Passion and Sand: War of Fire

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Passion and Sand: War of Fire Page 7

by Andromeda -

  Chapter Fourteen

  The emperor burst into the throne room, his face flushed red. Bellowing with rage, he grabbed a crystal vase and threw it as hard as he could against a marble pillar. Senators, his children and the slaves of the palace hurried in after him. Almost all were covered in blackened soot or smelled like ash. The slaves immediately went to work in trying to tend to their masters.

  “How did he get in?!” the emperor roared at his advisors. “How?! We had the whole city watched! We knew he might attempt this, but how in the gods’ name did Kaiser and his band of escapees get into Capua?!”

  The senators looked at each other nervously, clearly not wanting to try and calm down their emperor, but at the same time, they knew they had to do something. He was right. No one knew how Kaiser and his group had gotten into the city, and it worried them greatly. They did not know who was friend, and who was foe, though it should have been quite clear, as they were fighting slaves. They should be easy to kill, but they weren’t.

  “Father,” Cornelius said as he stepped forward. “Might I be of some assistance?”

  “What do you want?” the emperor snapped.

  Cornelius tried to not scowl at his sire. “I would suggest that we hire sell swords,” he said. “People that we know that like coin and nothing else. If we, say offer them enough, they might be able to spy for us. For you. Thus, we can then begin to search for Kaiser. The barbarian clearly seems to be hiding in plain sight. We must do something, and we must do it soon.”

  The emperor considered this and then nodded. “I will give it more thought. For now, do nothing.”

  Cornelius gritted his teeth, but nodded and bowed his head like an obedient son. But inside, he was boiling angry for being dismissed like a simple slave, but he held his tongue. For now.

  The time would come…he told himself. The time would come…

  As of now, all he had to do was play the part of an obedient son, of a patient son, of a dutiful son. Then, when the time was right, he would snatch all his father held dear.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Barack watched as the slaves began to pack up their supplies, tying it upon the backs of mules and donkeys they had stolen from nearby villas and lands. Never in all his life did he think this would be possible, and yet, he could not hide his approval.

  “Barack!” Kaiser called as his horse trotted over to stand at the African’s side. “You are awake!”

  A smile wrinkled on Barack’s dark-brown skin. “Yes, I am. I needed that rest. How long have I been asleep?”

  “Since we rescued you,” Kaiser said. “Almost a week ago.”

  Barack rubbed his eyes. “Well, it was greatly needed. What, might I ask, is going on?”

  “Some of our scouts have reported increased numbers of Roman patrols,” Kaiser explained. “There is another villa not far from here and deeper in the woods that might provide more defense and cover.”

  Barack nodded. “A sound strategy. How long until you move?”

  “We are packing up now,” Kaiser said, “and plan to move in the morning.”

  “Good. Good,” Barack said with a smile. “How is Ayanna? It has been some time since I have seen her.”

  Kaiser’s face saddened. “She is not feeling well. For the last week, she had woken up early in the mornings to retch. She is picky on what foods enter her body. I am truthfully worried for her.”

  The African stroked his chin, and then he smiled. “Might I speak with her? Do you know where she might be? I believe I know what might be the cause of this.”

  Kaiser led his old mentor to where Ayanna was overseeing the women in packing up the herbs and grain. When the young woman saw her friend, she turned around and smiled, rushing to him with arms flung out and wide as she embraced him tightly.

  “It is good to see you, too, my child,” Barack chuckled as he held her close.

  “I worried many nights for your safety,” Ayanna said as she pulled away to look her oldest friend over. “I thought we would meet each other in the arms of the Ancestors.”

  “They work in mysterious ways indeed,” Barack said as he patted her arm. “Come, talk and walk with me. Your…lover says that you are not well as of late.”

  Ayanna blushed shyly as she looped her arm with his as they took a slow stroll through the gardens that had been planted here while they held residence. Now, that too was being torn up to not leave any evidence.

  “So,” Barack said after several moments, “how far along are you?”

  Ayanna looked at him in shock. “What? I…I don’t know what you are talking about…”

  Barack threw back his head and burst into a deep-throated laughter. “My child,” he said. “I have been in this world a lot longer than you have. I know when a woman is with child. Do not lie to me.”

  Ayanna looked away and instead, bent over to pick up a flower. “I…erm…believe a couple months. I…I found out a week before we went to go and rescue you.”

  “Does Kaiser know?” Barack asked.

  “No,” Ayanna said as she shook her head. “He does not. I…I don’t want to tell him…yet.”

  Barack inclined his head. “Why is that?”

  “I do not wish to worry him,” Ayanna confused. “Mainly because we lost the last one and…”

  Barack held up his hand. “That was not your fault. And you both are strong, young people. I know you will carry this child to term.”


  Aurora stood in her window, looking out at the inky darkness of the night sky. It was a clear night, with only the full moon shining down upon the face of the young woman. With a soft sigh, she left her window and walked to her bed and sat upon her. Laying back, she placed her hand upon her empty womb and tried not to cry.

  It had been so long since she had seen her son and lover, and oh how she missed them both. Life was hard, playing both spy and faithful daughter of the emperor, and she knew that if her father found out, then she would lose her head. As of now, she was fine, though she had to work hard to keep the shadow of suspicion from being cast upon her.

  “Hello, Sister,” Cornelius said as he appeared in the doorway of her chamber.

  Aurora looked up, trying not to frown. Cornelius did not look well. His skin was a sickly yellow, and his eyes were watery. He appeared to be sick, both in the mind as well as the body.

  “Hello, Brother,” she said, sitting up. “What do I owe this honor?”

  Cornelius leaned into the doorway, his arms crossed. “You are loyal, right, Sister?”

  “Of course,” she said. “Why…do you ask?”

  “Because there is going to be a power shift,” Cornelius said as he took a step inside. “And I want to know if I have your support.”

  Aurora’s eyebrows shot up. “What are you saying?”

  “Our father is old,” Cornelius said. “There is no way he is going to bring down Kaiser and that African whore of his. Rome needs a warrior as Her helm.”

  “And…that would be you?” Aurora asked sarcastically.

  Before she could react, he had crossed the room and had his hand tightly around her throat. So tightly, Aurora gasped.

  “You will not speak to me like that,” he growled, his eyes wild.

  “I…I’m sorry,” Aurora stammered, clearly frightened. “L…let me go. Please, Brother.”

  Slowly, Cornelius released his grip around her throat, and he looked at her with narrowed eyes. “Mind to whom you speak, Sister. I am to be emperor, and I will not tolerate my subjects speaking to me like that.”

  “I…I said I was sorry,” Aurora stammered again.

  He nodded and turned to leave, but he stopped and looked at the falcon that was asleep in its cage. He frowned and stepped closer to it as if to inspect it. “When did you get this?”

  “It was a while ago,” Aurora said, careful not to reveal too much. “And you know I like birds.”

  “Yes,” Cornelius said slowly, “you do.”

  He looked at h
er, a strange expression on his face. “Sister, do you know how the ex-slaves seem to be constantly avoiding us?”

  “I have no clue,” Aurora lied. “I have wondered that myself, truthfully.”

  “I have come to believe,” Cornelius said, “that someone is working for them. Who that is, I do not know, but I know this: when I do find them, I will serve their head on a platter for Father. Maybe then, he will begin to look upon me like an equal.”

  Aurora tried to not tremble, as her brother’s words frightened her, but she knew she could not show it. She could not show her fear, and so, she held her breath until her brother left the chamber, then she dropped to her knees.

  This Cornelius frightened her, and when she had looked into his eyes, he had seemed…mad. The thought of her brother going mad, she did not wish for it to be so, and yet, deep down, she believed it was possible.

  Her brother was never completely right in the head and mind. Her father, at times, would say he wished she was born the son because of her cunning and quick wit, and he the daughter, because of how fragile Cornelius seemed to be. Yet, the gods seemed to have favorited Cornelius to be the heir. Why this was so, she did not know, but an inward voice told her she best be extremely careful.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kaiser rolled over on his side and looked down at the love of his life. Ayanna was asleep, her arms curled around her stomach, where their child grew. He could not be prouder at what was going to happen in their lives, and he could not be more afraid of what might happen.

  He remembered when he had found out, and it was all Artemus’ fault. They had recently settled upon their newest villa, and after everything was put in place and the proper security measures were taken, Kaiser, Artemus and Barack had gone to work in training the former slaves and gladiators. Their numbers were no less than one hundred strong, but they had to all be trained to learn how to fight like an army.

  Kaiser remembered his promise to Aleron: to form an army and make Rome pay. However, what his friend did not know was that it was not going to be easy. Most of the slaves and gladiators they had rescued were from different cultural backgrounds and had petty feuds among themselves. The Thracians hated the Gauls, the Britons hated the Greeks because they resembled Romans too closely, and the lists went on and on.

  The three men did not know at first how to calm this petty quarreling, however, this all stopped the moment Barack seized his signature whip and snapped it in the air. All looked to the powerful African who stood tall with both pride and had an aura around him that radiated respect.

  “Enough!” he barked. “You are not all here to fight amongst yourselves. We are here for one thing, and one thing only: the fall of Rome.”

  “How can we fight Rome?” a Gaul asked. “They have thousands in their armies!”

  “And we have millions,” Kaiser said as he stepped forward. “No one knows how Rome can be, other than us. Rome, with its small numbers, has ruled for so long because of one thing: fear. Fear is what feeds them, feeds their reputation and strikes in the heart of those they know will be affected. But no more. We will show Rome that it cannot take what it wants without a fight. We will take back what is ours and if Rome tried to seize it, then it has to do so over our dead bodies!”

  The people cheered and bellowed war cries, and as Artemus clapped Kaiser on the back for a speech well done, Kaiser looked around and didn’t see Ayanna.

  “Have you seen Ayanna?” the German asked his friend.

  “I last saw her with my son,” Artemus answered, and then he smiled. “She’s going to be a wonderful mother. Congratulations.”

  Kaiser looked at him with an arched eyebrow. “What…do you mean by that?”

  Instantly, Artemus’ face fell and he turned away. “I…I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Artemus…,” Kaiser said with his arms crossed. “What are you talking about?”

  Artemus swallowed. “Well…I thought you knew…”

  “About what?” Kaiser asked. “What is going on with Ayanna?” He had a feeling, but he couldn’t believe it. Yet.

  “Well…,” Artemus said slowly, “Ayanna is carrying your child.”

  And like that, Kaiser knew. At first, when he confronted Ayanna, he was angry that she had kept these secrets of her pregnancy from him, but then he felt proud of her as he knew she had only wanted to keep it hidden to make sure she was far along enough.

  Now, almost four months since that day of him finding out, her stomach was large and round, as she was nearing her seventh month. He could not be prouder, though he could not be more frightened.

  Her stomach looked too large, and though they had recently freed a group of slaves who had a midwife, he dreaded the day she would give birth. Taking her example, he had begun to pray to his gods to bless both the mother and unborn babe and give them both strength when the day would come. However, there was another thing he needed strength for, and as the day became closer and closer, he knew he had better act soon.

  Rolling back over onto his side, he reached into a small pouch and took out a golden ring, a smile upon his lips.


  “I won’t do it!” Aurora yelled. “Truly, Father, you cannot ask such a thing of me!”

  The emperor sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to cool his temper that had dared to flare. “Please, Daughter,” he said. “Be reasonable.”

  “I am being reasonable!” Aurora snapped. “I cannot do it. I will not do it and there is nothing you can do to make me!”

  Turning on her heel, she stormed from his study and rushed to her chambers, where she got a pen and paper, writing furiously to Ayanna about what her father had just told her.

  He wanted to marry her off to a general.

  The nerve of him, she could not believe.

  His reasoning was that they needed more allies to hunt down Kaiser and his group, and apparently, this general had the resources to do so. Aurora knew the man of whom her father spoke, and her skin crawled.

  He was a womanizer, always having his hands up the dress of a slave, or his tongue down the throat of another woman. He was the last person on earth she would marry and would fight this to her dying breath.

  As she wrote, there was a knocking on her door, and she quickly hid the paper, and when a slave opened the door, she saw it was Aurelia. Aurora instantly frowned at the woman in clear distaste and glared at her.

  “What do you want?” she snapped.

  “I just heard the news,” Aurelia said in a sweetness that was almost sickening. “I can’t imagine how you must feel with a man like that as your engaged.”

  “He’s not my engaged!” Aurora growled. “I will have nothing to do with him!”

  “I understand that, dear,” Aurelia said. “And, if you want, I want to help you.”

  “No, thank you,” Aurora snapped. “The type of help you give, I highly doubt I need it.”

  Aurelia’s body stiffened and then she drew herself to her fullest height. “You best learn to watch your tongue. I will be Empress.”

  Aurora looked at her, clearly unimpressed and she slowly stood up from her chair, looking into her eyes. “You know…I know about you, and your brother. I know what you two did. Does my brother know?”

  Aurelia’s face darkened instantly and she lunged forward, her nails dug deeply into Aurora’s arms. “You will hold your tongue over such matters!” she hissed. “You have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “I take it he does not,” Aurora said with a soft smirk. “I also take it that he does not love you.”

  “What do you know of love?” Aurelia hissed. “You…you had a bastard child!”

  At that, Aurora’s face fell and she lost her smirk. “At least I have had a child, shows that I am fertile. You have been married to my brother for how long? Maybe the gods did not favor you spreading your thighs for your brother!”

  Aurelia’s lip trembled, but her grip tightened around Aurora’s arm. “You are not
fit to talk of my brother.”

  “And you are not fit to become Empress,” Aurora shot back. “Now know this: I will never forgive you for almost ruining the love life of Ayanna because you used Kaiser to feed some petty jealousy you had. A time will come when yours is up, and when that happens, I will be there. Now, let me go.”

  Aurelia released her, but she glared at her long and hard before she turned on her heel and left.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Kaiser, will you stop stroking my belly for five seconds, please?” Ayanna laughed. “I have to get out of bed!”

  “No,” Kaiser chuckled as he leaned back down to kiss her stomach and then sat up. “Not until I give you the thousand kisses I had promised you. Now…I forgot what number I was on. Guess I have to start again.”

  She giggled as he placed one on the sole of her foot, said ‘One’, then began to count as he kissed up her body. They were trying to enjoy a moment of peace and quiet, as Kaiser had ordered she not be too stressed, as her time to give birth was coming soon. The young lovers marveled at the time they spent together, in which the nights were spent with gentle, yet non-stop lovemaking.

  “Twenty-nine…,” Kaiser whispered as he kissed between her thighs.

  “Kaiser…,” she moaned softly. “I have to talk to you, it’s about Aurora…”

  At the mention of her former master, Kaiser pulled his lips away and looked up at her. “What is the matter?”

  “I think she might be in danger,” Ayanna confessed. “Her letters…are coming less and less. Not only that, but she is being as vague as possible, as if she thinks someone might try and read them.”

  “She should be careful,” Kaiser remarked.

  “Aren’t you a genius?” Ayanna teased. “Of course, she had to be careful, but I also think…that maybe it is time for us to get her.”

  Kaiser sat up, his eyes wide. “Can…can you repeat that?”


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