This Is Why (A Brookside Romance Book 3)

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This Is Why (A Brookside Romance Book 3) Page 13

by Abby Brooks

  I have a list of places I want to take Lexi and Gabe, but today is all about showing my son off to my friends. I have six years of playing the proud father to catch up on and I’m going to tote this kid around to anyone who will give us the time of day, starting with my friend and neighbor Jack and his wife Tara. Their son Toby is about a year older than Gabe. The way I see it, introducing everyone will ensure Lexi and Gabe have something to do in case they get bored while I’m at work tomorrow, and somewhere to turn in case of an emergency.

  We start our day earlier than I’d like. It’s four thirty in the morning here, but our bodies think it’s ten thirty. After some breakfast and lounging around as we wait for the sun to come up, we go back out to the beach where we lounge around some more. Gabe plays in the waves while Lexi and I recline in beach chairs, holding hands in the empty space between us. When we get hot, we tromp into the water, splashing and playing like children. Gabe and I throw a football and I swear, that kid gets better by the day. We come in just before lunch, tired, but smiling, and make a quick meal of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chips.

  “We’ll have to make a trip to the commissary before dinner,” I say as we sit down to eat. “But, I wondered if you’d be opposed if I invited some friends over for a cookout. I’d like to show you guys off. How often is it a man goes home for a week and comes back with a six-year-old son?” …and a woman I’m falling in love with, I finish in my head.

  Lexi grimaces but quickly covers it up with a smile. It reminds me of the look on her face last night in my study. She obviously didn’t want to talk about whatever was bothering her in front of Gabe, so I dropped it and won’t pick it up again now, but I file it away as something to talk about later.

  “Sure,” she says with a light shrug. “You lead and we’ll follow.” She grins at me and pops a chip into her mouth. “Well, at least until I get used to being out here and then we’ll see about that following stuff.”

  I level a finger at her. “You forget who you’re dealing with. Here in Mololani at Kaneohoe Bay, I am Captain Tyler Reed, a highly decorated and respected officer of the United States Marine Corps. Most people discover things are better if they follow my lead.”

  “Yeah, but you should know by now that I’m not most people.”

  I wipe my mouth and drop my napkin on my plate. “Ain’t that the truth.”

  She looks so beautiful, sitting at my table with her hair piled high on her head like it was the first day I saw her in Key West. She smiles at me and it’s the same smile I imagined all those years, writing letters to her, jacking off to her, imagining conversations with her when times were hard or boasting to her when times were good. The very fact that she’s here is surreal. She’s a miracle of flesh and fantasy, sitting at my dining table, laughing at my dumb jokes like she’s always been here.

  “You feel like getting cleaned up? I know I could use a shower.” My mind goes straight to her body wet and covered in soap while I keep my gaze respectfully on her face in front of Gabe.

  The gleam in her eyes tells me she’s fighting the same thoughts. “I’m feeling decidedly dirty right now.” She scoots her chair back from the table and stands. “Gabe, you feel like a bath?”

  His eyes light up and we all trek upstairs. Lexi draws a bath for Gabe in the guest bathroom while I draw one for us in the master. Once the boy is safely out of the tub and playing in his room, Lexi joins me, locking the door behind her as she unhooks her bikini top and lets it fall to the floor. I watch her from my place in the tub. Her tan lines have deepened from our morning in the sun and she looks more and more like the girl I met in Key West. My Alexa. My dream girl. My dick stiffens and I shift as she lowers herself into the warm water across from me.

  She drops her head back and sighs in pleasure as the water reaches her breasts. “Now this is what I’m talking about.” She lifts her head and meets my gaze.

  “And just think, you could be back in Ohio right now.” I grin at her.

  “I don’t think it matters where I am as long as I’m with you.”

  Her words hit me in the chest and I lean forward, cup each of her cheeks between my hands, and kiss her. She closes her eyes and opens her mouth to me. I sweep my tongue along her bottom lip as she grips my dick and runs her thumb across the tip. I shudder and suppress a groan of pleasure.

  “I told you I was feeling dirty.” Her gaze is heavy and full of desire. “Now, tell me. Just what do you plan to do about it?”

  I know exactly what I’m going to do about it and instead of telling her, I skip a few steps and show her instead.

  Laughter echoes through my house as the smell of burgers and steak waft in from off the grill. Jack and Tara brought our mutual friend Lucas as well as a slew of snacks, drinks, and side items. Lexi fits right in with the three of them, laughing and joking and teasing them as if they were old friends while Toby and Gabe disappeared upstairs an hour ago and haven’t been seen since.

  “Who else but Tyler goes home a single man and comes back with a ready-made family?” Lucas holds up his beer in mock salute and then takes a long drink.

  Lexi plasters on a fake smile and laughs, but something’s bothering her. I keep seeing it in her eyes but haven’t found the time to ask her about it yet.

  “My sister was bugging me about a cousin for my new nephew.” I grab a spatula on my way to check on the grill. “Lucky me, I found a way to expedite the order.”

  “I figured it would be me and you, single and stubborn to the end.” Lucas makes a face. “Now you’re one step away from these two.” He gestures towards Jack and Tara.

  “And what’s wrong with being like us?” Tara leans forward, arching an eyebrow and giving Lucas a look that would give the most battle-hardened warrior cause to hesitate.

  “Nothing,” says Lucas. “I mean, not if you’re cool with being boring.”

  Laughter chases me outside and when I peek in to check on Lexi, she seems at ease. Maybe I’m imagining whatever it is I think I see. Maybe it’s nothing more than jet lag and the uncertainty of being in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar people.

  When the burgers are done, I carry them back inside and put the platter down on the counter near the rest of the food. “They’re done,” I call out. “Get ‘em before they’re gone.”

  The boys come racing downstairs as the adults stand and make their way into the kitchen. Lexi helps Gabe fill his plate while she chats with Tara. Jack and Lucas jostle each other, fighting over who gets the best burger, and Toby reaches up on tiptoes to grab a handful of cookies while his parents aren’t looking. For as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve joked that I have more house than I need. On most days it feels big and empty. Not today. Today, it’s filled with people and laughter and warmth and friendship. Today, my house feels like a home.


  Ty wakes bright and early for work the next day. “Go back to sleep,” he whispers as he slides out of bed. I roll over and pull the covers tighter to my chin, but it’s no use. I’m awake. My body still hasn’t fully adjusted to Hawaii time. Besides, if Ty’s going to be gone all day, the least I can do is spend the morning with him before he heads out to work.

  While he’s in the shower, I head downstairs and get the coffee brewing and start some breakfast. He’s nothing but efficient, taking the quickest shower I’ve ever seen, before he comes thumping down the stairs looking every bit the Marine in his uniform and combat boots. His hair seems shorter, his shoulders broader, his jaw more pronounced. This a different version of Ty, one who’s harder, tougher, stronger than the one I’m used to.

  “Holy shit. Did you make breakfast?” He grins, breaking the illusion.

  “It is the most important meal of the day.” I slide some scrambled eggs out of the pan and onto a plate, add a couple pieces of toast, and then set them down on the table.

  “A man could get used to this,” he says and then digs in with abandon.

  And a woman could get used to this. The thought strikes
me as I watch him eat the meal I prepared, bobbing his head and smiling like I presented him with a gourmet meal instead of simple scrambled eggs and toast.

  “I hate that I have to leave you guys alone all day.” He takes a long swig of coffee and sighs in appreciation. “If I could get out of work, I would.”

  “Don’t even worry about it. Gabe and I will be fine. We’ll go to the beach. Maybe we’ll rest a little and try to catch up on sleep. And if we get too bored, Tara invited us to stop by whenever we wanted.”

  Ty smiles. “She’s a good one.”

  “Seems like it. And Gabe couldn’t get enough of Toby. I think he likes having a boy to play with.” I liked Tara instantly. It would be easy to write off her invitation as nothing but politeness and manners, but she seemed genuine. I don’t think I’ll feel awkward at all if I get bored enough to walk over to her house and bug her while Jack and Ty are at work, but, with the ocean right here, I can’t imagine ever getting bored.

  Ty finishes his coffee, carries his plate to the sink, and then draws me into his arms. “I like having you here. A lot.”

  “I like being here.” I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

  “Good.” Ty steps out of my arms. “And you better be here when I get back.” He levels a stern finger at me.

  I do my best version of a salute, which I’m sure is terrible. “Yes, Sir.”

  Ty hangs his head and laughs. “Maybe it’s best if you never do that again.” He steps in close and kisses me. I part my lips and drag my tongue along his bottom lip. He pulls back ever so slightly. “Now that?” he asks. “You go ahead and do that as often as you want.” He gives me one more kiss and then leaves for work, promising to be back as soon as he can.

  No sooner has he closed the door behind him then my phone buzzes with an incoming text. I grab it and open the lock screen to see a message from Ty.

  Ty: Miss you already.

  I smile and peek out the window. He sees me as he’s backing out of the driveway, pauses, and blows me a kiss. I wave my goodbye and sigh heavily as his car disappears from view. I didn’t expect to like it here so much. We’ve only spent one day together, and a Sunday to boot, so I know it’s too early to draw any firm conclusions but damn. It’s good. I know things might change drastically with Ty going to work every day. But, wow. If this is life with Tyler, then maybe my decision isn’t as cut and dry as I think it is. Maybe staying in Brookside because I have a life established there isn’t the right answer after all. Maybe, after three weeks here in paradise with this man who might be my everything, maybe the answer will be clearer than I ever thought possible. And maybe I’ll surprise myself.

  I pass some time, drinking coffee and listening to the constant rush of the ocean while thinking through the last couple weeks. My phone buzzes again, interrupting my thoughts. I look down, expecting another text from Ty, but see a message from Bailey instead.

  Bay: WTF!!! Lex!! I go away for a week and you go off chasing men halfway around the world?? Where the hell did this come from??

  I laugh. I knew she’d be furious when she got home and found me gone but come on. I know better than to think my crazy shit is worth interrupting her honeymoon.

  Me: Hey, Bay. How was Bora Bora?

  Bay: Oh, so you do know how to use your phone … I couldn’t be sure because, you know, all this crazy shit happened and you didn’t even bother to send me a text.

  Me: I didn’t want to bother you on your honeymoon.

  Bay: You know what they say about excuses, right?

  I’m in the middle of tapping out a response when my phone vibrates with an incoming call from Bailey. I answer the thing, happy beyond measure to hear her voice.

  “You know I’m kidding, right?” she asks. “I mean, one text wouldn’t have killed you, but if you’ve found someone worth chasing to Hawaii, then more power to you my friend. Who am I to judge you for going a little crazy over true love?”

  I sigh and lean back in my chair. “I can’t tell you how good it is to hear your voice.” Her words echo in my mind. True love. Is that what this is?

  “Uh-oh. Trouble in paradise?”

  “Oh no. Nothing like that. It’s just all so intense, you know? Things are happening left and right. I was all set to raise Gabe as a single mom for the rest of forever and now here we are, in Hawaii for the next three weeks.”

  “Michelle said he asked you to move out there?”

  “He did. I said no, obviously.”

  “Obviously.” Bailey lets out a long breath.

  “I mean, I have a job to worry about and Gabe. And what about my house? And I’ve spent my whole life in Brookside. Am I supposed to just up and move because I met someone who makes me feel like a queen?” I stand and pace to a window. True love. The words swell inside me.

  “Those are all valid concerns.” Bailey clears her throat. “Of course, I do remember this certain blonde-haired, red-lipped friend of mine who once told me to stop worrying about something as mundane as a job when I might be staring at my happily-ever-after.”

  I lean against a wall and wrap an arm around my stomach. “You’re as bad as Michelle.”

  “That’s because we know what this is like, Lex. We ran head first into our soul mates when we weren’t even looking. Or hell, I ran right into mine when I didn’t even believe in stupid shit like that.” She laughs lightly. “Michelle and I know from experience that this is life changing stuff. I promise you, none of the things you mentioned—not the house, the job, the routine—none of them are more important than finding out if this is really your guy.”

  “And how do I know if he’s my guy?”

  “You’ll know. It’s one of those things you can’t explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. But when it’s real? You know.”

  Gabe comes thumping down the stairs, his hair sticking up around his head, mussed from sleep. “Gabe just woke up,” I say to Bailey.

  “Damn. I forgot about time zones and stuff. It’s almost lunchtime here. Well listen, I’ll let you go, but you have to promise me that you’ll keep me filled in on all the magic. You’re my best friend, Lex and you were there for me when Liam had my head spinning in circles. Let me be there for you while Ty is spinning around in yours.”

  Gabe leans into me and I wrap an arm around him, drawing him close. “I promise,” I say to Bailey. “So, how was your honeymoon?”

  “Oh, Lex.” She sighs the words and I can hear the smile in my friend’s voice. “It was everything it needed to be. Lots of hot sex in sweet, sweet paradise with the man I love more than anything. I’m telling you, if you’ve found your Liam, you need to be prepared to accept some changes in your life. It’s beyond worth it.”


  After Bailey and I say our goodbyes, I turn my attention to my son, making him the exact same breakfast I made his father, minus the coffee of course. “What do you want to do today?” I ask after he makes it through most of his food.

  His eyes light up. “Can we go to the beach?”

  “A man after my own heart.” I bob my head in appreciation. “I could spend all day at the beach and not get tired of it.”

  “Me, too.” Gabe grins at me and my heart melts.

  For as much as he takes after Ty, it’s almost a relief to see little bits of me in there too. “What do you want to do at the beach?” I ask. “I can try to throw a football with you, but I’m nowhere near as good as you or Ty.”

  “Can we see if Toby can come? He said he has this thing called a boogie board and it sounds so cool. He said he’d teach me how to use it.”

  I check the clock on the microwave. “I don’t know if they’re even awake right now; it’s still pretty early for people on Hawaii time. Tell you what, why don’t you and I get ready and head out there. I’ll shoot them a text when it’s a little later and see if they want to join us.”

  Gabe nods his approval and finishes his breakfast. I clean up the kitchen, taking care to leave it in as good of shape as I found it. We are gue
sts here, after all, even if I feel just as comfortable here as I do at home. After the kitchen is clean, we head upstairs where I intend to make the bed and then get dressed for the beach. To my surprise, the bed is already made, the corners crisp and neatly tucked into place. I wonder what other surprises Ty has in store for me.

  Almost as soon as I’m dressed, the doorbell rings. I scurry down the stairs and open the door to find Tara smiling sheepishly on the front porch.

  “I know it’s early, but it’s not Marine early and it’s definitely not Ohio early, so I took a chance and figured you’d be up. I didn’t wake you did I?”

  “God no. We’ve been up forever I think. Come on in.” I step aside and gesture for her to enter. “It’s not too early at all. Gabe and I were just about to head to the beach.”

  Tara takes a tentative step into the house and then pauses. “That’s exactly why I came by. Toby was hoping to play with Gabe and I know I wouldn’t mind some grown up company. It gets so quiet around the house when Jack leaves for work.” She smiles apologetically. “Would you mind if we tagged along?”

  “Gabe was just asking if we could invite you guys along. Apparently, Toby has a boogie board and has promised lessons.”

  Tara laughs. “I’m sorry about that in advance. Toby can barely stay on the thing himself but he has a blast with it anyway.”

  “As long as Gabe’s moving, he’s happy, so I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  “Perfect.” Tara beams. “I don’t know who’s more excited to have company, me or Toby.” She shrugs. “Probably me. There are tons of kids in the neighborhood for him to play with but I lost my closest friend last month when her husband got reassigned to another base. I’ve been kind of lost ever since…” She trails off and then claps her hands together. “Okay, well. You look like you’re pretty much ready. Do you mind waiting a few minutes for us to change?”


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