Leo: Book 6 (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series)

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Leo: Book 6 (The Zodiac Twin Flame Series) Page 5

by Rachel Medhurst

  A whistle in the distance made me shove all thoughts of my present life out of my head. The first time I had done this, they had landed me in the middle of a village, the bustling streets thick with mud and people going about their business. I had no idea what I was doing, so I ducked into a house, disorientated and scared.

  The whistle sounded again. It was probably a call to me. I had learnt quickly to get help as soon as I arrived. Blowing through my mouth, I let out a long low whistle too. The reply was the same tone. Moving through the field, I followed the noise to a copse of trees.

  “There you are. I’ve been waiting for you.” Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

  It was her, my twin flame. Every life time, I knew her instantly, even though she looked different. As did I. Glancing down at my arms, I smiled at the tanned skin. I worked outside. My clothes were torn in places, but pretty well made. The fields I had just left behind were mine. I was a farmer.

  “What’s the matter?”

  She stood by the brook, her hair loose around her head. The heart shape of her face was turned towards a gap in the trees where the sunlight shone through, bathing her pale skin.

  “I’m just absorbing the beauty,” I said, automatically.

  The difference between my experiences compared to my siblings in their flashbacks was that I wasn’t as emotionally invested as they were. When they described what happened, they explained that they felt the love and connection to whoever they were with in that time.

  That didn’t happen for me. It was like I was on a job. An actor. Someone who jumped into a time, played out an outcome, and then left. Unharmed. Unloved. Unavailable.

  Clearing my throat to get into the scene, I trod over the leaves and grass to reach her. Her long mousey hair was to her waist, perfect for tugging on.

  Her smile froze as I got closer. “You’re…something’s not right.”

  This had happened before. My soulmate could detect the difference in the past me and the future me. Sometimes I was in the right place to want to take part. It was fun to jump into the role of lover, even taking advantage of the fact and taking her to bed. But, sometimes, I just wanted to be home, living my life in the present. Today was one of those days.

  “It’s been a long morning, my love,” I said, adopting my name for all versions of my twin flame.

  The woman in front of me smiled, her face relaxing. She probably knew me well enough to know that I needed some fun when things had been tough.

  Flicking her hair over her shoulder, she came to me, lacing her hands behind my neck. It never mattered how they looked, the feel of them was the same. Her energy always resonated with mine, even if I was able to keep my emotions switched off.

  “How shall I cheer you up?”

  Her cheeky smile made my throat dry. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t want to play the game. I couldn’t switch off from where I was supposed to be in that moment.

  “Lay down with me and tell me the story of our love.”

  The unexpected request made her cheeks blush red. She searched my gaze, looking for any sign of heat, or desire. I couldn’t fake it, no matter how hard I tried. Grabbing her around the waist, I tipped her in my arms, burying my head into her neck and gently laying one kiss on her skin. She giggled as I righted her and dragged her to her knees.

  “This is so unlike you,” she muttered, settling onto my chest as I lay on the springy grass.

  It was. I was never sombre. I could be serious and romantic, but rarely off-hand. However, my tactic had been learnt fairly quickly. My twin flame loved romance too. Every time I met her in a past life, I asked her to tell me the story of our love. That way I found out what I needed to do to get home in a much quicker fashion.

  “Leo, I don’t want to tell you,” she said, suddenly sitting up.

  I blinked. I was never called Leo in my past lives. What was going on? “Why not, my love?”

  My body was still as she ran a finger over my lips, tracing the line of them. She tensed when I moved to hold her wrist. Something pressed against my palm under her sleeve. She tried to wrench away, but I held on, lifting the sleeve with my other hand.

  The bracelet. Orange leather. What the hell was going on? Jumping up, I looked at my wrist. No bracelet. Looking closely at her as she got to her feet, her hands held in front of her, it clicked into place. It was the girl from my present life. How had she got into my past life?

  “What’s going on, Amelia?”

  She gasped at the sound of her name, backing up a step. “I can explain.”

  “How?” I bit out between clenched teeth, holding back the urge to stomp over to her and do some damage. This had never happened before.

  “I’m like you. Nick knows my secret. I travel back in time to help…to fix past lives.”

  “Fix past lives? That’s not what I do!” I clenched my hands at my sides as she came closer.

  “Of course you do. What did you think you were doing?”

  My mind whirled. Who was Amelia? And, how did she come to be in my past life? From the present?

  “Speak. Explain how you’re here right now.”

  Nothing she said would made sense, but I was prepared to listen. My insides burned as I contained my fire. I hadn’t felt the rage for a long time, it wouldn’t do to let it go. It could hurt Amelia. Even if she did deserve it, I wouldn’t do that to her.

  “I’m like you. I can time travel…at will.”

  She circled away from me, her hair flying out behind her as she huffed out her breath. The long dark green dress she wore moved with her slim figure.

  “I can’t do it at will, I…” Snapping my mouth shut, I stopped talking.

  It wouldn’t be a good idea to say too much to the girl who was friendly with Nick. The man who was so hell bent on ruining my life.

  “How do you know Nick?”

  “He sent Freddie to kidnap me. Apparently, he had been tipped off by one of his men when I was in a police station a few years ago.” Amelia bit her lip.

  I cleared my throat. “Why would one of his men take notice of you?”

  Her sneer was evident when she raised her arm to reveal the bracelet again. “He saw this and knew what it was. I didn’t even know what it was until Nick reminded me of…”

  Amelia broke off when the sound of horse hooves echoed towards the copse.

  “Great, who’s that?” I looked around, freezing when a group of riders wearing royal garb made their way through the trees towards us.

  “Leon, my friend, what are you doing here with my sister?”

  The figure of the King of England was too recognisable for me not to freeze in terror. Amelia had come back as Henry VIII’s sister? And, I was her secret lover?

  “Brother,” Amelia greeted, her arms outstretched to him. “I’m merely arranging your secret birthday gift. Why did you have to ruin it by coming along?”

  The corner of Henry’s lip lifted into his cheek. He was a sucker for surprises it seemed. Swinging his leg over the saddle, he climbed down from his horse and came over to us.

  “Ah, a surprise? Well, I do love a secret, Mary.” He embraced his sister before turning to me. “And, pray, tell me, Leon, how has my sister roped you into this?”

  Putting on my best face, I smiled wickedly at the king. “Now, Your Highness, do you really want me to ruin it for you? The best thing about a secret surprise, is the fact that it’s secret…and a surprise.”

  My king opened his mouth wide and laughed hard. It had been a trying time for him, I could tell. Memories started to come back to me. Anne was nearby, still at her family home of Hever Castle.

  “Ah, no, you’re right. I like the fun of not knowing what I’ll get as a gift. The Boleyn family are putting on a birthday feast in my honour, I hope you’ll attend, Leon.”

  It was unusual for a King to invite a farmer to court events. However, I had been friends with Henry since we were boys. He would come into the fields to escape every now and then. That’s where
we had met and formed a solid friendship, even if I was rarely allowed to speak to him in public.

  “So, I shall go back to Hever so you can carry on with your scheming. As long as it is just for my birthday, of course.” His wink made me chuckle. Not much got past the king, but he wouldn’t ever suspect the truth.

  Mary was married with children. If anyone ever found out that we were secret lovers, I would be executed. Blinking, I sent up a thanks to the universe for helping me to remember what was going on.

  “Brother, you do make me merry. I shall be back at the castle soon.” With that, Mary kissed her brother’s cheek, smiling as he got back on his horse, saluted us and went on his way.

  “Good job we were fighting before he came,” Amelia said, smiling to herself.


  Her face straightened as I stared at her. She was pretty in an average sort of way. Her small nose pointed up, still giving me that looking down at people impression.

  “We have to hurry or he’ll get suspicious. Firstly, I’m like you, but I can control when I come back. Secondly, I can help you. If you help me.”

  Rolling my eyes, I ran a hand through my now soft hair. There she went again, asking for my help.

  “How can you help me?”

  She looked around, checking that no one spied on us. The king probably had his people everywhere, we were stupid to stand around, talking about the present.

  “I can train you how to control when you time travel.” Her words were whispered, she obviously realised the same as me.

  I paused as she gestured towards the entrance to the trees. It was time to get back to the castle. I lived in a farmhouse on the Hever estate, Henry giving me the farm when his interest in Anne grew. It was a good excuse to visit the area, hiding under the perfect guise of seeing his favourite farmer.

  “You can?” I walked with her, coming out into the field.

  The sun was sinking, low near the horizon. We weren’t too high up, but the long wheat fields reflected the pink of the sunset.

  “Yes. Help me with my boyfriend in the present, and I’ll help you control when you travel.” Patting my arm, Amelia/Mary went on her way.

  I growled low in my throat, determined to hold my tongue. The shadows started to descend as I watched her almost float towards the castle. Could I trust her?

  Turning, she waved at me before calling, “Oh, and Leon, don’t forget Henry’s present when you come to the birthday feast.”

  Chapter Five

  Fluffing my hair one last time, I waited patiently by the doorway. Although I had been invited by the King, I wouldn’t get a formal entrance. A farmer was never announced at a feast, even if he did provide the produce for the supper.

  “Ah, Leon! It’s good to see you,” Henry gushed, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the hall.

  The room was lit by a thousand candles. Although, it was named a castle, it was pretty small in comparison to most castles.

  A long table took up most of the room in the gallery. Roasted pigs, birds and pies lined the wooden surface, ready to be consumed. Henry patted my back, gesturing to the fine looking feast.

  “This is because of you, Leon. These people have no idea what a treat they’re in for. Anyway, how are you, man?”

  Henry held a goblet of wine, swigging every few seconds. A young boy stood nearby, holding a jug ready to refill the king’s cup. Offering me my own drink, he chinked our cups together. His eyes were plastered on the pretty Anne Boleyn.

  “Isn’t she a sight?” he asked me, spilling his drink when the young boy over-poured.

  Waving him away, he glanced at me, waiting for an answer. Nodding as I took a gulp of wine, I smiled.

  “She is indeed, Sire.”

  If the king became too drunk, he may cause a scene. His hankering for Anne had become a public show. Anne’s family revelled in it, ready to make her queen as soon as possible.

  Leo, my present self, sighed as I watched the king. My emotions for the man weren’t real, although I had felt them back in that lifetime. However, I knew how the story played out. A small part of me was sorry for what was going to happen in only a few years’ time.

  “One day soon, she’ll be mine.”

  Scoffing, I put my hand on his shoulder and leant closer to him. “Are you sure you want that?”

  Mary came into the room, drawing my eye. I had quickly embraced the time and our names. Her gown was royal blue with white lacing. Her chest was pressed high to impress her husband, who stood by her side.

  “Why would you ask that?” Henry looked at me, ignoring his sister as she made her way over to us.

  Glancing at Anne, who kept sneaking peeks over to the king, I smiled at the most powerful man in England.

  “I don’t know, I just have a feeling…”

  Mary approached, her eyes on her brother. “How are you?” she asked him, failing to even offer me a cursory glance.

  Henry was drunk, swirling his cup and staring into the liquid. “I think I may need to slow down.”

  Handing me his goblet, he wandered across the room and sat in his place at the head of the table. Every person in the room rushed to their designated chair, sitting quickly when they got there. The king had decided he was hungry, the people had to follow his example. Even Anne’s cheeks were flushed red where she’d had to hurry.

  “I would like to eat so we can get to the dancing. Tonight, I feel like dancing a hundred dances.”

  The company tittered amongst themselves, praising Henry’s enthusiasm. I followed Mary across the room at a more leisurely pace. It was time to present the king his gift.

  “Brother, as you dine, I ask if you’ll permit me to reveal your secret birthday present.” Mary placed a hand on my arm briefly.

  The skin under my sleeve tingled at the simple touch. If I wasn’t careful, I could get dragged into the real time. Forgetting that I was there to complete some sort of mission.

  “Of course, sister, I’m ready for my present.” Henry gestured to her to carry on, his gaze flicking to Anne as she picked at her food daintily. He only wanted to dance with her, it was obvious.

  Would he be so blatant when the time came to whisk her across the dance floor?

  Watching her, I wondered why he had such an infatuation. She was pretty in a Tudor time type of way. Yet, I wouldn’t class her beauty as one that was able to bring a man to his knees, let alone a king. However, I knew the story of her withholding from him. The king could have whatever and whoever he wanted. No exceptions. Until Anne Boleyn.

  “Please, will you fetch the gift?” Mary asked me, her eyes widening as I looked down at her.

  Nodding, I said nothing as I left the room, retrieved the package from the hallway and brought it to the king’s side. Mary stayed at the other end of the table, her hands clenched together as she watched her brother raise his eyebrows.

  Taking the package from me, Henry grinned. Our old friendship would never change. Ripping away the brown paper, he smacked the table, laughing when he revealed the bow and arrow archery set I had apparently hand-made him.

  “Sister! Leon! Why, it’s beautiful. I’ve never seen such a beautiful set, have you?” he asked the table.

  Everyone had stopped eating the moment Henry had. It must be boring to be so followed, all the time. They mumbled their awe, biting on their tongues as they glared at me. A farmer, making the best birthday present for the king.

  “I love it! Tomorrow, we shall go hunting, Leon. Just me and you.” Clicking his fingers, he handed me the set and tucked back into his food.

  “Of course, Your Majesty,” I replied, bowing as I took the set and gave it to Henry’s valet.

  Settling in my seat, which was conveniently next to Mary for some bizarre unknown reason, I tried to ignore her the way she so easily did me. It didn’t work.

  Kicking her under the table, I smiled when she bit her lip and glared at me. “I hope you’re well, Leon. Henry does so admire the archery set, thank you for making it
for me.”

  Resisting the urge to talk normally, I cleared my throat. “You’re very welcome, Duchess. I was wondering how you were fairing? And, also to let you know that the help you offered with the idea of the set, you know, teaching…” I cleared my throat again, but no one was listening.

  They were too busy engrossed with their own tedious lives, not interested in a farmer. Or, the fact he was conversing with a royal.

  “You’re willing to accept my help?” she said under her breath.

  Plastering an amicable smile on my face, I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Oh, good. In exchange for services rendered regarding my love.” She looked over at her husband, making soppy eyes at him.

  If I was the real Leon…well, I was the real Leon, but if I was back in this time, I would have probably wanted to propel from my seat and beat the living daylights out of Mary’s husband. Just because she was my lover in this lifetime.

  My fingers froze on the leg of meat I was about to chew on. No matter how much I tried to not think about it, I could feel that we were lovers. But…

  “Mary! How are my nieces?” Henry winked at me when our gaze met.

  Did he know? Surely not. My head would be cut off, so would hers. The twinkle in the king’s eye made me sit up in my seat. Things were not as they seemed…and it seemed that my memory wasn’t quite as good as I had hoped.

  “They are doing well, brother, very well indeed. Growing into fine young girls.” Mary’s face beamed, turning sour when her gaze landed on Anne Boleyn. “And, you, brother? How is your wife?”

  Catherine of Aragon. No one had dared to mention her name. My skin chilled when Henry’s good humour vanished, his cheeks turning red. There was no secret that Mary didn’t approve of Henry’s obsession with Anne.

  “The queen is unwell and has taken to her bed. She regrets not being here. Now,” Henry said with flourish as he got up from his seat, “it’s time to dance.”

  Everyone rose also, looking longingly at the food still left untouched. I waited for others to move towards the dancehall, away from us.

  “Amelia, meet me tomorrow, before the hunt so we can discuss what we need to sort out this lifetime.”


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