Wilson Mooney Eighteen at Last

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Wilson Mooney Eighteen at Last Page 5

by Gretchen de La O

  I watched as Max and our cart driver shook hands and said their hellos. Their breaths, white with words, introduced warmth to the wintry air. They smiled and popped each other in the chest. I’ve never gotten why guys always hit each other after talking. It’s never made sense to me. “You’re my friend, so let me whack you in the chest—just so you know I’m done talking.” I don’t think Joanie would ever let me haul off and punch her across her shoulder.

  They pulled the doors open, and the heater raging at my feet lost the battle to the relentless, bitter air.

  “Our transportation is on the other side of the airport in the passenger loading zone. Do you think you’ll have a problem getting over there?” Max asked our cart driver.

  “Naw, I’ll curve around closest to the buildings—shouldn’t be a problem.” The guy messed with the starter and handbrake.

  The cart lurched forward. My body tightened and Max wrapped his arm around me.

  “Don’t worry, no more helicopters—promise.” His eyes were just as bright as his smile; right then I knew he had something else up his sleeve.

  The cart stopped in front of the airport entrance, and right away, a guy dressed in black from head to toe pulled open Max’s door.

  “Good morning, Mr. Goldstein,” the man said as we got out of the cart.

  “Good morning, Allen,” Max answered, shaking his hand. “This is Wilson,” he continued as I stepped out.

  “Good morning, Miss Wilson. And Happy Birthday.” His hand shot out toward me; I clutched it, expecting to give him a firm handshake, when he lifted it to his lips. I felt awkward, almost stupid, to think that here we were, right in front of the Aspen airport, and I had some guy kissing my knuckles.

  “Nice to meet you,” I answered automatically.

  “My pleasure.” His eyes locked on mine as he lowered my hand before letting it go.

  He turned to Max. “Everything has been arranged. Go right ahead and I’ll collect your bags.”

  “Thank you so much. And, Allen, Mr. Goldstein’s my father. Call me Max,” he said as he lowered my backpack off his shoulders and set it on top of his duffle bag. Allen nodded.

  Max snatched my hand, and suddenly his urgency to get to the cabin didn’t seem to matter as much.

  “What did you do?” I asked.

  “You’ll see,” he teased me.

  “Yeah, well sometimes your ‘you’ll sees’ lead to…”

  “This one is more your speed,” he interrupted as he came from behind me and lowered his head next to mine. His breath danced around my ear. He pointed to an ultra-stretched, midnight-black limousine.

  “You rented a limo for our ride to the cabin?” I squealed.

  “Somethin’ like that,” he injected as I jumped up and down, kissing him on every ascent.

  I’d never been in a limousine. Yeah, I had seen them roll up to Wesley during vacation breaks, picking up people to take them to the airport or home. But I never thought in my wildest dreams that I was going to get the chance to actually ride in one.

  Max caught my arms. Collecting all the excitement I generated from bouncing, he looked me in the eyes. His attention focused on me as he leaned in and kissed me. My butterflies, dizzy from being jostled around in my soul, fluttered spastically.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” he tickled across my lips.

  I reached up and locked my fingers behind his neck. Tangling my thumbs in his hair, I pulled him toward me for a serious ‘thank you’ kiss. With my lips warm from his, our bodies tight against one another, I could have melted into him and been perfectly content.

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  “You’re welcome.”

  He slid his hands down my arms, catching my hands, and pulled me to our sweet ride.

  “Usually Allen’s the one to hold the door open, but I wanted to be the one to let you in.” He pulled the shiny chrome handle on the back door and swung it open to a whole new exciting experience for me.

  I couldn’t believe what I saw: plush, black leather seats lined the back of the car and up the driver’s side; real crystal wine glasses rested on a mahogany cabinet with cut glass front doors; deep forest-green carpet matched the satin curtains that pulled shut across the windows, accentuating the importance of elegant privacy. My heart scrambled to catch up to the mental picture I was recording in my mind. Max enveloped me with his hands around my waist.

  “Watch your head,” he said. I felt his hand rest on the top of my head before I crouched into the back of the limousine. I lost my breath when I felt the soft leather seats; I couldn’t believe I was finally going to ride in a limo.

  “Oh, Max, this is so amazing.” I slipped into the inviting back seat.

  “I’m glad you like it.” He slid in next to me.

  “I love it.”

  I heard the trunk open and our suitcases and packs being loaded into the back. I tried to see what was going on, but the trunk blocked my view. I heard the front door open and slam shut before the window separating us began to roll down.

  “Whoa, that opens?” I blurted out.

  Max laughed, amused by my unleashed raw excitement, no doubt.

  “Mr. Gold…Max, I’ve stocked the icebox with the beverages and perishables you requested.”

  “Thanks, Allen,” Max answered.

  “You’re welcome; if you need anything…”

  “I’ll use the phone on the wall,” Max interrupted. “Thanks, Allen.” Max pushed the button above his head and the black opaque window closed. I felt the limo begin to move, and suddenly, I realized I couldn’t claim never having been in a limo, ever again.

  “You surprised?” Max asked.

  “Totally surprised. I can’t believe you rented a helicopter and a limo to get to the cabin.” The muscles in my cheeks were tired from smiling.

  “Well, actually, I didn’t rent them, they’re my father’s.”

  “Get out!” I socked him in the arm. “I would never have guessed you had a helicopter and a limo.”

  “I told my dad it was your birthday. He wanted to do something for you, so he sent his driver to pick us up.”

  “That’s so sweet.” My heart swelled with happiness.

  “Well, he didn’t realize that I had other plans.”

  “The helicopter ride?”

  “Yeah, but it actually worked out better this way. Now I don’t have to drive, so I can give you all of my attention.”

  “Ooh, I like that,” I said as I pulled my leg across and hoisted myself onto his lap. His hands gripped my waist and my knees sunk into the seat around him. He sat up straight and I felt his hands drag heavily across my back; his eyes smoldered as he looked at me with such want, I tingled deep inside as the fluttering wings of my butterflies excited the spaces he owned deep within me. My hands clung to his biceps, and I could feel his muscles restrict and contract as his arms moved around my body. I loved the passion he ignited deep down in my soul, the feelings of raw desire balancing on the ache of waiting to have him entirely. His lips traced along my chin and down to the recesses of my neck, causing chills to vibrate throughout my body.

  “You cold?” he whispered. I ignored his question and shifted my hands to the zipper of his dark blue hoodie. I unzipped it while he pressed his fingers to the edges of my cashmere cardigan, tracking my collarbones to the straps of my bra. I couldn’t believe that we were about to make out in the back of a limo. Maybe it’s a cliché, but I didn’t care; I closed my eyes and felt his lips brush across my exposed shoulder. I had no idea if we were going to go all the way in the back of his father’s limo or not; it was so exhilarating. Feeling our bodies sway with the turns and bumps in the road, I tangled my hands in his hair, and adjusted his mouth to meet mine. His lips, hot and wet, mixed with mine. Our kiss was infectious. I couldn’t get enough of him—his taste, his feel, the cold air mixing with the heat of our breath—it all made me blazing hot. Every time he tried to lower his mouth to my neck, I would pull the back of his hair so I could
catch him and bring him to my lips. His hands explored anywhere they could sneak a bare spot on my skin. I could feel him struggling to find the clasp of my bra.

  Max pulled away, his hair tangled and messy from my hands. His eyes told me what he wanted. I unbuttoned the top couple of buttons on my sweater and showed him my bra, clasped in the front, between my breasts. He grinned and then pressed his lips to my heart. His fingers crept up and unsnapped my bra, causing my breasts to fall loose. His warm hands caressed the round edges and pushed them together as his tongue traced my curves. He closed his steaming mouth and gently sucked, lapping his tongue against my hard nipple. I gasped, losing my breath, as it caused a yearning to ripple all the way down between my legs. My hips automatically rotated against his lap. I felt the pressure build in his pants as I compressed against him.

  He twisted and pushed me down on the seat. My hair pulled and locked between my shoulders and the leather. His fingers toiled with the button on my pants and our arms entwined as we both feverishly unsnapped and pulled open each other’s pants. His fingers slid down between my panties and the waist of my jeans. Our eyes met and I lifted my hips off the seat for him. He clutched his bottom lip between his teeth as he pulled my pants down to across my thighs, his gaze smoldering before he dropped his head and pressed his fiery, damp lips to my stomach. His touch sent familiar chills through my core. A feeling so comfortable, I welcomed it every moment we were alone.

  I dragged my hands up his back, carrying the edge of his hoodie and t-shirt; I pulled them off of his body. Now that’s much better. His muscular, well-built back and strong, thick shoulders were completely naked so I could feel and watch his tendons and muscles flex and rotate as he moved and swayed against me. He was insatiable as he worked his way down my body. His arms flexed as he grabbed both sides of my jeans, which were wedged against my mid-thighs, and pulled them down further.

  I felt his breath permeate the front panel of my panties. God, I wanted him to taste me, but he kept kissing everywhere but there. He was such a tease, making sure to caress the tip of his nose down to the curve of his chin against me. I twisted my fingers in his thick, black, shiny hair. I wanted to feel the sharp tips poke and tickle against my inner thighs, something that made me comfortably at home with him. He relentlessly taunted me, his hands cradling my hips as he deliciously massaged the contour of his lips and chin against me, forcing me to the edge of aching ecstasy.

  I snatched the edges of my panties and pulled them down. He looked up at me across my heaving stomach, his eyes wickedly sultry. There was no room for concerns or theories; I knew the minute he lowered his mouth against me and plunged his tongue into the space between my legs I was going to explode. He slid one of his hands up my stomach and grasped my breast. His fingers pulled and delicately stroked my nipple. Everything connected and I wanted him. My hips swayed and thrust rhythmically; instinctually I forced my head against the seat, arching my back in anticipation. Slowly he lowered his mouth to me and the damp heat from his tongue sky-rocketed me into a primal need to orgasm. His head nodded and swayed faster as I clutched at the back of his head and pushed him down harder against me. His visceral growl caused me to burst into a thousand pieces. Millions of sparks crashed and exploded in my body as I lost my breath, moaning in complete euphoria.

  My heart pounded, rapid and loud in my ears. My breath faltered and I had lost any sense of where we were. I only knew I’d reached the familiar place he’s taken me before. It was only after the phone on the console began to ring that I came to realize the limo had come to a stop.

  Max stretched across me and picked up the phone, lying against me. I could feel his unfinished business hard against my thigh and his words vibrate through his body. “Hi, Allen…okay…sounds good, we will be right out. Go ahead and unload our bags. Thanks. Bye.” He hung up the receiver and snuck a kiss. His fingers dropped to my buttons ruefully, fastening them back up.

  I pushed my hands down to the front of his pants. “We’ll have to continue this later.”

  He caught my hands, stopping me from pulling him out of his pants. His eyes drank me up before he took a deep, recuperating breath. “It’s okay, Wilson; I’m fine. Builds anticipation for later, that’s all.” He kissed me before he shook his head and snatched up his hoodie and t-shirt.

  “Really? I guess so. Whew, that was so intense,” I said as I straightened out my sweater and pushed my bangs back out of my eyes. If he can make me feel this way now, what is it going to be like when he makes love to me?

  I wanted more than the twenty-five minutes the limo ride had given us. Sure, we had the comfort of those plush seats and everything we wanted at our fingertips; everything but time. It was probably for the best that we’d gotten interrupted when we did, though. Max had me so hooked, I would have let him make love to me, even if I didn’t want my first time to be in the back seat of a car.

  Chapter Six

  Max leaned forward. His hand drifted across the back of my head as he combed his fingers through the section that had gotten tangled against the seat.

  “Let me fix your hair. We don’t want any evidence of where I just took you,” Max whispered in a light chuckle against my ear. He leaned back as a smile broke across his face. His eyes magically transported me back to what had just taken place between us. His lips were soft and relaxed as he kissed me delicately at the corner of my mouth.

  My body was still humming from what he’d just done to me.

  “I doubt my hair would be the evidence anyone would see first,” I said, knowing I was blushing from the top of my head down through my feet. Max straightened the collar of my sweater, making sure to caress his fingers against my skin.

  “There…you ready?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath. “Yep.”

  When I got out of the limousine and pressed my foot to the driveway, a comforting familiarity washed over my soul. I felt home; I know that sounds corny, even a little freaky, but it felt right. Suddenly, everything that was ever wrong in my life—everything that sucked about being me—was gone. I was Max’s girlfriend, a girl his mom liked and his dad spoiled. Who wouldn’t want to spend a week with people who actually wanted you to be with them?

  Max pulled me over to the massive porch, still laden with multi-colored earthy slate and the same pair of partially nude angels pouring water from huge vases on either side of the rippled glass front doors—still amazing. Max grabbed the massive brass handle and opened the door. The warmth of the house washed over my skin. Soft, seasonal music with delicate bells welcomed us to the rustic, cozy entry. The same sunflower yellow walls swathed me into an easiness that felt like I’d been here hundreds of times before. I pulled off my shoes; Max grinned and slipped off his shoes too.

  “Hey—it’s important to me,” I told him.

  “What? Can’t a guy smile at his girl? Especially after he gives her a limo ride she’ll never forget,” he teased as he picked up his shoes and tossed them into a basket underneath one of the wooden loveseats. He wrapped his arms around my stomach. Nuzzling his face close to my ear, he let out a guttural moan. I felt his entire body push against my backside.

  “Yeah, right; I know exactly what happens when you give me your smile. I end up in a helicopter thousands of miles above frozen cities and uninhabited wilderness,” I teased before I winked and handed him my shoes.

  “Now come on—didn’t I make up for it with the limo ride? I didn’t know you were so terrified of heli—”

  “Maxi, is that you?” Nancy, Max’s mother called out as she came around the corner from the dining room. Her brilliant green eyes met mine, and at once, I fell in love with her all over again. The love she exuded from every pore of her body made me feel like I was right where I belonged.

  “Wilson, sweetheart—come here, birthday girl.” She waved her hands toward me as she held her arms out. I let her give me a welcome that, up until today, had always been reserved for my grandma. “You know, Frank is so excited to hear about your ride
in Ol’ Tweety. Quite frankly, I’ve never liked riding in that death trap,” she continued as I slipped into her open arms. She pulled me close and squeezed lovingly. She smelled like a meadow of wildflowers and felt like the delicate sunbeams that tickled across my skin on a warm summer day.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetie,” Nancy said as I felt one of her hands rub circles across my back and the other catch the back of my head.

  “Thank you, Nancy,” I mumbled across her shoulder.

  Her maternal love flooded over me, extinguishing all the times my mother’s deliberate acts of abandonment burned my defensive heart. Nancy was so good at being mom that I instantly ached when she let go. Her hand slid across my shoulder as she held her other arm out for Max to join our intimate moment.

  “Ma, you were right,” Max mentioned as he slipped next to her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Well then, maybe next time you’ll listen,” she smiled at him before messing up his hair. “I see you still didn’t get your hair cut.”

  “Aw, come on. Can’t admitting you were right be enough to keep you from giving me static about my hair?”

  “Well, just remember, I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. I’ve been around longer than you think,” Nancy smiled before letting go of Max and me.

  Max grabbed my hand before he turned and asked, “Where’s dad?”

  “He and Camille went over to the Randohs’. Greg blew a circuit breaker or something when he plugged in a new plasma TV he gave Pam for Christmas. And, well, you know Greg—he can’t change a light bulb without screwing it up,” Nancy laughed as she patted Max on the shoulder and pulled at his collar. “They should be here any time.”

  Max smiled before he cleared his throat; he was just about to say something when the door slammed.

  “Helloooo! We’re baaaack!” Frank bellowed. My heart pattered at the sound of his voice.

  “Hey, Dad,” Max said at the same moment Nancy announced, “We’re in the family room.”


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