The Billionaire's Twisted Love Book 1: Captivated by You

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The Billionaire's Twisted Love Book 1: Captivated by You Page 3

by Rosie Praks

  “My dear.” He enveloped me against his large stature. “You must be Kimberly. My, my, look at how much you’ve grown. Geoff used to send pictures of you from when you were a little girl all the way through to college. And now look at you, all grown up and ready to take on Henderson Corporation and our joint venture.”

  “Not yet. I still need experience,” I said, smiling warmly at him.

  “Don’t sell yourself short. Geoff must have seen something in you to put you in this position.”

  “I’m his daughter.” I laughed, liking Beau in that instant.

  “Tsk!” Beau rubbed my head affectionately like Papa used to when I did a good job. “Daughter or not, he believes in you.”

  I only nodded, smiling again.

  “Now, speaking of Geoff. How is he?”

  “Papa’s doing great. He sends his regards.”

  “I miss that man. I have to invite him to my upcoming birthday party.”

  “He would love that.”

  “Come.” Beau led me inside.

  Along the way, many people greeted us. I was introduced as the new temporary intern that would be helping out at the company. No one would know my true identity, except for close parties. This was to help prevent shoulder-rubbing of employees who wanted to climb the ladder faster through me.

  “I have to introduce you to my sons. They’ll be working on this project too. I thought it’d be a good idea that you next-generation kids work together.” Beau laughed out loud.

  I joined in his laughter. But our happy mood didn’t last long. Entering the meeting room where the presentation was to take place, we found all the staff looking at each other warily, as if something were the matter.

  Beau’s facial expression changed immediately as soon as he looked at the projector. Nothing was set up.

  “What is going on? Why is the presentation not set up?”

  “The projector broke down. We don’t know what happened. As soon as we came to set up thirty minutes ago, it wouldn’t turn on. We’re replacing it with a new one now. It’s coming in five minutes. I’m sorry, sir,” one of the staff explained.

  “Kimberly, I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting this.” Beau apologized, turning to me.

  Time is money in business. And to think I’d come here and nothing was prepared, this was sloppy work. Someone should have checked the projector more than half an hour before the presentation. But there was no point in dwelling on it now. I let the matter slide. “Don’t worry, Beau. I’m happy to wait.”

  I sat down and took out my tablet, reading A Demon’s Wrath, by Alexia Praks while the staff fussed around with the new projector.

  Somewhere in the background, I could hear Beau talking in a frustrated tone to one of the staff. “Where is that boy? He’s supposed to be here.”

  “I’m here.” A male’s voice spoke. “Sorry, Dad, I came as fast as I could.”

  “Come here. I want you to meet the representative of the Henderson Corporation. Kimberly Henderson, the heir of Henderson Corporation. Kimberly dear.”

  When Beau called my name, I looked up and saw the young man standing next to him. He was of medium height with sandy-blond hair and crystal-blue eyes. He looked no more than twenty-five when he smiled at me.

  “Kimberly dear, this is my son Joshua.”

  “Miss Henderson.” The man standing in front of me thrust out his hand, his eyes lighting as soon as he saw me.

  “Mr. Devereux,” I greeted, smiling back at him.

  “Mr. Devereux is my father. Please call me Josh.”

  Josh held my palm a little too long to be considered a professional handshake between business partners. I shook his hand, and he playfully caressed it while his father was looking away. I shook my hand free.

  Josh was a natural flirt.

  I returned his playful flirtation with a businesslike look. “Maybe you’re ready for the presentation now.”

  Beau looked uncomfortable when he turned back. He pushed his son off to organize the presentation. Ten minutes later, with the arrival of the other members of the board, along with more introductions, the presentation went underway.

  The whole room was enclosed in darkness then. Only the light streaming from the projector could be seen.

  I had to admit, even though Josh was a natural flirt, he really did know his stuff. Papa would be impressed with all the information and facts he researched. In fact, I was so absorbed in the presentation that by the time it had finished, I was already anticipating calling Papa to move forward with the deal.

  When the presentation came to an end, Beau invited me this coming weekend out to his home in Key Biscayne, where he resided with his wife.

  “It would be like a family reunion,” Josh said, butting into our conversation. “Plus, I’m sure you would like my mother.”

  Beau scrunched up his face at the mention of his wife. But it was only for a second before his big grin appeared again.

  “It is rather a long drive. I will have John escort you there,” Beau added.

  “I’ll accompany you.” Josh beamed, edging towards me. “It’s a long drive. You’ll get bored looking out at our monotonous beachy scenery. Having a friend to talk to along the way would help make the time move faster, don’t you think, Kimberly?”

  “I do enjoy a quiet journey, Josh.”

  “I still think it’s better if I accompany you.”

  “Perhaps it is a good idea,” Beau added.

  In the end, I couldn’t refuse Beau’s suggestion, so I agreed to John picking me up with Josh accompanying.

  Back at the hotel, as soon as I stepped foot over the threshold, my phone rang.

  “How was the meeting? Did you see Beau? And how was the presentation?”

  “Papa, your daughter has been away twenty hours, and the first thing you ask is about the meeting? You don’t love me anymore?” I playfully teased him.

  “Kimmy-berry, I’m sorry, honey. Let’s start again. How’s everything, my sweet?”

  “Beau was very nice. I saw his son Josh. He was the one who presented the proposal.”

  “And what did you think?”

  “About the presentation?”

  “No, Josh.”

  Something clicked inside me. “Papa, are you trying to set me up?”


  “No, Papa. I’m here to learn the ropes, not get hitched.”

  Papa didn’t say anything.

  “Papa, are you still there?” I asked when the silence was too long to bear.

  “Yes, Kimmy-berry. Papa is here,” he said in his haggard tone.

  I knew he must have been upset with the turn of our conversation, but I would never have thought he would scheme to get me hitched. For the life of me, I couldn’t imagine myself getting married until I found the one that made my skin burn with just one touch. And that person was here, in Miami. How could I give in to Papa when my heart yearned for that man?

  “If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up now. Devereux has invited me to visit his home tomorrow. I’m really tired, so I’m going to rest a bit.”

  “You do that, then.”

  Papa sounded so sad that I had to console him. “Papa, I was really impressed with their presentation. Maybe there’s a chance our families will get to work together,” I managed to squeeze out.

  Papa laughed. “That’s my girl. I’m looking forward to hearing your report.”

  The drive to the Devereuxs’ household was a boring and trying one. Josh wouldn’t stop leaning into me, talking in his animated tone. Constantly, he would narrate about his high school days, university life, and his life now. Everything, it seemed, was about him.

  “That’s the place where I first learned to drive a car.” He pointed to a narrow path. “I crashed my car into that tree there.”

  His fingers brushed against my shoulder, lingering there for a bit too long. I rolled my shoulder to shake off his touch. But that was only the beginning. Every word, every animated action, he would m
ake every attempt to touch me, disguising it as innocent gestures.

  “Josh, you’re a very touchy person, aren’t you?” I had to ask.

  A snarky smile appeared on his face. “That’s my way of expressing myself.” Suddenly, the playfulness was gone, replaced with a deep, raw hunger within those blue eyes. And then, only for my ears so John wouldn’t hear, he whispered, “Are you a touchy person too, Kimberly?” His hand came to rest upon my exposed thigh, his eyes staring into the depths of my green irises.

  I was caught off guard. I didn’t expect Josh to act this way. A chill ran down my spine. “Only with the ones I want to touch.” I tore his hand off my thigh.

  Once again, he laughed, lifting the tension in the air. After that, the conversation returned to normal.

  Eventually, John stopped the car. I was greeted at the door by Beau’s big bear hug, followed by his wife Fiona, dressed like a trophy housewife, a role that could never befit me. We exchanged a few pleasantries, all the while Josh standing near me, his arm gently pressing the small of my back. I was irked with his behavior, but because we were in front of his parents, I didn’t want to embarrass him.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a silent onlooker in the background, a man with inky black hair standing by the grand staircase. My heart recognized him as it drummed rhythmically, making my ears ring.

  That long Roman nose, those kissable lips, and those strong, straight eyebrows. His eyes, the color of a brewing storm, held a look so haunting they pierced into my soul as he observed me through black-rimmed glasses. I could remember it all. Those fingers rubbing on my ankle, that scorching flame burning into my skin, and the deep, rich baritone voice of his. It was him, the one I’d been dreaming about and seeking for the past three years.

  I wanted to speak to him, to ask him who he was, but Josh beat me to it.

  “Julian. I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  Chapter 3

  The tension between the two men was as thick as a dense fog. They both stared at each other—Josh, a heated and undisguised disgust radiating from his eyes, and Julian, a solemn expression.

  I stared, bewildered by the whole situation, but it was Beau who broke the tension between them.

  “Julian, come here. Let me introduce you to Miss Kimberly Henderson from Henderson Corporation.”

  Julian came to stand beside Beau. I still didn’t know who Julian was and how he was related to Beau. But from Beau’s behavior, the way he placed his hand on Julian’s shoulder with affection, I knew he was someone close to him.

  “Kimberly, this is Julian, my eldest son.”

  “Miss Henderson,” Julian spoke, thrusting out his hand. Once again, I found my body trembling with need, a deep, raw need that only he could satisfy.

  Josh released an annoying scoff. I ignored it and pulled out my hand, wrapping my fingers around his palm.

  “Julian, very nice to make your acquaintance.”

  Julian gripped my hand, a bashful look on his face, unlike that first time I saw him, full of confidence and charisma.

  Did he remember me? Or was this just my one-sided attraction?

  I couldn’t help testing the boundary. I squeezed his hand a bit longer, noticing his face turning bright red. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. And all I could think about was those lips licking every inch of my body.

  A cough resounded from the side, and I turned to glare at Josh, who was already extracting my hand from Julian’s and steering me away in the direction of the lounge.

  “It’s too suffocating in here. I’ll show you our back garden. It’s a sight you’ll marvel over. Plus, Randy would be happy to see you. Dad, Mum, sorry for stealing Kimberly away from you. I’ll bring her back before dinner.”

  I turned back to see Julian gazing at me, a small smile playing on his lips. There was definitely something in his eyes. And it wasn’t an illusion when I tilted my head slightly, gazing at him beneath my lashes to show him my intention, to see whether he felt the same. And I was right. There was hunger, a raw and sexual hunger just waiting to be unleashed.

  What kind of relationship did these brothers have? I couldn’t fathom why they would hate each other that much. But it was just that as Josh warned me about his elder brother Julian.

  “Don’t hang around him. He’s very unsafe to be with.”

  “And you’re safe to be with?” I asked when he dragged me to look at his pet snake Randy.

  “Randy is perfectly safe. He has no venom.”

  The green snake basking in its cage really turned me off.

  “Josh,” I asked, halting him when he showed me yet another snake. “Why do you dislike your brother so much? Did he do something to you?”

  The sun struck his sandy-blond hair as his eyes glimpsed into the far distance. Those eyes coldly displayed an underlying hurt.

  “Just don’t associate with him. That’s all I can say for now.” He turned back to me and smiled.

  By the time Josh showed me the whole garden filled with his pets, I was beyond exhausted and scared to my wits end. I finally asked to see to my room, since I would be staying at their house for the weekend. After resting for a bit, I became bored and decided to venture out on my own. Thankfully, Josh was nowhere in sight.

  I saw a green pavilion when I was upstairs, so making haste, I ran outside, making my way there, glad Josh didn’t follow. As I entered the double doors, I was surprised and so damned pleased when I saw Julian, all alone, sitting near the many shrubs and orchids that partially obscured him. I took this opportunity to fully assess him before he noticed my presence.

  Julian was so beautiful, like a dark angel that fell from heaven, needing to redeem himself. His black hair was longer. His lips still looked kissable, except now they were held in a firm grim line instead of that warm smile from our first greeting. His eyes held a faraway look, as if he were in deep thought.

  What is he thinking about?

  “Julian.” I couldn’t control myself and called out. His body tensed up but then immediately relaxed when he saw it was me.

  “Miss Henderson,” he said bashfully, his face suffused in a dark-red color all the way to his neck.

  I’d never seen a man blush so much in my entire life. It was cute and adorable and so damn sexy.

  “Kimberly, actually.” I corrected him, sitting on the available seat in front of him. I intentionally made my knee-length skirt ride a bit higher, exposing my creamy porcelain thighs for his viewing, just to check his reaction.

  His eyes lingered on my thigh for a bit before he diverted them to the orchid beside me.

  I laughed quietly. Somehow I felt proud and happy my action could cause him to react this way.

  I sat smiling at him, almost teasing him with my gaze. Julian just took it all in, staring back at me with a face the color of a ripe tomato.

  “Do you always blush when talking to a woman?” I asked, curious.

  “Only beautiful women,” he replied quietly.

  Did he just imply I’m beautiful? My confidence soared, and I inched my skirt a bit higher, then spoke seductively. “Are you saying I’m beautiful, Julian?”

  “Australian women are beautiful,” he answered rigidly.

  I laughed. How awkward. This man, he could only give honest answers in simple sentences. It had me fascinated.

  I leaned into him then. There were so many things I wanted to know about him. So many things I wanted to ask him, like his phone number or why Josh had warned me not to get close to him when he was so clearly easy to get along with. But what came out of my mouth surprised even me.

  “You have a nice house.” What is this? This wasn’t the conversation I had in mind.

  “It’s not my house, Kimberly,” he said, that baritone voice once again doing something to my body. I swallowed, feeling my throat constrict suddenly.

  “Well, your parents’ house, then.” I corrected. “Where do you live?”

  “Why do you want to know?”

  My sm
ile dropped. I was disappointed. Did he just shun me? Did I misread the situation? I thought he liked me when he looked at me with that raw hunger in his eyes.

  “Oh, nothing. Just making conversation,” I said, trying to hide my bruised feelings.

  He must have detected I was feeling sour, because afterward he apologized. “I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just no one in this family really cares about me. So since you’re Father’s guest, I didn’t expect you to want to know me.”

  “Why wouldn’t I want to know you? You’re charming and good-looking. Who wouldn’t want to talk to you?”

  A rush of red appeared on his cheeks again. He adjusted his glasses and nervously explained his reasoning. “Most people don’t give a hoot about me since I don’t talk much.”

  “Hoot?” I laughed, leaning closer to him. “You use the word hoot?”

  “Yes. I like to use that word.”

  I laughed again, he smiled, and his whole face transformed into such a surreal beauty I had to remember to breathe.

  “You know…” I leaned closer still, until our noses were almost touching. “No one uses the word hoot to describe that kind of situation anymore. This is the twenty-first century. It’s either ‘fuck’ or ‘shit.’”

  “That’s not within my vocabulary.” His warm breath fanned my face, sending waves of erotic lust through my brain.

  “Since your vocabulary is very limited and outdated and you don’t talk much, that’s why most people don’t give a hoot.” I summarized his condition.

  “Yes.” He swallowed, not tearing his gaze from me.

  I smiled, pleased I was able to mesmerize him with my seductive spell. A surge of confidence washed over me.

  “Then let me prove them wrong.” I was bold, tracing his jawline with the pads of my fingers. “Hear this, Julian. I would love to get to know you better. In every possible way.”

  Julian went stiff as a floorboard. He just blinked back at me.

  I relaxed back into the chair and folded my long legs again, legs I planned to have wrapped around his neck when he decided he wanted to fuck me. I gazed at him behind my lashes and gave him a bewitching smile, one that was guaranteed to make every man go hard.


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