We'll Never Tell (Secrets of Ravenswood)

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We'll Never Tell (Secrets of Ravenswood) Page 8

by Jannine Gallant

  Grinning, he bumped her hip as they climbed a short hill. “I’m having a hard time picturing you ensconced in a rocker, needles flashing.”

  “Only if someone performed a lobotomy on me first.”

  He laughed. “When you put it that way, it seems like I’d be the one doing you a favor.”

  “What a guy.” Her green eyes sparkled with amusement as she paused at the top of the incline. “Should I go hide again, since my last attempt was such a spectacular failure?”

  His lighthearted joy in her company faded as reality hit, rocking him back on his boots heels. Maybe Arnie hadn’t been an actual threat to Sam, but somewhere out there, a man waited who was. “That might not be such a great idea, after all.”

  “Come on, what are the chances I’ll startle the nervous game warden again?” She met his gaze and sobered. “Oh. You’re not worried about Arnie. You’re thinking about him.” She raised her chin higher. “I’m not going to let that man’s threats scare me, Ethan. If I imagine a psycho lurking behind every tree in the forest, I’ll go crazy. I won’t give him that kind of power.”

  Ethan studied the determined glint in her eyes, the hard angle of her jaw, and knew she needed to take back a measure of control. He nodded. “Don’t go too far. The dogs are still new to tracking.”

  Smiling, she gave them each a pat on the head. “I’ll take it easy on them—this time.”


  Ebony found her first and planted both front paws on her chest, giving her a sloppy lick with her tongue. The two shepherds ran up seconds later, sniffed her, and barked sharply. When Ethan scrambled down the rocky hillside a few minutes behind them, he was breathing hard and beaming.

  “Impressive, only fifteen minutes and two false starts. They performed better than I expected.”

  “I back tracked a couple of times.” She stroked the lab’s soft ears. “Ebony was the first to find me.”

  His brows shot up. “Seriously?”

  “Yep, she’s smarter than you think.”

  “Apparently.” Stepping forward, he ran his hand along the side of her face and leaned in for a lingering kiss. “Thanks for helping me out today.”

  Her toes curled in her boots. “It was fun.”

  “I suppose we should keep hiking.” He nipped her bottom lip. “Find a place to have our picnic.”

  “It’s too rocky to be comfortable here.” Her voice was breathless.

  He released her slowly. “There’s a spot by a stream about a half mile away.”

  Soon they came to a place where the creek meandered through a bed that was only ankle deep with water this late in the season.

  “I brought turkey with Swiss on French rolls.” She sat on the old blanket she’d packed and set out their lunch. “Does that work for you?”

  “Anything you make works for me.”

  His smile as he sat down beside her sent a dart of anticipation through her. “You’re just saying that because…” The words stuck in her throat. It was way too soon to bring up the subject of caring. “…I’m so good at playing hide-and-seek with your dogs.”

  “I don’t think that’s it,” he answered, but didn’t elaborate.

  Slices of watermelon and brownies studded with walnuts completed the meal. The short, awkward silence dissolved as they ate. Stretching out on the old blanket, Sam basked in the warmth of the mid-afternoon sun. “I could stay here for the rest of the day and do nothing.”

  Ethan flopped next to her, and the dogs sprawled in the shade of a nearby sugar pine. He picked up her hand and squeezed it. “Too bad Ken and Lenore are expecting us for dinner. I wouldn’t mind pitching a tent and staying here for a week or two.”

  She threaded her fingers through his. “But reality intrudes. I want to find out what Ken knows about the body—if they’ve identified her yet.”

  “I hope they have. I’m tired of waiting for this freak to make his next move. I want to do something.”

  Under the trees, the dogs stirred and rose to their feet. One growled low in his throat. Rising on an elbow for a better look, Ethan sat up and waved. Sam shaded her eyes and followed his gaze. A tall, heavyset man wearing an old fishing hat stuck full of lures ambled out of the woods.

  “Hey Bob.”

  The man nodded. “Ethan.”

  “Out for a hike?”

  “Just checking the trails before the snow flies. There’re a couple of downed trees that need to be cleared away. Probably fell in that storm we had a while back.” His gaze shifted to Sam. “Looks like you’re having more fun than I am.”

  Ethan smiled. “Sam, have you met Bob Harris? He owns the cross country ski center. Bob, this is Samantha Beaumont. She works at disaster sites with Relief Around the World.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Sam’s forehead furrowed as she studied the big, bear of a man. “You look familiar.”

  “You’ve probably seen me at the ski lodge. I remember you coming in last winter with a short, dark haired woman.” His wide mouth twitched. “The two of you turned the heads of a few of my male customers.”

  “That would be my friend, Juliette. She’s stunning.”

  He nodded. “Well, I’ll leave you to enjoy your afternoon.” He backed up a step and paused. “Hey, Ethan, any word on that body you found? Can’t be good for business, finding bones in the woods.”

  “News certainly spread fast. I’ve had half a dozen people ask me the same question, but I’m afraid no one’s keeping me in the loop.”

  “Hopefully the talk will die down before winter sets in. Lucky for us, she was discovered in the off season.” With a raised hand, he headed back the way he’d come. The dogs lay down, noses resting on their front paws, as he disappeared into the trees.

  “Who would believe the forest is such a hub of activity in September.” Sam leaned forward, arms wrapped around her knees, her earlier relaxed mood broken.

  “It is a little strange. Normally in the fall, I can hike out here for a week without seeing anyone. It’s been a good test for the dogs, but Bob shot the post lunch stupor we had going.”

  “It’s probably time to head back, anyway. I need to shower before going over to Ken and Lenore’s.”

  Ethan rose in one fluid movement and offered her a hand. His grip was firm. Her fingers tingled. When he smiled at her, the feeling spread.

  “Yep, definitely time to go before I forget we’re in a public area and kiss you. We both know I won’t be able to stop at just one kiss.”

  After shrugging on their packs, they set out at a leisurely pace. Even the dogs seemed disinclined to bolt after squirrels as they wandered down the path. As the silence lengthened, Sam glanced over at Ethan. The classic line of his profile—the hard angle of his jaw and chiseled lips—made her stomach flutter, but his expression was completely unreadable. It was disturbing how little she actually knew about the man she was falling for. He wasn’t exactly Chatty Cathy when it came to talking about himself.

  “I heard your dad sold the hardware store after he retired. Did he and your mom move? I haven’t seen them around town in a few years.”

  He glanced over and studied her for a moment before speaking. “My sister and her husband live in Arizona. When Emma had a baby, my parents decided grandchildren were a bigger draw than puppies. They’ve been in Phoenix for three years now.”

  “Do they like it?”

  “They travel during the hottest months, and my dad is happy not to shovel snow anymore.” He gave her another assessing look. “How often do you see your family?”

  “We make a point of getting together once a year.” She shrugged. “I gave up being angry over my parents’ lifestyle a long time ago when I finally realized people don’t change. It’s easier to accept them the way they are and have no expectations. That way I’m not disappointed.”

  He threaded his fingers through hers and squeezed. “That sucks.”

  Swinging their clasped hands, she smiled. “It isn’t all bad. No awkward family gatherings at holidays. And I
know I’m always welcome at either Juliette’s or Darby’s home if I want company.”

  “You three have a tight bond.”

  “We do. We support each other through the rough times and celebrate the good ones. I don’t feel deprived because isn’t that what family is all about?”

  “You bet. Now I know who I need to impress.”

  Sam smiled. “Juliette’s already a fan, and Darby gets along with everyone.” She scowled. “How did we end up talking about me? I wanted to know more about you.”

  “I’m not that complicated—average upbringing in a fairly normal family, friends to hang out with when I’m in the mood, though I’ve been told I’m solitary by nature.”

  “Who told you that?”

  “A couple of women I used to date.”


  He squeezed her hand. “Believe it or not, I generally prefer the company of dogs to most people.”

  “Should I get an ID tag and collar?”

  A slow grin spread across his face. “Pink with rhinestones or black leather with spikes?”

  Her laughter rang through the trees. “Seasonal appeals to me. How about a nice leaf print for the fall?”

  “I didn’t know you were such a funny guy, Ethan.”

  Sam spun around, her giggles evaporating. A black haired man, strikingly handsome and wearing a short sleeved shirt with a Fish and Game insignia on the sleeve smiled at her. His gaze dropped before slowly rising to meet hers.

  Ethan hushed the growling dogs. “Hello, Foster.”

  “Who’s the pretty lady?”

  Samantha Beaumont meet Foster Carmichael. You ran into his partner, Arnie, earlier.”

  “Arnie is definitely not my better half,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s good to meet you, Samantha. Maybe we could have a drink sometime and get to know each other better.”

  “Maybe,” she answered.

  Ethan’s brows drew together, and his lips tightened. The fact that he didn’t punch the guy in his perfect teeth was commendable.

  “I’d better go. Arnie’s probably waiting for me in the parking lot.” With another up and down glance at Sam, he hurried past.

  The urge to tease Ethan was irresistible. “Good looking guy.”

  “Foster’s pushing forty, but he acts like a randy teenager. The guy’s a player with an ex-wife and a live-in girlfriend who both make him miserable. Of course he gives as good as he gets.”


  He stopped walking and shook his head. “You know you make me crazy when you do that hmm thing because I’ve absolutely no idea what you’re thinking.”

  She smiled. “That’s the whole point. It’s smart to keep you guessing.”

  “You’ve perfected the technique.” They left the trail and emerged onto the grass covered hillside above the parking lot. Ethan stiffened. “What the hell!”

  “Oh my God!”

  Two words were painted in bold red letters across the windshield of his pickup. Be Careful.

  “Hey, Sam.”

  “What?” Her voice shook.

  “Looks like I’m in rarified company. Our man must consider me one of your friends.”


  Chapter Nine

  “Rumor has it someone is worried about your safety.”

  Ethan choked on a swallow of beer and cast Ken a wide eyed look. “How can you possibly have heard about the incident at the cross country center already? It only happened a couple of hours ago.”

  Ken wiggled his eyebrows. “I have my ways.”

  “The man’s omniscient,” Sam said with a sly smile. “He’d probably prefer to be called God.”

  “It has a nice ring to it.” Brown eyes never wavered. “So, why is someone painting warnings across your windshield?”

  “I don’t have a clue, but Foster Carmichael had a good laugh. He made a couple of tasteless comments about contraception.”

  “Sounds like Foster. What was he doing at the ski center?”

  “He and Arnie were hunting for a poacher. As they didn’t have anyone with them in the parking lot, I don’t think they found the guy. Frankly, I was too distracted to ask.”

  “Good heavens.” Lenore stepped through the open sliding glass door and handed Sam a glass of white wine. “First a body turns up, and now there’s a poacher loose in the woods. What next?”

  Ken’s wife was petite with short, silver blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. Her gaze darted between Ethan and Sam, a satisfied smile lifting her lips. She slid onto the vacant chair pulled up to the patio table and sipped her own glass of wine.

  “Speaking of bodies, did they identify the one we found?” Sam dabbed at a damp spot on the glass tabletop with her napkin, gaze lowered.

  Ken leaned back in his chair. “As a matter of fact, I talked to the sheriff a few hours ago. The woman’s name is Iris Jansen. She was a student at UC Davis when she disappeared seventeen years ago. The authorities are notifying her family now.”

  Sam’s lips tightened. “What a waste of a young life, but at least her parents will have some closure.”

  “More so when they find the bastard who killed the poor girl and buried her in the woods,” Ken growled.

  Ethan set down his beer. “Do the police have any leads?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. After all this time, it won’t be easy to get answers. Hopefully her family will be able to give the authorities a place to start searching.”

  Ethan nodded, and the conversation became more general. They ate grilled chicken, pasta, and a green salad studded with vegetables while they watched the sun set. When darkness crept across the patio, Sam went inside with Lenore to wash the dishes.

  Leaning back in his chair, Ken gave Ethan a narrow eyed glance. “Are you treating my girl right?”

  “I’m trying to. It isn’t easy to break through her protective wall.”

  A sigh fluttered Ken’s moustache. “Sam doesn’t trust easily, but once she does, there’s no one more loyal.”

  Quiet talk and occasional laughter floated through the kitchen window. Just the sound of Sam’s voice made his pulse race. With an effort, he pulled his attention back to the conversation.

  “I can see that, and I would consider myself lucky to be included in her inner circle.” He shifted in his chair and smiled. “I think I’m making progress.”

  “Excellent. Sam deserves to be happy, and you’ve put a sparkle in her eye I haven’t seen there in a long time.”

  Satisfaction filled the hollow places in his chest. Knowing Ken thought he was good for Sam boosted Ethan’s determination to ease her into a committed relationship. The warmth spread when she opened the patio door, stepped through, and rested her hand on his shoulder.

  “We should probably be going.” She cast the older man a teasing glance. “It’s getting late, and Ken needs his beauty sleep.”

  “You bet I do.” Rising to his feet, he gave her a hug. “I’ve never been a night owl. I like to be up before the dawn.”

  Lenore came out and patted her husband’s arm. “I was quick to teach him the value of a silent house at five in the morning.”

  Ken chuckled. “Lucky for me, I’m a fast learner.”

  After thanking their hosts for the meal and exchanging goodbyes, Sam and Ethan walked through the yard to the driveway.

  “Those two have such a wonderful relationship,” she said on a sigh.

  “They have mutual respect, which forms a solid base to build on. I always admired that in my parents, too.”

  They stopped beside his pickup. Little furrows creased Sam’s brow. “Respect is key.”

  He laid a hand on her arm and stroked it with his thumb. Tiny tremors quivered beneath the warm skin. “Never think for a minute you’re not worthy of any man’s respect.”

  She stood on her toes and kissed him, her soft lips igniting an instant spark. When she stepped back, it took an effort not to reach for her.

  “The women around here are either blind or stupid to have
let you stay single this long.” She smiled. “My good fortune.”

  He grinned back and opened the truck door. “My house or yours?”

  She slid onto the seat and raised a brow. “Assuming, are you?”

  After shutting the door, he strolled around to the driver’s side and climbed in. “Just that you have a computer.” He started the engine. “We have research to do.”

  “Of course.” She leaned into the corner of the seat. “Now that we know the victim’s name, where she lived, and when she disappeared, the Internet should cough up an abundance of information about Iris Jansen.”

  Turning out of Ken’s driveway, Ethan drove into the moonless night. “I’m counting on it.”


  “You’ve gotta love social media.” Ethan scrolled through the comments left on Camilla French’s home page. “And the fact that some people will friend a total stranger.”

  Sam leaned over his shoulder, her gaze glued to the screen. Disgust tightened her stomach. “Iris’s sister has only known about her death for a few hours and already has it plastered all over her news page. Who does that?”

  “Just be thankful. It makes our search a whole lot easier.”

  “I suppose so. Stop!” She stabbed a finger at the computer screen. “That one looks promising.”

  “I can’t believe they found poor Iris after all these years. It weighed heavily on me that I was probably the last person she spoke to before she left town that weekend. My condolences to your family,” Ethan read aloud.

  “Jennifer Reed. Go to her info page.”

  He clicked on the woman’s icon, a trio of cats, and let out a crow of triumph. “She lives in Placerville. That’s only a couple of hours from here.”

  “Occupation, ER nurse. Graduated from UC Davis, class of ’96. She loves 80’s rock, cats, and reality TV. Status, single.”

  “Bet we can find her address in fifteen minutes or less.”

  Ten minutes later Sam shook her head. “Her home is on Walnut Street. That was way too easy. No wonder online predators flourish.”

  “Yeah.” He closed the laptop and leaned back in his chair. “Do you think Jennifer will know who Iris was dating before she disappeared?”


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