Lakota Flower

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Lakota Flower Page 6

by Janelle Taylor

  “My mother has no daughter or son’s wife to help her with her tasks and she grows older and weaker with each passing season. I have watched the white girl; she works hard and obeys. If two ponies are not enough, name how many you want for her.”

  Cloud Chaser struggled to conceal his anger, positive the man was lying. He repeated, “She is not for trade. Dawn has need of her in our tepee.”

  “Your mate is young and strong, but my mother is not. How can you, the son of our chief, refuse to help Rising Bear’s sister when she is in need? Where are your Generosity and Wisdom? Are you cruel and selfish?”

  So, you cunningly fling two of our Four Virtues and insults into my face to provoke me to sell her to you! If I did, you would surely abuse her to spite me! He locked gazes with his rival and stressed, “She is not for trade. Your bad words to me shame you, my cousin, for I have proven them wrong.”

  “Do you refuse because it would anger War Eagle?”

  Once more, Cloud Chaser was astonished by the man’s bold words, as it was unlike Two Feathers to also insult his own full-blooded cousin. “If my brother had wanted her to serve him, he would not have given her to us.”

  “Perhaps he did so to save face when she calls to him as a woman.”

  Cloud Chaser grasped the man’s meaning—unbidden lust for Caroline. “Why do you speak such harsh words of your cousin and my brother?”

  “If they are untrue, why do they anger you?”

  Cloud Chaser refuted, “Your insults and sly plans are what anger me.”

  “I go now, but think on my words and large offer,” Two Feathers told him and sauntered away.

  Macha, having overheard the exchange from inside the tepee, joined Cloud Chaser and said, “His deed and heart are bad, my husband, for he knows it is not our custom to trade away a gift from another.”

  Cloud Chaser placed his arm around her waist. “That is true, my wife. He still hates me for being part white and for stealing you away from him.”

  “You did not steal me from him, for he had no claim on me. I do not know why he wanted me to join to him, for he does not love me.”

  He reminded her, “He desires you as a woman and he wants to injure me. He has hated me since we were children. I prayed such bad feelings would leave him and we could have peace between us. For a while we had a truce but he has broken it. Why, I do not know.”

  “Surely an evil spirit dwells within him. After we eat, you must find your brother and warn him of your cousin’s mischief.”

  “That is wise and I will do so.”

  “Be wary of Two Feathers, my husband, for he is evil and dangerous.”

  Cloud Chaser looked into her worried gaze. “I do not trust him. Fear not, for soon his evil will be exposed to the others as it has been to us.”

  “I hope so,” Macha said. “For his hate of you does not weaken, and I fear it.”

  “Do not forget that the Great Spirit watches over and protects us. He will allow no harm to come to us. I will—” His words were interrupted politely by Caroline when she told him the rabbits were done cooking. He nodded and relayed the message to Macha, who joined the captive at the fire.

  As they ate, Caroline yearned to question Cloud Chaser about the warrior’s visit. She suspected that the conversation had included her. She had sensed a potent and alarming aura emanating from the other man, and she perceived the two men were enemies or fierce rivals. She didn’t know why, but she found the other brave intimidating, as if he were a lethal threat to her. When she could restrain her gnawing curiosity no longer, Caroline asked, “Is the man who visited earlier another brother or a close friend?”

  Cloud Chaser paused before answering. He was impressed by the clever way she was trying to glean information. “His name is Two Feathers. He is the son of my father’s sister, my first cousin. I have two brothers and one sister. Wind Dancer is the oldest, twenty-eight by white man’s counting, and will become our next chief. He is a great and much-honored warrior. War Eagle is the youngest and is a high-ranking warrior, a Sacred Bow Carrier. I am twenty-three. My sister, Hanmani, is seventeen. Two Feathers is not my friend; we have battled with words and actions since we were small boys. He came to trade for you.”

  Terror filled Caroline. “He wanted to buy me from you?”

  “Yes. He offered many ponies.”

  “Why, when he looks at me with such fierce hatred in his eyes?”

  “He said he wanted you to help his mother. She is Pretty Meadow, sister of my father. She has no daughters and her two sons have no wives to help her with chores. He says you work hard, and she needs you.”

  Caroline’s heart began to pound in dread. She gaped at Cloud Chaser, then sent Macha a pleading look. No, she could not become that repulsive’s man slave! “But you refused, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, because you have been obedient and respectful and a great help to my wife and son.” He saw and heard her give a deep sigh of relief and she closed her eyes for a few moments as if in grateful prayer. “And because he spoke against sparing your life when War Eagle brought you here.” He saw her blue eyes widen as that grim fact settled in. Of course there were more personal reasons, but he could not reveal them.

  Caroline felt herself trembling. “He wanted me … killed?”

  “Yes. He said he feared you would escape and tell the soldiers our secrets, or you would be sighted in our camp and we would be attacked.”

  “But you didn’t believe him?” she asked, sensing there was more to the matter than he was telling her.

  “I cannot read what lies hidden in another’s heart or head.”

  “But you didn’t believe him?” Caroline pressed for confirmation of her suspicion, as he had given a clever and uninformative response.

  Cloud Chaser thought, You are intelligent and perceptive, but there is much I cannot tell you. “I did not think either would happen, so you are not a threat to us. My father, our shaman, the council, and other band members said you could live and stay. But if you deceive us, escape, and betray us, you will be recaptured and slain for our protection and survival.”

  Caroline could imagine how most Indians felt about the white invaders, especially if an impending war with her people was a dark reality. For her own “protection and survival,” she must not give them any reason to mistrust or fear her. “I won’t try to escape.”

  “Would you swear it upon your life and honor and your God’s Bible?”

  “Yes. Even if I were tempted to escape, Cloud Chaser, to try it would be foolish and dangerous. Besides, it’s impossible, so why take that risk?”

  “I pray you speak the truth, for all of our sakes.” And especially for mine, as I would be the one ordered to track and slay you.

  As Caroline ducked her head to leave the tepee to fetch water for the night, she almost collided with War Eagle. She felt his hands grasp her forearms to steady her when she tottered in midstep. Regaining her balance, she backed up to allow his entrance. As they straightened their bodies within the abode’s confines, their gazes met and locked briefly. “I’m sorry, Wanbli, I didn’t see or hear you coming.” In his now familiar behavior, he nodded acceptance of her apology. Strange sensations raced over her at his nearness.

  War Eagle recovered his scattered wits in haste. He knew that he made her nervous, but he was not sure why. Under the guise of talking about their departure tomorrow, he had wanted to observe her with his brother’s family, away from the eyes of Two Feathers and his people. Before he could speak, Cloud Chaser stood and told him they needed to take a walk.

  At a discreet distance, Cloud Chaser revealed the news about Two Feathers’ offer to trade for Caroline. He witnessed how shocked and dismayed his brother was and how his expression softened when he was told of Caroline’s terrified reaction.

  War Eagle said, “She has many wits and skills and she senses much. It is good you told her of your conflict with our cousin, but not the whole truth about it. I do not believe Two Feathers seeks the white girl in
trade as a helper for Pretty Meadow. Our father’s sister is not old or weak. It worries me our cousin watches Caroline on the sly. Why does he think I desire her as a woman? Have I behaved in such a manner?”

  Cloud Chaser asked, “What are you thoughts and feelings about her?”

  “She possesses a strong but gentle spirit. She is brave, wise, and skilled. She is obedient. She can be trusted not to escape and endanger us. Is that not true, my brother, from what you have seen and heard?”

  “That is true, War Eagle, but what of her as a woman?”

  “I must not look or think upon Caroline as a woman.”

  Cloud Chaser noted that he spoke the female’s name in a tender tone and with a sad look in his eyes. “Why?”

  “She is white, a captive. I am Oglala. Red Shield. Son of a chief.”

  “Do these things prevent thoughts and feelings about her?”

  “I have told you what I think and feel. Why do you dig for more?”

  “Is there more to reveal but you wish to keep it buried?”

  “I wish she were not here and had not been with the soldiers.”

  Cloud Chaser surmised that War Eagle had answered too quickly, even falsely, out of desperation and denial. “Because she does evoke strange and unwanted thoughts and feelings?”

  War Eagle lowered his head as he took a deep breath. “At times strange thoughts enter my head and strange feelings tug at my heart, but I do not know why or what they mean. She is unlike all women I have known.”

  “Is that why you gave her to me and Dawn, to escape her temptation?”

  “Yes, and to save her life. She is a good woman, and it is wrong to slay her. But there can be nothing more between us.”

  “Only the Great Spirit can make that choice, my brother. Do not forget I carry white blood and I am joined to a Red Shield. Many others, including her parents, resisted our union and viewed me as an enemy. What if the Great Spirit placed her in your path as He placed me in Dawn’s and placed my mother in Rising Bear’s for a short time?”

  “What if an evil spirit did so to shame and defeat me?”

  “If that is so, the truth will be revealed soon. Until that sun rises, War Eagle, do nothing to harm her or turn her against you. But guard your secret and honor fiercely, as many will oppose such a bond. Do not forget you are next in line to become chief if our brother dies or is slain.”

  War Eagle knew Cloud Chaser did not have to tell him that many would not want what they viewed as a lowly white captive to become his mate and weaken their chief’s bloodline, just as both knew that the “tainted” blood Cloud Chaser carried would prevent him from becoming chief even if War Eagle and Wind Dancer were both slain. But why were they even speaking about such an impossible feat? Why had he foolishly exposed such private thoughts and emotions? Had he done so before others, or was their cousin only guessing at that possibility, perhaps only using such words as a ploy to coax Cloud Chaser into a trade? Why was his second brother seemingly encouraging such a perilous bond? It would be a great loss of face if he took Caroline as his woman, mate or not, if the Great Spirit did not clear that tangled path; and he could not imagine why the Creator would choose her for him.

  Cloud Chaser was thinking much the same and scolded himself for what he had said and done, as it could be terribly wrong and hazardous for his brother to accept and follow his reckless advice. Perhaps it was her resemblance to his beloved lost mother or Omaste’s gentle spirit that was guiding him in that direction. No matter, he must say and do nothing more to promote such a relationship. It would be easier for both of them to avoid the risky matter soon, as they were striking camp tomorrow and leaving for their winter location in the sacred hills.

  “We must go to our tepees, my brother. There is much to do before our journey begins on the next sun. I am happy you alerted me to the bad scent of trouble. I will watch our cousin as a hawk during our long ride.”

  “As will I, War Eagle, for he remains my enemy for some reason.”

  “Do not worry, my brother, for I will not allow him to use me and my captive to injure you. If he tries to sway others against you and her, I will take Caroline to another band to prevent trouble. Perhaps to Red Wolf’s camp, for his mother is white and would accept her. She would be safe in their tepee.” Yes, perhaps his Cheyenne friend was the answer he needed.

  At sunrise the following morning, Winona and Hanmani began to take down Rising Bear’s tepee, the signal for others to do the same with theirs. It was time to leave the grasslands.

  Caroline helped Macha remove the lodge poles so Cloud Chaser could use them to make a travois for hauling the couple’s possessions. As he did so, the two women packed the home’s contents and piled them outside. They collapsed the tepee, then folded and loaded the strong hides that formed the dwelling’s walls. They added sleeping rolls, sitting mats, a backrest, cooking items, clothing and sewing pouches, Caroline’s satchel, fresh water, food, and all other belongings to the heap on the travois.

  During the past few days, Caroline had caught her captor watching her. He seemed to be intrigued by her, though he tried to conceal his stolen glances. She had studied him on the sly this morning as everyone worked on their chores, as Cloud Chaser’s tepee was close to his father’s where War Eagle lived and had been helping his family since sunrise with their preparations for departure. She had seen him loading his many weapons, and already had been warned it was forbidden for a female to touch them. There were two magnificent mounts nearby that were his personal property—his buffalo horse and his war and riding horse. It was obvious to her that both were well tended and that strong bonds existed between man and creature, which greatly impressed her.

  She was amazed by how efficient, swift, cooperative, and hardworking the band was. She witnessed their enthusiasm about the seasonal move, as if they were filled with joy and energy. Families labored together in harmony. Youths aided childless elders with their tasks. Teenage girls tended small ones and babies while their mothers or aunts were busy.

  A strange recollection entered her mind. Long ago at her friend Clara’s wedding party and honoring a southern tradition, she had taken a slice of fruitcake and wrapped it in a lacy handkerchief. For amusement, she had placed it beneath her pillow that night to see if she actually would dream of the man she would one day marry; and it hadn’t been William Crawford who “visited” her! She quivered as she remembered dreaming of a tall and muscular man with his back to her, long black hair grazing the lower portion of his shoulder blades, his bare torso a coppery shade. Was it possible, Caroline mused, that dream man could be … No! Dreams were not real, and visions had never called on her! Yet, it was an odd and provocative coincidence, if happenstances existed. Why, she scolded herself, are you even thinking about such ridiculous things? Stop it now!

  After everything was secured in place, Macha mounted a gentle mare that would pull the dragalong, Casmu’s cradle-board strapped to her back with the infant sleeping safe and snug inside.

  As the sun rose higher and the day’s heat steadily increased, Caroline stood beside the heavily loaded cart awaiting the signal to move out, as she was to walk beside it. Many others would be afoot, so it was not only because she was a lowly slave that she was not allowed to ride one of Cloud Chaser’s extra horses. She came to alert when Macha called her name and motioned for her to follow as the long trip got under way, with families falling into line in preassigned positions. She saw Macha wave to her husband, who left to travel with his father at the front of the column.

  The chief, shaman, war chief, and Big Bellies left first with their families close behind them. The highest-ranking band members were next, among which were the Shirt-Wearers and Strong Hearts Warrior Society. Then, the rest of the braves from various societies left the area. Guards encompassed the large group, men who were heavily armed and on alert for daring raids by enemies, be they Indian or white.

  Caroline knew from what Cloud Chaser had told her that he and his brothers could locate t
hemselves in several places by their own choice. Wind Dancer could travel either up front with the chief or with the Shirt-Wearers, or with the Strong Hearts. War Eagle could journey with his father or the Sacred Bow Carriers. Cloud Chaser could travel with his father or with the Strong Hearts. Wind Dancer had chosen to be near his parents and grandparents for their defense in the event of trouble, as protecting their chief was important to him for many reasons. War Eagle was riding at an advanced distance with the other Sacred Bow Carriers, as it was their duty to act as scouts and guards and to be first to challenge any threat. Cloud Chaser would rejoin his wife and child later. She didn’t know what those warrior ranks meant, but her owner had promised to explain them to her later.

  As she trudged along, wearing her sunbonnet to shield her face from the blazing sun, Caroline wondered if Cloud Chaser had told War Eagle about their cousin’s offer to trade for her and what had he thought about it. She had promised Cloud Chaser she would not try to escape, yet nothing would prevent her from attempting it at any risk if she were sold to Two Feathers! She could imagine no worse fate than to become that cold man’s slave.

  Besides, Caroline encouraged herself, when she and the soldiers failed to arrive at Fort Kearny soon, a search party would be sent out to find them. Even if she and the men were expendable, surely the canons and other weapons were not. The army would have to locate and rescue her if only to learn what happened to the soldiers and supplies. Just be careful and bide your time; help will come soon. But when it does, her heart queried, what will happen to these people? To Cloud Chaser, Dawn, and Casmu? To War Eagle? A massacre? As she glanced at the people around her and thought about how they had not mistreated her, she realized she did not want to be responsible for their deaths. Yet, how could she prevent the army’s retaliation for the attack on them? Time, that was what the Red Shields needed, time to get out of this area before a search was on and the grim evidence of their deed was discovered. But how many days or weeks of safety did they have, and would a generous Mother Nature conceal those telltale signs before they could be found? She did not know, but despite her circumstances, she prayed for their survival.


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