Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell: Twisted Knights MC Book Two

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Twisted Knights: Heaven and Hell: Twisted Knights MC Book Two Page 7

by Calhoun, Lauren

  The End

  Angel and Demon's story is done, but look for Holly and Tatts next!!!

  About the Author

  Lauren Calhoun is a 26 year old, small town country girl. She has two amazing children and is married. Lauren and her husband have been together for seven years, married for five. She also has two fur babies, Kuda Bear and Kmora.

  When Lauren isn't writing she is spending time with her kids. She loves to take them camping, fishing, hunting, to the park and pool. She is a very family oriented person.

  Lauren is an avid reader. She mainly reads Erotica, but every now then, she will branch out to paranormal. She does read mostly Indie/ Self-published books.

  Connect with Lauren:






  “No matter what, stay true to yourself and your family.

  In the end it's all you have left.”

  ~Lauren Calhoun

  If you are going to write a review, please do me two favors!

  1. Please be HONEST. I have my big girl panties on. If there was something you think I need to work on please email me [email protected].

  2. This is a big one, try to leave my personal life (if you know me) out of it. What I do on my time is my own business and has NOTHING to do with this. PLEASE don't write a bad review because I parent my kids different or have very strong opinions. Review based on what you read. I have seen way to many people get bad reviews because of stuff that didn't even relate to the book in question.


  Excerpt of Veiled Memories

  by Jena Baxter

  Ilan’s face twisted and his chest heaved as breath came in quick bursts. The cut in his side throbbed. He poured all his effort into staunching the wound, and felt the pain lesson, then turn into a dull ache as the angel closed in for the kill. Ilan kicked off the ground, spreading battered wings and trying to reach the ceiling. A demon snatched at a wing, catching a handful of feathers and grounding him. Ilan twisted, pulled, and screamed in frustration as the scythe drew closer, hissing as it parted the air. In seconds he would die, and Chayan would too.


  By AF Crowell

  Trauma RN Leila Matthews has seen it all and nothing phased her anymore. Until that morning. Her whole world came crashing down around her when she entered Trauma 3. In the midst of that chaos, an unfamiliar, yet drop dead gorgeous, face appeared. ...

  Leila had no time for relationships, not that she wanted one to begin with. Her parents’ example left her with serious trust and commitment issues. She hadn’t wanted anyone enough to let down her guard. Until he walked into that waiting room.

  Brody Davis was an attractive, wealthy, bed-hopping player. No woman would ever conquer his heart. After losing the only two people he loved at an early age, he built a wall. A cold, heartless, love ‘em and leave ‘em wall. As a real estate developer and mogul, Brody traveled and never sat still. He didn’t need or want anything more than a quick conquest. That all changed the moment he laid eyes on his best friend’s baby sister.

  Can Leila trust Brody with her heart? Can Brody stay faithful and make his best friend see, that to him, she’s different?

  Or will she be PUSHED too far?

  The Silver Lining

  By Jennifer Raygoza

  Chapter 1. Money is like a disease

  Today my freedom was granted to me. I was permitted to leave this prison that I had lived in for the last sixteen months. The guards opened my cell, grinned and told me I could finally go back home. Home? See, it wouldn’t be my home. It would be her home. I have no home of my own anymore. Funny thing about being locked up, is that you lose everything, including yourself. You no longer exist to the outside world. I lost my job, my apartment, and probably my girlfriend, Nikki. She hasn’t written or visited me for the last six months. She at one point stopped accepting my calls. Chances are somebody else has already swooped in and marked that territory.

  I threw Nikki out of my mind, and focused on something more important such as finding a ride out of this place. Today was arranged. Today was discussed. My mother, Victoria planned on being here. She marked the shit down on her iPhone calendar and even set an alarm. At least that’s what she told me. I assumed my mother would come for me, but I assumed wrong. Things never changed with her. Why did I expect this time to be different? After placing several unanswered calls to her phone, I decided on a taxi, instead of waiting here like a dumbass. Surprisingly I had just had enough money to cover the cost in my old wallet.

  “First day out, huh? That’s got to feel great,” the gray haired driver shouted back.

  “Yeah,” I responded, with a lack of enthusiasm, as I climbed into the taxi.

  I sat there in the back of the cab nervously running the palm of my hands up and down my legs. The thought of returning back to my mother’s house had me on edge. I inhaled long and deep and then exhaled out slowly. This painful ache started to build in my neck area, as I looked out the window. A twenty five year old man, such as myself shouldn’t feel this much anxiety about seeing their mom, but I did. I mean, look at me sitting here all wound up like a politician on Election Day.

  The lady I speak of, my mother, gave birth to me, but she damn sure wasn’t very maternal, at least not in my case. Now, my younger brother Chad, on the other hand has always been mommy’s perfect, little boy. He’s currently attending Harvard Medical School, and my mother eats-it-up. “He’s going to be a big time Doctor one day,” she says. That’s her favorite card to play. It’s always the first thing she vomits out of her mouth in any conversation. It’s also something she gets to brag about, to all her obnoxious country club friends. The members there all like to one up each other, and my mother is no different. I swear they keep mental notes of all of the member’s achievements. It’s sick.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m not jealous of Chad at all. My problem lies solely with my mother. Chad, is a good person with a good heart. He worked extremely hard for all his accomplishments, and I respect that. He deserved the world. It’s just hard to keep swallowing all of his perfection, since my mother so eagerly crams it down my throat at every opportunity. I can just hear her now. “Why can’t you be more like your brother? He makes no mistakes. He takes all the high roads and never, ever gets into trouble.” She’s right though. That is exactly how I would describe my brother. Chad is an angel in her eyes.

  Then there’s me, James King. Son of wealthy, ambitious hotel owner, Victoria King, busted for cocaine possession. Let’s be honest. I’ve always been a rebel, a little rough around the edges. The black sheep of the family. The outcast. No one ever thought twice about me, not even when I was arrested. The only thing is I didn’t really do it, but I served time for the crime. Call it guy code or loyalty to a friend or whatever you want. I never snitched. I could have ratted. I should have ratted, but I didn’t. I waited for the person who was responsible to step forward and own up to it and this person failed me.

  All that doesn’t matter now though. I have my freedom and along with that came another issue to deal with. One that felt like a death sentence, because being sent to my mother’s home was the equivalent. I suppose to understand fully why I felt this way, one would have to go back and see the rise and fall of our family.

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  The Diary of Bink Cummings

  Volume 1

  MC Chronicles

  by: Bink Cummings

  Chapter One

  Monday, September 2, 2013

bsp; Today’s the day I start writing to you, and let’s just hope I can do at least this right. My birthday was last week. Last week I turned thirty; last week my life changed into another decade. A decade I swear that I’m going to do better. Considering I spent my entire 20’s bed-hopping from one bad boy loser to the next and never having a damn thing to show for it. No ring, no happiness, a big fat nada. Except maybe the extra ten pounds I’ve gained since high school. Ok, I realize you are probably rolling your eyes at me right now. Yes, ten whole pounds. All of it created by stress eating mass quantities of chocolate and all of it ending up in two places, T&A—need I say more?

  Now… When I stare at myself in the mirror, I see boobs. Boobs is all I see. Or how my mom so delicately puts it, I’m ‘One Big Tit.’ A medium sized woman with boobs too big for her body. I’ve considered having them lopped off a time or two, but then where would my sporadic nipple orgasms go? I can’t jeopardize those, not when they make my toes curl and I’m clawing at whatever man is sucking them, nearly suffocating him in these giant bad boys. I’m a size six. Don’t hate me, I can’t help it. And if I gain weight, I fear I might topple over as my breasts will undoubtedly get larger, they always do. I have a hard enough time buying bras at it is. A size 34 DDD, yes, I said it… Three D’s…I’m not stuttering.

  My hair…it’s always been the same color, different styles and lengths, but I refuse to dye it. It’s blonde, Goldilocks blonde, and it’s short, at least for now. I wear it close to my jaw now; I chopped off the majority of it after my last loser boyfriend and I broke up. My eyes are blue…Why the hell am I’m spouting this shit to you? No damn clue…but I’m at a loss of what to say or what the hell I’m supposed to even write… Just deal? Will ya? Oh sweet Jesus, I’m talking to a diary now. Pathetic, huh? Yup, I’ve stooped to an all-time low. Okay, maybe not low-low, but low enough that I am sitting here in my living room, my laptop in my lap, the TV is on with some infomercial, and it’s five a.m. I am due to my second week of work at eight, and I can’t sleep. I can hardly ever sleep. A few hours here or there, and I’m lucky if I get that..........

  Continue your Ride in MC Chronicles by Bink Cummings:

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