A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

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A New Journey (Second Chance #3) Page 22

by Christina Escue

  “We don’t mind taking Elliot with us. We’re meeting Callie, Rylee, Travis, Malinda and Madison there so it only makes sense for Elliot to come with us.” Conner said with a smile.

  “What are your plans for today?” Leslie asked.

  “Since we don’t have school today we are all getting together at Manuel’s to plan Kiara’s and Jake’s wedding shower.” Karla said as she walked into the family room.

  “You kids are so sweet. Do they know that you’re planning this?”

  “Nope.” Elliot said as he joined him.

  “Well if you need any help just let me know.” Leslie said with a grin.

  “Mom, is Dad meeting you at your appointment? If not I can go with you and you can drop me off at Manuel’s after.” Karla said and Leslie’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Would you really blow off your friends to go with me?” Leslie asked as tears flowed down her face.

  “Of course.” Karla answered with a smile. “You’re having a sonogram today and you need someone there with you. I’ll gladly go if Dad can’t be there.”

  “Dad will be there. He already told them that someone will have to cover the ER from noon until my appointment is over.” Leslie said and smiled. “Go be with your friends. I’ll call you when the appointment is over.”

  “If you’re sure.” Karla said and Leslie nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you when I get home.”

  “Have fun and be careful.” She told them as they walked out the front door together.

  Once they were gone Leslie walked into her bedroom and snagged her clean clothes off the bed. Today was the day they were going to find out what the sex of the baby was. She knew Andrew wanted a son, but she was secretly hoping for a girl. They already had one of each, but this was likely the only biological child they would ever have and she wanted a little girl. “I’ll love you no matter what.” She whispered to her slightly larger belly as she gently rubbed it. When she felt a flutter inside she smiled. That was hers and Andrew’s baby growing inside her. This was something she never thought she would experience, but since Karla entered their lives she knew miracles really did happen.

  After she showered and dressed she grabbed a bottle of water and an apple out of the fridge and headed for her car. She had half an hour before her appointment, but she was excited and was ready to get there. As she backed out of the garage she turned the radio on and was happily singing along as she drove toward Dr. Newberry’s office.

  When she pulled into the parking lot she spotted Andrew walking out of the ER entrance and she smiled. She got out of the SUV and stood beside it as he approached her.

  “You ready to do this, baby?” He asked as he stopped beside her.

  “I’ve been ready.” She answered and flung her arms around his neck.

  “Then let’s go.” He said with a grin and took hold of her hand. They walked into the office together and were greeted by Mark’s nurse, Maggie.

  “Dr. Peterson, Leslie, y’all are early today. You must be anxious to find out the sex of the baby.”

  “We are. I’m ready to pick out names and buy clothes.” Leslie said with a grin as she signed in.

  “I’ll see if I can get you back a little early.” Maggie said with a grin.

  “Thanks, Maggie.” Andrew said with a wink before he led Leslie over to one of the small sofas and sat down with her.

  “Why am I nervous?” Leslie asked with a small chuckle.

  “Because this is a big deal.” Andrew responded and linked his hand with hers. “Today is the day we find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.”

  “Leslie, Dr. Newberry is ready for you.” Maggie said from the doorway.

  “That was fast.” Andrew said and Leslie smiled.

  “Maggie never makes me wait long.” Leslie responded as they followed Maggie to the room where the sonogram machine was.

  “If you would change into this gown and climb up on the table I’ll go let Mark know you’re here.”

  When Mark walked in five minutes later Andrew was sitting in the chair beside Leslie. “Good afternoon.” Mark greeted them with a smile.

  “Hello, Mark.” Andrew said as he shook Mark’s hand.

  “You two ready to do this?” Mark asked and when Leslie nodded he chuckled. “Okay. Then let’s get started.”

  As Mark applied the gel to Leslie’s stomach Andrew started getting nervous. What if the sonogram showed there was something wrong with the baby?

  “Okay, here we go.” Mark said as he placed the wand on Leslie’s belly and started moving it slowly. When the sound of the baby’s heartbeat filled the room Andrew relaxed a little. He’d heard the heart beat before, and was there for the first sonogram, but to hear it that strong made some of his worries fade.

  “Are you wanting to know the sex of the baby?” Mark asked as he took still shots of all the baby’s organs.

  “Yes!” Andrew and Leslie in unison and Mark chuckled.

  “Okay. Mama and Daddy, it looks like you two have yourselves a perfectly heathy baby girl. She’s right on schedule when it comes to development, but she is a little on the small side. That isn’t a concern considering how petite Leslie is though. We don’t want her getting too big.”

  “A girl?” Leslie asked is awe.

  “Yes. You have another princess joining the ranks.” Mark said with a smile and Andrew’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Two daughters and a son. Who could ask for a more perfect family?” Andrew asked no one in particular.

  “No one.” Mark answered as he stood up from the stool he’d been sitting on. “Let’s get you cleaned up and we’ll move you to an exam room for your check up, but I want to tell you that everything looks great so far. She has a nice, strong heart beat and her brain waves are exactly where they should be. You’re doing a great job, Mama.”

  After Mark left Leslie changed back into her clothes and Andrew gathered her into his arms for a tight hug. “A daughter.” He whispered in her ear.

  “At least we have practice.” She said and they both burst out laughing.

  Chapter Sixty-Four

  “It’s a girl.” Leslie shouted as soon as Karla answered her phone. “We are going shopping tomorrow.”

  “Definitely.” Karla agreed with a smile. “Now I can start planning a baby shower. YAY!!”

  Leslie laughed at Karla’s enthusiasm. “Don’t you think you have enough to do with the wedding shower and bachelorette party?”

  “I am throwing my little sister her first party.” Karla informed Leslie matter-of-factly.

  “Then I will sit back and let you throw your little sister her first party. Oh, Meghan is bringing over a big bag of clothes for us to go through. Mae was born in June and this baby is due in July so Mae’s newborn clothes should work perfectly.”

  “Have you and Dad thought about names?” Karla asked.

  “We have, but we’re waiting until you and Elliot are here to discuss names.”

  “You want us to help pick out the baby’s name?” Karla asked with excitement in her voice.

  “We do. You two will be a huge part of her life and we want your help.”

  “I love you, Mom. We’ll be home in a couple of hours.” Karla said and ended the call.

  When she walked back into the living room of Manuel’s apartment she had a huge smile on her face. “It’s a girl.” She announced and everyone cheered.

  “When are we planning the baby shower for?” Rylee asked immediately.

  “I’m thinking sometime in May. That way we will have the baby shower over with before the wedding, but after the wedding shower. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds perfect.” Callie said with a smile.

  “Ladies, why don’t we finish planning this party before we start planning another one?” Manuel said with a grin.

  “Have they picked out a name yet?” Elliot asked.

  “Nope. They want us to help. I say we finish this so we can get home and help name our baby sister.” Karla said with
a smile. “Oh, and Meghan is bringing over a big bag of clothes Mae can’t wear anymore and Mom wants our help going through them.”

  “Oh, can we come help?” Callie asked. “I love all things babies.”

  “I’m sure Mom won’t mind.” Karla said with a smile. “I’ll call her when we’re finished here and ask.”

  “Well then, let’s wrap this up.” Rylee said and they all laughed.


  Two hours later Karla, Elliot, Rylee, Callie and Conner walked into the house and found Leslie asleep on the couch. Karla grinned and grabbed a thin throw to cover her up with before she motioned for everyone to follow her into the kitchen. Once they were all in there Karla went to the fridge and pulled out the stuff they would need to make sandwiches for lunch.

  “Conner, want to help me?” She asked as she started putting together sandwiches, fruits and veggies for them all.

  Ten minutes later they were all sitting around eating and talking when Andrew walked in. “Where’s Mom?” He asked Karla.

  “She’s asleep on the couch. That’s her favorite nap spot.” Karla answered and Andrew grinned.

  “I’m going to wake her up. I have something to discuss with the three of you.” Andrew told them and looked directly at Karla and Elliot. When he walked into the other room Karla looked around at her friends.

  “Did that sound like a good something to discuss or a bad one?”

  “Sounded like a good one to me.” Rylee said and looked around the table. “Should we go? This sounds like a family meeting.”

  “Nope.” Andrew said when he walked back into the kitchen holding Leslie’s hand. “This is a family meeting, but you don’t have to leave.”

  “What’s this about, Andrew?” Leslie asked on a yawn.

  “After I got back to the ER today I got a phone call. Dr. Pratt is retiring next month and Dr. Callahan wants me to take over his patients in the practice. I would make a little more than I’m making in the ER and I would be home every evening, every Sunday and every other Saturday.”

  “Oh, Andrew. That is great. Why haven’t you taken it already?” Leslie asked with a note of concern in her voice.

  “I needed to discuss it with my family first. I want it though, baby. I want more time with my family.”

  “Then call Dr. Callahan and tell him you’ll take it. A month will give you plenty of time to help the hospital find a new ER Head.”

  “Dad, I agree with Mom. Take it. We would all love to have you home more.” Karla said as she bounced in her seat.

  “I agree.” Elliot told them with a grin.

  “That’s settled then. I’ll call Jacob later this evening. Before we go into baby names I have one more thing to say. Elliot, I got another call today. This one was from my lawyer. He has the papers ready for us to sign to adopt you. We can go Monday to sign them and then it will only be a few weeks before they’re finalized. You’ll be a Peterson before the baby arrives.”

  Cheers filled the kitchen and everyone hugged Elliot before they all took their seats again and got down to business.

  “Karla, Elliot, we were thinking about maybe naming the baby after three very special women. We want to name her MaryLynn Barbara Peterson.”

  “Mary is for Elliot’s grandmother, Lynn was my mother’s name and Barbara is for Karla’s grandmother.” Andrew explained to Callie, Rylee and Conner. “Without these three women our family wouldn’t be here.”

  Karla and Elliot both stood up and walked over to Andrew and Leslie. Their eyes filled with tears as they wrapped their arms around their parents. “That is the perfect name for her.” Karla said and Elliot nodded his agreement.

  “We thought you would like it.” Leslie said with a smile. “Now, who wants to see the sonogram pictures?”

  The girls stood from their chairs and gathered around Leslie as she showed them the strip of pictures. When Conner looked over Karla’s shoulder and saw the outline of the baby in the picture he was fascinated.

  “Wow. She’s so tiny.” He said in awe.

  “Your Dad said she’s a little on the small side, but he isn’t concerned so I’m not.” Leslie said as she placed her hand on her belly. “She’s moving.” She said in awe and grabbed Andrew’s hand. When she placed his hand on her belly MaryLynn moved again and he smiled.

  “Oh, wow. I’ve felt that hundreds of times in the ER, but feeling my own child move within the woman I love is a completely different feeling. Karla, Elliot, come feel your baby sister move.”

  Karla and Elliot placed their hands beside Andrew’s and felt MaryLynn wiggle a little as Conner, Callie and Rylee backed out of the room to give them their family moment.

  Chapter Sixty-Five

  The next few weeks passed quickly. MaryLynn progressed as she should and Andrew started his new job. The academic team won state and were heading to nationals next month, but for now everyone was in wedding and baby mode.

  “Come on, Elliot. We’re going to be late.” Karla shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

  “I’m right here.” Elliot yelled back as he started down. “Chill, sis. They won’t start without us.”

  “Ugh. You’re impossible.” Karla said as she walked out the front door and climbed into the Honda CRV Andrew recently let her pick out. She had wanted something bigger than a car this time, but not as big as Leslie’s Lexus. The CRV was perfect and it was the exact same shade of blue as Conner’s eyes.

  “I am not impossible. I’m loveable.” Elliot said and stuck his tongue out at her.

  She cracked up at his antics and pulled out of the driveway. “You’re crazy.”

  “But you love me anyway.” He said with a cocky grin.

  “That I do.” She agreed. The brother sister banter continued all the way to the hotel conference room they had reserved for Kiara’s and Jake’s wedding shower.

  When they pulled into the parking lot Karla noticed Manuel, Conner and Rylee were already here. “Can you run in and get them so they can help carry this crap in please?”

  “Sure thing, sis.” Elliot answered and dashed away. He came back a couple minutes later followed by Manuel, Conner and Travis.

  “Gang’s all here.” Travis told her as he started grabbing bags from the back of the SUV.

  “Awesome.” Karla said as she grabbed the cake and started walking toward the doors of the hotel. Once inside she followed the hallway to the conference room and walked inside. “Travis wasn’t exaggerating when he said the gang’s all here.” She said as she looked around the room.

  “Nope.” Conner said from behind her. “You’re the last to arrive.”

  “It’s Elliot’s fault.” Karla informed him.

  “I’ll take the blame this time.” Elliot said as he walked past them and sat down the box he was carrying. “Manuel and Travis have the last of it. Do you want me to go lock the car for you?”

  “Please.” Karla answered as she sat the cake down. She tossed him the keys and he ran back out the door.

  “Hey everyone. Kiara and Jake will be here in less than an hour, but if we all work together we can get this place ready for a party.” Callie said loudly and everyone stood up and got to work.

  “Sit down, Mom.” Karla said to Leslie after about half an hour. “We got this, you just relax.”

  “You won’t get any arguments out of me.” Leslie said with a smile before she walked over to one of the sofas lining the walls and sat down.

  A few minutes later Karla came over and sat beside her. “We’re done with a few minutes to spare.”

  “I never doubted you could pull this off.” Leslie said and touched Karla’s arm. “Now I do have doubts you’ll be able to pull this up.” She said and pointed at herself.

  Karla laughed and stood up. “Come on, Mom. Up you go.” Karla started to pull Leslie to her feet, but Conner stopped her.

  “I’ll help Leslie. You go watch for Kiara and Jake.” He said and held out his hand for Leslie to grab. He gently pulled her to her feet as Karla walked
to the window.

  “Thank you.” Leslie told him in a whisper. “She would have hurt herself trying to pull me up. I’m twice her size now.”

  “You’re beautiful.” Conner said and kissed her cheek.

  “Should I be worried?” Andrew asked with a chuckle from behind them.

  “Nope. My heart belongs to your daughter.” Conner said with a grin and Andrew laughed.

  “They’re here.” Karla shouted from across the room and less than a minute later Kiara and Jake walked in.

  “Surprise!” Everyone shouted and Kiara jumped.

  “What’s all this?” Jake asked in surprise.

  “This is your wedding shower, son.” Jake’s mother said from across the room. “Your friends planned it, but wanted to keep it a surprise.”

  “Mom, I can’t believe you’re out of the house.” Jake said in awe. His mother didn’t leave the house often, except for treatment, since she’d been diagnosed with cancer last year.

  “Dr. Peterson picked me up and is taking me home in a little while, but I couldn’t miss this. My only son is getting married in eight weeks and this is a big milestone in that road.”

  “I am so glad you’re here.” Kiara said and hugged Jake’s mother.

  “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

  Jake smiled at his mom and Kiara wrapped her arms around him.


  Later that night Karla sat beside Leslie on the sofa and looked at her for a minute. Her petite frame had expanded to accommodate MaryLynn, but she was by no means large. “You’re beautiful, Mom.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. At the moment I feel fat.” Leslie said with a chuckle.

  “Mom, I need to ask you something and it’s kind of personal.” Karla said quietly.

  “You know you can talk to me about anything.” Leslie replied and looked at her.

  “I was wondering if you…ummm… could…ummm… take me to ummm… get on birth control. Before you say anything, no, Conner and I aren’t having sex, but I want to be prepared just in case.”

  “Ok. That’s a very mature thing to do, but I have to ask you something. Are you and Conner planning on having sex?”


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