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LoveThineEnemy Page 6

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  Shadeau held his body weight on one forearm and his knees. She worked his cock with her hands as he continued to finger-fuck her and kiss her senseless. Soon his hips began to thrust and he matched the tempo with his fingers. Damn, she wanted him inside her so bad.

  Pre-cum coated the head of his cock, allowing him to slide easier in her hands. Pleasure built between her legs as she neared the edge of orgasm. She writhed beneath him, wanting that glorious climax that hovered just out of reach.

  She screamed into his mouth as her body started to convulse. Her pussy fisted around his digits. Warm cum splashed her stomach and her hands as he let loose his own orgasm. He wrung every last wonderful spasm from her body before he collapsed on top of her.

  Chapter Eight

  Arik moved his gaze over the men in front of him. Some had been with him for years. Others were stragglers from the packs he’d run over. It hadn’t taken much effort on his part at all. It was as if none of these werewolves had ever heard of guns. Well, Marco had said it was something to do with respect and dominance, but fuck all that.

  “I’m told that three of the women we’ve captured are going into heat.”

  A few comments in both Russian and English were mumbled in an excited tone. Arik started to pace up and down the line, deciding which men he would pick to breed with females. He stopped in front of one of the new guys and looked him over closely. Something told him this wolf was weak. It was strange getting used to all these instincts. “Your name is Oliver, correct?”

  The dark-headed man nodded as he continued to stare at the floor.

  “Oliver, how would you feel about contributing to the creation of my army?”

  “I’d be honored, sir.”

  Arik liked his answer. “Good. You can have whichever female you choose from the three.”

  A big smile broke out over his face, showing off some blackened teeth. “Thanks, sir.” He bolted from the room. Arik resumed his pacing until he settled in front of a man who was full of information. Marco was also a man he knew would follow orders to the tee. The guy was nothing more than a brown nose. Of course that was just how Arik liked him to be. The wolf came from the first pack he’d overrun, the very pack that had created him and his men. Too bad that alpha had been a greedy bastard. Maybe he’d have let him live if he could have just changed them without a fight, but alas that wasn’t how things went down. And Arik would be damned if he stayed in debt to anyone. At least Marco didn’t look like a hillbilly bastard as some of them did. His dark, short hair was kempt and his clothes decent. “Marco, you’ve proven useful to me, and I think it is time to reward you. Make me proud.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Misha.” Arik walked over to a man who had been in his employ for the last six years. He was solid in both mind and body and had taken on the role of a killer at a tender age. Misha came from good Russian stock. His family had come to the United States fifteen years ago. He’d been a great enforcer as a human, and Arik had no doubts that he would serve him well as a werewolf too.

  Misha’s long blond hair skimmed his shoulders as he gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. “You’ve served me well and I trust you’ll continue to do so. Go.”

  Misha gave a curt nod and left the room.

  * * * * *

  It was day number two since they’d freed him, but Shadeau wasn’t under any delusion on how everyone in this camp felt about his presence. He kept pace at Jasmine’s side and watched the tension in her muscles grow tauter with each step. Various wolves stopped what they were doing to stare. He didn’t care what they thought, but Jasmine did, so he stayed and endured their looks of condemnation.

  If only he could go back into the past and make a different choice. He knew it had been wrong to stay aligned with Arik, but Arik had given him more than anyone ever had. Shadeau had been swayed by materialistic things. And none of that stuff mattered. He ground his teeth, angry at himself for being lured to do wrong by such trivial objects.

  Jasmine’s growl had him shaking off his own silent musings and he paid attention to the cause of her distress. A female wolf stalked toward them in her human form.

  “How can you stand to let this filth touch you?” she bit out.

  Damn, it was going to be one of those days. Yesterday evening they’d run into plenty of people who wanted to voice their opinions on where Shadeau should go and how he could get there.

  “Back off,” Jasmine growled.

  “Does your woman fight all your battles for you?” a man’s voice rang through the crowd, which had begun to gather. Laughter accompanied it.

  Shadeau clenched his jaw so tightly he thought teeth would break. He couldn’t stand this shit. It was against his nature and he’d been trying hard to rein it in for her, but these wolves weren’t going to change their minds. He was tired of pretending. He pushed Jasmine behind him as he approached the smart-ass male. “Why don’t you step up and find out.”

  Jasmine gripped his forearm, pulling him back. “Shadeau, don’t.”

  He shook off her hold. “In fact, anyone of you who wants a piece of me, then come the fuck on. I’ve apologized several times. What do you want me to do? I can’t go back in time. So if you want your pound of flesh then come the fuck on.”

  Men and women alike started to approach Shadeau, wearing murderous expressions.


  They halted. Everyone turned to stare at Tyson, who’d pushed his way into the center of the group, followed by Jasmine’s former alpha Luken.

  No one said a word for what seemed an eternity, but was actually mere seconds. No one challenged the alpha, and they slowly began walking away.

  Jasmine stomped to Shadeau and planted her palms against his pecs, shoving hard. “What the hell?”

  Her heart rate had accelerated madly. They were going to kill him. He stared back tight-lipped, not offering any explanation. It only made her angry. “So you were just going to offer yourself as a sacrifice? They were intent on killing you.”

  “You chose this, Jasmine.” His whispered words barely held restrained anger.

  “I didn’t want you to commit suicide via wolves.”

  “Didn’t you? I told you this would never work. I asked you to go away with me, but you wouldn’t listen.”

  He was right, which only made her angrier, but now some of it was directed at herself. “They need time, Shadeau.”

  “And just how much time do you think it’s going to take? How much time will it take for those affected by my actions to come around to a grudging acceptance of my presence?” He rubbed his hand over his head, frustration clear in his movement.

  “So I guess you’re just going to quit then? Maybe even die? Do I not get any say in this?”

  “I’d prefer death over living without my mate, and I can’t live like this.” He turned and stomped across the field and into the trees.

  Jasmine moved to follow him. No way was she going to let him walk away without a fight. This could work. Yeah, it sucked right now, but time would make it better.

  A hand encircled her wrist and she stopped, whipping her head around to see who had dared to halt her.

  “Let him go,” Luken said softly.

  She pulled against his hold, but he didn’t release her. “I’m not going to let this rest. He needs to understand—”

  “No, Jasmine. You need to understand.”

  She growled. “You’re not my alpha anymore, so stop telling me what to do. I won’t just let him leave.” Her heart constricted at the thought of her mate walking away. And how could Luken even suggest it? He’d been like her brother, so why wouldn’t he want to see her happy?

  “He’s not going far. He needs some time to cool down,” Tyson offered as he approached. “His nature is at war with him, but I’m willing to bet he isn’t leaving. At least not right now.”

  Jasmine looked at Tyson. “Why would he want to stay? Everyone has been terrible to him, and I understand why, but can’t people see he’s will
ing to change?”

  Luken released her arm. “Sometimes it takes more than will.”

  “And what will it take for you, Luken?” Jasmine tried to hold back the tears in her eyes. They made her vision swim as she looked at the man she’d been so close to for so long.

  “I think I’m already doing my part by letting him live,” Luken replied, then turned and walked away.

  Jasmine sighed and covered her face with her hands. This was such a shit storm. Meeting her mate was supposed to be a special experience, but this had been nothing but pure hell. Well, not all of it had been hell. When Shadeau touched her she received a glimpse of heaven. But outside of the sex they seemed to fight more than talk, and in the presence of others, things took an extreme turn for the worse. With a groan she lifted her head and glanced at Tyson. “So I guess you feel the same way Luken does? Letting him live is enough?”

  Tyson shrugged. “I can’t lie to you and tell you I’m elated he’s here, but I can tell you that I see potential in him, and if things work out, he could be a real asset.”

  At least Tyson didn’t think completely negative about the situation. “Are you sure I should leave him alone for now?”

  Tyson nodded.

  “All right then.” She might be a wolf, but she wasn’t a man. And men could be strange creatures sometimes, so she’d take her alpha’s advice.

  Jasmine meandered around the large campsite thinking about things with Shadeau. If only there were a way to help ease his way into all of this. A few friends waved at her, sad smiles pulling at the corners of their lips. It made her want to growl. She didn’t want their pity, but she refrained from showing her displeasure.

  It wasn’t fair. But sulking wasn’t going to change anything. An hour or more had passed since she’d left Tyson. The sun was riding low on the horizon and a biting cold wind had begun to rustle through the treetops. She made her way back to the tent she shared with Shadeau, hoping he would be there.

  She lifted the flap and panic washed over her as she saw Shadeau stuffing things into a bag. His head titled and she met his gaze. She could only hope the hurt she felt inside didn’t come through in her countenance.


  She cleared her throat. “I never thought you’d be a quitter.”

  He dropped the bag and approached her. She tried to avoid his grasp, but the small confines of the tent didn’t help where evading was concerned.

  His fingers dug into her upper arms. “I’m not quitting.”

  She glared up at him. “Oh really? Well it sure as shit looks like you’re making a run for it.”

  He groaned. “I’m doing this for us. I thought about it, and the only way I’m going to get a minimum of respect here is to prove my heart has changed.”

  Her brow furrowed. “What do you mean? How do you think you’re going to prove this?” Her mind spun as she thought of all the crazy ideas he could have in mind.

  “I plan to work my way back into Arik’s camp.”

  She broke out of his hold. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Listen, Jasmine. This will work.”

  “It could get you killed.” No. No way was she going to agree to let him do this.

  His hands cupped the sides of her face and he looked deep into her eyes. “I have a chance. I could possibly free some of the captives.”

  Excitement warred with fear. After all, he knew where the camp was, and she wanted to see her fellow pack mates freed. But she didn’t want him to risk his life doing this. Not alone. She sucked in a fortifying breath. “Then I’m going with you.”

  His hands moved to her shoulders as if preparing to shake sense into her. “The hell you are.”

  “See. Not so much fun when the shoe is on the other foot, is it?”

  “You’re not going with me, Jasmine. This is something I have to do alone.”

  “Bullshit. We’re a mated pair. There isn’t such a thing as alone for you or me anymore.”

  He released her to run a hand over his head. “Damn it, Jasmine. Don’t be ridiculous. You’re still in the tail end of your heat cycle. No fucking way am I going to take you anywhere near that camp.”

  Her hands fisted on her hips. “I wasn’t asking. If you’re going, I’m going.”

  “No. You’re not.”

  She closed the distance between them, bring her lips to hover just above his. “Try to stop me.”

  With a growl he fisted his hand in her hair at the nape of her neck and took possession of her mouth with a fiery kiss. Jasmine melted into his embrace. The kiss was angry and passionate. Claiming.

  She dug her nails into his strong shoulders and held on tightly as he deepened the kiss. Their tongues waged a battle, fueled by raw desire and fear. This would be a risky adventure, but she understood the pros of it. And she’d be damned if she let him go alone.

  He pulled away from her mouth with a snarl. “If you’re going, then I take you here and now. I want my scent all over you.”

  Jasmine swallowed hard as she tried to control her breathing. “But what about—”

  “A child? Yes. What about a child? A child forced on you by some other mother fucker. The only way I’m agreeing to you coming along is if you pose as my prisoner—a prisoner who has already been thoroughly fucked so they won’t see a need to assign some other wolf to the pleasure.”

  He was right. Her gaze lowered as she thought about her choice. She really didn’t want to have a baby right now. But even more, she didn’t want him to go this alone. With her heat cycle waning she may not even conceive. She raised her gaze back to his. “Make love to me.”

  The muscle in his jaw ticked and she could tell he was at war with himself. He hadn’t expected her to meet his demands.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  She nodded as she moved in closer to his body, wanting his lips on hers once again. “We’re together in this,” she whispered against his mouth.

  And then he was kissing her again. She tore at his shirt, wanting to feel his flesh against her own. Material ripped and he shrugged the cloth free of his arms. Her hands covered his skin, kneading the muscle beneath.

  He tugged back on her hair and she sucked in a rushed breath as his tongue and teeth trailed down her neck and his other hand covered her breast. His thumb teased her nipple until it was hard and begging for more.

  “For the record,” he nipped her earlobe, “I fucking hate the idea of taking you with me, but damn if I’m not going to enjoy every minute of fucking you slow and deep.”

  She shivered with want and ground her pelvis against his. Her core tingled and she grew wet with anticipation. “I’m going to enjoy it too.”

  Shadeau released her hair and both of his hands worked to rid her of her jeans. Her hands trembled as she started on the buttons of his. They stripped out of their clothes in a hurry and she lay down on a sleeping bag they had spread on the floor of their tent.

  Oh how she wanted this wolf. Yes, they had a lot of issues to work through, but that would settle in time. He took slow sexy steps toward her, his erection thick and hard, bobbing slightly with each step. She licked her lips as she watched a tiny pearl of pre-cum form at its opening.

  His body was perfection. Her gaze roamed over each hard line of muscle. She wanted to nibble and taste every inch of him. When he fell to his knees in front of her, she spread her legs, inviting him in.

  He slowly ran a finger down her slit and she moaned as her eyes rolled back in her head. She lifted her hips, wanting more of the contact.

  “You’re so sexy, Jasmine.”

  She lifted her head and locked her gaze with his. “Take me.”

  He gripped his erection and rubbed the head of it against her clit. She whimpered, scooting down wanting him inside her. His husky laugh filled her ears.

  “Always so impatient.”

  She growled. “Stop teasing, Shadeau.”

  She watched as his hips thrust forward, his cock gliding into her pussy. They moaned together.
The palms of his hands pressed down on the back of her thighs, spreading her legs farther apart. Jasmine rose slightly, leaning back on her elbows. She couldn’t take her gaze off where their bodies were joined. She watched each slow withdrawal and entry of his cock into her body.

  He did exactly as he promised, pushing in balls deep with agonizing, slow movements that made her mad with passion. His washboard abs rolled, contracting with each grind of his pelvis against hers. This. This is what they were good at. And she had to believe they could achieve this perfection outside of the bed as well.

  And if they couldn’t? She closed her eyes, not wanting to think about that particular what-if. Jasmine lay back, digging her fingers into his thighs as she lifted her hips against him, wanting all of him.

  “You feel so fucking good.”

  She smiled as pleasure danced through her pussy. “You too.”

  The sight of him pumping into her raised her level of arousal. Wetness rolled down her cunt across her ass. The dewy scent of their sex filled her nose and drove her wild. Her pussy throbbed and pulsed as ecstasy washed over her. She rode the waves of orgasm and loved how he growled as her cunt fisted his cock. But he didn’t stop or change speed.

  Her jaw ached with the want to mark him as her own. But she knew she couldn’t. They would never be able to make it in the enemy camp if he wore her mark. She had to resist.

  She cried out as one of his hands left her thigh and he began rubbing circles on her clit with his thumb. The stimulation kept her orgasm flowing and she bowed her back, grinding her pussy against him.

  “So pretty, the way you come for me.”

  He pressed inside her as far as he could and she felt the jets of hot seed coat the inside of her pussy as his cock pulsed.

  As he collapsed on top of her she wrapped her legs and arms around him, holding him close as their breathing slowed.

  Chapter Nine

  Jasmine leaned against the trunk of a tree, breathing hard. One good thing about their fast pace was its ability to keep her warm. Shadeau came up next to her, leaning one hand beside her head.


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