Exposure Season 1 e-1

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Exposure Season 1 e-1 Page 38

by Tonya Muir

  "No. They aren’t that nosey." Her hands come back to me, beginning a soft massage of my back through my T-shirt.

  "Really? So what have they said?"

  She snorts. "Let’s see. Gerrard said: ‘About damn time.’ Lucien gave his usual insightful comment: ‘She’s damn cute.’ Jean followed that up with: ‘We got any more damn beer?’ And that was the end of it."

  I laugh, imagining the scene. But one brother, the most important one, wasn’t mentioned. If I don’t meet Robie’s approval, I don’t stand a ghost of a chance. "And Robie?"

  "He said: ‘damn lucky.’ And he was right."

  If I’m going to say it, I had better say it now before we end up doing other things. Because, I really want to do other things. All night long. Despite the fact her parents are here in the house. "Harper, I -"

  "Kels, I -" she says at the same time.

  We both laugh. "Jinx," I whisper.

  "Ladies first," Harper replies, squeezing me gently.

  Okay, it’s now or never. "I love you."

  Her hands stop their movement and I feel her go taut under me. Oh God, did I just screw up? Please, please, no! Let this be all right. Please.

  She releases a deep breath and replies, "Jinx."

  * * *

  I am a total jerk.

  Picture a jerk, and you’ll see me. Big as life. Smiling stupidly.

  "Jinx." What the hell kinda reply is that? I mean, did I see the movie ‘Ghost’ one too many fucking times? At least I didn’t say ‘ditto.’ I’d have to kill myself then.

  I’m a coward.

  I should ask Kels if she can find any feathers on my body.

  "God, Harper, that was wonderful," the subject of my thoughts sighs, snuggling up against me.

  I wrap my arms around her, pulling her tight against me. It was amazing, but, every time with her is. She is simply inspirational.

  And I am simply a jackass.

  She kisses the base of my throat. Once. Twice. Three times. "What’s wrong?" she asks, concern coloring her voice.

  "What?" I play dumb. Not hard. I am dumb.

  "Harper, something is obviously bothering you. I know how you usually react to me." She starts to pull away from me.

  I won’t let her go. I roll us over, so I am looking down at her. Gently, I comb her hair back from her face. Her skin is still damp from our lovemaking, her lips bruised from my kisses. "I owe you an apology."

  "You do?"

  I nod and summon up all my courage. This is ridiculous. It shouldn’t be this hard. "I do. A little while ago when you said you loved me …"

  "Yes?" she purrs, I suppose recalling what we did immediately after that particular declaration. "You certainly don’t have anything to apologize for. At least, as far as I’m concerned."

  "Well, of course not," I counter, needing to keep up my reputation.

  "So why do you owe me an apology?"

  "Because I didn’t tell you how I felt. Not really." I close my eyes and draw a deep breath. When I open them again, all I see is her gentle gaze. "I am so in love with you I can’t think straight. I get scared because I’ve never felt this way, with anyone. Outside of my family, I’ve never even said ‘I love you’ to anyone. Ever."

  "You don’t have to be afraid of me, Harper."

  "I love you, Kelsey Diane Stanton."

  I am rewarded with the sweetest kiss of my lifetime.

  * * *

  Harper is sound asleep next to me, her arm draped over my waist. We spent most of the night making love, really making love. Not that the other times weren’t. It’s just that this time it was different, more intense, more real. I guess it has something to do with the fact we both finally found the courage to admit how we feel.

  It is a wonderful feeling too.

  I have to share it with my best friend in the world. I glance over at the clock. Oh, who cares if it’s only four a.m. in L.A.? I sure don’t.

  I manage to slide out of Harper’s grasp, getting a grumpy protest, but she sleeps through it. As I pull on my robe, I lean over and give her a little kiss. Damn, this feels good. I’m going to enjoy this for the rest of my life.

  I make my way downstairs to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and give old Erik the wake up call of his life. The little shit better be home.

  Settling down with my tea and the phone, I punch in the never ending stream of numbers that make up my home phone number and my calling card number. I remember when making a damn phone call was easy.

  It rings about three times before his very groggy voice is heard on the other end.

  "Somebody better be dead," he growls. His voice is about an octave deeper in the morning and sounds like sandpaper running over plywood.

  "And good morning to you, too, Sunshine."

  "Jesus, Kels, do you have any idea what time it is?"

  "Six a.m."

  "What part of the fucking world are you in?"

  "New Orleans."

  "Again? Geez, you’re spending a lot of time there."

  "Yes, and I would imagine I’ll be spending a great deal of time in my future here too."

  "That good?"

  "Better than good. It’s great." I pause and then speak the words I never expected to say again. And certainly not with Harper as the object of the sentence. "I’m in love, Erik."

  "I know, sweetheart. I’m happy for you. So how’s old Harper doing?"

  Old Harper? This is a new development. It almost sounds like he can tolerate her presence in my life. "She’s great. She’s better than great she’s … umm …"


  "All right, you little shit, knock it off!"

  His laughter is music to my ears. "I’m happy for you, Kels. I really am."

  "She loves me too," I tell him. It makes it more real when someone else knows, I think. "She told me that last night."

  "No shit! She said that? She really said the three dreaded words."

  "Loud and clear."

  "Damn. Well, congratulations, Kelsey Stanton. You tamed Harper Kingsley."

  "I hope to hell not." I laugh. "Personally, I’m rather fond of her wild side."

  "Hot monkey sex?" He adds a little chimp noise at the end of his question.

  "The hottest," I confirm. I can still feel her touch from last night. I think her handprints are seared onto my skin. Those are the kind of tattoos I don’t mind having.

  "Ooo must be nice."

  "It is." And now that it’s been mentioned … hmm … time to get off the phone. "Listen, there are lots of other fun and exciting developments I want to fill you in on, but not right now."

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah, wake me up at four in the morning and then go have sex. Thanks, Kels, love you too."

  I chuckle, surprised at how deep the sound is coming from me. Oh my. She is inspiring. "I’ll see you tomorrow. When I get home, we’ll go out and celebrate."


  "I love you, Erik."

  His voice is gentle and warm, just like his heart. "Love you too, Kels. Be careful and I’ll see you tomorrow."

  Hanging up the phone, it strikes me as funny that I had no desire to fill him in on the New York offer, only my relationship with Harper. Maybe my priorities are shifting. Or maybe a couple million dollars a year isn’t competition for really good sex.

  Oh well. Change is good. In this case, very good.

  Off to the bedroom.

  * * *

  I bound down the stairs and hustle into the kitchen. Mama is cooking at the stove. "Couri pas dans la maison," she scolds.

  No running indoors. Some things never change. "Morning, Mama." I squeeze her around the waist and plant a wet kiss on her cheek.

  "Oh, someone had a good night last night."

  "Mama! Stop that!" I release her. "Do you want me to be in therapy for the rest of my life? I mean, can you not be open-minded about one thing in life?"

  "Ah, shush. Other people pray to have parents like your Papa and I," she says this with a smile to
take the sting out of her words. It transforms into an evil smirk. "And you have nothing to be embarrassed about from what I understand."

  I groan. It just gets worse.

  She laughs at me. "We already had breakfast. Other people had more reason to stay in bed. But, I made some beignets for you two."

  "Mais, oui."

  "Take some up to your girl. But don’t ruin your appetite. I’m making a big lunch for us. Will you two be able to come down for it?"

  "If we can still walk, yes." Two can play at this game.

  "Practice makes perfect. I’m sure you’ll get it right soon enough."

  Gotta remember not to play with Mama.

  * * *

  We’re seated on the floor in front of the fireplace. Well, actually, I’m seated on the floor, Kels is sprawled all over me. She’s a bit exhausted. I snicker, proud of myself. I’ve barely been able to get her to drink her tea or eat the beignets Mama made. The latter part doesn’t bother me. I could eat a dozen of these without blinking an eye. "Kels, you awake?"


  I laugh softly, causing her to bounce about on my chest.

  "Stop it, bad mattress," she chides, slapping my side.

  "We can’t sleep all day."

  "Sure we can, we didn’t sleep last night," she mutters and attempts to fluff my breast like a pillow.

  "Stop that!" I protest. The woman is insane. "We have places to go, people to see."

  "Where are we going to go, Tabloid?"

  I summon up my courage once again. Based on my track record so far, I’m doing well. But, this one has the potential to really hurt. "I was thinking New York."

  I feel her become a bit more alert. "Yeah?"

  "I want to take the job CBS is offering me."

  "Okay." Her voice suggests that this is anything but okay.

  I lift her jaw so that our eyes meet. "I want us to go together, Little Roo. I don’t want to lose this, lose you."

  "Oh. You don’t?"

  I frown, confused. How have I been unclear? "Hell, no. Do I look stupid?"

  "No, I’ve never thought you looked stupid."

  "Don’t you want to go to New York with me, Kels?" I can feel my heart stop beating as it waits for her reply.

  She sighs and burrows down into me once more. "Of course I do."

  Blood begins pumping once more. "We need to have your agent negotiate it then. If it isn’t part of your contract for me to be your executive producer, it won’t matter if we’re both on Exposure."

  "We’ll call Foster together later today." Kelsey kisses the spot where my shoulder has a little indent.


  "My agent. Foster McGovern. She’s with Phillip Morris in New York. I’ve been with her for a couple years now. She’s great, ruthless in negotiating."

  "Good, I like that in a woman."

  Kels nips my skin. "Well, don’t like it too much."

  She’s got a point, given my reputation. "I won’t, chér. I seem to be a bit preoccupied with a certain blonde nowadays. She’s got me to where I can’t tell if I’m coming, going, or standing still."

  "Well, recently, you’ve been coming a lot," she teases and squeezes me tight. "‘Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today,’" Kels begins singing softly.

  Oh, what the hell, at least it’s not a Kermit song. "‘I want to be a part of it – New York, New York.’" I can sing too.

  My Little Roo is waking up a bit more. Her voice gets stronger, "‘These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray.’"

  "‘Right through the very heart of it - New York, New York,’" I continue. We both join in on the next section, struggling to keep from dissolving into laughter. "‘I want to wake up in a city that doesn’t sleep. And find I’m king of the hill - top of the heap.’"

  Okay, we’re losing it now. Somehow one of us manages to sing at least one of the words in the next section, making for a very broken harmony, but a very good time. "‘These little town blues, are melting away. I’m gonna make a brand new start of it - in old New York. If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere. It’s up to you - New York, New York.’"

  I nearly die when I hear applause coming from outside our bedroom door. "Encore!" Mama calls.

  Kelsey groans and collapses against me once more. "Welcome to the family, darlin’," I whisper. "It doesn’t get any better than this."

  "No, it doesn’t, Harper; no, it doesn’t."

  * * *

  Mama announces through the bedroom door that if we have enough strength to sing, we have enough strength to come down for lunch. Even though it means giving up my spot on my new mattress, I agree and nudge Harper into agreeing as well. However, we do make it clear a shower is required first.

  Right when she is about to join me, Mama actually sticks her head in the bathroom causing poor Harper to nearly go through the roof. Mercifully, I am already safe in the shower, hidden by the opaque shower curtain. I stand under the warm water and snicker at her distress.

  "Harper, there is a phone call for you from Los Angeles, a Detective Brice. He’s says it’s urgent." She exits, much to Harper’s relief.

  I stick my head out of the shower. "Why would Bear be calling you here, Tabloid?"

  "Dunno." She shrugs, pulling on a robe. "I’m sure it’s nothing, Kels. You finish your shower and I’ll see what he wants. My poker check probably bounced, that’s all." She laughs, trying to hide the anxiety in her voice.

  "Yeah, right. I’m coming with you." I get out, toweling off quickly and throwing on a robe in order to follow her to our room. I lean against the doorframe, while she takes a seat on the bed, picking up the extension.

  "Yeah, Mama, I got it. Thanks. Hey Bear, what’s up?"

  Harper smiles at me as she listens to him. I know that smile. That’s the ‘Oh, this is bad, but I can’t let Kels know it’ smile. I don’t intend to tell her I’ve figured that one out. It’s way too useful.

  "Yeah, I understand." She swallows hard. "We’ll be back in L.A. tomorrow. Bear, Kels and I are thinking of making a move to New York. That should stop him, right?"

  I knew it. This has something to do with my stalker.

  "Hmm. Just as soon as we can." She extends her hand to me. When I take it, she pulls me down on the bed next to her, holding me so close I’m in danger of becoming part of her. "All right, I’ll tell her. Keep me posted." She drops the receiver back onto the cradle then her other arm wraps around me. Her reaction is worrying me more than anything else.

  "What?" I can barely whisper it.

  "I don’t know where to start, Kels. It’s bad news all the way around."

  "Just tell me."

  "There’s been another murder."

  "Oh God!" I feel sick. She holds me close. I know I’m shaking now. How can the sick bastard do this? These girls, they’re dying because they look like me.

  "They," she pauses, then tries again, "they found this one in Santa Monica, locked in the trunk of a car."

  "The trunk of a car?" I pull back a bit. "Harper, that’s different from anything he’s ever done before. Are they sure it’s him?"

  "Yeah, I’m afraid so, Kels." She pauses again. I don’t like this at all. "It was your car."


  "He stole your car from your apartment’s garage. Then he apparently put the body in the trunk, drove it to Santa Monica, and set it on fire."

  I’m going to be sick now. I promptly head to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

  * * *

  Harper’s family must be wondering what in the hell she has gotten herself into. She decided since Bear called here, we need to give the latest news to her family. She knows Mama is not going to let us out of the house without an explanation.

  "We could lie to them and tell them it was for a story," I offer quietly, tying the laces on my sneakers.

  "Have you figured out nothing, Little Roo?" She kneels in front of me, smiling and trying to bring me out of my funk. "You don’t try to lie to Mama because she’ll catch
you every time."

  "Harper, when you tell them this, they are going to demand…"

  "That we do whatever is necessary to keep you safe, and an explanation about why they weren’t told sooner. They love you, Kels, get used to it." She leans in, giving me a very gentle kiss. Staying with me after, our foreheads touching, she continues, "We’ll get through this together."

  "He wants me, Harper."

  "He can’t have you, Kelsey. I got dibs." She grins a little. She’s not making light of the situation, she’s just being supportive. It’s a wonderful feeling to know I’m not alone, because I’m scared as hell. "But, right now, we need to go fill in my family. My brothers are already downstairs. Papa called them the moment Mama told him there was a problem. Never accuse the Kingsleys of waiting until the last minute to get involved."

  "Wouldn’t think of it." I try to smile, for her at least. I know I don’t feel like smiling.

  I’ve lost track of how many women have died because they look like me. And he’s taken further action by stealing my car. Not that the car means anything, but, my God, he was that close to my home. Hell, for all I know he was stealing the damn thing while I was on the phone with Erik.

  I need to call Erik and warn him. "Erik…," I whisper as we head down the steps. "I need to call Erik."

  "Honey, Erik is fine. Bear went up to check on the condo after they found your car. He talked to Erik and filled him in. He’s okay."

  "Thank God." I’d never forgive myself if something happened to him because of me.

  We make our way into the kitchen. Mama immediately guides me to the table, placing a cup of tea in front of me, then places a kiss on my temple as her hand strokes through my hair. "Are you all right, ma petite?"

  "I’m fine, Mama. Thank you."

  She settles down next to me, never releasing my hand, listening intently as Harper stands behind me, filling everyone in on what’s going on. I block it out. I can’t listen to it again.

  "I don’t see why you cannot simply stay here until this monster is caught," Mama says, bringing me back into the conversation. "Kelsey would most certainly be safe in this house."

  "We can’t hide, Mama," Harper sighs, her hands massaging my shoulders.


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