Taking Chances (Love at Starlight, Book 2)

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Taking Chances (Love at Starlight, Book 2) Page 11

by Kris Jett

  Something shifted in Julia’s behavior though. They were playing a friendly game of volleyball with her co-workers when Bryce saw the change in Julia’s face. Happy, social Julia was gone and angry Julia was back. When Bryce served a ball straight into the net Julia had turned and hissed at him, “you serve like shit.” And when Bryce had missed a ball, allowing the other side a point, Julia had snapped, “You fucking loser. Can’t you do anything right?” One of Julia’s co-workers had overheard her rant and stared at Julia, stunned. She then said, “hey, hey, it’s no biggie. Just a friendly volleyball game.” Julia briefly looked humiliated but then plastered a smile on her face and pretended to shake it off. “Oh sure, I get carried away,” she’d laughed. But she wasn’t laughing that night. Soon as they left the picnic, she cussed him out for embarrassing her in front of her co-workers like that. Bryce would have pointed out that he, in fact, didn’t do a thing and she had embarrassed herself, but it wouldn’t have done any good. He found it was best not to say anything when Julia was in one of those moods.

  Looking back, he could see how abusive Julia had been to him. But at the time he thought it was part of being married. He didn’t know any different. Julia did him a favor by throwing him out because really, he should have been the one to leave. And now she had some poor sucker marrying her in June. Bryce wondered if the new guy would experience half the problems he had with Julia.

  Bryce shook his head. He was tired of thinking about Julia. He wanted to forget her completely and just concentrate on good things like the future. And Wynn. He grabbed his phone off the desk near his laptop and sat down on his couch. He clicked on her name in his contacts list and waited for her to answer her phone. Only she didn’t. It went to voice mail. He wracked his brain quickly for something to say that sounded cool and not too forward.

  “Hey, Wynn, it’s Bryce. I had a great time the other night. Wanted to see if you wanted to get together again. Give me a ring.” He disconnected the call. Now the ball was in her court.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Wynn maneuvered the shopping cart down the long aisles as she followed Luci through the massive craft store. Things were slow at Starlight, so the two decided to sneak out and pick up some more decorations for the fundraiser.

  Luci balanced two helium tanks and a package of one hundred heart balloons on the top of the already full cart. “Did I tell you I came up with a name for the fundraiser?” she asked.

  “A name? I thought we were just calling it ‘We Love Deidre Foster.’” Wynn said.

  “Well, we are. I mean, that is what it is. But it doesn’t roll off the tongue when you’re trying to get people to attend so I gave it a new name. ‘Cupid’s Ball.’ Doesn’t that sound amazing?”

  Wynn thought about it. “It’s not really a ball, though, is it? It’s just in the pub.”

  “Wy-nnn,” Luci said, dragging out her name. “Have a little vision. It doesn’t matter. It’s just marketing. People will be more likely to come and spend money if it sounds more Valentines-y. ‘Come to Snowy Ridge’s First Cupid’s Ball to Benefit the Deidre Foster Medical Fund.’ It sounds good, right?”

  Wynn thought about this. “It does,” she finally agreed.

  “Plus, it gives me an excuse to buy all of these silver cupids to hang from the ceiling. I saw them here last week,” Luci said. She ruffled around in some stuff on a shelf and produced a package in each hand. “Yes! Still here,” she said triumphantly.

  Wynn tried to share in her sister’s cheer but she had too much on her mind. She couldn’t stop thinking about that call from Eric. She would have to get a lawyer now, wouldn’t she? And how on earth would she pay for that? It seemed impossible. Why did everything always have to be so darn hard?

  Luci dumped a handful of decorations into the cart and studied Wynn’s face. “You’ve been awfully quiet. What’s up?”

  Wynn looked at Luci and felt her eyes go all teary.

  “Oh, Wynn,” Luci said as she made her way around the cart and put an arm around her sister. “What’s wrong?”

  Wynn had been trying so hard to hold everything in. She didn’t want to bother her sisters or her mom with her problems. She especially didn’t want Jessie to find out. She had such a strong sense of justice. She’d likely get in her car and drive straight to St. Louis to strangle Eric. But Wynn couldn’t hold it in any longer. In the middle of an aisle full of paper doilies and tiny wedding bubbles, Wynn burst into tears. She told Luci everything. She filled her in on every detail of Eric’s last call. When she was finished Luci just stared at her, eyes wide. She gripped the top of one of the silver cupid’s heads so hard it had begun to bend.

  “He can’t ask this of you. It’s preposterous,” Luci exclaimed.

  Wynn nodded in agreement and leaned heavily against the cart. All of the worry suddenly made her feel exhausted. “But he did.”

  Luci shook her head back and forth slightly as she bit her bottom lip. “It’s not like he’s some kind of proper father who can take care of his own daughter. He doesn’t even know Melody. What, he showed up once in the last year and now he thinks he has rights?”

  This was entirely true. Sending Melody off with Eric would be like handing her over to a random cashier at Target. Someone Melody might recognize by sight but not really know. “He’s a stranger to her,” Wynn said. “How do I send my baby to stay with a stranger?”

  “You don’t. We’ll figure it out, Wynn. Try not to let it stress you out too much. I know, I know, that’s a pointless thing to say since you’ll stress regardless. But Eric can’t possibly mean it. He won’t really contact a lawyer.”

  Wynn studied her sister’s face. She wished she could believe what she said was true. That everything would work out. “I don’t know. I don’t know him at all anymore,” Wynn admitted. “I don’t know why he didn’t bother to see Melody all this time. I don’t know why he’s messing around with that teenage girl. And I don’t know why he suddenly wants to be a father. I was finally starting to feel like I had control over my life and now he’s reinserted himself in it and it’s just screwing everything up.”

  A woman in her late thirties or early forties with a cart full of yarn walked by the two sisters slowly, eyeballing them. Which infuriated Wynn. Hadn’t she ever seen someone having a breakdown in a craft store before? Gawd, people were nosey.

  Luci glared at the woman and she quickly shuffled away. To Wynn she said, “No he’s not. You are in control of your life Wynn. You’re the best mom to Melody. You’re back in school and bettering your life. And you just started seeing someone, right?”

  Wynn smiled as an image of Bryce filled her mind.

  “See?” Luci said. She placed a comforting hand on Wynn’s forearm. “Everything isn’t all bad. Has he called you since your date?”

  Wynn straightened up and turned toward a nearby shelf. She picked one of those white crepe paper wedding bells and stretched it open. She turned back to face her sister. “He has. But I didn’t call him back yet. I’m not sure if I should.”

  Luci cocked her head to the side. “What? He made you smile that much just a moment ago, and you don’t want to call him back?

  Wynn sighed and tossed the folded wedding bell back on the shelf. “I texted him the other day to ask for a favor for the fundraiser. He immediately replied of course and that he’d handle it. Which felt really, really nice, just that he was, you know, there, when I needed him. But I haven’t called him back yet to talk about us or where we’re headed or whatever. I just don’t know if I should drag him into my problems. Things are so complicated right now. What if I need to prepare for a big legal battle? Not exactly the best time to start a brand-new relationship.”

  Luci shrugged. “Eh, when is the right time to start a new relationship? It’s life. It’s always complicated. If he makes you happy then you shouldn’t just toss that away.”

  Wynn considered this. She really did like Bryce. She felt such a connection with him and not just in a sexual way, though that had
been amazing and she had been dreaming nightly of a repeat. She thought about their wonderfully fun first date and how hard he had tried to impress her. She was so happy that day. Just being with Bryce and talking to him had made everything all right.

  Wynn wiped at her eyes with the sleeve of her coat. It was likely the worst timing a person had ever had but she did want to see Bryce again. She would call him that night after Melody had gone to bed. Maybe she’d even share with him what was going on. He’d probably understand. He may even have some advice.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Hello,” Bryce said, cursing himself for answering the call on the first ring. He’d meant to play things cooler than this.

  “Hey, Bryce.” Wynn’s voice came through the earpiece of his phone, smooth and sweet like honey.

  He’d been feeling slightly worried when she hadn’t called him back right away but just from those two words, Bryce felt like everything between them was fine. Make that great. The connection he’d felt with Wynn hadn’t been entirely in his head.

  “How are you doing tonight?” he asked. Bryce fluffed up the pillows on his bed and then laid back against them, hoping for a long conversation with Wynn.

  “Better,” she said. “Sorry for not calling you back right away. Things were…kind of hectic.”

  “Was it all that homework I gave you in class?”

  “There was homework? Shit.”

  Bryce laughed. “Kidding, kidding. No worries really. I know you’re busy. How’s Melody?” he asked.

  “Wonderful,” she said.

  Bryce could practically hear the smile in her voice at the mention of her daughter’s name. Wynn had showed him a ton of pictures of Melody on her phone during their date. She was a beautiful little kid. She had a head full of blonde curls and big blue eyes. Bryce assumed she got her hair coloring from her father.

  “She’s the happiest kid on earth. I don’t know why. I guess she’s just easy to please.”

  “And she has an awesome mom,” Bryce added.

  Wynn didn’t say anything but Bryce thought he heard a small sob.

  “Hey,” he said, “you okay there?”

  “Um, yeah,” she said. Her voice sounded shaky. “I guess I’m just not feeling that awesome of a mom just now.”

  “Do you want to talk? Come over to my place.” Bryce sensed Wynn’s hesitation and thought wait, he didn’t want her to think he’s trying to put the moves on her. “How about a drink? Let’s go get a drink and talk.”

  “Okay,” Wynn replied quickly. “Want to meet me at Two Crows in twenty minutes? You know the place?”

  “I do. See you soon,” he said and ended the phone call.

  Eighteen minutes later Bryce was seated at a small table with a flickering votive in front of him. He had already ordered two beers and was waiting for Wynn to arrive. He had gotten ready in record time and broke a few speed limits to get there before her. When he saw Wynn walk in the bar, he grinned and stood up to greet her. Even though he knew she was upset about something, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d seen in a long, long time.

  The two sat down at the cozy table and sipped their beers.

  “Sorry, I’m a little frazzled today. I had class and work and was running around helping Luci with the fundraiser. It’s been a long day. I needed this,” she said with a nod toward her beer.

  “How are things going with the fundraiser prep?” he asked.

  “Really good,” she replied “Everyone is helping out and it’s coming together. Thank you so much again for getting Ed’s band to play at it. You’re a lifesaver.”

  “It’s nothing, really.” Bryce had been more than happy to arrange the music when Wynn had texted him about it. He’d probably do just about anything she asked of him.

  “No, it is. I’m sorry we didn’t give him more time. Valentine’s Day is coming up fast. And I’m sure he probably had other plans for that day.”

  “It’s cool, I promise. His wife Nikki is excited to go to the ball. She said it gives her an excuse to dress up. It’s fine, really. They’re cool. You’ll like them.”

  “Um,” Wynn begun. She suddenly looked a bit nervous. “You’re coming too, right?

  “Are you asking me? Bryce teased.

  Wynn’s eyes twinkled at him. “I guess I am. Will you be my date for the ball?”

  “I’d be honored to,” Bryce replied and then they both giggled.

  “The whole ‘ball’ thing is so weird,” Wynn said. “It sounds funny. A ball in Snowy Ridge.”

  “Well I’m taking it completely serious. I’ll need to know the color of your dress so I can match my bow tie and cummerbund to it. And of course, I’ll need to know the color for your corsage.”

  Wynn looked at Bryce aghast. “Are you really wearing a tuxedo?”

  Bryce grinned. “Well, no. I’ll probably just go with a nice shirt and pants if that’s okay. But you’re definitely getting a corsage.”

  Wynn set her hand on the table, near the candle. “That sounds nice,”

  Bryce reached across the table and set his hand on top of Wynn’s and squeezed. “I can’t think of anyone else I would want to spend Valentine’s Day with.”

  Wynn stared into Bryce’s eyes and Bryce smiled back at her. Then he noticed they looked a little watery, like she might cry.

  “Hey, tell me what was bothering you earlier,” he urged.

  Wynn took a deep breath and then filled him in on the whole long Eric saga.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  “Whoa, there is a lot of stuff in here,” Jessie said as she pushed open the door to Starlight’s back office.

  Wynn and Luci sat on the floor, surrounded by box after box stuffed with every red and silver item imaginable. Crepe paper, ribbons, balloons, cut-out hearts, mounds of heart chocolates, and candles. A big helium machine sat perched on their mom’s desk, ready for use.

  “We’re just organizing,” Luci said as she dumped out another twenty small heart boxes onto the desk.

  “I’m working on the take away gifts,” Wynn said. She held up one of the finished boxes stuffed with chocolates and a mini champagne bottle with “Cupid’s Ball” written across the label.

  “Those are adorable,” Jessie said as she took the champagne bottle out of Wynn’s hand. “You two are so clever.”

  “Why, thank you,” Luci said looking proud. Most of the ideas and decorations had all come from her hard work. She was really throwing herself into this project.

  “Did I tell you guys I’m taking Mom shopping today?” Jessie asked while she nosed through a box.

  “Is she up to it? Luci or I usually just get the groceries for the house.”

  “Not that kind of shopping,” Jessie said. “I’m buying her a new dress for the ball. I want her to look beautiful.”

  “Jessie, that’s so sweet,” Luci said. Luci stared at her sister with love in her eyes. Which was a huge thing for them. It was only a couple months ago, that Jessie and Luci were at each other’s throats. Jessie didn’t exactly take kindly to the news that Luci was coming back home to Snowy Ridge. Prior to her return, the two hadn’t spoken in six years. Not since Jessie was eighteen and Luci was twenty. Jessie had been really serious with her first boyfriend Jason Kirkland at the time. They’d dated for three years. Until Jessie was completely betrayed by her sister and boyfriend.

  One unfortunate night, Luci had shown up drunk with her friends to Jessie’s school bonfire. She said she’d been looking for Jessie to get a ride home but instead she somehow ended up having sex with Jason in the back of his little Mitsubishi. Jessie had stumbled upon the two and went completely ballistic on them both. She’d lost her first love and sister that day. Not too long following that, their father unexpectedly passed from a massive heart attack and the fracture in the girls’ relationship seemed permanent. Luci moved to New York, Wynn moved to St. Louis, and Jessie stayed in Snowy Ridge with their mom to run Starlight.

  Things seemed shaky for a while when Wynn and
Luci first returned to Snowy Ridge but the three were mending their relationships. These days, to the casual observer, the girls seemed like they were your typical loving family.

  Jessie smiled genuinely at Luci. “I know this is going to be hard on Mom. She hates handouts. She has a lot of pride when it comes to stuff like this. I know I would deeply struggle with people helping me out, too. I guess that’s where Mom and I have a lot in common. Her having to swallow her pride this time and allow the community and our friends to help her is huge. I just want her to feel as good as she can for the ball.”

  “You and Mom are definitely the strongest of the Fosters that’s for sure. I wish I had gotten a little more of that gene,” Wynn said.

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Wynn,” Jessie said. “You’re much stronger than you think.”

  “That’s true,” Luci agreed. “Look at all you do each day with school and Melody and work. And now your jerky ex. Loads of people would just curl up into a ball and throw in the towel.”

  Wynn thought about this. She wouldn’t just throw in the towel. Giving up was never an option. Maybe she was stronger than she thought. “Yeah. I guess you guys are right.”

  Luci stood up and moved closer to Jessie and Wynn. She casually put an arm around each sister. “We’re all strong. What we all aren’t, however, is fully hooked up for this ball. Jessie, you’re going to attend with Cade of course. Wynn, did you ask Bryce?”

  Wynn nodded. “He’s coming.”

  “Okay, so looks like I’m the only one dateless. Think ladies, who can we set me up with?”

  Jessie cocked one eyebrow at her sister. “Like you really need our help finding a date?”

  It was true. Luci was a huge flirt and generally had a flock of men eager to date her. She’d even hit on Jessie’s boyfriend, Cade, before she’d realized who he was. She’d backed off as soon as she’d realized he was Jessie’s new man. Luci never had trouble in the romance department.


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