A Better Life

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A Better Life Page 24

by Liza O'Connor

  “I am.”

  He smiled when she remained seated. “This exam requires for you to get dressed in whatever you are planning to wear today and come with me to the examination room.”

  “Oh! You mean right now. But I haven’t fed the kids.”

  “I’ve got it,” Tom stated from the bedroom door.

  She hurried to her room, stopping at the door to kiss Tom. “You are wasting Dr. Hanson’s time. The baby is fine.”

  “Scold Braddock, not me. He’s concerned about you.”

  Angel’s heart fluttered at his words. Braddock did like her. She hurried inside and dressed in a new tight-knit pullover dress.


  Dr. Hanson spoke softly to Tom. “Angel wants me to obtain a bit of your DNA to confirm you are the father of Tommy and possibly Johnny. Later, when her little girl is delivered, we’ll compare it’s DNA to yours as well.”

  “A girl!” Tom grinned. “That’s great news! Thank you for doing this. I love Tommy with all my heart, but I need to know if he is truly mine.”

  “I’ll be able to confirm yes or no by tomorrow,” Dr. Hanson assured him.


  Angel studied herself in the mirror. Her small baby bump was apparent now.

  When she returned to the living room, both men stared at her like hungry wolves.

  “I gather you both find pregnant women attractive.”

  Tom smiled. “You’d be hard pressed not to find a man who didn’t think you are attractive in that dress. Is it new?”

  “Yes. I ordered some maternity clothes.”

  “That is a maternity dress?” Tom challenged and looked at Dr. Hanson as if wanting his opinion.

  Dr. Hanson shrugged. “Makes sense. In the fourth month most women have heightened sexual needs, which this dress is almost certain to get fulfilled.”

  Angel laughed. “I just thought it made me look pregnant.”

  Tom pulled her into his arms. “It makes you look like one hot fertile mama. Good thing we have a team who won’t be driven into a sexual frenzy, or no work would get done today. And I’m quite certain there will be follow up questions on the information we presented yesterday.”

  “Should I change?”

  “No,” both men replied in unison.

  Dr. Hanson gripped her arm. “You look fine. Let’s go see about your baby.”


  Angel smiled at the sonogram. “Are you certain it is a girl?”

  “Trust me, it’s a girl.”

  Finally, she was going to have a little girl. “Kelly will be so happy. She’s tired of boys.”

  Instead of handing her the towel to dry herself off, Dr. Hanson did it himself. “Everything looks fine. Your baby girl appears healthy and a proper size. The reason you’re barely showing is due to the baby’s position in your womb. Later, it will shift downward and you’ll need larger maternity clothes. Now get dressed so I can examine your face.”

  “Will you help me with the dress? It’s hard to put on by myself.” That wasn’t true, but she hoped him assisting in such an intimate act, might sway Steve to see her as a woman rather than a patient.

  She stood up, gave herself one further wipe down on her stomach and held her hands up as if in surrender.

  She thought she heard a groan on Steve’s part.

  “Did you say something?” she asked, loving the desire that caused his body to tense.

  He tugged the dress down and smoothed it out with his curious hands. “That’s why it looked so damn sexy this morning. You are wearing nothing beneath it.”

  She smiled with happiness. “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Oh, yeah. Now stop smiling so I can run some test on your healed skin.”

  “Will this test hurt?”

  “It shouldn’t. If it does, it means you aren’t quite healed, but I’ll be careful, so it won’t hurt much, if it does at all.”

  She waited for the pain, but none came. Only soft delicate fingers covered in gloves caressed her skin. He leaned in close to study the skin.

  She breathed in. “Your hair smells good, like apple and sandalwood.”

  He smiled and continued his examination.

  “Is that from your cologne or hair shampoo?”

  He chuckled. “You could be smelling both.”

  She ran her hand into his thick dark hair and sniffed.

  He cleared his throat. “You are distracting your doctor.”

  “Sorry.” She dropped her hands to her side, closed her eyes, and sat in rigid attention.

  Her eyes popped open when she felt warm, soft lips cover hers. His tongue tested her lips and she opened to him.

  A happy groan came from her chest as he deepened the kiss.

  He pulled back and met her eyes. “That wasn’t a groan of pain was it?”

  She shook her head and pulled his mouth back to hers.

  Once they finished making love and Angel once again wore her tight spandex outfit, Dr. Hanson gave her further good news. “Tom provided his DNA, which I tested to Tommy and Johnny, and Tom is the father of both boys.”

  “What!” Angel squealed. “I was certain Tommy was his. But Johnny too? That is wonderful news! Have you told him yet?”

  “No. I thought you might like to tell him the good news.”

  “You are very kind, an excellent doctor, and a grand lover as well!”

  “I’m all of that, am I?” he teased. “Now, let me get to work. And you should deliver your good news to Tom.”

  She kissed him again and then smiled. “I’ll do that right away!” She was very glad her skin had healed, because she could not help smiling from ear to ear.


  As Tom led her to the computer room, he chuckled. “You’re in a fine mood.”

  “I am indeed.”

  “And what has you so happy?”

  “Dr. Hanson has determined that you are the father of both Tommy and Johnny.”


  Angel nodded happily.

  “That is great news. I would have loved the boys no matter what, but I am thrilled they are mine.”

  “Well, I’ve got this feeling that our little girl will be yours as well.”

  “A girl! That would please me beyond words,” Tom admitted.

  Chapter 24

  Hamilton watched Braddock escort a very happy Angel to the lab the next morning. The colonel’s hand caressed the small of her back. A far cry from when he first led her into the facility, gripping her arm so hard her fingers went numb.

  Upon delivering her to Tom, he left.

  Hamilton picked up his phone and made a call. “Braddock, may I see you for a moment?”

  Five minutes later the stern-faced soldier stood before Hamilton. “How is Davenport?”

  “Tired, angry, depressed. He has requested to resign his commission and leave the facility.”

  Hamilton sighed. “Do we dare?”

  “I do not see it as an optimal outcome for either the security of the facility nor to his mental well-being. Davenport is a soldier. That is all he knows. He has given his life to the army, yet his general betrayed him.”

  “Then you don’t believe Davenport knew Max intended to kill everyone but Angel?”

  “I don’t believe it was ever in Davenport’s plan of action. I am aware lie detectors can be tricked, and Max undoubtedly could have taught Davenport how to do so. However, when I asked if he thought the boys would die when they were sent to live with Tom, he said no. When questioned later, Davenport explained that while he expected Max would have killed Tom, Davenport had already ordered small gas masks to save the boys.”

  “Did he have the masks on the day they attempted to enter the building?”

  “Yes, sir. He had two adult masks and three children’s masks.”

  “Well, that will no doubt cheer up Angel when she discovers one of her lovers intended to save her and her children. However, he still intended to kill everyone else in the compound, so he’s not out of my woods by a
ny means.”

  “That is true, but he was following the General’s orders.”

  “Bullshit! Those were Max’s orders.”

  “I believe that is true, but Davenport received his orders from the general who almost certainly got them directly from Max. Unfortunately, we can’t prove that, and the General has taken his life.”

  “When did that happen?” Hamilton demanded.

  “I got word of it just before I entered your office.”

  “So, we got rid of a bad general, but Max is going to go free.”

  “It could have been worse. Had Tom actually died, then the recording he made of Max telling Angel to stop working would be inadmissible evidence. And while it probably won’t be enough to get rid of Max. It might wake up a few congressmen.”

  “That would be nice, but don’t count on it,” Hamilton grumbled.

  “I’ve reviewed the lab tapes, as the extent of Max’s efforts were revealed to Davenport, He appears to be shocked and outraged…in his contained manner.”

  “What do you suggest we do with him?”

  “I believe we should keep him here, ferreting out any further problems.”

  Hamilton choked and stared at the colonel.

  Braddock held his hand out, asking for time to explain himself. “With no leave time. That way, no additional generals can get to him.”

  Hamilton sighed. It would be easier to kill him, but Max would not hesitate to start an investigation if anyone from this debacle disappeared. “I’m not keen on this just yet. Let’s put him in with all the other failed employees.”

  “I apologize, sir, if I was not clear. That is precisely where I want to put him.”

  “Yes, but you wanted to put him in charge of my bad apples.”

  “No, sir, I don’t wish him to be in charge of anything. I want him to ferret out those who are still capable of leaking information, so we can put a stop to it. In addition, I want him to explain to the others that they’d all be dead now had Max’s plan worked. Since we are stuck with these people for an indefinite period of time, I would like to get as many as possible back doing something useful, far away from Angel and Black Hole.”

  Hamilton nodded slowly. “I see where you are going. Give it a try.”

  Braddock started to leave, but Hamilton stopped him. “One other matter. I believe Tom advised you that Angel will require minimally three lovers.”

  Braddock’s brow furrowed, but he nodded. “I believe she has acquired her second one. She smelled of sex when I retrieved her from Dr. Hanson’s office.

  “So, she still needs one more.” Hamilton stared at Braddock, waiting for the man to figure out who that needed to be.

  “I can bring in one of my men from another sector…”

  “Given all the betrayals she’s incurred, I cannot imagine her trusting her heart to a stranger right now. No, she needs a man she already knows and trusts. One who has proven he’s on the right side. One whom she already admires, and if Tom is correct, loves.”

  “Sir, there is nothing going on between Angel and me. That one time was an aberration.”

  Hamilton hated being lied to, but in this case, he suspected Braddock was lying to himself. “So, you have no feelings whatsoever for this woman?”

  “She is a very valuable asset, well worth the trouble you’ve gone to, so that she can be happy.”

  Hamilton stared up at the ceiling. “Is that your way of saying you admire her?”

  “She has many admirable traits, far more than most women.”

  “And physically?”

  “She is disruptively attractive, especially today, which is no doubt why the doctor lost his professionalism.”

  “I told Hanson, not only would I allow a relationship between him and Angel, but I would encourage it.”

  Braddock frowned.

  “And now, I’m saying the same to you. You are currently causing our valuable asset pain when you ignore her.”

  Before Braddock could declare ignorance of any such thing, Hamilton pulled up the monitor and showed him three recent examples.

  Upon watching the last of the three, Hamilton turned to Braddock. “As of now, I want these mixed messages to end. It is obvious to me that you care deeply for the woman, and frankly, if you didn’t, I would have you replaced. So, I’m ordering you to fix this problem. My recommendation is for you to become Angel’s lover, but I cannot order you to do that. I checked. It’s against the rules. However, I can order you to fix the problem you are causing. I want it done soon, and I want it done right. Am I understood?”

  Chapter 25

  Braddock left the director’s office speechless. He’d just been given an order to become Angel’s lover. A lower body part was jumping in joy. However, the rest of him was basically terrified.

  How ironic. He’d fought in three wars and faced death a thousand times, but loving one intelligent, reasonable, beautiful, brunette was what terrified him.

  Just follow your orders, soldier!

  He marched to the computer lab. “Angel come with me,” he barked.

  The entire team stared at him in fear…except Angel. She came to him at once, smiling with hopeful eyes.

  His hand slipped to her back as he led her through the halls to his quarters.

  “Am I in trouble for seducing Dr. Hanson?” she asked.

  And this was exactly why he didn’t want to become involved with her. He’d never tried an open relationship before and he had grave doubts he’d like it.

  “It may be this dress,” she suggested as she tugged at the knit pullover that looked painted on her body.

  A faint smile tugged at his lips. She looked all woman in that dress. A woman he wanted right now to a painful degree.

  “Neither you nor Dr. Hanson are in trouble. He’s a good choice for you.”

  He caught her snort of frustration. Damn if she didn’t want him as bad as he wanted her.

  There was no point in resisting. He’d been given an order, and it was nothing his dreams hadn’t been doing since their one time together.

  “The dress, however, I may need to confiscate…once we get to my quarters.”

  Her eyes sparkled with delight. “I like this dress, so I might put up a struggle.”

  Her response made him laugh with happiness, something he hadn’t done in years.

  Yes, he would definitely follow this order. If Angel needed multiple lovers to feel safe, then he would provide her a firm anchor. Although to be honest, he doubted any of the three men she had now would ever betray her.

  At least he hoped not. He’d never married or had a serious relationship because of his work. But with Angel, a relationship was not only possible, but seen as desirable by his boss.

  He opened the door to his quarters and pulled her inside.

  Her eyes sparkled with excitement as he gathered her into his arms. “Just to set expectations, there will be no ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ this time. However, I’m going to need serious prompting, because in all honesty, I’ve never had a girlfriend before.”

  Angel frowned. “So, you are gay,”

  “No!” he snapped. “I’m just busy.” Her happy smile won his forgiveness. “Are you supposed to be smiling?”

  She pressed harder against him. “I hope so, because I’m much too happy to do anything else.”

  He pulled her closer while his hands investigated every curve of her body. “What are you so happy about?”

  “You want me.”

  “I do.”

  “And you want me to teach you how to make love to me.”

  Her reply surprised him. That was exactly what he wanted, but he just hadn’t figured out how to say it without sounding either like a jerk or a pathetic loser. Truth was, the women he used to ease his needs were all professionals. They didn’t require seduction or even pleasure, for that matter. In fact, the faster they could finish, the more money they could make.

  Angel tugged him to his bedroom and closed the door. “I like role pl
aying, so can we proceed with the confiscation of this dress.”

  She flipped up the knitted material, so he could see she had nothing underneath.

  The intensity of need surging within his body worried him. How the hell was he expected to take it slow?

  Always intuitive, she approached and unbuttoned his shirt. “Don’t worry. This roll play doesn’t call for taking things slow. We’ll do that afterwards.”

  He captured her face within his hands and kissed her with more passion than he even knew he was capable of feeling. Then he turned and pressed her against the wall.

  “Arms up while I check for weapons.”


  Angel lay on top of Braddock’s massive, muscular chest, playing with his firm nipples. She could not recall ever feeling more satiated and loved than right now. “I think you confiscated more than my dress.

  Braddock sighed happily and tilted her face to his. “Glad to hear it. You are my first and last love. I will not fail you, Angel. You have chosen well this time.”

  She nodded in agreement. She had three fabulous men, without secret agendas. This time it would work.

  The End

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  Other books by Liza O’Connor


  A Long Road to Love Series

  Humorous Contemporary Disaster Romance

  Worst Week Ever

  Oh Stupid Heart

  Coming to Reason

  Climbing Out of Hell

  The Hardest Love


  White Oak Series

  Snarky, Romantic, Suspense Thriller

  A Fortune to Die For

  Unexpected Love

  Dance or Die

  Requires Rescue Series


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