The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Bride (BWWM Romance Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Bride (BWWM Romance Book 1) Page 1

by Fielding, J A

  The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Bride

  A woman that can finally fill up his life

  A complete BWWM marriage story, brought to you by J A Fielding of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Trina has a successful career at a law firm, managing to carve out a space as a plus size woman in a male dominated industry.

  But she’s not so lucky in love - she’s been burned many times.

  Plus, she doesn’t always feel she matches up to society’s idea of a ‘beautiful woman’.

  When co worker Victoria’s boyfriend cheats on her, there’s a spare space going for a trip to Sweden.

  Trina’s just won a huge case and jumps at the chance, and it’s there she meets gorgeous ski instructor and resort owner Axel.

  When she sprains her ankle on the slopes, he treats her so gently and kindly she soon finds herself falling for him.

  Soon they’re caught up in a whirlwind of romance, and they can’t keep their hands off each other.

  They rush into a hasty wedding, not able to bear being apart.

  But their new found love is threatened by a split - Axel wants Trina to stay in Sweden, but she’s determined to head back to her job in the States with him.

  Will they be torn apart?

  Or will they find a way to make their new marriage work?

  Find out in this thrilling, sexy romance by J A Fielding of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to hot sex scenes that'll make you melt.

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2016 to J A Fielding and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Free Book – My Russian Dream

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


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  Chapter 1

  When Trina Crews noticed the time on the bottom right corner of her computer screen, she sighed. It felt like just ten minutes – half an hour at most – when she last looked at the time and saw that it was just a little after five. And now, somehow a whole four hours had passed and for some reason, she was still looking at her computer screen preparing for the work she had scheduled for the next day.

  “I should have stuck to criminal justice,” she thought as she leaned back in her chair. “Defending murderers should definitely be much easier than all this.”

  She took a long deep breath and began rubbing her temples when she heard a soft knock on the door snapping her out of her utopia. She opened her eyes and forced a tired smile when she saw Victoria Simmons one of the new lawyers in her work place who had somehow warmed up to her in the short four months she had been at Hart, Hamlin and Matthews, her law firm.

  “Hard worker much?” Victoria asked as she walked in, a file folder in her hand.

  “These damn meetings tomorrow are going to be the death of me, Depositions…mediations…” she shook her head. “Especially this Fullerton versus Weber meeting…” Trina’s voice trailed off as she ran her fingers through her still freshly colored honey blonde hair. “Why are these people so damn hard to reason with?”

  “It is actually quite easy for us to reason with them. But it is pure hell when the two of them sit in the same room. That much I have noticed,” she said as she took a seat in front of her desk.

  “This is driving me out of my mind,” she said. “I mean what is so hard about staying put and giving this person who used to be your business partner some time to hear you out?”

  “Ha!” Victoria let out a cynical laugh. “Listening to those two makes me want to have kids so much more.”

  “What has having kids got to do with anything?” she asked and Victoria leaned forward.

  “Kids are much easier to control compared to those two,” Victoria pointed out and Trina laughed.

  “Tell me about it,” she scoffed. “I don’t know what is so hard about simply getting to an amicable separation of assets. I mean they are fifty-fifty partners. Aren’t they?”

  Victoria nodded.

  “They are but going their separate ways is…complicated.”

  “Really?” she rolled her eyes. “It is a split right down the middle. Literally.”

  “Well…” Victoria started and Trina shrugged.

  “Well what?” she asked.

  “Fullerton wants seventy per cent. Rather than the original fifty-fifty agreement,” Victoria pointed out and Trina shook her head.

  “Weber will never agree to it,” she said shaking her head. “How did it get to this? I mean those two were practically joined at the hip at one point.”

  Victoria laughed and shook her head.

  “Two words. Yoko Ono,” she said.

  “Like The Beatles?” Trina asked and her workmate nodded. “What the hell do the Beatles have to do with this?”

  A broad smile played on Victoria’s lips.

  “Oh honey,” she said shaking her head making Trina feel like there was something she should have known.

  “What?” she asked, anxiously.

  “It is a long story that begins like this,” she started. “Two people Abel Fullerton and Michael Weber decided to talk about ways of spending more time being alert than obeying what their biological bodies were telling them. So, for some reason, they decided that Red Bull, Monster, Shark and Five Hour Energy were not enough. And just like that Full Web was born which is kind of a happy coincidence considering the name was a perfect mash up of their surnames,” she went on explaining and Trina put her index finger up.

  “Why are you trying to re-educate me on this case? I mean, you do realize I know it inside out, right?” she asked and Victoria shook her head.

  “I am trying to make you understand why these two are acting like complete idiots,” she said and Trina nodded.

  “By all means, go ahead.”

  “So, where was I?” Victoria drummed her well-manicured fingers on the desk. “Oh yeah. The name.” She held her hands up and stared into the distance as if she was looking at some star. “Full Web. Detangle from fatigue, entangle in energy.”

  Trina laughed.

  “I have to admit. Their catchphrase is particularly…catchy,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Well, when they achieved what they wanted. And somehow they became the third biggest name in the energy drink industry. And not just in the country. They have taken Australia, Canada and Latin America by storm. And now they finally began moving into Europe,” Victoria reached forward and opened the folder she had walked in with. “Three months ago, they had their first
order in one of the Tesco stores in London and by last week, they were in thirty seven stores all over the UK.”

  “They are thriving,” Trina said as she shook her head. “Why the shitty approach?”

  “Be patient. I’m getting there,” Victoria said flipping her long silky brunette hair over her shoulder.

  Trina was trying as hard as she could not to burst out laughing. Listening to Victoria tell a story was like watching a well scripted movie. She was always one to hold out on the punch until you wanted to do nothing but milk it out of her. She did the same thing in court. Which was probably why she made the top five when it came to A-list lawyers at HHM and also why she was probably one of the best lawyers to deliver a closing argument.

  “Two years ago, Fullerton marries Raquel Benoist,” Victoria went on as she handed Trina one of the documents in the folder. A photo.

  “What is this?” she asked as she looked at the picture in her hands. “She is a model?”

  “Was a model. Didn’t quite make it big in the Americas but she was a big deal in Germany and Belgium where she met Abel…one thing led to another and they got married. And since they became big in Europe after getting married, Raquel Benoist is entitled to half of all the proceeds Full Web has made ever since they launched in Europe plus future earnings.” She took another document and handed it to Trina. “This is the projection for the coming year alone.”

  “Whoa….this is…wow.” Trina was completely speechless. “And this is going to happen whether or not they keep Full Web on the market or they do the split?”

  Victoria nodded.

  “Is this why he wants more than what he is supposed to get? I mean seventy per cent…” Trina started before Victoria put her finger up. “You are not done yet, are you?” Trina asked and Victoria nodded.

  “Remember when I mentioned Yoko Ono earlier?” she asked and Trina nodded.

  “I still don’t know what Yoko has to do with this,” she said matter of factly.

  “Raquel Benoist, Fullerton’s ex-wife just happens to be in bed with Weber. Literally.”

  Trina’s eyes grew wide.

  “Wait, what?”

  Victoria handed her two more documents and smiled.

  “I subpoenaed Raquel and Weber’s phone records and I got a whole lot. And that got me another order for their emails and those two have been having an affair for more than a year, maybe fourteen months and right under Fullerton’s nose. And if she gets the settlement, that puts Weber in the lead…because he is going to have seventy five per cent of the earnings.”

  “But we don’t know if that is Weber’s plan. I mean, that’s just speculation and you know any judge will throw it out as such.”

  “Well, even though we started out as the law firm representing Full Web, Weber is not our client right now. Fullerton is. Plus his new energy drink…whatever he wants to call it. His hefty retainer made sure that we dropped his partner. And this,” she put her finger on the folder. “Is our smoking gun.”

  Trina shook her head. This had been the one meeting she had been dreading and suddenly, she was looking forward to it. It was like heaven on a damn silver platter because that was exactly what Victoria had done. A smile played on her lips when she saw the photos in the folder.

  “Wait…are those surveillance photos of Weber and Benoist?” she asked and Victoria nodded.

  “Yes they are and you know what they say,” Victoria started as she smiled. “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

  Trina let out a laugh.

  “This case will never see the light of day,” she said shaking her head. “Weber was having an affair with his best friend’s wife?”

  “Behold, the main reason why the two parties in this case are acting like kids,” Victoria said.

  “And is Fullerton divorced yet?” Trina asked.

  “Well, that is pending right now. The main situation between Benoist and Fullerton is that they are separated but other than that, I don’t know much.”

  “Not to sound overconfident or anything but we have really got this in the bag, huh?” Trina pointed out and Victoria nodded.

  “Yes, that and HHM is going to win this.”

  “Yeah, clearly,” Trina said, still impressed as she looked over the documents once again before she put them back in the folder. “And to think less than half an hour ago, I was thinking it would have been much better for me if I went into criminal justice.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Well, this case made it seem simpler to defend a guilty murderer or sadistic serial rapist,” Trina said. “Heck, it would have been easier to be the ADA on the OJ Simpson case.”

  “You know the people never stood a chance in that case, right?” Victoria asked and Trina laughed.

  “And I would have still volunteered my time to be on that rather than…” her voice trailed off as she shook her head and gestured at the file in front of her. “This has been a crazy eight weeks of late nights and brick walls. Correction: the craziest.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” Victoria said as she leaned against her chair and crossed a leg over the other. “I sent an email to the lawyers concerned and copied the HHM partners. Just to put them in the know.”

  Trina looked at her screen and saw the message icon popping up in her window. It had actually been there for a while but she just hadn’t noticed. She clicked on the message and basically, it was what Victoria had just explained in file format.

  “How did you get to be this good?” Trina asked as she looked across the table at a proud Victoria.

  “Well, to pay my way through law school I did a whole lot of jobs including being an in-house investigator at the law firm I was interning at.”

  “Time well spent, huh?” Trina asked and Victoria nodded.

  “That is how I usually know where to look. Places other people do not even think of looking in the first place,” Victoria said and Trina took a long deep breath. “And since I have saved you from slaving in this office for yet another night, we should go out and have something to eat because I am starving.”

  “It’s almost ten,” Trina pointed out and Victoria shrugged.

  “I didn’t say we were going to Francois’ Lounge or anything,” Victoria said as she stood up.

  “I am not having fast food, Vickie,” Trina said as she shut down her computer.

  “I didn’t say anything about McDonald’s or a Drive Thru. But there is a twenty four hour place downtown…Native American. And they have this lamb and yam salad…healthy, delicious and wholesome.” Victoria smiled. “We will not be cheating on your diet. I promise you.”

  Trina grabbed her keys and bag before she began walking out of the office.

  “We better not,” she said.

  “Great,” Victoria said as they began walking down the hallway. “By the way, since you are in such an agreeing mood, I have to just throw this in there.”

  “What?” Trina asked as they waited for the elevator.

  “Christmas in the Swiss Alps,” Victoria said and Trina turned to look at her, shocked.

  “Excuse me?” she asked and Victoria shrugged.

  “You heard me.”

  “Vickie, you are talking to someone who has never even been interested in going to Aspen,” Trina pointed out as the elevator doors opened for them to walk in.

  “Well, Aspen is most definitely not the Swiss Alps.” She turned to look at Trina, a wide smile on her face. “I promise you, you are going to love it.”

  Trina shrugged.

  “Wait,” Victoria said as she looked at Trina. “Last year after getting Whole Foods on board, there was a fully paid four day company retreat in Aspen,” she said and Trina nodded.

  “There was,” she said.

  “And where were you?” Victoria asked and Trina bit her lower lip. “Because I never saw you there. I remember that much.”

  “Well, I took the four days and caught up with Game of Thrones,” Trina said unapologetic.

shook her head.

  “You are telling me that you sat through six seasons of a TV show that has been running for six years in four days?”

  “I actually only got to do four and a few of the fifth but thanks to the spoilers online I already know that one of my favorite stars is going to die,” Trina said shaking her head. “Hashtag rest in peace Jon Snow? Really? I might as well stop watching the whole thing altogether.”

  Victoria smiled.

  “If you went on watching after Joffrey Baratheon ordered the death of Ned Stark and after the Red Wedding episode, I think you are officially on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. It’s just a matter of time before you insist on dressing up as one of the characters for Comic-Con,” Victoria said laughing.

  “Yeah I guess,” Trina said in a soft voice. “Damn it. I swore this day would never come.”

  “Yes you did. That is how I know we will have a great time in the Swiss Alps,” she said. “Because it is also something that I know you swore you would never do.”

  Trina sighed loudly.

  “Damn right, I did,” she thought as the elevator doors opened. “Next you will be taking me sky diving,” she said in an exhausted tone.

  Victoria looked at her as they walked out of the elevator.

  “That is a great idea,” she said.

  “Oh my God, Vickie, that was not a suggestion,” Trina said, silently cursing herself for even letting the words out of her mouth. But it was too late. Vicky already had a wide grin on her face.


  When she woke up on Thursday morning, Trina felt lighter about her workload that day. The one thing that had been stressing her: the Fullerton Weber case was over. At least unofficially, which was the most important thing. And good riddance to it too. It was just a matter of getting the final paperwork done and then it would be official. Heck, she could have as well popped champagne right there and then because she was that sure of the situation. She took a long deep breath as she climbed out of bed. And just then, she remembered Victoria’s proposition the night earlier. Skiing in the Swiss Alps. She was not sure what she felt about that. She had never gone skiing before and honestly, she had never even thought about it. For Pete’s sake, black people never even thought of doing anything so crazy. And that was a thought coming from an African American.


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