Bad Boy Romance: Bad Marine (Bad Boy Military Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy New Adult Contemporary Male Stories)

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Bad Boy Romance: Bad Marine (Bad Boy Military Romance) (Alpha Bad Boy New Adult Contemporary Male Stories) Page 21

by Joyner, GP

  The morning after, I covered her in freshly harvested flowers and made her a queen-style breakfast. We laughed a lot and our routine was incredible. We would eat, drink, and have a lot of sex and sleep. When we were tired of doing that, we would take a walk on the beach or swim in the shimmering ocean or even go to the small village nearby to change landscapes. Life was perfect, and I didn’t want to change it by reminding myself that my mission was to kill her or telling her about it. But eventually, something had to be done, and I decided to be honest with Sara.

  “Hey, baby, I need to talk to you.”

  “Yes, of course. What is it?”

  “I haven’t been honest with you this whole time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have more in common than you imagine, and it wasn’t destiny that brought us together. Well, at least not our destiny to be lovers.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I am a bear shifter too.”

  “Bear shifter? What is that?”

  “Don’t worry; don’t be scared. I know everything about your curse.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I am a bear man,” I restated, “but a natural one. You see, my family has an old traditional alliance with the bears that have been living in the same region as us. Over the years, our DNA has merged, and now we are a fully connected species. For us, it is an honor to be like that, and we are really proud of it.”

  “Okay, so that is a good thing, right? You understand what I have been through.”

  “More or less. I understand now, because I have met you, but most people in my family don’t. There is a reason why the sorceress cursed you and other families of beautiful ladies. Do you know that reason?”

  “It has something to do with fertility and femininity, doesn’t it?”

  “That is the punishment. The consequence of the curse is directly linked to that. But why did she curse your family in the first place?”

  “Because my ancestors were vain, shallow, and disrespectful.”

  “And how do you feel about that?”

  “Now I am already used to it.”

  “But how did you feel in the beginning, when you first found out about the curse?”

  She looked at me like I was being stupid. “I was angry, of course.”

  “Exactly. But you have managed to control yourself over the years. Not everybody does that. Most bear women do a lot of stupid thing that make us, bear shifters, look bad. We don’t want that to happen. So my mission is to find artificial bear shifters and get rid of them.”

  “By ‘get rid of’ do you mean killing them?”

  “Well, that is what I was supposed to do. But don’t worry; I have never killed anyone. I have chosen a different path instead. I make my prey’s lives miserable.”

  “Is that what you are going to do with me? Make my life miserable? Is that why you brought me here?”

  “No, of course not. You are different. You are nothing like the girls I have met before and punished. You are smart, you are fun, and you really make the world a better place… Besides that, there is another extremely important detail…”

  “What is it?”

  “I love you.”

  She froze for a second before she blurt out, “Fuck you!”

  “Why? Don’t you love me back?”

  “Of course I do, and you know that. But I wish you had told me that in a more romantic and less threatening way. I am so angry right now that I can already feel my body hair growing, and I hate you for that.”

  “Do you want to go for a ride? To make your anger go away?”

  “I don’t think that driving around will make me feel better.”

  “What about walking? Or, even better, running?”

  “Running? I don’t have any sports clothes with me.”

  “You won’t need them. Let’s go run shifted. What do you think?” I asked, hopeful.

  She looked outside, into the forest. “Shifted…? I haven’t done that in ages.”

  “Don’t you miss it?”

  With a nod, she said, “A little.”

  “I bet it will make your anger go away. And now you have company.”

  “You are crazy, but I like it.”

  So we went outside, and we counted the stars until we fell asleep. I don’t remember much about that night, but we woke up dirty and smiling in our backyard. Yes, I still had to deal with my family. But now that I had that secret off my chest, we could do it together. Nothing seemed impossible, and we felt like we ruled the world, or at least the forest close to the cottage. Will we be able to survive? Will our love last? I can’t tell, but as long as we have the sea breeze in our faces and, most importantly, each other, nothing else matters.

  You don’t believe me? Go on, and try to catch us. I bet you can’t outrun a couple of bear lovers. We will already be back before you leave. Do you want a ride? We are always open to partners for new adventures. Do you want to apply? Are you the one? Do you have what it takes to be part of our fantasies? There is only one way to find out…


  Dead Dark

  Paranormal Romance

  By: GP Joyner

  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

  Please ensure this ebook is stored somewhere that cannot be accessed by underage readers.

   Copyright 2015 by G.P. Joyner - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Sheryl and David were both nervous. Neither knew exactly to expect, but they hoped that whatever this would lead to, it would work. The offer was somewhat vague, yet extremely intriguing. As they navigated the city to the restaurant, they nervously discussed their vague apprehensions and expectations.

  “Are you sure you want to do this Sheryl?” asked David. “We can always turn around and cancel.”

  “No, I really want to give it a try. I’m willing to try anything at this point. We don’t even know what to expect, and this could be the thing that works,” answered Sheryl.

  “So what exactly are you expecting at this point?” he inquired.

  “I really don’t know what to expect, David. Herbs maybe? Oils? Magic?” she laughed, “who knows?” She was asking rather than answering his question. “All I know is that I want it to work, and I don’t want to have to take anymore drugs. I just want my body to work right.”

  “I know honey. We’re doing this so you won’t have to do any more treatments,” he reassured her. “’Ancient knowledge’ could mean any number of things. At this point, I would be open to anything. The end result is what matters.”

  They pulled into the restaurant as he was finishing his last sentence. Sheryl breathed an audible deep breath as they pulled into an open spot. It was clear that she was nervous. David shut off the Suburban and killed the lights. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “As ready as I can be, I suppose,” she answered, then opened her door. They met at the front of the car, joined hands, and walked into the restaurant.

  Cadence glanced up as the white Suburban pulled into the parking lot. She was a few shops down from the restaurant, but had a clear view of the parking lot. A nervous looking couple got out and joined hands.

  He was tall and quite handsome. With olive-toned skin and dirty blonde hair, he almost glowed a golden color. He had cool blue eyes that looked like a calm blue oasis, and when he smiled lovingly at the woman his cheeks almost burst in a sincere grin. Cadence could detect a hint of nervousness, but his strength and love towards his wife really showed. It was clear why; she swooned
at him and almost visibly melted as he grabbed her hand. It seemed as if they both held each other in very high regard and loved each other dearly.

  She was quite striking herself. Her hair was a deep brown that contrasted nicely with her fair skin. She had golden brown big doe eyes that almost twinkled as she smiled back at her husband. She was somewhat petite, with the top of her head coming up to her husband’s chin. They were both so gorgeous and sincere looking, Cadence almost felt a pull to them. She watched as they entered the restaurant.

  She took a moment to check herself out in a shop window. She had picked out a flowing white miniskirt that screamed girl-next-door. Her top was a deep purple tank with a v-neck that hinted at her voluptuous breasts. The color contrasted nicely against her porcelain skin, and complimented her searing green eyes perfectly. She was satisfied with the outfit, as it was very alluring, but in an almost accidental way. She ran her fingers through her long auburn brown hair, smoothing it out. She wanted to make a good first impression.

  Not wanting to seem in too much of a hurry, she continued slinking towards the restaurant slowly, watching the couple wait for a table through the glass. A smile spread across her face as she watched them disappear from sight following the hostess to where she would join them. She arrived at the door a moment or two later, and announced her name to the hostess. As she approached the table, she saw the couple had aligned themselves on the same side of the table, facing the entrance. She smiled as she approached, and both parties smiled back.

  As she arrived, the female was the first to greet her. “You must be Cadence,” she said warmly. “I’m Sheryl and this is David.”

  “I am,” answered Cadence as she took her seat. “It’s so nice to meet you two. Have you had a chance to look over appetizers? I’ve been here before, and I could highly recommend the fried green tomatoes with corn salsa. It’s been on the menu over 70 years.”

  “Sounds quite delicious,” said David, “I’m sure we would both enjoy it.” He glanced at his wife and she nodded and smiled. As the server approached, he turned to her and placed the order.

  “I’ll have a daiquiri and a water as well,” added Cadence, glancing at both Sheryl and David and seeing that each had something similar in front of them. The server walked away and Cadence turned to the couple. Taking command of the conversation, she was prepared to be blunt.

  “I am sure you are curious how I can help. I have already told you that I have ancient knowledge that can help you conceive. I am prepared to help you with this, but I must warn you before we proceed. You must come to be completely comfortable with me in order for this to work. If you have any apprehensions, or cannot be completely open and honest, I cannot help you. So before we move on, I’d like to suggest that we first get to know each other better.”

  “Okay,” agreed Sheryl, almost hesitantly though.

  “First, how long have you two been married?” asked Cadence.

  David made a comical deer-in-headlights expression, but was quickly rescued by Sheryl, who had luckily not seen. “Six years,” she answered. Cadence smiled at the cute and comical, almost stereotypical response from David. He smiled sheepishly at Cadence, acknowledging that he had been caught off guard.

  “Okay. Are you still in love?”

  “Very,” answered David. He had no trace of deer-in-headlights on this one. Sheryl smiled warmly at him. Cadence smiled at him again, though this time her smile conveyed something completely different.

  “Great. That matters to me,” Cadence informed them, “So how long have you been trying to conceive then?”

  Sheryl looked down and blushed. “Six years as well,” she answered. “We began probably a month after our wedding. At first, we just figured not ‘preventing’ pregnancy would be enough. After about a year of trying just that, we started working harder for it.”

  “And what have you tried?” asked Cadence.

  “We track my cycle. We ‘try’ often. I was on fertility treatment for four years, but it didn’t work, and I am ready to try something new.”

  “Sounds like you’ve been really trying,” said Cadence sympathetically, “but how often is often?”

  This question made David blush instead. “Every other day, except on fertile days, which is every day,” answered Sheryl without a hint of embarrassment.

  “It sounds like you have a routine down,” observed Cadence.

  “Yes, we do,” answered David, still blushing. It was almost odd that a blush could even be detected in his olive face. It was almost as if his emotions chose boldly to be on display, despite the factors that may keep them under wraps.

  “Now we move into the hard questions,” said Cadence, as David and Sheryl looked at her, almost seeming perplexed, “Do you still enjoy sex?”

  David and Sheryl both glanced at each other and blushed. With impeccable timing, the server arrived with the appetizer. “Would you guys like to place your orders?” she asked.

  Seeming immensely relieved to have another, much easier question to answer, David answered almost too eagerly. “Um, yes, just let me look at the menu for a moment,” he bumbled nervously, “I haven’t even looked.” He let out a nervous laugh.

  Sheryl then blushed in embarrassment and tried to save her husband. “We’ll take a moment, please,” she directed at the server.

  As the server walked away, David kept his face buried in the menu. “We were just discussing that question yesterday,” he told Cadence honestly. He glanced at his wife, almost seeming to seek permission before moving on with the conversation. The look on his wife’s face must have reassured him, as he continued, “We have gotten in such a routine that the answer is almost no. We still find each other attractive, but the drive is no longer there for either of us. It’s almost as if sex has become a chore.”

  “Thanks for being so honest,” Cadence responded genuinely, “A lot of what I can do for you could almost be considered ‘sex therapy’. I firmly believe that your chances of conception rise significantly when both parties are relaxed and content. Let’s have the appetizer and move on with the meal, and we can discuss this further after we’ve finished. ”

  “Sounds good,” answered Sheryl, almost sounding relieved at the prospect of not having to discuss their current sex life.

  The rest of the meal went smoothly, with everyone making small talk, and enjoying the simple pleasure of good food together. Through the course of the meal (and with the help of an alcoholic drink each), the three of them hit it off well. By the end of the meal, the three of them almost felt like good friends.

  “I’m sorry for getting so embarrassed before,” David said, “After all, we’re all adults, and sex is just a part of conception. But I have to ask, what does it matter if we enjoy the sex? You know, besides that just being a preference?”

  “Well, I’m actually quite glad you asked,” said Cadence, “For what I’m doing to work, there has to be a certain energy level. All parties have to physically enjoy what is going on. It cannot be simply a chore, as it is a ritual that needs the proper energy to work.”

  “It sounds like magic,” laughed Sheryl, “not that I wouldn’t be willing to try magic.”

  “It’s something like that,” answered Cadence, “Let’s finish up here, and we can go for a walk to further discuss.”

  “Okay,” answered Sheryl, more serious this time. “Are you serious about the magic, though?”

  “I will explain everything,” promised Cadence.

  As they exited the restaurant, they noticed the night had become much cooler. Cadence led the way to a tucked away walking trail beside the shops. This trail was the entire reason she had chosen this place. She needed a private area to reveal the truth to Sheryl and David. They walked along in silence for a moment, then David piped up as if he could no longer bear the suspense.

  “So what is this magic that you speak of?” David asked in a playful tone.

  “I guess you could call it magic,” answered Cadence, “but it’s really just natu
re. Most people just don’t have much of an understanding of these things, though, so it looks and sounds like magic. Magic is just a title that has been given to it. Although for those that understand, the title is deemed incorrect, what I will show you would be called magic by your definition. My definition of what it is just cannot accept such a title that separates it from nature.”

  “I’ve always been intrigued by these things,” David told her, “Sheryl and I have an open belief in energy, but don’t actively seek or pray. We just kind of believe that energy exists and that it is a part of all of us.”

  “Do you believe that you can tap into it?” asked Cadence.

  “Yeah, I would say that we do,” answered Sheryl.

  “It’s good to know that you guys are so open,” said Cadence, “because the next bit is harder to believe.” She glanced around to be sure that they were alone, now far enough down the path to totally avoid detection.

  “What’s that?” asked David.


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