All I Ask

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All I Ask Page 19

by Nicole McLaughlin

  “Is he the guy that was with you at the bar?” Emily asked.

  Reeve nodded.

  “I’m still sorry it upset you that I went in the house. But . . . I’m glad I know and I’m glad I’ve been inside.”

  Reeve lifted an eyebrow. “Why is that? Because I’d do anything to go back in time and change you stepping one foot inside that door.”

  “Because now you aren’t alone. It’s not your home anymore, but it is your mother, and you shouldn’t have to carry that burden by yourself.”

  He stared at her, his eyes narrowing. With predatory swiftness, he flipped her over and had her on her back. “You shouldn’t be so good to me, Whip.”

  She could barely look into his eyes with the guilt that began to weigh her down. If only he knew how not good she was, keeping part of herself a secret like she was.

  “Why is that?” She repeated his words back to him.

  “Because I might decide that I want to keep you.”

  Emily inhaled deeply, the thought settling into every cell of her body. Keep her. If only it could be so easy. She was beginning to want this to be way more than it was, way more than she should. Tonight, in the shower, and in bed, things felt like they’d gone to another level, and she knew that it was time to come clean. But how could she announce that she was worth millions after he’d just revealed such a heart-wrenching past? Today just wasn’t the day.


  Early Monday morning, Emily’s phone rang. She eagerly snatched it up, hoping to see Reeve’s name. She was almost as excited when she saw that it was Amanda.

  “How was Hawaii?” she asked, excitedly.

  “Oh, it was sooo wonderful, Em. When you get married you have to go there for your honeymoon.”

  Emily smiled to herself. A month ago she would have had a rejoinder. She might have insisted she’d never get married, never find a man who would want her. Today she couldn’t bring herself to say any of those things. Things had changed in her heart. That certainly didn’t mean her life was going to change course, but the words still didn’t come. “I’m so glad you had fun. Tell me all about it.”

  “How about we go to lunch, today? Can you fit me in?” Amanda sounded hopeful. “We never had time to talk about the wedding and I’m dying to. Please.”

  “Oh, Amanda, I’d love to, but I can’t today. I have a group flying in for a meeting right now.”

  Amanda growled on the other end. “Is it that important?” she teased.

  Emily laughed. “Well, considering this group flew in from South Korea, I think they might object if I cancel on them.”

  “Whoa, what for?”

  “We’re considering a few four-D installations at LAM.”

  “Four-D, what does that even mean?”

  “Well, basically it brings the physical elements into the cinematic experience. Wind, heat, rain, scents.”

  “Wow. Okay, that does sound important. Tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow I fly out, how about Friday?”

  “All right, but tell Daniel, put it in your phone, and make sure you don’t forget.”

  “I promise, I won’t. You are my very important Friday lunch meeting because I have things to talk about, too.”

  “No, no. You don’t get to tease me so stop right there. But I get one guess. Is it Mr. One-Night Stand?”

  Emily laughed. “Good guess. More to come.”

  Amanda squealed. “See you Friday.”

  They got off the line and an hour later Emily was greeting the team from 4D Works and was thrilled to see that it consisted of two women and three men. She’d dealt with groups of only men a hundred times, and it was always nice when she didn’t have to feel outnumbered. If there was only one woman in a group, some men still felt safe showing their unsavory side. Usually if there were two or more they behaved themselves. Not all men, of course, but there often seemed to be a bad apple when it came to corporate get-togethers such as these. Not that she couldn’t handle it, but she preferred not having to.

  Emily started by leading them on a personal tour of the office and was happy to find that all of the 4D Works team members were friendly and showed genuine enthusiasm over LAM’s day-to-day operations. They were also excited about their company and their product, and their excitement invigorated Emily. When they stepped outside and then complimented her on the loveliness of the patio and garden, Emily preened inside. She wished Reeve were present to hear their compliments.

  By lunchtime Emily had warmed not only to the members of the group, but their business plan for installation and marketing. There were only a handful of theaters in the United States that had introduced the 4-D experience, but she knew it was about to take off. They would start small, introducing it in a couple of the bigger cities, but there was no doubt that this was the next step in moviegoing, and she refused to have LAM Theaters fail when it came to innovation and upgrading. Not any longer.

  When the tour ended it was time to leave for lunch as planned. After that they would come back. She knew that was when the negotiations would ensue, and she couldn’t wait. That was a thrill for her, talking out a plan that worked for both parties. The give-and-take, the dance of dollars and incentive.

  Daniel had been along all morning, answering questions. Emily had even heard a couple of the men asking him about Kansas farming since Manhattan was surrounded by agriculture. The office they stood in was bracketed by farmland on three sides just beyond the tree line. The conversation had made her smile.

  “Daniel, please come to lunch with us,” Emily said as she grabbed her purse from her office.

  He looked surprised. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, yes. I insist. Natalie and Roy are also coming. You did make the reservation at the country club, yes?”

  “Of course, but I only made it for eight.”

  Emily raised an eyebrow at him. “As much money as we pump into that place, I think they can find another chair to add to our table.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He was grinning as he walked out of her office.

  Twenty minutes later they were pulling into the parking lot of Sunset Country Club. Emily had been coming here as long as she could recall. Her own family had been members until her father died, but after that her mother had chosen not to renew it for a while. Once she married the general they moved to Virginia and Emily only came in the summer when she visited her grandparents. In many ways, Sunset felt like a second home, reminding her of her father in his golf shirts smoking cigars on the large back deck. He’d secretly hated golf but had known it was part of the deal, so to speak.

  Raeanne, the general manager of the club, greeted them under the driveway portico outside the front door.

  Emily made all of the introductions and was pleased when Raeanne graciously and enthusiastically welcomed the group into the club.

  “Don’t look now, and don’t freak out,” Natalie whispered in Emily’s ear. “But a certain landscaping crew is here working.”

  Emily’s stomach instantly dropped. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “No. Where are we eating? Inside or out?”

  “I’m really not sure.” Emily stepped into the cool air-conditioning and turned to the window in the lobby, peering around the front lawn. She instantly spotted the two white trucks on the little road that led to the golf course. One of them featured a prominent Big Blue Landscaping logo. “Damn.”

  She turned back to Natalie, who looked sympathetic. “I’m sure he didn’t see you. And based on your reaction, you still haven’t told him. Are you guys seeing each other? And if so, why haven’t you come clean?”

  “Long story.” Emily hurried to catch up with the group, which to her chagrin was being led to the back patio.

  “Perfect,” Natalie drawled behind her. “I hope they’ve already mowed the golf course. Keep your sunglasses on.”

  “On it.” Emily pulled her sunglasses out of her purse and as they walked outside she instantly chose a seat at the table that faced
the building and not the expansive golf course. It was a beautiful day, and now that she was listening, she could hear the sound of the mowers on the front lawn. Surely they wouldn’t mow the course during business hours.

  She quickly turned around and peered out onto the greens. Sure enough, several men were golfing. Hopefully they were safe back here and the crew was almost done and on its way out.

  Emily hadn’t really spoken to Reeve since she’d left his place late Saturday. He’d asked her to stay the night, but she’d known the longer she stayed, the more she would feel like she needed to tell him everything. And she wanted to, but that hadn’t been the right time. He’d been too vulnerable. His past had been devastating to hear and all she’d wanted was to wrap her arms around him.

  Instead she’d continued to hold her own secrets close and assured him as best she could. God, she was such a fraud. All these years of being proud of herself and her accomplishments, and here she was hiding herself from a man. Lying. The exact thing she swore she would never have any part of.

  Focusing on the group at the table, Emily asked questions of the 4D Works team, about South Korea, their families. She knew keeping the meal discussion light and friendly was the best course of action. She’d learned that if you weren’t careful, negotiations could flare up at any moment, and this wasn’t the time or place. She wanted the meal to be casual.

  Eventually they wrapped up lunch and moved to linger at the edge of the patio where a couple of men smoked cigars and one of the women partook in a cigarette. Once everyone was finished she planned to suggest heading back to the office, but a voice called to Emily from the course behind her.

  She froze for a moment, then turned. To her relief, a group of golfers were walking up from the closest green. Smiling, she walked over to them and put her hand out to shake with Nolan Weber, the son of one of her father’s closest friends. They’d grown up coming here together and she hadn’t seen him in a while.

  “A handshake?” He chuckled, pulling her into a hug. “It’s been forever.”

  “It has. How are you?” Emily asked, stepping back from Nolan. The last thing she wanted was everyone from 4D Works to think this was something that it wasn’t.

  “I’ve been great.” He slyly looked her up and down and then glanced over at her group. Everyone was thankfully still chatting. The men he’d been with had grabbed a table nearby, leaving them alone. “You look . . . amazing. As always.”

  “That’s nice of you to say. Thank you.”

  “Business meeting? Sorry to interrupt, I was just surprised to see you here. You don’t come very often anymore.”

  “Just busy these days. And yes, a meeting, so I should probably—”


  Emily’s heart stopped and she jerked her head to the side. Reeve stood there, holding a weed whacker. He wore khaki shorts, a Big Blue polo, and a confused look on his face. Ironically, Nolan was in a similar outfit, but his was the rich man’s version, and the observation annoyed her.

  They’d each be judged accordingly out in the world, and that would be an entirely inaccurate representation of their true worth.

  She forced a smile. “Reeve, hi. What are you doing here?”

  Stepping farther away from Nolan, she wished she could see Reeve’s eyes, but as usual when he was working, they were concealed behind his sunglasses. The firm set of his lips told her a great deal about how he was feeling at the moment.

  “I’m working,” he said, his tone flat.

  “You better get back to it, my man.” Nolan’s tone was pure arrogance as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, clearly ready for Reeve to walk away. He looked at Emily. “Does he do your landscaping, too, or what?”

  Emily sucked in a breath—suddenly aching to punch him—but before she could open her mouth, Reeve spoke up.

  “Actually I’m sleeping with her. Do you have a fucking problem with that?”

  Emily’s mouth dropped open and Nolan sucked in a breath.

  “You piece of shit.” He started toward Reeve but Emily jerked herself in front of him.

  “It’s fine, Nolan. It was nice to see you.”

  He started down at her as if she were crazy, his eyes darting back to Reeve whom she could feel radiating heat behind her.

  Nolan pointed over her shoulder at Reeve. “Pretty sure I could lose your boss this account in two seconds flat.”

  Thankfully Reeve remained silent, although Emily was tempted to point out to Nolan that Reeve was the owner. Instead the minute he walked away, she turned on Reeve.

  “Follow me right now,” she hissed.

  Thankfully, he did, and she led him around the corner and out of earshot or eyesight of her lunch companions.

  “What the hell is wrong with you? I’m here eating lunch with some colleagues for a business meeting. I didn’t expect to see you, so I apologize if I may have acted a little awkward but . . . that. What was that?”

  “That guy is a douchebag. You’re lucky I didn’t knock his ass out.”

  “Oh yes, I’m so grateful to you for holding back and only telling him we are sleeping together.”

  Reeve sighed. “I’m sorry. I should not have said what I did, you’re right. But I saw him touching you, and then he made that fucking comment.”

  “I know, he’s an arrogant ass. But Reeve, it was a hug. I’ve known Nolan a long time. We grew up together. And you might have noticed that I gently pushed him away.”

  “Yeah, well, I would have preferred your knee connecting with his nuts.”

  Her lips quirked. “Because that would have looked so professional to our clients.” She sighed. “I didn’t like him touching me. Okay?”

  “I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess you wouldn’t be happy with me touching you here, either, but not for the same reason.”

  Oh no, why did he have to go and say that? He was trying to rile her up, make it seem like she was ashamed of him, when nothing could be further from the truth.

  “It would be a lot easier for you if that were true. Wouldn’t it?” she asked.

  The only hesitation she had right now was the fact that she had a team of colleagues not twenty feet away, and she prided herself on her professionalism. And while she knew they were unlikely to be seen here on the side of the building, she was still ready to take a chance. Reeve was worth the risk of being caught.

  Quickly she went up on her toes and placed her lips on his. She meant to make it fast but his palm found the back of her neck, gripped her, and held her to him. At first his mouth was tight and unyielding, but as the contact extended, he softened, moaning into her mouth. He sucked at her bottom lip and then bit at it lightly.

  “I want to rip this dress off you, Em. I want to touch you and let every single one of these rich assholes know you’re mine.”

  Emily shivered. “After what you did I’m sure word will get around.”

  “Does that bother you?” He looked straight into her eyes, and she realized her response was important to him.

  She shook her head. “No. It doesn’t.”

  He kissed her once more and then pulled away. “I need to see you tonight,” he said.

  Emily sighed, disappointed. “I can’t. I need to pack. I have to be gone for the rest of this week.” She braced herself for questions, unsure what she was going to say. The past few days she’d been trying to come up with a good excuse for why she’d be away for several days without inciting questions from him.

  “What for?”

  She could just tell him now. Get it over with. But it didn’t seem right to tell him what she did for a living while standing outside the country club that he was employed by. They needed to be in a private space. A safe space. This weekend. She would definitely tell him this weekend, because she couldn’t put it off any longer. Couldn’t keep making these lame excuses. If they survived it, great. If not, it still needed to be done.

  “Just some silly work meetings. I wish I didn’t have to go.”

  He seeme
d to accept her reasoning. “Will you be back this weekend? I have drills but we can be together Friday night.”

  “Okay, that sounds good.”

  She needed to commit to her plan. Force herself to do the right thing. “Why don’t you come to my place?”

  Even with the sunglasses on, she could tell he was surprised. “Okay. I’d like that.”

  “I’ll text you my address.”

  He nodded and lifted a finger to her chin. “You behave yourself, Whip.”

  “I will.” She watched him turn and walk away. He didn’t look back, but she watched him until he was gone.


  By Friday morning Reeve was sore from head to toe. It had been one of the busiest workweeks of his life, not including his military career. Nothing could really compare with that. But he was older now, and his body—while still in good shape—just couldn’t handle the beating like it used to. He was even sunburned on the back of his neck, which rarely happened since he was outside so much. But Thursday he’d worked in direct sun the entire day. Thankfully, he’d taken today off.

  Even though it was nearly eight in the morning, the sky was still dark outside his window. It was late May, and there was rain in the forecast for the next four days. Not unusual for Kansas where the weather was so erratic it could be scalding hot one day and freezing the next. After slaving away in the heat for the past week, a cooler, overcast day was welcome.

  With that thought, the rain began to fall, pelting against his roof. Snuggling further back into his pillow, Reeve reached to the bedside table and picked up his phone. He found the last text he’d received from Emily on Wednesday night.

  EMILY: Goodnight. Xoxo

  He smiled and sent her a new text.

  REEVE: You forgot to send your address. What time tonight?


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