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A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

Page 20

by Christina Escue

  “You can find anything you are looking for, can’t you?” Leslie asked.

  Karla shrugged her shoulders and opened the cake box. “I just thought it would be easier this way.”

  “Oh, that’s beautiful.” Leslie said.

  “I wanted something different.” Karla said as she inspected the cake. She had taken a picture of her, Callie, Conner, Rylee, Elliot, Manuel and Kiara and had it transferred to the cake. It looked like an edible portrait.

  “Mission accomplished.” Leslie said and wrapped her arm around Karla’s shoulders.

  “This is the same bakery that is making Kiara’s wedding cake. That’s how I found them.” Karla explained.

  “Well they do excellent work.” Leslie told her and walked back to her milkshake and onion rings. “What time is the party?”

  “Rylee will be here in about an hour to pick up me, Elliot and the cake.” Karla said and grinned. “That should be just enough time for me to get ready.”

  “Need any help?” Leslie asked right before she took a huge bite of milkshake covered onion ring.

  “No thanks. You just enjoy your peanut butter onion rings.” Karla said with a grin. “I’ll be back down in a little while.”

  “Okay, honey.” Leslie answered with a mouth full and Karla laughed. This was going to be a funny next few months.

  Forty-five minutes later Karla walked back downstairs and found Leslie napping on the couch. She covered her with a light throw and walked into the kitchen where she found the remains of Leslie’s snack on the counter.

  “What in the world is that?” Andrew asked and pointed at the mess on the counter.

  “That was Mom’s craving.” Karla answered in amusement. “A peanut butter milkshake and onion rings.”

  Andrew groaned and Karla laughed. “At least you didn’t have to see her eating it.” Karla told him.

  “Good point. I was hoping she would be one of the women who never had weird cravings.”

  Karla laughed and slung her arm around Elliot’s shoulders when he walked into the kitchen. “She’s all yours tonight, Dad. Elliot and I won’t be home till morning.”

  “You two have fun. I’ll call you if I need emotional support.” Andrew teased and they all burst out laughing.

  “We’ll see you in the morning, Dad.” Karla said and kissed his cheek. “You’ll make it till then.”

  “See you in the morning. Have fun and be careful.” Andrew said as they walked out the door and to Rylee’s car.

  “Think he’ll be okay?” Elliot asked with a grin as he climbed into the back seat of the car with the cake.

  “He’ll be fine. He is Dr. Daddy after all.” Karla answered and Elliot burst out laughing.

  “What is that all about?” Rylee asked in confusion.

  “Mom’s cravings have started.” Karla explained and Rylee laughed.

  “Good luck to you all.” Rylee said as she backed out of the driveway.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  “Conner, hurry up. We’re supposed to meet everyone for dinner in fifteen minutes.” Callie shouted as she pounded on her brother’s bedroom door.

  “Chill, Cal.” Conner shouted back. “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  “Fine, but if we’re late it’s all on you.” Callie yelled and stomped down the stairs.

  “Sisters.” Conner mumbled as he grabbed his jacket off the bed and walked out his door. He’d taken a little extra time getting ready for tonight because he wanted to look nice for Karla.

  “About time.” Callie said when she heard him coming downstairs. She looked up as he reached the bottom of the steps and her mouth dropped. “Dang, Con. Trying to impress someone?”

  “Yeah, Karla.” Conner said nervously. “I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend again and I want to look nice while doing so.”

  “You are more of a girl than I am sometimes.” Callie teased her twin and he laughed.

  “I can’t help it if I want to look nice for Karla.” Conner said as he grabbed his keys off the counter. “Separate cars?” He asked when he saw Callie grab hers too.

  “Yeah. After dinner I’m meeting Manuel at the coffee shop so we can talk. It was a year ago tonight that he gave me this.” Callie answered and touched the necklace she always wore.

  “He isn’t going to be at dinner?”

  “No. He has to work until nine.”

  “I’m sorry, sis. I’ll see you there.”

  “I’ll be right behind you.”

  Ten minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant where they were meeting Karla and Rylee, parked their cars and got out. Conner took a deep breath and looked at his sister. “Why am I so nervous? I wasn’t this nervous when I asked her the first time.”

  “Con, you’re nervous because you’re afraid she’ll say no. When you asked her almost two years ago you were certain she’d say yes, this time you don’t have that certainty.”

  “What if she says no, Cal?”

  “She loves you, Con. Everyone can still see that. She won’t say no because it’s what she wants too.”

  “Thanks, sis.” Conner said with a smile. “Now, let’s go celebrate turning seventeen.”

  Callie interlocked her arm with her brother’s and they walked inside together. When they spotted Karla and Rylee sitting at the back of the restaurant they started walking toward them, but stopped when everyone in the restaurant stood up and yelled, “Surprise!”

  “What the crap?” Conner said in surprise.

  “Happy birthday.” Karla said to them both when she stopped in front of them.

  “What is all this?” Callie asked as she looked around the restaurant and saw all of their friends from school, as well as a few friends from competing teams, were here.

  “This is your birthday dinner.” Rylee said as she motioned around the restaurant.

  “I thought it was supposed to be just a few people.” Conner said with a note of irritation in his voice. When Karla’s smile faded at his tone he mentally slapped himself and gently touched her cheek. “This is a great birthday surprise. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She responded, but her smile didn’t return. When she walked back to the table she had been sitting at Callie smacked Conner on the back of the head.

  “Hey, what was that for?”

  “Just trying to knock some sense into you, Con. You obviously need it more often than I previously thought.”

  Conner just looked at her and shook his head before he walked to where Karla was sitting and sat beside her. “I’m sorry, Karla. I was taken by surprise.”

  “That’s the point of a surprise party, Conner.” Rylee said from the other side of Karla.

  “I know that, Rylee.” Conner snapped out then slapped his forehead when Karla cringed a little beside him. “I’m sorry, Ry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. Karla, can we talk for a minute? Alone?”

  When Karla simply nodded Conner knew he’d screwed up, again, but he grabbed her hand and led her through the front doors of the restaurant and straight to his car. “I hope this is okay. I wanted somewhere private, but it’s too cold to stand outside and talk.”

  “This is fine.” She answered softly before she climbed into the car.

  Conner took a deep, calming breath and climbed into the car with her. “I’m sorry, Karla.”

  “It’s okay. I should have made sure this was what you wanted before I invited everyone.”

  “It isn’t that. I was hoping to get a little time alone with you tonight and with everyone in there that’s going to be impossible.”

  “Look around you, Conner. We’re alone now.” Karla pointed out.

  “So it seems.” Conner said before he brushed his fingers lightly over Karla’s cheek. “I’m sorry for my reaction. The party is a wonderful birthday surprise.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay with it? If you aren’t I can ask everyone to leave.”

  “That would be very rude of me after you went to the trouble of getting th
em all here.”

  “But it’s your birthday and if that’s what you want then that’s what you should have.” Karla said softly and dropped her head.

  “Karla, look at me please.” Conner said softly and when Karla looked back up he locked his eyes on hers. “Thank you for the party. It is a great way to celebrate my birthday. As long as I have you beside me I’m okay with whatever you want to do.”

  “I’m right here.” Karla pointed out.

  “Yes you are.” Conner said with a grin before he brushed his lips across hers. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Can we go back inside now? People are going to start wondering where we went.”

  “Sure.” Conner answered. “Karla, I do want to talk to you later.”

  “You’ll have the chance. Elliot, Rylee and I are staying at your house tonight.” Karla informed him. “That was the other part of the surprise.” She grinned when his mouth popped open and she was still grinning when she got out of the car and walked back into the restaurant.

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  “I’ll be home later.” Callie said when she got in her car and headed toward the coffee shop where she was meeting Manuel.

  When she pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop she saw Manuel leaning against his car and she smiled. After she parked her car and got out Manuel walked to her and ran his hand down her hair. “Happy birthday, Callie.” He said and brushed his lips across hers.

  “Thank you, Manny.”

  “Let’s go inside and get out of the cold. I know I’ve been here for over a year now, but I will never get used to the cold.”

  Callie wrapped her hand around his and they walked into the coffee shop together. “Have you thought about moving somewhere warmer?” Callie asked tentatively. She didn’t even want to think about him leaving.

  “Not an option. As long as you’re here then this is the only place I want to be.” He told her as he pulled a chair out for her to sit.

  “Thank you.” Callie said when Manuel sat across from her. “So you haven’t thought about going back to Puerto Rico after Kiara’s wedding?”

  “I want to go back this summer for a few days because one of my friends is getting married, but I have no intention of ever living there again. My life is here now.”

  “I would go with you if you wanted to move back.” Callie said quietly.

  “I would never ask you to leave your family and the people I care about the most are all here.”

  Callie looked at him for a minute and tears filled her eyes. “You don’t have anyone left in Puerto Rico that you care about?”

  “No.” Manuel answered honestly and Callie smiled. “Callie, I had a couple of serious girlfriends when I was in high school and had one who was pretty serious after high school, but they are all in the past. None of them matter beyond the friendships I tried to maintain. The people who matter to me are here.”

  When Manuel reached across the table and laid his hand on hers she smiled. “Am I included in those people who matter?”

  “You are.” Manuel said with a smile. “Happy birthday, Callie.” He said and placed a small box on the table between them.

  Callie looked at the box for a second and smiled before she picked it up. She held it in her hand for a moment and looked across the table at him.

  “Open it.” He whispered.

  Callie opened the box and tears filled her eyes. Inside was a ring with a small ruby surrounded by a circle of diamonds. When Callie looked up at him he smiled at the look on her face. “It’s a promise ring. The ruby is because I met you, and started falling for you, in July.”

  “It’s beautiful.” Callie whispered as her eyes filled with tears.

  “I kind of stole the idea from Conner. He gave Karla a promise ring last year for Valentine’s Day, but then he broke that promise. I promise that I won’t break my promise to you.”

  “What are you promising?” Callie asked softly.

  “Callie, I am promising to always be there for you and to always support you in whatever decision you choose to make. I am promising to always be there no matter what you need, but there is more. I am promising to be in your life for as long as you want me in your life. Callie, I love you and I want spend my life with you, but that’s a discussion for another day. So for now I want you to accept this ring as a symbol of my love for you and my commitment to us.”

  Callie looked at him and the tears that had been in her eyes spilled over and started streaming down her cheeks. Manuel reached over and gently brushed the tears away as he locked his eyes on hers. “I want to make us official, Callie. I want everyone to know that I belong to you and you belong to me.”

  “Manuel, do you remember what you told me before our first date?”

  “I told you that neither of us were ready for a relationship and I still stand by that. We weren’t then, but we’ve gotten to know each other and we’ve gotten to know each other’s families since then. Callie, I want to spend my life with you and this is a step I can take in that direction.”

  “Manuel, you are a walking contradiction. You just told me that you want to spend your life with me, but you flipped out when Kiara told you she was getting married.”

  “I’ve realized that age is just a number and some people are just meant to be together. There is a difference though. I’m not going to officially ask you before you graduate.”

  “I love you, Manuel and I will wear your ring. I want everyone to know that I’m taken.”

  “I love you too, Callie.”

  “I have to get home. I have a house full of people there.”

  “I know. I’ll follow you home. My sister invited me over for a while.”

  Callie grinned and stood up from the table. They walked to their cars together and Callie watched Manuel’s headlights in her rearview mirror the entire way home.

  Chapter Sixty

  “Karla, can I talk to you for a minute?” Conner asked from behind her.

  “Sure.” She answered and got up from the sofa she was sitting on in the Newberry’s game room. She followed Conner out of the game room and down the hall to his room. Once inside Conner shut the door and turned to Karla.

  “I need to talk to you privately.” He explained when she looked at the closed door. “I promise that I only want to talk, but I don’t want Kevin to eavesdrop. He’s home this weekend because Dad had to go to some kind of convention and won’t be back until tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Karla answered quietly. She was kind of disappointed that he only had talking in mind, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.

  “Karla, I want to ask you something. You don’t have to answer right away, but I need to ask tonight.” Conner paused and took a deep breath before he continued. “Karla Ann Peterson, will you be my girlfriend again?”

  Karla looked at him for a second before her face broke into a smile that lit up the room. “Yes. Oh, yes, Conner. I will definitely be your girlfriend again.”

  Conner’s smile matched Karla’s as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. When he picked her up she tilted her head and pressed her lips to his.

  He broke the kiss after just a moment and looked into her eyes. “I love you, Karla.”

  “I love you too, Conner.” She replied and pressed her lips to his again. When he went to pull away this time she tangled her hands in his hair and deepened the kiss. He groaned deep in his throat and lowered her to her feet. Once her feet were on the floor he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. Before either of them knew what was happening his hand skimmed down her back, across her butt and to the bottom edge of the dress she wore. He caressed her thigh just below her hem line and she moaned into his mouth.

  After another minute passed Conner gently pulled away from her and took a step back. “Karla, we can’t. As much as I want to, we can’t.” He told her breathlessly.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I should have never started that.” Karla said and looked at the floor.

; “Look at me please.” Conner said in a gentle voice. When Karla looked up he gently took her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “I want nothing more than to take you to my bed and make love to you, but I’m not going to because one, I don’t think we’re ready and two, I don’t have any way of protecting us and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take. I love you, but neither of us are ready to be parents.”

  Karla looked at him for a second before she nodded her agreement. “I think we should get back to the others before they come looking for us.”

  “I agree.” Conner responded, but before Karla could open the door he grabbed her hand and pulled her against him again. “Never doubt that I want you in every possible way.” He said before he pressed his lips to hers quickly and released her.

  They walked back to the game room holding hands and when they walked in they spotted Manuel and Callie sitting at the table in the corner playing Scrabble with Rylee and Elliot. Travis, Malinda and Madison were gathered around watching and Kiara and Jake were battling it out on the Xbox. “They didn’t miss us at all.” Karla muttered and Conner laughed.

  “Some of us did.” Kevin said from the chair in the corner. “Where did you two go?”

  “We went to talk, Kev. Not that it’s any of your business.” Conner answered irritably.

  “It is my business. Dad isn’t here and mom wanted me to come home to help with this little party so that makes it my business.”

  “Kevin, we were talking. That’s it.” Karla tried to reassure him, but he didn’t want to hear that.

  “You two were in Conner’s room with the door shut.” Kevin said loudly and everyone looked up at them.

  “You were what?” Manuel said from across the room.

  “We were in Conner’s room talking. Yes, the door was shut, but we were only talking.” Karla explained to her brother.

  “Then why is Conner’s hair a mess?” Kevin asked in a harsh tone.


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