The Billionaire's Twisted Love Book 1: Captivated by You

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The Billionaire's Twisted Love Book 1: Captivated by You Page 5

by Rosie Praks

He took my hand and shook it anyway, smiling softly at me. “Today you might not like me, but tomorrow, you might change your mind.”

  I couldn’t understand what he meant by that, so I just shook my head, whipped my hand away from his grasp, and resumed pasting jam onto my toast.

  All of a sudden, Josh banged his plate on the table.

  I got annoyed. “What is your pro—”

  “Why are you still here?” Josh shouted, cutting me off.

  I looked up and saw Julian standing by the door. I was about to smile, but my lips froze in place when I saw his eyes brewing an angry storm. Julian must be angry, seeing a blissful picture of Josh and me eating our breakfast together.

  “Julian,” I called out to him. “Come have breakfast.”

  “No, Kimberly. I’ve come to check if you’re fine. But you weren’t in your room.” His eyes flicked to his brother before falling back to me. “It seems like you’re fine now so I’m going back home.”

  “Julian, wait.” I ran after him, leaving Josh to eat by himself. “Are you leaving already? Tell me you’re not leaving yet?”

  I ran after him until we reached a secluded spot somewhere in the house.

  “Julian.” I dragged him around to face me.

  The expression on Julian’s face frightened me a bit, like a wild beast waiting to be unleashed. Looking to the left and right, he took my arm and dragged me inside a room, before slamming the door shut and locking it. He faced me, that frightened look gone, replaced instead with a tired expression.

  “Kimberly.” He crowded my space, speaking in his low baritone. “I don’t share my woman with my brother. Just remember that.” And he turned to go, his hand pausing at the door.

  I ran to him, hugging him from behind. His body went stiff again. I wound my arms around him tightly, preventing him from leaving me.

  “Julian,” I whispered into his shirt. “I’m not your woman.”

  He spun to face me, his facial muscles contorted with pain. “You’re right. You’re not my woman. You’re your own woman. A beautiful and capable woman who every man wants to claim. Even my brother.” His voice dropped to a deeper crescendo. “Even me. And I’m sorry for feeling this way towards you. I know I’ve only known you for a short time, but I like you. And for the benefit of the both of us, I won’t ever act this way around you again. So rest assured. There won’t be any hard feelings when you date Josh.”

  Julian turned to go again after he gave me his confession. But I held him back, throwing myself into his arms, looking for that comfort I craved since last night.

  “You stupid, awkward man.” I hugged him, digging my head deeper into the hollow of his neck, smelling his manly scent, which reminded me of our evergreen trees in Australia, a scent I associated with peace and love. “Is that how you confess to a woman? Telling her you like her and then turning to leave.”

  “Kimberly,” he said slowly, stroking my hair with love and affection. “I don’t know how else to tell you.”

  I lifted my face to look at him. His glasses were fogged up. I removed them and placed them on a stand. I stroked his jaw, his morning stubble tickling the pads of my fingers.

  “Julian,” I said, staring right into his eyes. His pupils were almost like a reflection of my soul, murky but clear at the same time. “Julian. When I say I’m not your woman, it’s because I’m not. You haven’t slept with me yet.”

  “Kimberly…” His breathing changed, his breath coming in heavy fits. “My Kimberly. I want you. I want you to be my woman.”

  “Then take me.” I encouraged him by taking his hand and leading it to my breast.

  Julian sucked in his breath upon the light contact.

  “But Josh…” He wavered, his eyes unsure. “Josh likes you.”

  “And I like you.”


  “Why are you being like this? Why are you being so noble to your brother? You said you don’t share your woman. And I’m willing to be your woman now. So take me.”

  “If I take you, you can no longer belong to another man. Not ever in this lifetime.”

  So that was what worried him. My Julian, the worrywart. To appease him, I kissed his lips and whispered, “I will never be with another man as long as you want me.”

  “Promise me, Kimberly. I don’t think I can bear it if you no longer belong to me.”

  “I belong to you, Julian. So take me.” And to encourage him and to make sure he didn’t back out of our deal, I removed my underwear and tossed it aside. Then I sat on what I found out to be a large bathroom basin and spread my legs wide so his eyes could get a good viewing of my desire down at the center of my core, which was waiting for him to claim it.

  Julian was stunned, paralyzed by my bold move. I felt nervous, so nervous, now that I got his attention. I was scared he was going to unlock that door and walk out of here.

  “You want me to take you?”

  I nodded, not backing out.

  “Then get ready to hold onto your seat.”

  At that moment, it wasn’t Julian the meek and awkward man I’d come to like who spoke, but another virile beast, one who would rock my world and crash the very foundation I stood on.

  Chapter 7

  Three years I’d imagined Julian as my phantom savior. Three years he’d appeared in my dreams. And now here he was, three years later, standing in front of me, ready to make my dream come true. But I hadn’t imagined our first time would be anything like this. Dear God, I was going to let Julian fuck me in the bathroom.

  Julian advanced towards me like a predator seeking its prey, slowly and with precision at first, and then when I was unaware, he made his surprise attack. Snatching my head back, he roughly threaded his fingers through my hair, tugging my face forward, meeting me halfway when he slammed his lips onto mine.

  It was no gentle move. He was rough, raw, lethal even, to the point of biting my lips. He sucked and nipped until I felt it was bruised and swollen.

  My nipples also became sensitive, the most erogenous zone of my body. I released a moan when Julian started applying the same technique to my breast through the thin cotton dress. I arched back, lifting my hip as that little wave of passion rode through me. He held me still when another wave hit me. I had the urge to touch him, to feel those rippled muscle beneath the pads of my fingers, but he won’t let me, holding my hands tight with one hand.

  I frowned, wondering why I couldn’t touch him.

  “Not today, Kimberly. Just let me be the one to give you pleasure.”

  How kind. He wants to give me all the pleasure and not have any in return.

  I smiled, satisfied either way, but promised myself secretly that I’d have to return the favor some other time.

  Julian partially unzipped the back of my dress, letting the now loose strings slide easily off my shoulder, revealing my Victoria’s Secret bra. He unclasped my bra and tossed that aside along with the cotton dress. I now lay nude and bare. I felt free, unbound, exhilarated, without the constriction of those clothes.

  Cool air made my nipples more sensitive. They stood taut and swollen. Julian wasted no time basking his attention on them. He feasted his there, licking and sucking, nipping and gliding, his tongue swirling around and around until another wave hit me, making me moan out aloud.

  “Ahhh… Julian, that feels so good.”

  There was no need for a reply when the evidence of his arousal was in his eyes, burning fiery bright as he continued with his ministrations. He was so focused beads of perspiration dotted his brows. I leaned forward, using his body as leverage to lick the salted water.

  His eyebrows arched back in confusion. How could I touch him when he had my hand held back?

  “Even without my hands, I can still touch you.” I smirked. But it was like punishment for talking, because next, he pushed his finger inside me.

  I jolted, surprised at the sudden attack, feeling his rough digit invading my private space. But oh my did it feel good.

, I felt nervous at Julian’s sudden change of character. This Julian was more honest, more brutal in his ways with me, unlike the last time he fingered me. It felt like he was in control this time, and honest to god, I found that hot and sexy.

  Maybe Julian, the meek, humble person, liked being in the dominant role during sex. Even after I cried and arched my back for him to take me, he still wouldn’t.

  “Do you want to see me die?” I writhed like a worm. “Please, just… God, just… fuck me already.”

  The sensation was just too much. I’d never felt this incredible torment before. So beautiful yet so crazy it was driving me wild.

  “Julian,” I begged. “Please.”

  My throat was raw, dry, crying out for him to listen to my needs. Burst of lights blinded me in that instant, while rolls after rolls of pleasure hit me like waves on a seashore. I heaved, my breath coming in heavy fits as I tried to control my breathing. I just had my second orgasm. With just his fingers alone.

  And then Julian finally made his move.

  He pulled me to the edge of the bench and spread my legs apart. I fell back, putting all my weight on my elbows as I lay in a semi-supine position, butt lifting off the bench, my legs dangling over the edge.

  Fire, hot and smothering heat, burnt all over my skin when he unzipped his jeans to release his cock. I swallowed, my eyes following the movement of that cock as it stood erect, pointing straight in my direction, as if saying it wanted me.

  He was truly gifted in that department. I’d never seen a cock that big before. It was gigantic. And it made me a little nervous to think I might have trouble fitting him in.

  Julian shifted his position a bit more to get closer to my center, while milking his cock along the way in preparation for the grand entrance. His cock twitched as if it could smell my arousal. Slicked at the entrance, my clit throbbed for him to be inside me. Thankfully, he aligned at the gateway of my entrance right before I thought he was going to prolong it again. He pushed forward a bit, letting me get used to the feeling of how big he was inside me, then pushing in a bit more. I breathed slowly through my nose, feeling my muscles tighten around his length.

  It’d been so long since I last had sex. I didn’t even remember anymore what it felt like. Full and satisfying. How did I survive for three whole years without a man? A simple answer, my vibrator and the image of Julian in my head from three years ago.

  Julian stayed still for such a long time I thought he wasn’t going to go ahead. It was only when that first glint appeared in his eyes that I knew what was coming next. I braced myself, fingers tightly gripping to the edge of the bench. Although this was my first time with Julian, instinct told me I should prepare myself. I was going to get pounded until I lost my senses.

  And it was true. He pounded into me with aggression, like a wild beast taking down its prey. And I was his prey, being eaten up by him. I cried, moaned, and writhed as he slammed into me, again and again.

  Never before had I experienced this kind of sensation. Never before had my past experience put me through this much shame. I thought I was strong, having experience with a few of my past boyfriends, but this, nothing had prepared me for this ongoing slaughter. I was weak, like a little virgin catapulted into a vault filled with endless amounts of desire I didn’t know even existed. I thought I was an expert in this game. I thought I was the one that had seduced him, this meek and humble man. But now our role had been reversed. I was his puppet, and he was my master, pulling at my strings, playing all the right cords, making me sing and moan.

  Julian didn’t know what was going through my mind. He was also in his own world, busy giving off a series of grunts, animalist sounds that only he could make sound sexy.

  “You’re so tight, Kimberly,” he hissed in my ears.

  Of course I’m tight. My vibrator isn’t that big. But I couldn’t even tell him that. I was gasping for air, losing myself to the motion of his thrusts.

  Julian continued with his rhythm, already knowing I was almost there. His rapid succession of push and thrust, push and thrust, made my body soft and malleable. I no longer had control over my limbs. My mind was already gone.

  I looked at Julian, his face a blank mask, sweat pouring down his forehead again. He was lost in his own realm too. His eyes rolled back. His jaw was clenched, as if he were trying to suppress a certain feeling that wanted to leap out at that moment. Then suddenly—

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” His lips spewed out those words. His face contorted in a series of emotional masks as he raced towards a climatic ending. All too soon it ended for me too, with flashes of bright light and Julian’s essence spilling inside me.

  I lay still, barely able to move a muscle. My face flushed red, my body tingled, all of my nerve endings slowly reanimating. I felt the smooth but hard bench beneath my buttock, the rough sleeve of Julian’s shirt when it rubbed against my bared arms. These were all evidence of how hypersensitive I was after climaxing.

  I closed my eyes and reminisced Julian’s final moment before he climaxed. It was a glorious picture, the way his facial expression changed from passive to aggressive, to anger and then finally calm before returning to the humbly meek Julian’s facial expression I’d come to know so well. It was such an intimate moment for Julian, and I was blessed to be able to witness this.

  “Glorious, fabulous, and awesome,” I said once I regained my equilibrium. Julian frowned again, almost like he was lost and didn’t know what he’d done. I kissed his dark frown away, holding him inside me, not wanting to let go. “And here I thought you had limited vocabulary.”

  Julian finally found himself again. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. He pulled his cock out of me, all wet and soft. The evidence of our lovemaking dribbled down my leg.

  I laughed, feeling suddenly happier than ever before in my life.

  “What are you giggling at?” he asked shyly.

  “You and this?” I gestured to our love juice.

  “Sorry I made such a mess,” he apologized, looking meeker than ever before.

  Being a gentleman, he tore some tissues and wiped them between my legs, then disposed of our evidence in the tight-lidded rubbish bin. In my mind, I was thankful we did it in the bathroom.

  I stared at our surroundings now that all my senses came back to me. The room was in complete shambles. I was surprised nothing was broken. The amount of force and energy that went into our lovemaking was like a stampede of wild elephants in the Amazon.

  Shaking my head, I hopped off the bench just as Julian picked up my discarded underwear.

  “Let me help you dress.” He held out my underwear.

  I slipped my legs in, already missing the feel of his cock inside me. There’s always tonight, I thought… if Julian hadn’t decided to leave here yet.

  While my thoughts were running wild with ideas on the next time we should meet up, he was already dressed and laying my dress out for me. I hopped in again, and he zipped me up.

  I was like a little girl again, getting dressed for the first time by Papa, except this time, it was Julian. I should have felt shy, but instead, I felt a warm feeling inside my heart. I wasn’t embarrassed. This act that had happened between us proved we really had crossed the line. We were no longer two strangers, but two people committed to caring for each other. To me, this experience wasn’t a one-time thing. To me, this was the beginning of something new, of something beautiful between Julian and me.

  Seeing Julian’s glasses on the stand, I picked them up and gestured for Julian to come forward. He stood between my thighs, and already, I could feel his length poking into me.

  “You’re hard again,” I commented.

  Julian only nodded.

  “So you want me that much?”

  Again, Julian just nodded.

  I smiled, leaned forward, and slipped the frames onto the folds of his ears, then gave him a mouthwatering kiss.

  “Maybe next time you should start carrying condoms,” I said, smiling before exiting
the door.

  Julian stared blankly at me before he understood my full meaning.

  Chapter 8

  Julian didn’t appear for dinner that night. I was a little guttered. He didn’t tell me he went away. After our amazing sex session in the bathroom, I’d left first and gone back to the dining room, hoping he would follow. But he never did. I wanted to know where he went to but didn’t want to question Beau, and especially Fiona, since she gave me that look from last night when she thought I might seduce her son. Well, if she knew I had seduced Julian, what would she think?

  Josh was his giddy self again, happy I supposed, since Julian wasn’t at the table. I didn’t talk much, even though Josh kept trying to make conversation. By 10:00 p.m., I excused myself to go to bed, blaming it on jet lag.

  I went into the kitchen to get myself a full glass of water, then headed upstairs and locked the doors to my bedroom. I wasn’t going to repeat last’s night mistake of venturing in the dark to find water for my parched throat. Josh had apologized again for attacking me last night, saying adamantly he didn’t remember. Honestly, I was tired. I’d already forgiven him, but it pays to be cautious.

  After calling Papa about my report on the Devereux and that I’d be sending the presentation to him in the next few days, I got into bed, praying I would see Julian one last time before heading back to the hotel tomorrow. John would come to collect me. Josh, thankfully, wouldn’t be accompanying me back.

  Yawning suddenly, I tucked myself into bed and dreamed of Julian kissing me.

  I woke up to a dark shadow looming over me. My heart went into flight mode as I tried to scramble out of my tangled sheets, shouting my lungs out for help.

  But no sound came out. My lips were blocked with another pair of lips, kissing me. Hot tongue swirled inside my mouth, pulling at my life force, dampening my shout until it transformed into a whimper.

  Josh, was this Josh? But why did my heart feel calm, like it had experienced this kind of kiss before?



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