sometimes following you dreams means breaking your heart

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sometimes following you dreams means breaking your heart Page 21

by Claire Gough

  “Yeah, sorry. I...” My voice cracks as I quickly try and swipe away the tears from my eyes.

  “I shouldn’t have said anything.” His eyes fill with sadness.

  “No, Mitch. I’m glad you did. You just bought back a memory I’d forgotten.”

  I laugh a little at the confusion on his face.

  “Memories of my parents are starting to fade. Some of them have completely gone. You have no idea how much it scares me that, one day, I won’t remember them at all. But you just bought back a memory I’d lost, which feels...amazing.” I sniff, trying to keep my tears under control.

  “Come here.” He pulls me to the bed and we sit on the edge. “You feel like sharing it with me?” He rubs my back.

  I turn and look at him. God knows what it is that makes me feel like I can trust him in such a short amount of time, but it’s almost like I’ve known him my whole life.

  “On Sundays, my dad used to play his records while mom cooked dinner. Instead of learning to cook and be domestic, I was in the living room with Dad as he tried to teach me the titles of each song. Back then, I remembered them all, but I’m probably a little rusty now.” I wipe the tears away.

  “That sounds perfect. That’s the sort of memory you should cherish.” He kisses my forehead. I feel bad talking about happy memories with my parents when the memories of his are so awful.

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t talk about them with you,” I say in a soft voice.

  He shakes his head. “Actually, I like hearing about your parents. I wish I could have met them.”

  Needing to change the subject, I clear my throat. “What about your adoptive parents? What are they like?”

  He sighs and removes his arm from around my shoulders. “They are…perfect. They loved me unconditionally, just as parents should.”


  He cringes. “Yeah. When I started looking for my birth parents, it caused a huge rift between us.” He shrugs, like it’s not a big deal. I can see it is, though. “I think I broke their hearts the day I left, but I was too stupid and selfish to see it back then. I still get a phone call from them on my birthday and Christmas, but that’s about it.”

  He looks down at his lap. “I went from having two sets of parents to having none. That’s why the guys are like my family. I’d follow them to the ends of the earth.”

  I nod. I can understand that. That’s why I cling to Jill. “I’m glad you have them.”

  He smiles at me, then kisses my forehead. “You must be starving.”

  On cue, my stomach rumbles. I have been so preoccupied, I haven’t even thought about food.

  “Pizza?” I ask.

  He grins. “Perfect.”

  I smile as I feel fingers tracing patterns on my bare back. “Good morning, Mitch,” I mumble, not opening my eyes.

  “Good morning, Lexi.”

  I feel his voice rumble through my body. I open my eyes, realising my head is on his chest. I lift it and look up at him. He looks so calm and peaceful.

  All the memories from last night come flooding back to me. I do a quick inventory of my body. I’m completely naked. I move my leg that’s draped over him. Mitch is completely naked, too.

  “The alarm on my phone’s going off,” he says, pointing at his jogging bottoms on the floor by my dresser. Rubbing my eyes, I roll off him and let him up.

  Wait. What day is it? Is it still Saturday? Sunday?

  “Alarm?” I ask as he grabs his phone and climbs back into bed. I roll out of the way to let him take back his original position before I move to rest my head on his chest again.

  “It’s the alarm to make sure I don’t miss breakfast.” He smiles.

  If his alarm’s going off for breakfast, it’s definitely Sunday. Curse my room with no windows!

  Wait… Shit, what time did Jill get back?

  Panic erupts in my chest. I clutch the sheet to me as I sit up.

  “Oh, my god… Jill. Do you think she looked in and saw you here?” I ask, eyes wide.

  He laughs. “Calm down. I’m sure she didn’t. I’m guessing she doesn’t even know I’m here…yet.” He smirks. That word sends more panic through me.

  “You need to get to breakfast!”

  Trust me, kicking him out of my bed is the very last thing I want to do, but Jill cannot know I brought him down here.

  He sighs. “I was worried you might say that.” He groans and rolls off the bed. Even in my state of panic, I take a second to appreciate his perfect body as I watch him search for his clothes.

  “I don’t want you to go. Trust me.”

  He pulls up his jogging bottoms. “I know you don’t, Lexi.” He smiles and runs a hand through his messy hair.

  My god, I want to pull him back to bed and keep him here forever.

  “And trust me when I say that means the world to me.” He slides on his black t-shirt.

  I smile at him as I climb off the bed and search for my clothes.

  Once we’re dressed, we walk to my bedroom door. I open it slightly to peer into the hallway, making sure the coast is clear.

  His hand appears on the door next to my head and pushes it closed as his chest presses to my back. If he doesn’t move soon, we won’t be leaving the room at all. Maybe that’s his plan... It’s a very good plan.

  “Let me take you out tonight,” he whispers into my ear.

  I swallow hard, trying to find my voice. “Okay,” I breathe out. I’d pretty much agree to anything right now with him behind me like this.

  “Thank you.” He kisses my shoulder.

  I smile. “Now shush. I’ve got to sneak you out of here.”

  He giggles like a child. It’s such a sweet, innocent, carefree noise.

  I pop my head out of the bedroom, pushing my hand into his chest to keep him in place for a second while I check.

  “Hello? Anyone awake down here?” I ask and wait for a few minutes. I'm greeted with nothing but silence. Perfect. “Come on.” I grab his hand and pull him to the stairs.

  “Wait. Are you coming to the gig tomorrow night?”

  I turn to look at him. ““That’s a stupid question, Mitchell,” I snap.

  He places his hand over my mouth. “Shush! Jesus, Lexi. No one else knows my name but you. Let’s keep it that way, yeah?” He smiles. He isn’t taking this situation as seriously as I am.

  “Okay, Finnley. I’ll be there. I promise.” I start pushing him up the stairs, making him laugh.

  “And you promised to let me take you out tonight, too. You promised!” He turns to face me. I can’t help but smile at him, even if I am panicking. He looks so carefree this morning. I see no pain in his eyes at all. I love the fact I did that.

  “Yes, I promised. I meant it, too.” I push him once more as he opens the door.

  “We have a band practice this afternoon, meet me in the lobby at 6:00?” he asks.

  “Yes, Finnley. Now, go eat breakfast!”

  When he leans down to kiss me, my heart takes flight. God, I love how it always feels like the first time. He can still take my breath away with one kiss.

  I pull away. “Fin, you need to go!” I giggle.

  He groans, like leaving is his least favourite thing in the world right now. I push him out the door. Quickly shutting it behind him, I lean against it. That was close. I bite my lip. I knew he was going to be trouble as soon as I laid eyes on him. Now I could do with another cold shower.

  My heart pounding in my chest, I leave the safety of the living quarters. I want to see Jill to judge her reaction, to make sure she didn’t hear or see anything she shouldn’t have last night. I feel bad that I forgot all about her, but under Mitchell's touch, I am rendered completely brain dead.

  I slowly walk into the lounge. The guys are all eating. I avoid Fin's gaze. Acting normal right now is of the utmost importance. I know he’s looking up at me as I walk past, but if I glance at him, I’ll blush, completely giving away the fact we were together. The guests I checked in last night are sitting
at the table next to Cole and Jay. I smile at their six-year-old son as I walk past.

  “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” blasts from the kitchen. Jill and Alistair are bopping around while cooking and cleaning. Most of the guests have finished breakfast by now.

  “Morning,” I say, way too chipper. “So, how was it?”

  Jill turns from the sink to smile at me, not stopping her bopping.

  “Brilliant,” Alistair answers. I’m relieved to see them smiling. They have no clue about what I got up to last night.

  Thank God!

  “Oh, sweetheart, it was fantastic. We felt like we were sixteen again,” Jill says, clutching her chest, swaying to the song.

  “Sounds perfect to me. How are Bevy and Dom?”

  She laughs. “The usual. I think poor Dom had to carry Bev home around midnight.” Jill turns back to the sink, then nods at the plate on the counter. “I saved you a sausage sandwich.”


  I pick up the plate and start to leave the kitchen. I see Fin's face through the beaded curtain, his eyebrows pulled together.

  Why is he frowning like that?

  “Oh, I almost forgot, Alexis,” Jill says. I turn back to face her. She leans her arm on the side of the sink. “Why did you feel the need to hide that poor boy this morning?”

  I freeze. How does she always know everything?

  “Sorry?” I ask, my cheeks on fire.

  “You’re a grown woman, Alexis. I’m not a complete relic just yet. I do understand that you’re going to have men in your room. I was actually starting to worry you wouldn’t.” She chuckles.

  I stand here, hoping the floor will swallow me up. I look down at my feet.

  Anytime now, floor. Whenever you’re ready.

  “What I don’t understand is why you felt the need to hide the poor fellow from us.”

  I bite my lip. Jill and Alistair are both staring at me, but words have completely escaped me. I sigh and let my shoulders drop.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disappoint you.” I look down at the plate in my hand. I can’t deny it because I can’t lie even at the best of times, especially to Jill.

  “I don’t think I’d ever be so happy to almost be ploughed down by a young man leaving our living quarters,” Alistair adds, laughing. I frown, completely confused. “Next time you feel the need to push a young man out the door, you might want to check whom you’re pushing him into.”

  Jill laughs and turns back to the soapy water as “Sugar, Sugar” starts to play.

  I close my eyes, embarrassment completely taking over. I pushed Fin out of the living quarters right into Alistair? Great! So much for keeping our private life private.

  I can’t believe how okay Jill is with this. She genuinely seems amused that I hid a guy in my room all night. She’s almost relishing in the fact. Suddenly, I don’t feel hungry. I put the plate back down and walk out of the kitchen…right into Mitch. I look up into his eyes, which are full of concern.

  “Sorry,” he says, making me burst into laughter.

  So this is what it feels like to have a breakdown?

  He frowns. He has to be able to see the funny side of this. I was so scared to get caught with him in my room, I actually pushed him right into Alistair. The more I think about it, the more I laugh.

  “Please, don’t be sorry,” I say, wiping away my tears from laughing. I slide my arms around his neck and pull him to me. He wraps his arms around me.

  He leans to my ear, not caring who can see. “Are you okay, though? I tried to warn you as you walked in, but you wouldn’t make eye contact.”

  “Honestly, I’m fine.” I pull away and look at him. He searches my face. He can read me so well. I think last night may have heightened that particular superpower of his. It’s like he can tell what I’m thinking almost.

  He smiles. “You need to eat, Lex. The last thing you had was two pieces of pizza.” He tucks my hair behind my ear. He's right. I also remember we didn’t finish the pizza because we got…distracted.

  I don’t know if I’m strong enough to go back into the kitchen for my sausage sandwich because that would mean facing my aunt, which I’m not sure I can do right now. I know it’s all fun and giggles for her, but I’m so embarrassed for many reasons. One, he’s only been here a week and he’s already completely consumed me, and two, no other guy has ever taken my mind off wanting to run a B&B long enough for me to want to bring him home. I don’t want Jill to think I’m not taking my job seriously because of a guy.

  I look at Fin. He isn’t just a guy, though, is he?

  “I'll go get your food.”

  Before I can say anything, he walks into the kitchen. Once again, just another sign that he can read me all too well.

  I head over to my window seat to wait.

  “Morning, Alex,” Cole greets me with a smile as I pass. I freeze, remembering Fin telling me he would act differently around me. He was right.

  I smile at him and continue to my seat in the window. Fin returns with my sandwich and a cup of coffee. He smiles as he hands them to me, then returns to his table. Looking at them, I realise Brad isn’t here. Thank God. He would have noticed Fin didn’t make it back to his room last night.

  “You all ready for Monday?’ I ask Cole as I bite into my sandwich.

  He shrugs. “Ready as always. We’ve got a rehearsal this afternoon to polish a few things up.” He smiles. It’s so rare, I think I’m staring. It’s like this isn’t the same guy. This is a new Cole.

  I look at Jay, who’s staring down into his cup of coffee. Judging by the look of him, he’s hungover.

  “Are you coming to the gig tomorrow?” Cole asks. Mitch turns toward me, as if making sure I stick to what I promised.

  “Of course.” I smile and sip my coffee. I quickly shift my gaze to Fin, who’s grinning.

  I've been avoiding my aunt for most of the morning. I haven’t even eaten lunch to avoid bumping into her in the kitchen. What do I say? Do I just act normal? Will she quiz me? Will I die of embarrassment?

  It’s now 3:30pm and there’s something I want to do, especially after last night’s conversation with Mitch. However, to do it, I need to speak to my aunt. My palms are sweaty as I reach for the door to my room.

  I walk into our living area, which is the only room down here with a window. It’s level with the street, but at least it’s something. Right now, all I can see through the window is the rain bouncing off the pavement. I look around the room. The TV is on, but no one is sitting on the sofa.

  I see Jill in the kitchen area just to the left. Before I have a chance to say anything, she turns, jumping when she sees me.

  “Oh. Hello, sweetheart. You startled me. I thought you were out with the boy.” She smiles.

  “No. He’s at practice.”

  She nods and smiles. “He’s a nice guy, Alexis.”

  My heart swells. I know he's a nice guy, he's a great guy, but talking about him just makes me panic that I can’t spend time with him right now.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, a concerned frown on her face.

  “I think so… I was wondering… Do you have any of my dad’s old records? Or were they given to Goodwill after...” I swallow hard.

  She smiles. “I have them.” She dries her hands on a tea towel. “I had a feeling you'd be ready to take them one day.”

  She leads me through the kitchen and into our little version of a basement where all our Christmas and Halloween decorations are stored. Jill pulls on the light cord, illuminating the little space.

  “I think these boxes are the ones you’re after,” she says and reaches up to the top shelf. I quickly rush to her side and pull down the huge brown box. It’s heavy. I place it on the floor, then rub my hands on my jeans and stare down at it. This box holds so many memories for me, probably ones I’ve forgotten.

  “Thanks, Jill.” I use all my strength to pick up the box and walk up the few stairs.


  I plac
e the box on the floor at the top of the steps and turn to look at her.

  “You might also need this.” She leans against a dark plastic rectangle on a lower shelf. I walk back down and look at it. It’s my dad’s dusty old record player.

  I grin at her. “Yeah, it might help.” I was in such a rush to escape any conversation with her about Mitch, I forgot I didn’t have any way to listen to them. I grip the edges of the record player and start to pull on it.

  “Alexis…” Her hand lands on my shoulder. I sigh, knowing what’s coming. “Please, don’t be embarrassed by your feelings for this boy.”

  I turn to face her, throwing my hands up. “He’s only here for a week, but look at how different I’m acting.”

  She smiles. “Different isn’t necessarily bad, though, sweetheart.”

  “But how can I feel anything after only a week?”

  “Time means nothing when it comes to the matters of the heart.”

  “I know, but a week isn’t long enough.” My voice starts to crack.

  She smiles sympathetically at me. “Maybe it doesn’t have to be just a week, Alexis.”

  I know she's hinting at the same thing Mitch did. How can I tell her long distance won’t work for us because I’m planning on starting my own business? I just shake my head.

  “I can’t. I have responsibilities here, and he has the band to concentrate on. Cole is trying to get them signed and…”

  I shake my head. I have been through this in my own head so much the past few days, I’m driving myself crazy. I can’t see long distance working. We both have our separate dreams we need to work on.

  “I have no clue how I’m going to say goodbye on Tuesday.”

  When tears fill my eyes, Jill wraps her arms around me and holds me tightly. I love her. She held me together when I thought there was no way I’d ever feel like me again. Even so, I can’t help but miss my mom in moments like this. I imagine her soothing voice...not that I can really remember what her voice sounded like anymore. I wonder what her advice to me would be if she were here.

  “Goodbye doesn’t have to mean forever, sweetheart.”


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