Exposure Season 1 e-1

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Exposure Season 1 e-1 Page 18

by Tonya Muir

  Once the waiter is gone, I exit the bathroom. Harper gives me a smile as she adjusts the table. "I wasn’t sure what you wanted, but I guessed you’re a fresh fruit and bagel for breakfast type."

  "I am. Thanks."

  She smiles as she holds a chair for me. I glance sideways at her. She’s being far too kind. As I take my seat, she moves to the chair across from me and pours coffee for herself, then she hands me a cup of tea.

  "Earl Gray, right?"


  She leans back and drapes her napkin in her lap. "I, however, am a ham and eggs type." She uncovers her plate and looks at the meal with an appreciative nod. "Looks good."

  "Uh-huh," I offer as I sip my tea.

  We sit in an awkward silence. Well, actually, I sit in an awkward silence. Harper is eating breakfast.

  "Kels, what’s wrong?" She finally responds to my staring at her.

  "What’s wrong? You have to ask?"

  She looks up from her breakfast as she cuts through the ham. "Yeah, I have to ask. I mean, is it really that bad?" She takes a bite as she waits for my answer.

  "Harper, we got drunk and we came back here and we… we…"

  "Made love."

  "Ah, is that what you call it?"

  "Well, isn’t that what we did?"

  "Do you know where the buttons are to your shirt?"

  She chuckles. "No."

  "Then it wasn’t making love, Harper. It was sex." I lean back in my chair and set my tea cup down. I hate how composed she looks. How it seems like none of this matters to her. I want her to feel as badly as I do. "You know sex. You’ve had lots of it."

  Puzzled blue eyes meet mine. "What’s that supposed to mean?"

  "Harper, the first time I laid eyes on you, you were practically fucking a woman on the seat of your motorcycle."

  She laughs a little as she nods. "And you should have seen the look on your face. It was priceless."

  "I’m so glad you’re amused. I mean, it was such an accomplishment for you, such a quality moment in your life. And let’s not forget about Sparky."

  "Her name was Victoria." She sets the knife down forcefully, her breakfast forgotten for the moment.

  "And did you see her more than once?"


  "Do you ever see anyone more than once?"

  "Occasionally I might find someone I see two or three times."

  "So basically you notch your bed post and move on."

  "Christ, Kels, what do you want? A run down of my sexual past?" she growls as she wipes her mouth with her napkin. "Sorry, I don’t keep track. I have healthy sex life and I enjoy it. Unlike some people."

  "Is that a dig?"

  "No, that’s a fact. You’re so fucking uptight, you squeak when you walk."

  "Oh, that’s rich coming from someone who will sleep with anything that’s willing."

  "Willing is the key word, Kels. And you were more than goddamn willing last night!" she says as she gets to her feet and begins collecting her clothes.

  "That was last night. So now you can go home and add another notch."

  "You’re not worth one. On my bedpost or anywhere else."

  She starts dressing quickly, slipping on her jeans and T-shirt followed by her shoes. She collects everything else and starts to wrap them in her shirt. As she does, she pauses, reconsidering, then tosses me the shirt.

  "That’s the second shirt you’ve totaled. Keep it as a souvenir of the one time in your frigid, uptight life when maybe, just maybe, you were willing to let go and enjoy yourself."

  "You are the most arrogant person I have ever met!" I’m on my feet now throwing the shirt to the floor. "The world does not revolve around Harper Kingsley."

  She moves to the door and turns as she lays her hand on the knob. "Oh, I know it doesn’t revolve around me. But at least I know how to get out into it and enjoy it a little. I don’t hide in hotel rooms waiting to be with someone who sneaks into town twice a year to give me a quick fuck and leave."

  She pauses at the door and stares at me for a long moment. Her mouth starts to move, but nothing comes out. Finally, she clears her throat and says, "Get packed. We have a plane to catch."

  She leaves without another word.

  I sit on the bed retrieving the shirt from the floor and bring it to my face. That scent. God, tell me I didn’t destroy a friendship over something that might not have even happened.

  * * *

  My heart is pounding when I step out into the hallway. Where did this morning go wrong? I woke up happy and naked with a beautiful woman in my arms. Now I’m standing in the fucking hallway slinking away like I did something wrong.

  I don’t even know for sure that we did anything. I bring my hands up to my nose and sniff tentatively.

  Damn. Eggs and ham. Somehow, I doubt if that’s Kels’ scent.

  Okay, what are the facts?

  Fact one, I woke up naked in bed with Kelsey.

  Fact two, she acts like we had hot monkey sex.

  Fact three, I’m standing out in the hallway after a fight I don’t even understand how it started.

  Great. I nail her. And I don’t even remember it. Even if I did carve fucking notches in my bedpost I wouldn’t be able to count this one.

  I don’t even know if I would want to now.

  Good-bye, Kels. It was fun while it lasted.


  Scene from Next Week’s Must Read TV:

  I take my tea and the card and cross over to her office. I enter as the messenger leaves. Tossing the card down in front of her on her desk, I take a sip of my tea as she reads it.

  "Aww, now isn’t that sweet?" she sneers as she shoves it to the corner of her desk.

  "Cut the fucking crap. Don’t play around here, Harper."

  "What? I’m sitting here minding my own damn business in my own damned office. You’re the one who blew in here with the attitude."

  "You sent the roses."

  "Yeah, right. Hate to disappoint you, Kels, but if I was going blow that kinda money on a woman, it wouldn’t be you on the receiving end."

  Episode Twelve: Kiss and Make Up

  Gail places my tea in front of me and hands me the remote to my TV’s. "I saw you on the news last night with Erik. You two looked great! Your dress was magnificent. I bet you made it on one of the best dressed lists."

  I smile as I think of the awards ceremony. Erik was all decked out in his Armani tuxedo and I wore a long, tight, forest green gown by Vera Wang. It was the type of dress that made me grateful for my constant workouts and dieting. With Erik’s height, broad shoulders and good looks and my all-American girl persona, we managed to capture a lot of attention last night. It was a great night for my best friend. "We had a really good time."

  "I know that the Popular Picks Awards aren’t considered the biggest thing in the world, but I think it’s really cool that Erik won for Best New Actor."

  I fight down my irritation at Gail. Nothing like a backhanded compliment to start off the day. "Hey, one step at a time," I say, forcing a breezy tone into my voice. "He’s very proud of that award. It’s a popular poll of the people who see his work. He’s walking on clouds today."

  "I’ll bet he is. Did you go to any cool parties after?"

  "Yeah, we hit two or three."

  "Oh, I’ll bet you were rubbing all kinds of elbows last night."

  "We ran into a few familiar faces. It was also a good opportunity for Erik to make some important contacts. The guy who runs Camelot Pictures simply fell in love with him." Quite literally, I think. It was kinda fun watching them both check each other out, without seeming to.

  I smile when I consider that.

  "Any chance he’ll be by today?" Gail asks, trying to not sound too hopeful. All the women here are in love with him.

  "Actually, yes. He’s coming by to take me to lunch. So you can drool over him for a few minutes when he gets here." And slip him your phone number again, bitch. Did you really think he wouldn’t te
ll me?

  "Oh, I won’t be the only one. You have no idea how many women in this place envy you."

  You wouldn’t if you knew the truth. My life is a fucking mess, but a good-looking one.

  I’m about to reply when there is a knock on my door. I glance up to find an office messenger carrying a dozen roses arranged in a crystal vase. "These came for you, Miss Stanton."

  I’m a little surprised before I realize they must be from Erik. He tends to go overboard when he’s in a good mood, and, boy, is he in a good mood right now. I wave the messenger in and he places the vase on the corner of my desk. "Anything you need me to take, Miss Stanton?"

  "Actually, yes." I hand him a file. "Could you take this to Ms. Kingsley for me? Tell her it’s my notes on the Omaha story."


  A fucking fiasco professionally. And personally, if the truth be known.

  However, if I am nothing else, I am a professional. I simply have no damn desire to see Harper right now. I notice him glance across the hallway into Harper’s office where she is sitting at her desk. He knows something is wrong, but is smart enough to not comment.

  "Is there a problem?" I ask as I reach for the card stuck among the rose stems.

  "No, ma’am, Miss Stanton. I’ll take care of it."

  "Thanks so much." I give him my anchor smile. That’s a dismissal and he takes the cue, leaving my office and heading straight for hers. I pull the card from the envelope. I’m surprised to discover the flowers are not from Erik. "From a secret admirer" is all the card says.

  I look over into Harper’s office. They couldn’t be from her, could they? We’re barely speaking to each other and it’s been nearly two weeks since we came back. Surely she wouldn’t be ballsey enough to send me roses. I watch as she takes the file from the messenger and glances my way with a smirk.

  Maybe she would.

  I take my tea and the card and cross over to her office. I enter as the messenger leaves, who gives me a strange look. Tossing the card down on the desk in front of her, I take a sip of my tea as she reads it.

  "Aww, now ain’t that sweet?" she sneers as she shoves it to the corner of her desk.

  "Cut the fucking crap. Don’t play around here, Harper."

  "What? I’m sitting here minding my own goddamn business in my own goddamned office. You’re the one who blew in here with the fucking attitude." She leans back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest.

  "You sent the roses."

  "Yeah, right." She shakes her head and gives me a disapproving look. "Hate to disappoint you, Kels, but if I were going blow that kinda money on a woman, it wouldn’t be you on the receiving end."

  "You didn’t send them?"

  "I just said I didn’t. What more do you want from me? A signed statement?" She picks the card up and holds it out for me as she leans on her elbow. "Maybe they’re from someone you met while you were out with your boy toy last night."

  I snatch the card from her hand. "Bite me." I hiss as I turn to leave her office.

  "I think I’ll pass on the offer," she calls after me. "You left a bad taste in my mouth last time."

  To think not long ago some part of me actually wanted her. Ah, shit, I still do, but it’ll be the day hell freezes over before I let it happen now.

  Returning to my office I turn the card over to look at it again. I have work to do, I don’t have time to figure out this ‘secret admirer’ shit. I toss it in my top desk drawer and open a file.

  The knocking on my door brings me out of my research. I look up to see Erik’s smiling face. I glance at my watch. "God, is it lunch time all ready?"

  "Yup, it sure is. We still on?" He grins as he crosses over and places himself on the corner of my desk closest to me.

  "Would I stand the People’s Poll Best New Actor up?" I get to my feet and wrap my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around my waist. "Do you have any idea how proud of you I am?"

  He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Kelsey, you’ve been with me every step of the way." His voice drops a bit as he whispers into my ear. "If things were different for us, I swear I’d marry you. I love you, Kels."

  "I love you too, Erik."

  To anyone looking through my office window right now, we look like two lovers who can’t get enough of one another.

  Appearances mean nothing. Surely ten years in Los Angeles have taught me that by now.

  You know, I deserve my life: the only person who truly loves me is a gay man. Still, it’s nice to know that there is at least one person in this world who does love me. Some days it’s the only thing that keeps me going.

  Okay, Kels, cut out the maudlin stuff. I mentally shake myself and tilt my head back to look up at him, forcing a smile to my lips. "Hey! Question for you, stud. Did you by any chance send those?" I wave to the roses.

  He cranes his neck to look without releasing me. "No, but, boy, I wish I had. They’re beautiful. I gotta get the name of the florist before I leave."

  "Oh, who’s the lucky guy?"

  He chuckles. "It never hurts to be prepared. You don’t know who sent them?"

  "Not a clue."

  "Maybe Beth…"

  I shake my head. "No, I spoke to Beth day before yesterday and she would have signed the card." She did send flowers, but that was right after the hostage incident, and they were sent to my home.

  "Well, hell, beautiful, you were all over the news last night. It’s a wonder you don’t have dozens and dozens of flowers in here today."

  "No, no, last night was your night." Funny enough, Erik is the only person I have never felt competitive with. Even with Beth there’s still a one-upmanship between us, each of us trying to out-career one another. But with Erik, all I want is for him to have everything he’s ever wanted. And more.

  "Funny," he says as he draws me tighter into his arms. "I haven’t gotten any flowers today."

  "Want those?" I grin as I flick a finger at the ones on my desk.

  "Umm … Kelsey Stanton’s sloppy seconds. Nah, I’ll pass. You can buy me lunch though."

  "Deal. Let me get my purse."

  He kisses my forehead as he releases me.

  As we make our way out of my office, I pull my door shut and glance back to Harper’s office. She’s one the phone now, leaning back in her chair and laughing. It galls me that she seems to be quite fine with everything. Omaha doesn’t seem to have affected her in the least. I was simply another conquest for her. Well, if we actually did anything. She’s never said what she remembers. Or doesn’t remember.

  Damn it all.

  A few people want a minute or two with Erik. He is more than happy to oblige my co-workers. He makes sure to keep me close and Chambers is eating it up from across the room. Christ, his heart would explode if he had seen Harper and me in that hotel room.

  "Ready, sweetheart?"

  "After you, handsome." God, we’re sickening. But it plays well.

  "Gotta warn you," he says as we are about to emerge from the station. "There are people with cameras following me around today, so be prepared."

  "Ooooo does this mean I’m gonna get my picture in the paper too?" I laugh as I poke him in the ribs.

  "More than likely it’ll be The Tattler or whoever will pay the highest price for it."

  "Ah, you mean…"

  "Un-huh. Tabloids."

  He knows how I feel about the subject, but now is not the time for me to show my feelings. So we’ll stop and I’ll smile. I am, after all, the supportive girlfriend.

  Some days, I really hate my life.

  * * *

  I park my Harley next to the door of The Rio. It’s good to be back. Of course, I was here last night, but, damn, it was a hard day at work. Kelsey is still acting like a pole has been rammed up her ass, threatening to come out her throat.

  Jesus. All over the stupidity in Omaha.

  She acts like it was all my fault. Like I took her out and got her drunk and then tried to do something. Or did something. Whichever the case
was. Kelsey isn’t saying, so I’m thinking it happened. Why else would she be so upset?

  Come on, Harper, focus. You’re not at work. You’re about to join friends, and relax a bit.

  I roll my shoulders, loosening them, and hang my helmet off the handlebar. I pat my Fat Boy tenderly and head over to the door.

  Snake, the regular bouncer, smiles at me. "I’ll take good care of her for you, Harper." He will too. Snake is a small mountain of flesh encased in leather. No one fucks with him.

  I push a twenty dollar bill into his hand. "Thanks, Snake. Anyone inside worth noticing?"

  He smiles, a gap between his two front teeth makes him look friendlier than he would otherwise. "Oh yeah. There’s a little blonde in there that’s real easy on the eyes."

  I nod, considering the possibilities. "Last time you mentioned someone, they had come in with a date. Am I gonna have someone trying to kill my ass for flirting with this little blonde?"

  Snake chuckles, remembering the incident all too well. He had to give up his watch over my beloved bike to stop a brawl in the bar before it began. Fortunately, my bike had been unharmed in his absence, or there would have been another fight on his hands. "Nah, she came in alone. Can’t promise she wasn’t meeting someone though."

  "Fair enough. Later, Snake."

  I push my way in the heavy door and take a deep breath. God, I love it here. This is the smell of a real place, real people, real liquor, real smoke. The Rio doesn’t have room for bullshit or mind games. Here, if you want to get laid, you can get laid. If you just want to drink, you can drink unharassed. If you want to just relax with friends, you do what I’m gonna do.

  "What’s an ugly son-of-a-bitch like you doing in a classy bar like this?"

  Gary gives me the finger. "They let you in again? Damn, this place is going downhill. I may have to find me a new hangout." He presses his hands to the bar and pushes up, as if he might actually leave.

  "Yeah, right. Most of the respectable bars have banned you." I take a seat on the stool next to him, my back to the bar. I’m looking for the cute blonde that captured Snake’s attention. Despite his ill-conceived moniker, Snake has good taste in women.

  Gary laughs and claps me on the back. "How the hell are you, Harper? How are things down at the station?"


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