Ghost of a Chance (1 Night Stand Series)

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Ghost of a Chance (1 Night Stand Series) Page 2

by Remiel, Deena

  Climate control worked wonders inside the resort. It didn’t, however, succeed for Susannah, whose nerves fought for total domination. Moisture formed on the back of her neck and in the valley of her breasts. As she approached their meeting place, the artificial lighting created a seductive evening ambience. Indigo blue graced the infinite ceiling as stars twinkled from time to time. A subtle soundtrack of birdsong and chirping crickets jockeyed with the sounds of rustling leaves. As she walked farther into the private area, a slight breeze toyed with her hair, kissing away the heat. It delighted her so she closed her eyes and smiled. When she reopened them, she glanced around but saw no sign of her date. Great, I hate being early. Or maybe he saw me and ran. Either way, alone for the moment, she leaned against one of the old-fashioned gas lamps leading up to the fountain. Like a cat to a bowl of milk, she was drawn to the lovers embracing on its top.

  “How sad….”

  “What’s sad?” A deep timbered voice enveloped and played with her senses, sending ripples of sensual longing through her body. She whirled, her heart playing a thunderous rhythm, to locate the source. The figure of a tall, broad man stood in the shadows of a mature fern.

  “Oh, I…I was just commenting to myself about the lovers. They…they cling to each other as though they’re going to be taken from one another at any moment.”

  “Hmm. And I see two reuniting at last. Fascinating.” He hadn’t moved into the lamp-lit area, but stayed cloaked in shadows.

  “Yes,” she murmured, turning to the fountain for a moment to reconsider then refocused her gaze back on the mystery man, captivated by how his voice affected her. “I can see that perspective as well, I suppose. Hello, by the way.”


  The simple word sent frissons of excitement from her heart straight through her belly to all points south. Regaining some semblance of composure, she continued. “I do believe I am in the company of the elusive Remy Charles. Am I right?”

  “You are correct. And therefore, you must be the delightful yet melancholy Susannah Cravens.”

  “I’ll face up to the delightful part.” She laughed lightly. “I’m not melancholy. It’s just how the statue spoke to me. Will you join me over here or shall I join you in the mysterious shadows?”

  “You’re lovely over there. Stay. The way the light plays against your hair and sparkles in your eyes, well…you’re breathtaking, Susannah.”

  Rendered speechless by his intensity, she stood as still as the statue they spoke of, and…blushed. Her cheeks were on fire! Get a grip, Susannah! “Thank you. I…I—heck.” She blew out a breath and started again. “Come over here so we can sit and get better acquainted.”

  He still didn’t move. Is he so shy that he hides behind trees and in shadows?

  “Do you think I’ll get to see you before the night is over?” She heard a soft chuckle. Good, maybe a little humor will loosen him up.

  “Perhaps. I’m a bit nervous, as you can no doubt tell. I haven’t had any success with this kind of thing before.”

  She took a step toward him—she would have to be the aggressor. “Neither have I, and I’m a little nervous, too.”

  “You mentioned in your bio you were interested in a magical experience. One that would ‘sweep you away’.” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat.

  “Yes, I am.” She inched closer to the frozen, outlined figure.

  “Before you take another step, you should know I’m different.”

  “I read in the New York Times that you became reclusive about ten years ago. You’ve taken great strides toward ending that by being here now.”

  “There’s a reason why I keep to myself. It may startle you, so be prepared. I am very much on the magical side of this world at the moment.”

  Before she could move, he did, which brought him out of the shadows and into the light. Susannah gasped, startled at the transparency of the man who stood before her. Nervous laughter bubbled in her throat.

  “What is this, some kind of joke? A holographic image projected here while you hide safe and secure in your room?”

  “I’m afraid not. I’ve been living an alternative lifestyle lately.” He opened his arms as if to show himself off and let them fall back to his sides. “And this is all I am. I’m a ghost of a man, Susannah.”

  “Holy shit!” She stumbled back and fell onto the fountain’s ledge. He raced to her side to help, but his hands went right through her. Susannah screamed and scrambled to the opening leading to the main thoroughfare of the resort.

  “Susannah! Wait! Please, let me explain! I haven’t always been this way….”

  As she reached the threshold, she slowed to a stop. The anguish and desperation in his voice spoke to her heart and changed her fear to cautious compassion. He hasn’t always been this way? What on earth happened? As freaked out as she had been, the man deserved more from her than seeing her run away like a Screaming Mimi. No, he had a right to explain things before she took up freaking out and scurrying away again. It’s the least I can do. She gathered her wits and her healthy curiosity together, turned around and marched back to the fountain where he waited, as still as the statues themselves. Putting on a huge grin, she extended a hand in greeting and retracted it when he didn’t offer his own. Hell, I asked to be swept away into a magical world, and I’ve gotten it all right. Might as well embrace it!

  “Hello, I’m Susannah Cravens, your match for the evening. I’m usually quite kind and funny despite the idiotic theatrical display I’ve just given you. I apologize and look forward to finding out more about you. I did say magical, didn’t I?” She shook her head and laughed.

  “Hello, Susannah.” He gave her a smile right back. At least she figured he did. She’d seen something rise and fall on either side of his face’s outline. “I’m Remy Charles, and the idiot in these situations. It’s been ten years and I still haven’t figured out the best way to introduce myself to people. That’s why I don’t go out anymore, except for this evening, of course. Shall we sit?”

  “Sure.” She sat down next to his semi-opaque form, which seemed to blend in with the marble ledge. She crossed her legs and leaned in toward him. “Your coming out of hiding tonight isn’t lost on me, you know. You don’t have to tell me why you made that decision, but I am intrigued. So, let’s get the elephant out of the room, or garden, as it were. How the hell did you become a ghost? Are you dead or what?”

  “No, I’m not dead. I’m cursed.” He snickered.

  “Cursed? Jesus, that’s horrible!” She reached out to soothe him and wound up comforting the air instead. She dropped her hand to her lap. “Who would do such an awful thing to you?”

  “My vindictive ex-wife, Tracy. Truth is, I deserved it at the time.” She raised a brow and he nodded. “We married so young, and I worked night and day making my then-fledgling company the largest green corporation in the country. That meant business trips and nights away from home, away from her. I lived more at the office and out of a suitcase than where I should have been. Tracy believed she had a ghost of a husband, and she had her voodoo lovin’ friend turn me into one, literally.”

  “Wow, I…I’m not quite sure what to say.” She flicked her hair behind her shoulder. “I’m quite shocked. I didn’t know curses were real. I always thought that once they were spoken the result became self-fulfilling prophecies because they’re all the victim obsesses about. So they make them come true.”

  “If that were the case, I would have turned back years ago, after I changed my ways and repented. But I’m still a ghost, scaring the living shit out of everyone I meet, including you.”

  “Geez, I’m so sorry, Remy, for behaving the way I did. And I’m sorry you’ve had to live this way for so long.”

  “You’ve nothing to apologize for. It’s not every day you get to meet a living ghost,” he teased. “To be honest, some days I wish I was dead.”

  “Oh, don’t say that! There must be a way to change you back. Curses have ways of being undone
, don’t they? And even if they don’t, I haven’t run off again, have I? I hope there are others in your life who accept you for who you are and what you’ve become.”

  “I do have a small circle, yes. My business partners now handle the day-to-day operations, and it helps that they are my oldest and dearest friends. But as for others, as the years drag on with me continuing to stay in my ghostly form, they’ve gone by the wayside. It makes it hard to be together in certain situations, as you can see.” He rose and glided around the fountain’s perimeter. “As for changing me back, there is one other way to reverse it besides having my ex-wife’s friend do it herself.” He paused. “Hey, I think that’s enough depressing information for one evening. Now that you’re more comfortable with who and what I am, shall we start our date? What do you say? Are you game?” He stood before her, arms open in invitation.

  “Well, Madame Evangeline paired us up after careful scrutiny. There must be something about us that said, ‘There’s a winning couple!’ So, I’m game. What did you have in mind?”

  “I had the staff set up a late night picnic for us in one of their themed rooms. It’s got floor-to-ceiling murals of a beautiful lakeside retreat. Given how large this resort is, it’s a decent walk from here, but still on the main floor.” His gaze traveled over her, and her heart pounded in reaction. “Maybe you should change your dress, though I must say I’ll be sorry to see it go. I don’t know how well your feet will handle the urban hike in those heels, either.”

  “Hmm, good point. I love the idea, and your charming compliment.” She winked. “Wait here and I’ll go to my suite and put on something more practical.”

  “Will do.” She turned to leave, and he spoke in a low voice. “Susannah, you will come back, won’t you?”

  There’s that silent anguish again. She pointed her finger where she estimated his chest to be. “Remy, I’m coming back. I am yours for the evening. So you’d better not run off on me.” She laughed and strolled away.

  Remy watched the best thing to happen to him since his company went public saunter out of the garden rotunda toward her room. Susannah’s amazing! “I am yours for the evening,” she had said. Could he dare to dream of having her for life?

  When she first ambled up to the fountain, everything around her immediately went out of focus, yet she remained crystal clear, as her beauty filled his vision. Her hair swung from side to side, begging him to sift and twist his fingers through its tantalizing waves. When she came close, he’d lost himself in her dark chocolate eyes and ached to kiss her sumptuous, bow-shaped lips. That woman has curves that rival an hourglass! And her beauty runs even deeper, straight through to her heart.

  If only.

  Her bio mentioned her successful career as a project manager at a prestigious marketing firm. She’d reached the position in record time. The death of her husband might have prompted the surge of productivity. She seemed headed down the same path he’d been walking ten years before. Putting work above all else. Could he stop her from making the same huge mistake? It seemed they were put together to fix each other on the road to finding lasting love.

  Chapter Four

  A ghost. Susannah had just left a ghost waiting by the Lover’s Fountain, and she had every intention of rejoining him. Since they headed to a “lakefront” getaway for the evening, she opted for shorts, tank top, and sandals to complete the illusion. She checked herself out in the mirror and scoffed. “You do realize that when you go back, he’s not going to be there. You just made him up. Maybe when you go back, the real Remy will show up. Although, he would be rather late at this point, which would be extremely rude.” As she walked out of her room, she left her sanity on the doormat. “Well, here goes nothing!”

  But what if he is real? You made a deal, missy. You promised an evening to one Remy Charles. No backing out. Why would I want to? He’s charming, handsome, at least in his picture, and his voice…. He could move mountains with that voice! The rich bass had made her body quiver with longing. The sound waves had penetrated her skin and traveled all the way up to the pleasure center in her brain. He set her off like no other man in the history of Susannah ever had. Her body gave a shiver with just the thought of hearing him speak once more.

  The fountain loomed before her, but where had he gone? I knew it! I imagined the whole damn thing! She whirled around hoping to see him and sat on the ledge, but she appeared to be very much alone. As crazy as this whole match up had become, she had hoped she would make some kind of a connection with Remy that would move them beyond a single night, and together they could enter the world of the “coupled” crowd. A stray tear dared to fall as a small sob surged from her lips. She swiped at the errant drop. Suddenly, she sensed a presence and turned to see him sitting beside her.

  “You came back, but you’re crying. What’s happened?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing.” She waved him off and sniffed, choking back the lingering sorrow. “I’m just being silly. So, you’re here! I don’t mind saying though, that by the time I reached my room, you turned into a figment of my imagination.” She laughed. “But now that you are here, I can’t discount what’s happening anymore. I’m rather glad about that. So, shall we go?”

  “Yes, let’s. We’ve got a lovely evening ahead of us.”

  Susannah walked alongside Remy’s semi-opaque form, having given in to the notion that there are some things on earth that just go beyond explanation, his ghost state being one of them. She immersed herself in their vibrant conversation as they walked to their room, not caring the least about the occasional gawking of others at Remy’s unusual transparent appearance. They talked marketing strategy, branding, platform building. The man is brilliant. It’s so exhilarating to talk about a subject I love without the pressure of a project looming. It reminded her of why she’d gotten into the business in the first place—the chance to use her imagination. She made a mental note to reevaluate how much time she sacrificed to the firm when she returned.

  Every time Remy spoke, little frissons of pleasure waves coursed over and through her. At points, she needed to catch her breath, not from the “urban hike,” as he’d dubbed it, but from the way his voice touched her so intimately. How and why he affected her in this way she had no clue, but it made for an interesting walk.

  Double doors opened upon a large room decked out like a campsite by a lake, with a tent for two, a picnic blanket, sand chairs, and a basket of goodies. A floor-to-ceiling mural depicted a serene lakeside, just as Remy had mentioned. A bright white disk glowed on the far wall, suggesting a moon, and pinhole lights on the ceiling for stars. Across the room were French doors leading outside.

  “Wow, this is incredible! Until you told me, I had no idea they had themed suites here. How fun! And this room, well it’s quite romantic, Remy.”

  “Only the best for you. You’ve already outlasted any woman I’ve been set up with by my dear friends.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, now stop that. No more pity parties, mister. I’m enjoying myself, and I hope you are, too.”

  “I am. I am. And you’re right. I am done with feeling sorry for myself. Done!” he shouted out over the din of piped-in birdsong. She spotted a control panel on the wall and turned the volume down.

  “So, as you were saying, not another word about your condition. And I promise not to make any jokes about your ghostly pallor or your desperate need of a tan.” She plopped down on one of the sand chairs while he howled with laughter and sat on the blanket laid out on the carpeting. They continued their conversation while she dug into the picnic basket replete with caviar, crackers, cheese, champagne, strawberries, crème fraiche, and French pastry. She enjoyed the decadent morsels, but noticed he hadn’t eaten a thing.

  “Don’t you like any of these delectable treats?” She licked the crème off her fingers.

  “Oh, I do. Especially the one sitting right in front of me.” His words pierced right through to the part of her that longed to hear flirtatious comments such as this, and she diverted her
gaze to the pattern in the blanket. “I just don’t need food or drink in my condition, nor could I pick any of it up, anyway.” He tried picking up a glass, but his fingers went right through it. “See?” He shrugged. “I…I can’t hold you the way I’d like to either.”

  Susannah moved to the blanket and crouched down right in front of him. “Somehow we’ll find a way to please each other. I know we will.” She shifted to a more comfortable position, as close to him as she could get without going through him. “Why don’t you tell me how you’d like to touch me? I find your voice reaches me deeper and more sensually than any hand has ever done. Since you first spoke, it has kept me teetering on the edge of rapture.”

  She could see his surprise at her aggressive response. And a longing, even in his transparency, clued her in, for the outline of his jaw dropped about an inch at first, and then his shoulders and arms vibrated and blurred as she spoke her truth. But if they were to find any kind of sensual release with each other, they would have to think outside the box and go for it. He reached for her and stopped.

  “Tell me, Remy. Tell me what you’re doing to me.”

  “I…I’m caressing your cheek and running my thumb over your mouth.” He moved close enough to her so that they were but a hair away from touching. Susannah’s breath hitched as Remy intoxicated her. “I’m about to kiss you, Susannah. Gently, like a faint whisper, my lips press against yours. Now, I’m deepening it, teasing your mouth open with the tip of my tongue, tasting how sweet you are. You and I breathe together as one.” Her lips parted as her eyes fluttered closed, and she swayed, dizzy from the surreal experience. “Oh, my sweet Susannah, how I ache to ravish you for real.”

  This is crazy! I feel more with this ghost than I ever have with men made of flesh and blood, including my husband who I loved since grade school. She opened her eyes, reached out, and placed her palms where she saw the outline of his cheeks. Leaning back until she rested on the blanket, she rejoiced that he’d followed her down, hovering over her so that the shimmering stars on the ceiling shone through his body. “Kiss me again, Remy. And this time don’t stop.”


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