, Doctor, it's too real."

  Less than two hundred yards away Eli pushed his night vision goggles up on his forehead as he crept toward the house less than thirty yards away. The receiver in his ear buzzed with static, then an excited voice spoke in a rush. "Lead, this is Sniper Four. Suspect is moving toward back entrance. Light is on and I see him clearly. He has a handheld radio to his ear.

  Wait, he just hurried to the window and is looking out as if looking for something. He's bending over again . . . out of my sight . . . wait, there he is again, he's running to the back door.

  Door's opened. He's running toward the Blazer. You want me to stop him, over?"

  The tactical commander spun around and whispered to Eli.

  "How in the hell did he make us? He knows we're here."

  Eli quickly spoke into the small ball in front of his lips. This is the AIC, negative, don't shoot. All teams get down and freeze. There is another suspect somewhere outside and he knows we're here. I say again, another suspect. Road team, are you ready? Over."

  "Roger, AIC, we monitored Sniper Four's transmission and yours. Gator eats all, we'll snag him. We hear vehicle being started. Suspect is turning Blazer around . . . looks like he's going to come out nose first. Vehicle is moving down drive now. Twenty yards to gator, fifteen, ten, five . . ."

  From where Eli was kneeling he could barely see the speeding vehicle in the darkness, but he heard the unmistakable sound of blowing tires.

  "Gator got him! Suspect has lost control of-He hit a tree! Suspect's head is on steering wheel. Mike is moving in.

  Wait, suspect is getting out of vehicle. Freeze! FBI! We are armed! Move a muscle and you're history. Mike, be careful.

  Get those hands up where I can see them! Higher! Go ahead Mike, I got him covered. . . . Okay, bud, up against the vehicle, spread your legs. I said, spread 'ern! . . . Lead, we have suspect cuffed. Mike is checking vehicle. Looks like firing wire on the front passenger seat . . . Shit, it is firing wire, and a box of blasting caps. I say again, blasting caps."

  Eli was about to order everyone to remain in their positions when a shot rang out. The Road team leader's voice immediately came over the ear receiver.

  "Shit! Suspect is down, shot fired. Oh, God, another shot.

  Mike? Mike? Agent down! Agent down. P'

  Eli was on his feet, panning the wood line to his right, when he saw the muzzle flash of the second shot. A third flash and crack confirmed all he needed to know. Lowering his night goggles, he broke into a run and yelled, "Shooter fifty yards to the northeast in wood line. Teams Two and Three deploy on line. Keep your distance!"

  "This is Sniper Four. I got a visual, he's running deeper into the woods. Don't have a shot."

  "I need a medic! Mike is hit!"

  "Road, this is Lead, I'm on the way to you. Are you hit?"

  "Negative, shooter's third shot missed."

  "Road, stay down, house may blow any second. AIC in foot pursuit of shooter."

  "AIC, this is Lead. Where are you?"

  Eli dropped to his knee beside a fallen tree. "Lead, I'm in the wood line. Break. All members freeze and listen for shooter breaking brush."

  Using his night vision goggles, Eli panned the woods in front of him and saw a glow to his left. He flattened himself and yelled into the mike, "Everybody down! He's got a night vision scope!"

  A shot rang out and bark flew from the fallen tree only inches from Eli's face. He whispered into the mike, "Shooter is picking up our signature from the goggles. I'm taking mine off and going to rush him. Team Two, fire and keep his head down. Team Three, let me know if he comes up to shoot I'm moving now."

  Shots rang out on Eli's left and be was in instant motion. He jumped the log and ran to a large tree ten yards to his front.

  Flattening himself against the trunk, he tried to relax a moment and catch his breath. Taking two deep breaths, he peeked around the tree and whispered into the mike, "I'm moving forward again."

  "Wait AIC! I see him moving back-no, he can't, Team Two's fire is hitting too close around him. Keep it up, guys! Go AIC, he's down again."

  Eli pushed away from the tree trunk and sprinted forward ten yards before flinging himself behind a pile of dead branches. He was about to rise when the ground shook beneath him and the forest around him was suddenly bathed in golden light A second later a thunderous roar rolled over him like a crashing wave. He popped up and saw the shooter only six yards away behind a fallen tree. Raising his pistol, Eli yelled, "Freeze! FBI!"

  The shooter swung around to fire, but Eli fired first. The shooter jerked back, letting out a groan, but still tried to lift his rifle. Eli was already on him and lowered his pistol, aiming the barrel between the man's eyes. "Drop it or you're dead! .. .

  Lead, this is AIC. I have the shooter. Will need medic. Don't move, asshole, just lay th
ere and bleed awhile. Lead, any of our people hurt in the blast? Over."

  "Negative, AIC, everybody here okay. Bravo Two took a round through the shoulder and is mad as hell but okay. Suspect that drove vehicle wasn't so lucky. Hit in the forehead.

  How's your shooter?"

  "Hurtin'. Bullet shattered his collarbone. Your boys are here to take him for me. Meet you at what's left of the house. Out"

  Her hand shaking, Ashley dropped the Motorola on the seat beside her and lowered her head.

  Behind her the doctor leaned back in his seat and let out a long sigh. "I'll never ever think badly of the FBI again. . . .1-I had no idea it was such dangerous work. The AIC or whatever he is should get a medal. I'd like to meet him sometime--he's got bal--guts, charging that guy."


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