Attached to You (Carolina Rebels Book 6)

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Attached to You (Carolina Rebels Book 6) Page 14

by Lindsay Paige


  Fuck. Mom and Deanna both are probably worried. “I’m sorry.” I rub my head. Just the thought of driving makes my head hurt more. I stand with a sigh, but a rush of dizziness overwhelms me. I reach out to grab the wall and steady myself. Yeah, fuck this.

  “Are you okay?” Raelynn asks.

  “Yeah.” I pat my pockets until I find the one with my phone. There are a bunch of missed calls, but I wasn’t alerted to any of them because I’ve been keeping my phone on silent. Even having it on vibrate irks me. “I’m going to make a phone call.” Raelynn steps out to give me some privacy, taking a now awake Bree with her. I stare at the screen for a moment, rubbing my forehead. I need to call Deanna. It takes me a second too long to find the appropriate buttons and then to find Deanna’s name.

  “Where the hell are you? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Can you come pick me up? I don’t feel like driving home.”

  “Where are you? Your mom was about to start calling hospitals because she was so worried.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m fucking fine. I’m at EJ’s house. You and Mom come get me, so you can drive my truck home.”

  “Don’t get ill with me, Brayden,” she snaps, more irritated than I’ve ever heard her. “We’re on our way.” She hangs up before I can mumble a thanks.

  I leave the room and go downstairs. Raelynn, Bree, and Jackson are watching the Rebels game on TV. Well, Bree is playing and pulling on Raelynn’s hair. “Someone’s coming to pick me up,” I tell her and she nods. I sit in the chair, leaning my head back and wishing they’d mute the TV. I keep an eye out for headlights. When I see them flash on the living room blinds, I stand. “Thanks, Raelynn. See you guys later.”


  The only thing I can tell about Deanna, thanks to the glaring headlights behind her, is that her arms are folded over her chest while she stands next to the driver’s door of my truck. I squint at her as I get closer and see her glare. Okay, so she’s not happy with me. She’ll get over it. I hold out my keys, almost wanting to smile when she snatches them from my fingers. I think I like her mad at me.

  Mom backs out and then Deanna does, so Mom can follow us back. Deanna mutters under her breath.

  “I don’t like driving trucks, yet here I am, driving one for my idiot of a whatever-you-are.”

  “These things are too big for my comfort level and it’s your damn fault I’m driving one.”

  “You couldn’t just tell someone where you were going.”

  “You couldn’t ask your mom to drop you off.”

  “You couldn’t change your phone to vibrate.”

  “Your mom’s first impression of me needs to be me obviously concerned over her idiot of a son. Never cursed so much in my life.”

  Finally, I can’t help but chuckle. “Will you stop it?”

  “No. I didn’t want to be left alone with your mother, I don’t want to be driving this stupid-ass truck, and I didn’t want to come home and immediately be consumed with worry about you. The best thing you can do is leave me alone.”

  What the fuck? Fine, I’ll leave her alone, though I don’t understand what the big deal is. When we get home, she walks Otis and then says she’s taking a shower. Mom pulls me into the kitchen to feed me the dinner she cooked.

  “What’s wrong with her?” I ask.

  Mom cuts her eyes over at me. She’s sitting at the table with me while I eat. “I didn’t raise a dummy, did I?”

  “No, but what does that have to do with Deanna?”

  Mom rests her hand over one of mine. “Son, she was more concerned about you than I was.” That’s interesting because Deanna made it sound like Mom was more worried with the whole ‘she’s about to call hospitals’ comment. “I thought the poor girl was going to have a panic attack when she came home and I told her you had left without a word as to where and hadn’t come home yet.”

  “Yeah, but I was fine.”

  Mom rolls her eyes. “Brayden, she was worried. Truly worried, and that seemed to scare her as much as being worried about you. She reminds me of you in a way.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Being scared of a relationship and to care for someone for whatever reason. She realized she cares for you a lot and doesn’t know what to do with that. You’re the idiot who hasn’t realized how much you care about her yet.”

  I frown. “I know I care about Deanna.”

  “Okay,” she says, but she doesn’t sound like she believes me. “Does she know it? You really worried her, Brayden, even though you didn’t mean to. I don’t know what her story is, but I bet you do. You might want to apologize and be sweet to her.”

  I tuck that information away. “Does this mean you like her?”

  “So far, yes, and I’m guessing by the fact that you’ve asked me twice today that she may just be the one to stick around long-term in your life.” She stands and pats my shoulder. “Don’t screw it up, Brayden.” She kisses the top of my head and heads upstairs for bed. She didn’t have to say so because anytime I get a kiss on the head, that means she’s about to turn in for the night.

  I leave my dirty plate on the table because it’s not like it can’t wait until morning to be washed and head upstairs. I’m still tired. Otis lies curled up at the end of the bed when I walk into my room. Deanna sits on the edge, facing away from me, and brushes her hair. First, I get myself ready for bed. She’s underneath the covers when I return and climb in.

  “Want to watch a movie?” I ask.


  “Plain old TV then?”


  “We can if you want.” I don’t even know why I’m trying at this point.

  “It’s only going to bother you, so no; it’s fine.”

  Oh. That’s why she doesn’t want to watch something? “Well, come here, darlin’.” She sighs, but she scoots over until I can wrap my arms around her. “I’m sorry for causing you to worry. I wanted to get out of the house, so I decided to go see Bree. After a while, I got a bad headache, so I laid down and fell asleep. Raelynn woke me up because it was so late. I didn’t think I would fall asleep or I would’ve turned my phone on vibrate.”

  “I guess I forgive you,” she mumbles, her lips brushing against my collarbone.

  I pinch her ass. “You guess?”

  Her lips move into a smile. “Yep.” She lifts her head. “Are you really okay?”

  “Yeah. I’ll take it extra easy tomorrow.”

  “You better.” Deanna leans forward to kiss me softly just once. “I like your momma.”

  I laugh. “You can’t kiss me and then talk about my mom, Deanna. Why do you like her?”

  “She’s nice. She was really calm, even though we were both concerned over where you might be. She trusts you a lot more than I do, I guess. While we were waiting for you to call us, she made me eat and tell her more about myself. I just hope I didn’t say too much. Like, I told her about my parents and she asked how I came to own the shop, so I told her about that. She probably thinks you should dump me because I’m this wild child. Anytime a guy came into conversation, I always said he was a boyfriend even if he wasn’t. It was like she dosed dinner with truth serum or something and it was all I could do to tell her nearly everything.” She tucks her head under my chin. “I’m sure she’s not impressed.”

  “Actually, she told me that she liked you, which is really good. I would’ve kicked her out if she said she didn’t.”

  Deanna laughs. “No, you wouldn’t have. You’re not the type of man to choose a woman over your momma, not when she raised you on her own and was a good momma.”

  “You’re right. But I would’ve been really disappointed in her if she didn’t like you. I don’t see how that’s possible anyway.”

  She doesn’t say anything. In fact, she’s gotten quite still next to me. “Can I get something off my chest for a second?”

  “Go ahead.” I don’t hesitate at all. Partly because I don
’t want to and partly because I don’t want Deanna to second-guess herself.

  “This thing between us? It scares the hell out of me. I feel so much. Even in the beginning when it was only sex, it seemed like there was just more. I don’t know what to do with all of this mess. Half the time I don’t know what we’re doing, if it’s more of the same, or if we’ve morphed into dating, or what. But it’s unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced. And all I can think about is how I can do nothing but make bad decisions and you don’t know if you could even commit to a relationship. What in the hell are we doing here, Brayden?”

  His hand moves up to my neck, his thumb resting where he can surely feel my out-of-control pulse. He kisses my forehead. That surprises me because it’s so sweet of a gesture. Is he going to say something or hold me in suspense for the rest of my life?

  “We’re making this work, that’s what we’re doing here. You haven’t made any bad decisions and I’ve been able to commit to you so far. We’re doing all the right things.” I think he’s done, but then he says, “And we’re dating, to be clear.” He frowns. “Do you feel like you’re settling, Deanna? Are you not happy being with just me?”

  “What? No!” Where would he get that from? “I’m only trying to figure out what we’re doing. I’m meeting your mom, Brayden. That’s huge.”

  “So, why are you needing me to explain this in words when clearly my actions speak for me?” He looks utterly confused at this.

  “Because I’m a woman and I need to hear things, too.”

  He laughs. “Okay. Have you heard enough or do I need to keep talking?”

  “I think I’ve heard enough.” I’m tired of talking about it at least.

  “Good.” He kisses me so slowly and thoroughly, my head goes dizzy. It’s like I’m drunk in the best of ways when he kisses me. Or maybe I’m high. I’m certainly addicted and I never want to be sober. Brayden distracts me so much with his kiss, makes me feel so good with the soft bite of his teeth, that it takes me until his hand has grasped my breast to even realize his hand moved underneath my shirt.

  “What are you doing?” I breathe.

  “Reacquainting myself with you.”

  I grab his wrist through my shirt. “Are you even allowed?” He only chuckles and moves that talented mouth to my neck. “Your mom is across the hall.”

  His sigh is heavy. “Thanks for the reminder.”

  “Maryann, Maryann, Maryann, Maryann,” I repeat, causing him to laugh.

  “You’re mean. Fine, not tonight.”

  Not at all while she’s here. This room isn’t soundproof. Even if it was, it’s a mood killer to know she’s right there! No hanky panky this go-round. Brayden puts his hand in its normal place on my ass, sighs contentedly, and a minute later, he’s sound asleep. I snuggle closer, praying I don’t screw something up while his mom is here.

  In the morning, I wake up with my head on Brayden’s chest and a leg thrown over him. When I lift my head, I see that he’s already awake with a slight smile on his face. That has to be a good sign. “How—” His hand suddenly covers my mouth.

  “Do not finish that sentence, darlin’. Every morning you ask me that and I haven’t gotten any better. The days were less than stellar. Don’t jinx me today when, you know.” His smile widens, which I’m taking to mean he feels pretty good.

  “You’re superstitious?”

  “All hockey players are. I’m starting to get superstitious about the question that cannot be asked.”

  I giggle.

  “Hey, what is your dad doing for Thanksgiving?”

  “I asked him yesterday and he said he was going to his brother’s house.” I shrug. He didn’t ask what I was doing for Thanksgiving or if I wanted to come with him. He’s been in his own little world since Mom died. I feel bad for feeling a bit grateful, especially considering how I felt after Mom died.

  “Okay, good. If he didn’t have plans, then I was going to say he could come here. Are you working today?”

  “Yes. How else are you supposed to spend time with your mom without me around?”

  “When are you spending time with her?” he asks.


  “Do you have some Black Friday thing?”

  I shake my head. “We close for the entirety of Thanksgiving Day. My grandma would kill me if we were open on that day for the sake of a sale. She used to say, ‘It’s called Black Friday because it happens on fucking Friday.’ That was a sore subject for her. She had quite the potty mouth, too.”

  “I wish I could’ve met her.”

  I smile. “Yeah, me too.” With a sigh, I move away from him, toss the sheets away, and get out of bed. “I need to get ready. You stay in bed today and rest.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  I almost want to roll my eyes when as I’m leaving for the day, I pass Maryann, who is on her way to our bedroom to bring Brayden breakfast. He won’t have to get out of bed unless he needs to go to the bathroom. I better text him and make sure he’s the one who walks Otis. I’m sure Maryann is capable and that Otis will be the most well-behaved dog on the planet, but on the off chance that he isn’t, I’d rather he yank Brayden around than his mother.

  My workday goes smoothly. I’m tempted to text Brayden every few hours, but that seems like a bit much. That feels like hovering. Besides, his mother is there taking care of him and making sure he’s resting. I’m sure Brayden is making sure he’s resting. He wants to get back into the game; he won’t do anything to prolong his time away.

  As I pull into the driveway, I notice a car pulling in behind me. I step out and see Sylvia stepping out of her car.

  “I hope I’m not intruding,” she calls out as she walks toward me. “I thought I’d pop in and check on Brayden since the guys are out of town. I’ve been trying to get here all day and it just hasn’t happened.”

  “Well, come on in.”

  “How has he been?” she asks while we walk to the front door.

  “Okay. Better today, I hope. His mom is here for Thanksgiving, so she’s been keeping him company while I’m at work. Do you always check on guys when they are injured?”

  Sylvia shakes her head. “No, but...” Her voice trails off. “Brayden seems like the guy you would want to check on. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I know he won’t want to be checked on?”

  At that I laugh. Otis is right at the door waiting for us. I rub his head, keeping an eye on him to make sure he behaves. The last thing I need him to do is jump on a pregnant lady. He only wags his entire body and nudges her hand when she doesn’t pet him immediately after I’ve loved on him. I guess it’s time to trust him a little more. He behaves. He listens. He’s a good boy.

  “Brayden? Maryann?” I call out when I don’t see anyone in the living room or in the kitchen.

  “Up here, darlin’!”

  We walk upstairs and find them in the bedroom. Brayden lies much in the same place where I left him, only it’s clear he’s changed his clothes. Maryann sits where I normally sleep and it looks as if she’s crocheting something. The TV is on, but it’s muted. Brayden quickly sits up when he sees Sylvia.

  “Hey. What are you doing here?” he asks.

  “I wanted to check in. Make sure someone was looking after you, but obviously you’re doing fine.”

  “Yeah, I am. Oh, Mom, this is Sylvia Boyd. Sylvia, this is my mom, Maryann.”

  They wave, but Maryann shocks us all. “Your husband is adorable, by the way.” She winks at Sylvia.

  “Mom!” Brayden looks disgusted and perplexed all at once.

  “What? I watch your games sometimes. Scott Boyd is a looker.”

  Sylvia and I both crack up. “I like her,” Sylvia says.

  Maryann smiles. “Thank you. Do you have family you can spend Thanksgiving with?”

  “Oh, yes, ma’am. I’ll have a house-full tomorrow. Y’all are welcome to come, if you’d like.”

  “Oh, no. We can’t possibly intrude last minute. Plus, I’ve al
ready bought food and it’s probably best for Brayden to rest.” She reaches over to pat his hand.

  “Thanks for the invite, Sylvia,” Brayden tells her. “And for checking on me. I think these two have me covered.” He pauses for a second. “There isn’t anything you need, is there? With Scott being gone?”

  She waves her hand at him. “No. I’m fine. I have practically an army at my hands waiting to help Lizzy and me, if needed. I’m glad you’re doing okay. I just wanted to check on you.”

  He thanks her again and then I walk her out. When I return to the bedroom, it’s only Brayden and he’s texting.

  “Where’s your mom?”

  “She went to put her things away and to start dinner, I think.”

  “How was your day?” I ask as I sit on the edge of his bed by his knees.

  “Fine. Thought I was going to make it symptom-free, but didn’t quite get there. Better than yesterday, though.” His attention is on his phone, this thumbs moving every few seconds, and that bugs the hell out of me. He’s always given me his full attention; what gives?

  “Who are you texting?”


  “Excuse me?” I’m so caught off guard by that answer, that’s all I can manage to say.

  He glances up at me. “Mom asking Sylvia made me think of her. EJ just said her only family is Jackson, so I’m texting her to see if she wants to come over tomorrow.”


  “Her son.”

  “Are you sure? You want two kids over here? You can’t even have the volume up on the TV.”

  Brayden frowns at me. “She has the option to say no, but I’m at least asking. It’ll be fine.”

  I sure hope so. I’m not sure it’s the best idea, but he seems determined. “I’m going to help your mom.” She’s down in the kitchen, fixing dinner. She points me to a pot. “How was he today?” I ask, even though I’ve already asked Brayden.

  “Better than yesterday.”

  I smile because that’s exactly what he said.

  “Do you want to get married one day? Have kids?”

  Just like that, my smile disappears. This conversation went from nice to serious in two seconds flat.


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