A Better Life

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A Better Life Page 19

by Liza O'Connor

  “Colonel Braddock wants to see you.”

  She grimaced. He was evidently awake and snooping on her and Davenport. He’d want to know what she planned to ask the director. She really didn’t want to tell him because if he went against her, then he’d have hours to think of reasons why Hamilton shouldn’t do it. But she didn’t have the nerve to refuse to answer him, so she’d just have to do her best to persuade him to her side.

  Davenport led her to a section of the facility she’d never been in before. After passing several armed guards, he knocked on a door. The door opened, and Braddock reached out and gripped her arm. “I’ll text you when we’re done.”

  Davenport saluted and left her.

  Now a new fear entered her head. She hoped to God Braddock wasn’t planning to have sex with her, because she was not even close to being in the mood.

  He pulled her inside and locked his door with a key.

  Great! No one could come to her rescue.

  Her heart doubled its beat. She felt a bit like a rabbit staring at the biggest wolf in the pack.

  He pointed to his black leather couch. “Sit.”

  She obeyed, but resented being ordered about like a dog.

  He walked over to his kitchen and retrieved two mugs from the counter. His home was almost identical to hers, except for the furniture, which was like the man, all dark with hard edges. Her home had light flowery couches with soft edges.

  He returned, handing her a cup. “Green Tea with lemon grass.”

  She stared at the cup. Why would Braddock know her beverage of choice?

  “We had a rough beginning, which I would like to apologize for on my part.”

  His words confused her. She had thought him a man who never apologized, never looked back.

  He seemed to be waiting for her to say something.

  “It’s okay. My arm doesn’t hurt anymore, and Davenport got the duct tape off without any permanent damage.”

  Instead of looking pleased, his jaw muscles rippled, and his eyes narrowed. What the hell did he want her to say? She replayed his first words. ‘We had a rough beginning’ then he apologized for ‘his part’. Of course, he wanted her to apologize for her part, only she couldn’t recall anything she had done to justify an apology.

  His stern glare told her she better come up with something. She replayed those first moments that resulted in her being duct taped. “I’m sorry I thought you were the enemy. Had I realized how it would end, I would have tried harder not to resist being taken away from my frightened children.” She would have failed, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “You weren’t certain your rescue was legitimate?”


  “Then why did you willingly go?”

  She frowned. “They said they had my children. I intended to verify that was true before I entered the truck, but that little man was far stronger than he appeared. He tossed me in and slammed the door shut before I could check. The only reason I didn’t panic was because my kids attached to me even before I could sit up.”

  “So, it was my removing you from your children that set you off?”


  He nodded and leaned back on the couch, facing her.

  “I could have handled that matter better. I would have, had I known what a rational woman you were. Unfortunately, the report on you was grossly inaccurate.”

  She nodded and recalled Hamilton’s comment that the profiler had clearly been working for Max, who had wanted to leave her devastated so Hamilton would fail, and Max could take over.

  Max…one of the many men who had sworn his love only to betray her.

  “What were you thinking of just then?” Braddock asked.

  “I was thinking of my husband, Max.”

  He relaxed and nodded. “You’ve taken his betrayal remarkably well.”

  She wondered if he was implying something in his observation. Did he think she and Tom were plotting to have Max reinstated? Is that why they wouldn’t let Tom return?

  “Max wasn’t the first husband who betrayed me. My first husband was even worse.”

  “Really? I don’t recall him trying to kill you?”

  “He tried to steal my son, Stevie. That’s far worse.”

  Braddock leaned forward. “How?”

  She stared at him in confusion. How could he even ask that? “Having a child taken away is the worst thing a mother can incur. It would have left a hole in my soul that would never heal.”

  “But you had more later on.”

  She covered her face, wondering how to make this soldier understand something so alien to him. “Wouldn’t you rather die in combat than to be court-martialed and made a civilian?”


  “But you would be alive, and you could get another job. So how could that be worse?”

  He stared at her as if she were mad and then smiled. “I get it. Your child is like my profession.”

  She nodded, pleased he finally understood. She decided to continue this path of logic. “And if you were asked to do something that wasn’t what you really wanted, but what was best for the country, wouldn’t you?”

  He nodded and smiled.

  “The same goes for me when it comes to my kids.”

  His head tilted. “If you are planning to stop working until Tom Culp is returned, I can tell you now, it’s a bad scenario that will fail to achieve your objective and only make matters worse for you.”

  “That was not my plan. But I’m in trouble. I tried to put my boys’ problems behind me tonight, but I couldn’t. I have to save them. The truth is, they need Tom more than me. Thus, I plan to ask the director if he’d allow Stevie, Dare, and Tommy to live with Tom through the remainder of his confinement.”

  Braddock leaned forward. “You wish to send your sons to a man who could carry within him a lethal virus?”

  Angel met Braddock’s eyes. “Max wouldn’t do that.”

  Braddock rolled his eyes.

  “He wouldn’t. If Tom comes down with a lethal virus, that leads directly back to Max. He could even be tried for murder. Max would never purposely incriminate himself. However, after putting a mole on me, he had to know Hamilton would go in that direction, so he didn’t need to do anything other than meet him to get Tom kicked out of the program.”

  “And what does that achieve?” Braddock asked.

  “Tom has lived with us for two years. Max knows how vital he is not only to my happiness, but to my boys. He no doubt predicted how my family would fall apart without Tom.”

  “And your solution is to give up your boys to Tom?”


  “Didn’t you just say the worst thing that could happen to a mother is to give up her son?”

  “No. To have a son taken. I’m putting my sons into Tom’s care, so he can soothe, heal, and discipline them into proper young boys.”

  “What about their education?”

  “Their mental health is more important to me. And honestly, I don’t trust Derrick with their education anymore.” She paused. “Do I need to tell you why, or were you by chance monitoring me earlier tonight?”

  “I was, and you don’t. I even reviewed their recent classes to see if the boys were feeding you a line of bull.”

  “They weren’t,” she stated with certainty.

  “True, but children do lie?”

  “I can tell when my sons lie.”

  He smiled.

  “I can.”

  “So, when you say you don’t trust Derrick, exactly what do you mean?”

  She chewed her bottom lip. If she told them what she truly felt, then Derrick and his mother might be killed.

  “Derrick nor his mother seem to like their jobs anymore. I think they need a new place to live and new jobs.”

  “That would just leave you one lover, and I’m not really giving him much time off.”

  She gave him a faint smile. “I’ve noticed. And if you want to change that, I’d appreciate it, b
ut if you can’t, it makes no difference to my recommendation on Derrick and his mother. Derrick and I were mostly just friends when we were outside and being my lover has never been easy for him. He actually prefers men.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “His wife was a responding fireman to 9/11. Afterwards, she could only find peace during sex. Sadly, her promiscuity destroyed their family and left Derrick with multimillion-dollar debts.”

  “I am aware of his past, and he certainly has just cause to never touch a woman again, but you two had to have a serious relationship for you to build him a house on your property.”

  She shook her head. “No, I was about to toss him out of my house, when Jeff explained all his troubles. I offered to build him a house, so he could bring his kids and mother up from Florida before social services took his children away.”

  He stared at her for a long moment. “So, you two weren’t lovers?”

  “Not then. He asked one day a week later when we were picking out his daughter’s furniture, but it was more like a bonding of our friendship…possibly gratitude on his part.” She stopped talking. Truth was, she had never questioned Derrick’s motivations until now.

  Was it possible he never loved her, but merely pretended so he could have a home?

  She jumped when she felt a strong arm surround her. Braddock had moved to her couch and it was his heavy arm now wrapped around her shoulder. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m too emotional tonight to make sense of things.”

  “Tell me what you fear?” His voice, so soft yet strong, offered her shelter from her fears she didn’t even want to contemplate.

  “I may just be paranoid.”

  “Or you may be right. You have a very good track record.”

  “Derrick worked for Max for years.”

  “Until he fired him.”

  “Derrick was never fired. His job was to protect the boys.”

  “And what else? Protect you?”

  She paused. Derrick hadn’t even tried to protect her the day of the terrorist attack. He had gotten her kids and mother to safety, which is exactly what she’d wanted him to do. “No…that wasn’t his job.”

  “Then what was?”

  She turned her face toward Braddock. He was close enough she could feel his soft breath against her lips. “I don’t know what Max’s orders were, but he didn’t try to save me.”

  His large calloused fingers caressed her cheek. “Thankfully, my men did save you.”

  His words surprised her, but not nearly as much as the kiss that followed. He was gentle, until she opened her mouth to his. Then like a warrior, he plundered and conquered her mouth until she fell completely to his will. When he pressed her back against the couch, she tried to protest, but her body had other ideas. It had been over a week since she’d been pleasured, and her needs overrode her good sense.

  Like a soldier, he was direct to the point, entirely in control, and amazingly efficient with his bullets. He located her G-spot right off and sent her into an earth-shattering orgasm in less than five minutes.

  One minute after ejaculation, he was off, redressed—not that he had ever truly undressed—and went to the kitchen to make them more tea.

  She rose and made her way to his bathroom, remaining there, frightened by what had just happened.

  She brushed her hair away from her face. “Tom, I really need you.” Tears streamed down her face. She expected nothing good would come of this evening.

  She wished to hell it hadn’t gone sexual, but when it did, she had no choice but to go along. Her body had clearly wanted his attention. Had she objected, he would have become her enemy for life, and she couldn’t afford Braddock as her enemy.

  A faint knock sounded on the door and then it opened. Braddock leaned on the frame and studied her. “You okay?”

  She nodded and focused on her hands in her lap.

  “I’ve called Davenport to take you back to work.”

  A hysterical laugh almost burst from her lips. Did he really think she’d be able to work now?

  “I’ll give you a moment to pull yourself together. Then meet me at the kitchen table so we can discuss our next steps.”

  She almost groaned at his last words. Would this become a regular thing now?

  Did he really think her need for Tom could be so easily replaced?

  I have to get along. For my kids, I have to.

  She pushed herself off the toilet and located a brush to straighten her hair. She touched the redness about her lips. Nothing she could do about the whisker burn. Still it upset her that Davenport would see it and know exactly what happened. This would become a bone of contention between him and his boss, and she had no doubt it would eventually result in Davenport’s redeployment.

  She couldn’t let that happen. She left the false protection of the bathroom and went to face her problem. He sat at the kitchen sipping his coffee. Her tea waited for her at the far end of the table. What did that mean?

  She sat down and sipped her steaming tea. Even a sip burned her lips. She eyed him warily, trying to understand his new mood: distant and business like.

  “I’ll prep Hamilton on your planned request to give Tom your kids. I think he’ll do it, and I think it’s a nonaggressive way to ensure you eventually get Tom back. Hamilton has hopes that your kids will someday willingly work for him. If Tom proves he’s the magical ingredient to raise well balanced kids, his value quota increases greatly, and in my opinion, overrides his inherent risk.”

  “That he might still be working for Max?”

  Braddock nodded.

  “I am absolutely positive Tom does not work for Max. I have known him longer than any other man in my life, and I can read him better than anyone. He’s here for me and the boys. Nor does Tom want Max in charge of this place.”

  Braddock took another sip of coffee. “About what happened…I didn’t intend that, and it won’t happen again.”

  Relief flooded her mind, and she nodded in agreement.

  “I’d suggest neither of us ever speak of this to anyone else, only you’ve a rash around your mouth.”

  Her fingers touched the raw skin.

  “Davenport’s going to notice that.”

  She nodded in regret.

  “That tea is really hot. It would scald the skin…”

  She didn’t need further hints. She tipped the cup against her face.

  The pain caused her to jump up as her cup crashed to the floor, splashing her leg as well.

  Braddock rushed her to the bathroom and turned on the cold facet while he pulled out his cell phone. “Get to my room and bring whatever you need for second degree burns.”

  Once he hung up, he stroked her head. “Damn, you really commit to your actions. Dr. Hanson will be here in a minute. Just keep splashing cold water on your lips. I’ll tend to your leg.

  Davenport was the first to arrive. Braddock turned over the treatment of her leg to him.

  “What happened?”

  “I made her tea like I make my coffee.”

  Davenport’s brow furrowed and for a moment Angel worried he wasn’t buying any of this.

  “Have you called Dr. Hanson?”

  A knock sounded on the door. “That should be him,” Braddock replied and hurried off.

  Davenport looked at her as she continued to splash water onto her face. “Never, ever consume a drink Braddock makes until it has cooled for fifteen minutes.”

  “Now you tell me,” she said between splashes.

  When Dr. Hanson arrived, he led her into the kitchen and examined her face under an intense light, then he applied a salve that eased the pain. He spoke as he gently stroked her hair. “You are having a rough and very long night.”

  She nodded in agreement.

  “Between the immediate application of cold water and my speedy arrival, I don’t believe you’ll have any permanent scarring. However, you will need to be careful while this skin heals. Whi
ch means, no speaking, unless absolutely necessary. And you’ll need to keep up your health. So, I am prescribing you to get some sleep.”

  He glanced at Braddock.

  Angel expected him to object and send her back to work. His orders to Davenport surprised her.

  “Return Angel to her home, stay with her, and ensure she sleeps until 0600, at which time take her to the director. She has a proposal she wants to make.”

  “She shouldn’t be speaking,” Dr. Hanson reminded him.

  “A proposal I will present for her, so she can remain quiet unless the director asks something I can’t answer.”

  He then approached Angel. “Sorry about the tea, but I think your proposal has merit, and I hope the director agrees.”


  As Davenport walked her back to their home, he spoke softly. “Any chance you can write what this proposal is?”

  She shook her head. She knew he’d be dead set against it. He’d seen the way she broke down in Max’s facility without her son.

  However, this was different. She was sending the kids to Tom, not leaving them with people whom she didn’t trust. But to convince him of the difference, she’d be talking through the night, breaking all of Dr. Hanson’s rules, and possibly scarring herself for life.

  She didn’t want to be scarred. She just wanted to protect Davenport from the truth.

  He sighed at her negative response but didn’t challenge her.

  When she tried to enter her bedroom door, she’d expected it to be locked with Maria on the other side. However, the door opened and neither Maria nor her child was inside.

  Davenport spoke before she could panic.

  “They are sleeping in Mrs. Adams room. I had Derrick and his mother moved to new quarters.”

  She found a pad and asked how they took that.

  Davenport shrugged. “Mrs. Adams didn’t take it too well, but Derrick seemed almost relieved.”

  She asked if Derrick had wanted his children to go with him.

  “No. In fact, he said he and his mother were no longer up to the task of raising kids and they should stay with you.”

  She was stunned by that response. What type of father would just give up his kids like that?


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