It's Either Me Or Her 2: A Side Bitch Story

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It's Either Me Or Her 2: A Side Bitch Story Page 12

by Tiece

  “I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to lay around and mind my own business and not be bothered with anyone.”

  Including you, she quickly thought.

  “I know you’re in your feelings still and I’m sorry about that. But I had to tell Jeremy what you’d done. What if Chase’s reaction would’ve taken a turn for the worse. You wouldn’t know how to live with yourself knowing that it’d be your fault why Mason doesn’t have a father. Did you think about that at any time when you were doing that foul shit?”

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m not beating myself up about this. I feel bad as it is. I don’t need you rubbing it in.”

  Toya shook her head as she rolled her eyes. “I’m not rubbing it in, but it was wrong. I just can’t believe that you would’ve did something so careless that could’ve turned out to be…”

  “Okay shit!” Brooke called out. “Quincy made me do it! The sick muthafucka is making my life hell since he showed up to town.” She said as she held her stomach. Sharp pains had hit her causing her to frown just a little out of worry.

  “What do you mean? What did he do?” Toya questioned.

  “He sent a video to Chase of me-” Brooke attempted to say.

  “A video of you?” Toya curiously asked. “A video of you doing what?” she pondered.

  “Well… uh… um. Well umm… Let’s just say that the video isn’t a pleasant video,” Brooke said, as she held her head. A banging headache was starting to form out of nowhere. “It was something from a long time ago that I wished Chase had never seen.”

  Toya shook her head. “Wow, Brooke really?” Toya questioned. “All of your dirt just keeps coming back. You must’ve really done somebody wrong.”

  “I don’t wanna hear that shit right now, Toya. This man wants to kill me if I don’t give him his money back.”

  “What money? I know he ain’t talking about the money that you took from him a long time ago. He should know better than asking for that. What is his problem? He was the one that left you, so why is he so mad? He broke your heart. You stole his money. I’d say that y’all were even if you ask me.”

  “You would think so, huh? The only problem is that he showed up to my house last night.”

  “What!? Why didn’t you call the police on his ass?” Toya questioned in disbelief.

  “I didn’t have time to do anything. It’s like one-minute I was checking to see if the whole neighborhood was out of lights or if it was just my house. However, the minute I opened my door to look, him and his goons were barging in on me.”

  “Why didn’t you call me? You should’ve called Dad.”

  “I didn’t want to involve y’all.” Brooke responded.

  “I don’t like this, Brooke. Quincy is getting beside himself. What did he do to you?”

  Brooke shook her head as a tear fell from her eye. She tried her best to gain her composure so that her voice wouldn’t crack, letting on that she’d started crying. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand as she attempted to talk. At first nothing came out, so she cleared her throat, and then she started.

  “They barged in my house and roughed me up. Got my throat hurting and shit,” she added. “Quincy didn’t technically put his hands on me, yet he did threaten me with a gun.”

  “Oh my God! Are you serious?”

  “Very serious,” Brooke responded. “The only thing he wants is his money and I’m going to have to give it up or he’s going to kill me.”

  “I think you should go to the police,” Toya told her with a concerned look on her face.

  “I can’t. He has also threatened Chase and anybody else that I’m closely associated with. My son ain’t even off limits.”

  “I can’t believe that. Quincy just wouldn’t.”

  “Wouldn’t what? Because as you can remember he’d started doing a lot of foul shit right before we went our separate ways. And to say that he wouldn’t when he just did last night is an understatement. That man is out for blood unless he gets his money.”

  “So, what’d you tell him? You had to tell him something he wanted to hear to make him leave.”

  Brooke hesitated. She wanted to tell her what was said, but then she didn’t. Toya had proven to have a big mouth and Brooke wasn’t keen on telling her business to talking bitches; including her sister. However, she felt she may as well tell it just in case she ended up dead. Somebody would know something about the story to tell it.

  “Well,” she said, then thought about it. “If I tell you this, you got to promise not to say anything. I mean it.”

  “I won’t say anything, Sis,” Toya assured her.

  “I’m serious, Toya. You can’t say anything. Give me a chance to try to figure this shit out.”

  “What’d you do, Brooke?”

  “I haven’t done anything, yet. But, I’m going to have to do something sooner than later.”

  Toya was worried. Brooke had always been an unpredictable type of person and it scared her to even think about the depths Brooke would take this to.

  “Sis, what do you have in mind? What did you tell Quincy about the money?”

  “Well, I told him that I invested the money so I didn’t have it.”

  “Okay, well that was the truth. What did he say?”

  “He said that he still wanted his money or else. So, I told him that I invested in A-Town Records and now he wants in,” she said while biting her nails, still feeling sick on her stomach as the headache seemed to get worse.

  “What do you mean he wants in? He can never have anything to do with Chase and Jeremy’s company. You know they would never go for that; neither one of them. And once they find out that you and Quincy are connected, they are going to seriously blowed.”

  “What do you mean when they find out?!” Brooke questioned, as she sat straight up in the bed. “They won’t!” she shot her way. “Because you’re not going to say anything. I mean it, Toya! Keep your mouth shut.”

  “Brooke, how can you not warn them? Quincy is a dangerous man and from what Jeremy has told me already, Chase has signed some rapper that Q is managing. So, technically, he’s already in and that definitely isn’t good if he has ill intentions.”

  Brooke didn’t think about that as she sat there pondering in her mind what she was going to do.

  “You can’t just let this man from your past come in and destroy everything. That company is also Mason’s legacy, as well as your unborn child’s. If Q comes in and disrupts the business, then you’re going to suffer also. Don’t forget that.”

  “I’ve thought about it all. That’s why I have to take matters in my own hands. Don’t worry, Q won’t be around for long,” she said, as she thought about ways of getting rid of him all together. “And, don’t you say nothing to NOBODY,” she added, with that she ended their call.

  Brooke sat silently for a moment as she rubbed her stomach. “Don’t worry little one. Mommy is going to take care of everything. You, your brother, and your father will be just fine.”

  She eased out of bed, ready to get her day started. “Damn, this pain is no joke,” she let out as she grabbed her side. “What’s this?” she said, looking down to see that she’d started bleeding. The cramps hit harder as the blood flowed more. Her legs began to feel like wet noodles as they went limp, causing her to fall on the floor. She cried while reaching for her cellphone that had fallen on the floor next to her. “Nooooooo, this can’t be happening!” she panicked.


  Meanwhile, across town and about two hours later, Winter lay in bed next to James as she stared at his handsome face. She’d been watching him for the past thirty minutes while he slept peacefully. A part of her really liked him, but a part of her was still doubtful of what he’d bring to the table. For a fact, she knew he didn’t mind fucking a bitch. She’d already caught him in the act.

  She smiled as he cracked his eyes and looked right over at her. “Good Morning, Beautiful,” he said with a bright smile.

  “Well, good mo
rning, you,” Winter softly responded with a smile. “I must say, you were sleeping like a baby.”

  “Good pussy will do that to a nigga,” James teased, causing Winter to laugh.

  “Is this pussy good enough to keep you away from other bitches?” she pondered.

  James grinned, and then said, “You ain’t ready.”

  “Maybe I’m not ready. Buuuuutt, with dick that good, a girl might just have to change her mind.” She grinned with a slick raise of the eyebrow, like she meant what she said.

  “You just talking,” James responded, as he leaned over and kissed her on lips. “I must admit it. I am feeling you like I’ve not felt anyone in a while.” He said thinking about his uncertain feelings for Brooke.

  “Well, if I ever decide to give this relationship thing a try, like a real try,” she added, “you’ll be the first man on my list.”

  James laughed out loud. “Oh really?” he said, as he reached over and cupped her face with the palm of his hand, while pulling her to him. He kissed her causing her to blush. “I better be the only man on that list.”

  “Oh you have demands now?” she laughed while straddling him. “Don’t make me tame this dick.”

  “From the way you were riding it last night-” he teased, but before he could finish, his phone alerted him of a text message. Winter leaned over since she was top of him and reached for his phone. “No, don’t worry about it. I don’t care about no message right about now. I’m trying to get laid again by this hot, sexy ass woman grinding on top of me.”

  Winter laughed. “Oh yeah,” she responded. “Well, I don’t mind giving you just what you want.”

  “Yeah,” James said, as he slapped her on the ass.

  Winter reached down as she gently grabbed James’ dick. It was hard and ready. She smiled as she stared in his face.

  He smiled back as he grabbed her by the waist with both hands, waiting for her to put his thick rod inside of her.

  “Ssssssss,” he let out as he closed his eyes. He could feel his manhood entering her most sacred spot while gripping the shaft of his dick like a glove. “Damn baby,” he said as Winter started riding him.

  “Mm-hmm,” Winter responded as his dick slid in and out of her. It felt good as she bounced up and down on it while leaning down to kiss him passionately. Her cream filled goodies had him going as he grabbed her ass cheeks with both of his hands and started fucking her from the bottom.

  “You love this dick? Hm? You love this dick, baby?” he questioned as he cellphone began to ring. They both ignored it and continued going at it.

  Winter’s eyes closed as she leaned her head back. She was enjoying every minute of every stroke that he threw her way. It was unbelievable how a man’s dick could be so good.

  “Yes, I love it,” she finally responded between breaths. “Damn, this dick good.”

  “Damn, this pussy good,” James responded as he sat up with Winter’s legs wrapped around his waist. He slid to the edge of the bed and held her up as she continued to ride him while in his arms. He carried her over to the wall and pressed her back against it. He then slid in and out of her with each calculated move causing her heart to thump and her juice box to jump. They both looked down to watch the fireworks explode as James continued sliding in and out of her.

  “I can’t hold it no more,” Winter said as she fought the urge to climax.

  “Let it go,” James whispered in her ear. “Let it go.”

  In no time, Winter’s freshly manured nails were digging in James’s back. “Aaaaaaah, I’m cumin’.”

  James could feel her walls closing in on him. “Damn,” he whispered and in two seconds flat, he was spitting it up.

  Winter just stared in his face as he looked at her. “Did you just nut in me?” she questioned.

  James’s eyes widened. “Was I supposed to pull out? You knew I hadn’t strapped up since you were the one that started it.”

  “Well, if you get me pregnant, you better be willing to settle down because I’m not having an abortion.”

  James laughed. “Your ass is on the pill. Quit playing.”

  Winter grinned. “Yeah, well I was just testing you.” The minute her feet touched the floor to get out of James’ arms, his text message alert went off again, followed by it ringing.

  “Who the hell keeps bugging me?” he questioned, as he walked over by the nightstand to retrieve his phone.

  “It could be your brother or Chase,” Winter said, as she headed for the bathroom to clean up.

  James looked at the phone and noticed that it as Chase. He frowned, but quickly answered it.

  “What’s up, Cuz?”

  “Aye Cuz, what’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing much,” James responded as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Wassup? Did you call me not long ago?”

  “Nah, that wasn’t me. But, I’m calling now to see if you’d spoken to Brooke. Have you seen her lately?” Chase asked.

  James frowned as Winter stepped out of the bathroom. “Nah, I haven’t seen her and I haven’t spoken to her either.”

  “Oh okay. Well, I know she’ll probably need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. However, the last person I feel she’d go to was Jeremy, but for some reason I feel like she’ll come to you instead.” He said while feeling that Brooke and James had a decent relationship with one another. They weren’t tight, but James was always more willing to hear Brooke out for some reason.

  “Well, why would Brooke come to me about anything?” James questioned as he slipped his boxer shorts on. Winter glanced back over her shoulder but she didn’t say a word as she continued to get dressed while ear-hustling.

  “I’m not saying that she will, but if she does just act like you don’t know what’s going on,” Chase told him.

  “I don’t know what’s going on. So, can you fill me in Cuz?”

  “I’m filing for full custody of Mason and I don’t want her to know,” Chase told him.

  “Wow, what did she do this time?” James questioned.

  “I’d rather not talk about it right now,” he said, as James could hear Mason walk in the room running his mouth.”

  “It must’ve been bad.”

  “The worst,” Chance stated. “Just act like everything is cool if she does start asking questions.”

  James shook his head. “You know that taking Mason is going to hurt her to the core, right?”

  “I know, but with Brooke’s behavior lately it’s for the best,” Chance responded. “Anyway, just don’t blow this for me, because if she knows ahead of time no lately what her conniving ass will do.”

  James nodded his head. “I understand, Cuz,” he responded.

  “Oh, and don’t forget to make sure that the guest list is tight and that everything is on point for the party this weekend.”

  “Have you told Rayne about it yet?”

  “Not yet, but I plan too. I wanted to surprise her with this release party, but with so much going on I think I’ll end up having to tell her about it. Plus, she and Yung Gunner are expected to do a live performance of her new single. I think she’d rather be prepared for that than for me to spring it on her.”

  “I can agree with that. Either way she’s going to be excited. And don’t worry, I’m definitely on top of the guest list and everything else for that matter. This is going to be the hottest release party that A-Town Records have ever had.”

  “We definitely don’t need anything ruining it. Rayne has been through a lot lately, and Brooke hasn’t made it any better. I just want one thing to go right for her.”

  “Well, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that night is special for the both of you,” James assured him.

  “A’ight Cuz, I appreciate it and I’ll see you later on at the studio.”

  “A’ight,” James responded, and with that they ended their call. He turned to face Winter as she’d gotten fully dressed and was now standing there with her arms crossed.

  “So, what is th
e deal with you and Brooke? You just told Chase that you hadn’t seen her. Yet, we both know that’s a lie because she came here,” Winter said as the probing began. “Why does she feel so free to confide in you, because I never realized that the two of you were that close?”

  James dropped his phone on the bed and headed for the bathroom to clean up. “You trippin’, Brooke and I are just cool. That’s my cousin’s baby mama. She doesn’t confide in me; she just talks to me sometimes. That’s a big difference, Babe,” he said as he closed the bathroom door shut behind him.

  All he wanted to do was dodge the line of fire, but he left his phone unattended as it started to go off again. Winter could hear the shower come on from the bathroom as she walked around the bed to pick up his phone. Low and behold, it was Brooke calling.

  “Ain’t this some shit,” she whispered, as she eased the phone up to her ear while answering. However, she was smart and just held the phone without saying a word.

  “Hello,” Brooke said on the other end of the phone. “James, please talk to me.” After realizing that she wasn’t going to get an answer, Brooke ended the call, leaving Winter there holding James’ cellphone in her hand. She then decided to snoop in his text messages, only to find that it was Brooke that was text messaging him as well.

  James you’re the only person in the world that I can talk with right now. Please call me back. I feel like I’m losing everything, including my mind. Brooke

  “Oh really?” Winter mumbled under her breath as she deleted the text message. “He won’t get this message nor will he see that you’ve called. “Twice,” she added, while realizing that Brooke was the one that had called while she and James were making out. “It’s something up with you and James and I’m not going to stop snooping until I get to the bottom of it.”

  Chapter 11

  Grant stepped into the bedroom where Monica was preparing to go to Rayne’s release party. She was very excited about the party being that it was also starring her man, Yung Gunner as a feature, and a new signee of A-Town Records.


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