Leo: Book 6 (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)

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Leo: Book 6 (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) Page 1

by Rachel Medhurst


  A Zodiac Twin Flame Novel

  By Rachel Medhurst

  Copyright © 2016 by Rachel Medhurst

  Sign up to my mailing list for free books and updates: Rachel Medhurst Website

  This book is dedicated to Jo C


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Free Books



  Chapter One

  “What do you mean you’re going to give it away?” I spat my coffee and slammed my cup on the table, my chilled out mood coming abruptly to an end.

  Shaking her head, Megan glared at me. “Don’t do that,” she warned.

  The people in the coffee shop watched as I got to my feet and strode away. Ignoring the curious glances, I thrust my way outside. Rubbing my arms from the chill, I froze as my finger caught the stupid bracelet around my wrist. The leather band dug into my skin as I tried to yank it off. For the hundredth time that day.

  “Don’t walk away again, Leo.” Megan’s voice interrupted me.

  Glaring at my wrist, at the reminder of the reason I lived, I let it go and turned to her. Her bleach blonde hair moved in the breeze. Her round blue eyes watered as she blinked.

  “I don’t like where you’re going with this.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  Reaching forward, Megan traced her hand down my arm, squeezing my bicep as she did. “Thank you for caring so much about me.”

  Was she crazy? Of course I cared about her. She was one of my best friends. I always protected my family and friends. Plus, I felt responsible for her.

  “When’s your next gig?” Her change of subject had become common.

  She hated that I tried to tell her what to do with her life. I couldn’t help it, she needed me to guide her.

  “Tonight, actually,” I replied, finally cracking a smile.

  It was only a local gig, but for the first time ever, I had invited all my siblings. They had heard me practicing at home, however, none of them realised how entrenched I was in the music scene. Well, Aries probably knew my dedication to music more than the others. I had kept it a secret from most of them. Mother and Father had always insisted we keep a low profile. That wasn’t in my nature.

  “Great, where is it?”

  Megan’s face fell when I rubbed the back of my head and pulled a I can’t tell you expression. “Why can’t I come?”

  She was a sweet girl, even if she was a little lost. Her hands went to her hips, unconsciously sticking out her rounded stomach. Raising my eyebrows, I rubbed my own stomach. Eyes widening, she quickly covered herself up with her long cardigan. It really wouldn’t do to show everyone what was going on with her.

  “Your partying days are over.” I put my arm over her shoulder and guided her towards the car that waited by the curb.

  “I can’t keep avoiding them, Leo. What shall I do?”

  Biting the corner of my lip, I ran a hand over my face. She wasn’t talking about my siblings, she meant her own family.

  “Why can’t you just say you’re staying with some friends?”

  An attractive woman swayed past us as I opened the door for Megan. The woman’s big brown eyes traced the tattoos that covered both my arms before resting on my face.

  “Leo!” Megan snapped, nudging me in the side.

  Blinking, I glared at her. “You put me off,” I muttered, watching the hips of the woman as she walked away.

  “Make you look bad, do I?” She tutted, waving her hand in dismissal as she climbed into the limo.

  “Baby, you never make me look bad. But…is this really necessary? Considering you’re trying to keep a low profile?”

  The black limousine made everyone in the street stare. London wasn’t exactly a quiet location with no one interested in what you did. It was rife with gossipers and paparazzi.

  “What can I say? I’m used to it. You’re right, though. I won’t use it anymore. I’ll wait until your song hits number one. Then you can get your own and take me out in it!”

  The window closed as the car pulled away. Megan might have been the daughter of one of the most intelligent business owners in London, but she sure hadn’t inherited much of his brains.

  “Who was that?” The voice made me jump.

  A girl in her late teens stood next to me, watching the back end of the limo. Her curvy figure was slightly larger than fashionable. It made her different to all the pencil thin girls that flounced around. Pushing her fingers through her straight dark brown hair, she turned to me.

  “Well? Was it someone famous?”

  Grinning, I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Her eyebrows, which were slightly overgrown where they hadn’t been plucked in a while, drew together. “You were talking to her.”

  She glanced to the side of me to watch the car disappear. I moved deliberately to block her view.

  “Why are you so interested in famous people?”

  Bunching her mouth, she gave up trying to look past me and looked straight into my eyes. Blinking, she stepped back twice. Had she not realised how tall I was? Was I that intimidating?

  “I’m not. I was more interested in the car. I like cars.” Squaring her shoulders, she ran her gaze up my arms, over my shoulder and down the other arm. Finally looking at the bracelet on my wrist.

  “That’s odd, I’ve got something similar,” she muttered, lifting her sleeve.

  My breath left my lungs as she revealed an orange leather bracelet, very reminiscent of my own. And that of my siblings.

  “Anyway, I must go.” She suddenly dropped her arm and spun away.


  Her quick steps took her straight across the street and into the crowded underground station opposite. Following her, I tried to keep sight of her brown hair, but it quickly blended in with other commuters. Who was she? And, why did she run as soon as she realised that we had something in common?

  Digging my phone out of my pocket, I dialled my father. Or, I should say, guardian. Both he and my mother had taken care of us since we were born, but they only looked after us so we could complete our mission on earth.

  Since we were children, they had told us what we had come to do in this lifetime. Apparently, we were love warriors. Trying to stop the earth from falling into darkness. The problem wasn’t in the darkness, it was in the people that didn’t want the world to be happy.

  “Hello, Leo,” my father greeted. “The others have told me you plan to perform tonight…at a pub. Are you sure that’s wise?”

  My mouth opened and closed as I walked down the street towards the pub. I hadn’t rung him to discuss my gig. How did he know about that, anyway?

  “Father, I’ve just met a girl who had a similar bracelet to me. She seemed to recognise mine.”

  The other end of the phone was muffled. Father was obviously talking to his wife, or my mother, if she was there with them. It was a strange set up, but I wasn’t one to get involved.

  “You need to come here and explain this to me,” he ordered.

  Growling, I clenched my fingers around my phone. “I can’t. I have a gig in a couple of hours, I’ll come and see you tomorrow.”

  Hanging up, I speed dialled my brother, Aries.

  “How’s it hanging, dickhead?” he gree

  “To the left, knobjockey.”

  Our laughter matched down the phone. He would never outsmart me with insults. Even if he was the hot-headed one.

  “I’m on my way to meet the band. Do me a favour and make sure our father doesn’t come. Some idiot has told him I’m performing tonight.”

  Aries went quiet on the other end of the line. “That idiot might have been me.”

  It was unlike my brother to worry about my reaction, or agree with my assessment of the person who had told.

  “Well, I don’t have time to worry about him, make sure he stays away.”

  I was about to hang up when Aries cleared his throat. A car honked next to me as I stepped into the road to dodge past the busy commuters of London Town.

  “What’s going on?” I didn’t need to elaborate. I knew each one of my siblings well enough to know when something wasn’t quite right.

  “We’re worried about you drawing attention to yourself, that’s all. It’s not going to take much for Nick to target you if you’re in the limelight.”

  Here we go, the same old, same old. When would my family back me? Instead of trying to stunt my passion. If they wanted me to be a part of the group, they would have to start to support me. Or, I would find my own way. It wasn’t as if I wasn’t connected to some powerful people. Not that they knew that, of course. Not yet, anyway.

  “Look. Come tonight, or don’t, I’m not bothered anymore.” Ending the call on my phone, I swore when I bashed straight into a passer-by.

  “Watch it!” he barked.

  “You watch it!”

  Spinning to look at him, I paused when our gaze met. His silver eyes were familiar. He blinked before he spun and disappeared into the crowd.

  Shaking my head, I carried on walking towards the pub. I had seen two people who felt significant in the space of a few minutes. As the crowds thinned, I ducked into a side street to get to the venue quicker.

  “Leo, Leo, Leo.”

  My feet stopped moving as I came face to face with Nick, our enemy. It had been a few months since we had last heard anything from him. His hair was no longer salt and pepper, the grey taking over the top of his head. He wore his usual black uniform, a gun in his hand.

  “I should have known,” I muttered, shaking my head.

  Surely my mission wasn’t upon me, yet? I wasn’t ready to settle down. Five of my siblings had found their twin flames. And if the order of the Zodiac was in play, which it seemed to be, it meant I was next. But, I didn’t want a relationship.

  “I don’t know why you’re bothering, I’m too busy to find my bloody soulmate.”

  Nick had caught me at the wrong time. My usual good humour had vanished with the urgency to get to my gig. The only thing that mattered to me was getting to the pub so I could perform.

  “Do you really think true love will wait for you?”

  My gaze snapped to the voice behind me. The girl from a moment ago, with the wrist bracelet, blocked the entrance to the small road.

  “Who are you?” Something about her made my stomach churn and not in a good way.

  Nick clicked his tongue. “I thought I would save us all some hassle. This is Amelia, she’s your twin flame.”

  Rolling my eyes, I clicked my knuckles. It wouldn’t do to be late to my gig, no matter how important the others thought Nick was. I had waited too long to play for Michael Keen, one of the biggest record producers in London. And, tonight was that night.

  “Excuse me while I vomit all over the place, but I’ve got somewhere to be.” Raising my hand, I sucked in air before blowing it back out. Fire rose out of my chest, up my throat and layered itself over me as I blew it out.

  Walking forward, I waved to the small woman and Nick as they backed away. Touching me would cause them much more harm than it would me.

  “Leo, don’t think I won’t ruin your life,” Nick called.

  Flipping him off, I ran down the street and around the corner. A woman gasped as I shook the fire off me and it vanished. I winked as I passed, dodging through the people that made their way home.

  The pub came into view. I didn’t even bother to look over my shoulder to see if Nick and his little sidekick followed me. I didn’t care. I had much more important things to think about.

  “Leo! There you are, can you help me with this?” The drummer of my band, Chasing Destiny, gestured to his kit in the back of the van.

  Climbing straight up, I flexed my arm as I grinned at him. “You know I got this.”

  The smaller man ignored me as he hauled the drum out of the seat. I followed behind with the biggest drum, stalling when Nick stepped forward and leant against the doorframe of the pub entrance.

  Crossing his arms, he regarded me. “I like that you’re not afraid of me. It doesn’t stop me from coming after you, though. Especially as I don’t exactly want me and my…”

  As he tilted his head to the side, I stood still, holding the drum, I wasn’t going to give in by putting it down and listening to him.

  “Dysfunctionals,” I offered to help him remember.

  Nick raised his eyebrows. “Do you really think I had forgotten the name of my people?”

  I scoffed, moving the drum to the other arm. “Your people? Your brainwashed buddies, more like.”

  The woman strutted up to us, placing her hand on my arm. I jumped. The electricity that shocked me when her fingers touched my skin made me step back.

  “See?” Nick moved to let my band mate pass. “You can’t escape it, no matter how much you try.”

  I glared at them both before taking advantage of Nick’s movement to go inside the building. The girl was not my twin flame; she wasn’t anything like my normal type. Plus, I had Megan to worry about.

  “Who is that?” Gary, my drummer, asked.

  Shaking my head, I waved away his question as we set up the kit. Glancing up at him when we were done, I paused. He looked over my shoulder, his eyes widening as he did. Turning, I growled when Nick pointed a gun straight at my chest.

  The pub was empty bar me and the band. We were getting ready before it opened in half an hour. Apparently, Nick had decided to get my attention in a different way.

  “What are you doing?”

  The older man gestured with the gun for my band mates to leave. They shook their heads, moving to stand by my side.

  “Leo, I know you mentioned that you knew some dodgy people, but this is extreme,” one of them whispered to me.

  My patience snapped. Running forward, I wrapped a hand around Nick’s neck before he could react. Propelling him back across the small bar area, I pinned him against the brick wall. A table smashed to the ground as I pushed past it.

  “I’m not in the mood for you today. I’ve got a performance tonight. A very important one. If you leave right now, I’ll come and talk to you civilly tomorrow.” My face was in his, my breath hitting his cheek.

  He sneered, his hands hanging at his side. The gun was still in his grip, but he didn’t raise it. He couldn’t kill me. He couldn’t kill any of my siblings either. Yet, he would do everything he could to stop us from finding our twin flame. The gun was for effect, in case anyone else interfered.

  “Are you getting a little annoyed that we’re beating you?” I smiled when his cheeks flared red.

  “You do know that I could’ve killed her, don’t you?” His gaze went over my shoulder.

  Turning, I groaned when the girl from earlier held up her arm, revealing her wrist and the bracelet. Letting go of Nick, I shrugged. “Go on then.”

  My enemy laughed, raising his eyebrows at the girl. She swallowed, her head turning to the side.

  “Do you not feel it?” she asked.

  Glancing at my band mates, I shook my head when one of them held up his phone. He was asking whether they should phone the police. They trusted me enough not to question me until after the threat was gone. It wasn’t the first time I had been pulled up by a man. I had slept with one man’s wife and almost got a
beating for it.

  It would not be good if word got out that a man held me at gunpoint. In the middle of a pub in London. Not exactly something that occurs every day in the city.

  “No, I don’t. Look, lady, I appreciate that you probably have no idea what you’ve got yourself involved in, but I promise you don’t want to get involved with this psycho. Please, tell me where to meet you tomorrow and we’ll sort this out.” I turned back to Nick, tempted to blow a flame of fire out of my mouth and all over him.

  My band didn’t know me well enough to show them that part of me. And, they never would.

  “Okay, okay, we’ll leave you alone. Meet me here tomorrow at lunchtime. We’ll talk.”

  Nick moved past me, smirking as he took hold of the woman’s arm and propelled her out of the pub. I ran a hand over the spikes of my hair, cursing when my friends stared at me.

  “Please, don’t ask.”

  My fists clenched. Could I trust my band to overlook my odd behaviour?

  “Leo, we trust you…but do you need some help? You should call the police on that man.”

  My breath rushed from me as Aries walked in. He looked around, grinning when he caught sight of me. “Hello!”

  His fake legs were covered with jeans for a change. My band instantly went over to him, verbal diarrhoea vomiting out of their mouths. Aries rose his hands in the air, his eyes widening. I waved my hand around, making crazy facial expressions at him.

  “You want me to wipe their memory?” he called over the noise.

  They froze, I smiled. My brother knew me so very well. Just a couple of screwed up facial expressions and he knew what I needed from him. He rarely used his ability to wipe someone’s memory. It was basically banned by our parents when we were young. But needs must.

  “What are you talking about, Leo?”

  Aries grabbed two of their arms and looked into their eyes, one at a time. “Just forget the last ten minutes.”

  I moved closer as they blinked. Shaking their heads, they shook hands with Aries, greeting him as if he had just got there.

  “Let’s finish off setting up,” one of them suggested, gesturing for the others to follow him.


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