Standing There (Love in the Park Book 1)

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Standing There (Love in the Park Book 1) Page 5

by C. M. Steele

  “We didn’t have sex, but we almost did.”

  She throws her arms around me in a choking hug. “That’s great. You’ve finally relaxed and wanted to give it up. I mean he’s got some secrets, but they aren’t deal breakers.” I manage to break out of her clutches, and she grins.

  “They are for me,” I mutter. I don’t even have confidence in what I’m saying, but it’s scary to believe his intentions were good.

  “Don’t you even want to hear what he has to say?” she asks in complete disbelief. That ticks me off. I’ve been through a world of hell over the past five years, and I have the right not to trust someone who let me down in a flash.

  “Why? So he can lie some more?” I challenge. I hate that she’s not on my side about this.

  “No, so I can tell you the truth.” Roman is standing inside the doorway, his face expressionless.

  “Is everything clear?” Katherine asks him. She’s not as freaked as she should be which begs the question, how much of this did she know about and why would she keep it from me? We’re supposed to be best friends, but she appears to be chummy with the guy who claims I’m special to him. They’re both liars. Has she been working with Brent this whole time to keep an eye on me? I know my brother is insanely in love with her even if he won’t admit it, so he’s liable to tell her anything she wanted to know.

  Roman steps between us, and Katherine gives him room. “Yes, for the time being. Katherine, I need to talk to Lindsay. Alone. Exit here and go to the room on your left. It’s the study, lock yourself in and don’t leave until I come to get you. Dan and Denver are out there in the hall to keep guard.”

  I see a sorrowful nod come from her as she takes a step toward the door. She gives me one half-smile and says, “Okay, I hope you two can work this out.”

  “Same here,” he agrees, staring at me. He blows a hard breath, then walks to the wall where the guns are. He hits a code, unlocking the door to put away the guns. He doesn’t put them all away, I notice he still has one tucked in his waistband behind his back. The room is pregnant with growing silence and mounting tension. I want answers, but I’m afraid to ask for them. Whatever is going on, it was never above board. I watch him, pressing his hands against the wall, leaning forward while trying to gather himself. I don’t know what he’s going to say, but it’s better than the silence.

  He doesn’t turn around, before he starts talking, “Your brother contacted me over three weeks ago. Two days after our initial phone call and emails, he showed up in my office to talk about what he needed and the importance of it all. He wanted you to have full protection twenty-four hours a day. We rarely take on twenty-four seven personal security, but after reviewing the details of the case, I knew that you would need it. We were almost done with our meeting when I saw your picture for the first time. He had sent me two pictures. The first you were smiling with your family. So fucking beautiful and happy, but it was the second one, the one where you were standing on the beach with wisps of your blonde hair blowing with the wind out of your loose braid.”

  He turns around, halting his monolog to approach me. “I fell for you right then and there on the spot. I saw you step over the pain of the past and learn to smile with all of your heart. I knew that I would do all I could to protect you.”

  I’m doing the best I can to stop myself from tearing up, but it’s hard to do when I know that I’m in love with this romantic jerk. “Why did you wait to meet me if that’s true?” I need answers because all of this still doesn’t make sense to me. Since I saw him, I couldn’t back away, and yet he claims to have been interested in me for so long without even meeting me.

  “I still had a job to do. You know, it’s terrible for business if we got personal with our clients. At your graduation, I nearly broke all the rules and rushed up to you. Meeting you at the concert was purely accidental.” He reaches for me, but I dart out of his grasp. My heart was a sucker for him, but I had learned what being naïve could cost me. And that shit, Katherine easily abandoned me.

  “I’m supposed to believe that?” I ask incredulously.

  He barks out a laugh, shaking his head. “Yes, because it’s the truth. See, the thing is… I pulled myself from watching you, and my staff made sure that I wasn’t made aware of your location unless necessary. They were surprised to see me last night, too. Truthfully, I was there to take my sister to a concert and meet with the mayor. My company handles the security for the event.”

  Damn, I should have put two and two together. “Oh shit. That explains why he stopped me. He made an excuse saying that the exit was closed off. Why didn’t you tell me today?”

  He drops his chin to his chest, huffing out a breath. “I don’t have much of an excuse other than I wanted you to know me better before you tried to push me away.”

  “I don’t know what to believe.”

  “Believe this.” He presses his hand over mine, bringing it to his chest. “I’m not sure how to go further. There’s more to say, but I know that when you find out, you’ll hate me more.”

  I decided to give him a break. I understand some of his intentions, even if I don’t like it. “I don’t hate you. I’m confused and hurt. I’ve been burned before.”

  He nods. “Yeah, your brother mentioned having your heart broken. I’m not that guy.”

  What? Brent read that whole situation wrong, but that’s probably because I never told him the truth either. “I’ve never had my heart broken. I was hurt and feeling horrible about myself but wait…” I narrow my eyes getting mad all over again. “Does that mean my brother knows you’ve been acting like more than a bodyguard.”

  “No, and he’s probably going to want to fight when he finds out. He only told me when I asked for more details about your activities. Of course, it’s because I selfishly wanted to know all I could. He brought up how you didn’t go out and date much and then the one time you did, you had been crushed by some guy.”

  “There’s something I don’t understand. Why all the protection? Is it because I’m leaving for school soon?”

  “Leaving? What? You still think I’m going to let you leave?” My thighs clench at the promise of keeping me with him.

  “Yes, I’m supposed to start school next week.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he mutters, shaking his head at me. “I’ve got lots of things I’d rather you were doing. None of them have you leaving me.” Fuck, he’s doing it again. My body is alive with need. I read his intent clearly. Suddenly an image of me in the kitchen with his arms sliding around my waist, rubbing my round belly.

  I can hear a noise outside the room, bringing back to our current situation. “So what’s really going on? What happened outside?”

  He doesn’t say anything for a cool minute. “Are you thinking of a new way to keep the truth from me?” I accuse.

  “No, I won’t lie to you,” he says, sliding his hands around me and looking into my eyes. I wait for him to continue but it feels like forever when he explains, “Your attacker was released from his sentence. A technical error.”

  I try to breathe or to even utter a word, but my world goes black.

  Chapter 11


  I’m grateful that I’m holding her when she passes out. Carrying her over to the sofa, I place a pillow under her head and go for the smelling salts in the emergency kit. She startles for a moment, looking around in pure fear. “I’m not going to let him get to you ever. I’ll protect you.” I stand up to get her some water, but she grabs my forearm fiercely. “Don’t leave me.”

  I bend down and kiss her lips. “I’m not going anywhere. There’s a fridge across the room. I need to get you some water.”

  I focus on Lindsay, lifting her head and getting her to take a drink. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “He’s here,” she stammers out with her body quivering. I pull her up to a seated position and wrap her up in my arms.

  “Hopefully in a body bag soon. He was outside the property, but he’s causing a ru
ckus, but it’ll be over before you know it. I won’t let him get to you. You have to remember that.”

  She whips her head up to look at me with fear in her eyes. “What about Brent? We have to get him to somewhere safe.”

  I rub the back of my neck, attempting to let it out gently, “Yeah, that’s another thing…”

  “What? Please don’t tell me.” Her eyes water with unshed tears and her lips parted in fear.

  Fuck, I hate that I put that look on her face, so I spit it out, “He’s alive. Although Guest attacked him this morning while you were in the shower.”

  “Where is he? We have to get to him.”

  “No. You’re not going anywhere. He’s fine and well protected. It’s you we need to keep safe.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because he told me not to. Do you see that you just fainted because Guest’s out? I needed to have you somewhere you could be protected. It’s not like her apartment was safe enough."

  “He doesn’t know where she lives.”

  “I’m sorry, but yes he does. He was also at the park yesterday. I saw it when I got home last night.” I hold her close, rubbing her arm and brushing her hair out of her face. My phone goes off, and I answer immediately. “Yeah.”

  “The police want a word with me. Do you want to stay in here or join your friend?”

  “I’ll go with Katherine. That’s why you brought her here isn’t it?”

  “Yes, your brother asked to take both of you to a safe place,” I say, brushing her hair out of her face. “I had to think quick.”

  “He’s in love with her,” she blurts out.

  “I know. I found that out the second he showed me her picture,” I chuckle, cupping her face. “You can be mad at me if you need to be, but I love you, Lindsay.” I drop my head, taking her mouth. She doesn’t resist at all. Her hands thrust into my hair, and I pull her onto my lap. My cock’s getting stiffer by the second. I growl against her mouth, kissing down her neck. “You’re mine, and I promise that I’ll make you so damn happy.”

  A knock at the door causes us to freeze. “What?”

  “The cops are waiting.”

  “Fuck, I’m coming.” I move her back to the sofa so I can stand, then lift her in my arms cradling her. We exit the safe room and into the study where the police have gathered. The cops are better looking than I expected and both of them have their eyes on my woman. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her to my side.

  After about twenty minutes of explaining what’s going on, they leave with a promise to search for him. The girls and Brent are still going to have full security on them. I did inform them that if he comes after her again, I will end him. The lead cop nodded in agreement.

  “Well, that was eventful.” Lindsay glances over at her friend who seemed to be away in thought, then Lindsay informs me, “I need to call my brother and have him tell me he’s okay.” Katherine’s eyes pop open and focus on her.

  “Here baby, I’ll call him and hand you the phone.” I dial his number, and he picks up on the first ring.

  “Is everything okay? Where’s Lindsay and Kat?”

  “They’re both right here. Lindsay wants to make sure you’re alive. She doesn’t believe me.” I hand her the phone. She steps out of the study and talks to her brother. I give them the privacy because there’s no danger in the hall.

  About five minutes pass, and I don’t hear her. I look out to see she’s gone. Damn it, I run to the family room, she’s not there. Then I run to my room, and before I get to the door, I hear the shower. I hurry down the stairs and tell them, “Lindsay, and I need to talk. I don’t want to be bothered with anything.”

  “Cool, I feel that large sofa calling my name.” I leave them there and dash back upstairs with my cock pressing against the teeth of my zipper.

  Chapter 12


  As soon as I end the call with my brother, I walk around the house. I don’t feel like talking to anyone, but Roman. I realized so much during the interview with the police and my call with Brent. Roman truly cares about me, and I find his protectiveness so sexy. Every time the police officers spoke to me, Roman held me tighter, stealing little pecks on my neck, shoulder. I knew he was marking his territory, but hot damn, I forgot about the lies. When I think about it, it’s not that bad. As mad as I was with Katherine, I realized she was right. We knew each other a day and really didn’t have time to talk especially with danger lurking. But I will make it clear…if he lies to me again, I’ll rip his balls off.

  Now, to get rid of the stress and feel the passion only Roman can give me. I make my way up the stairs and to his bedroom. I close the door then kick off my shoes. As I move toward the bathroom, I toss my top on the floor, followed by my socks. By the time I’m in the bathroom, I’m standing in only my bra and panties.

  I smile after switching the shower on. It won’t be long before he finds me in here. I take out my ponytail shaking my hair out as it falls over my shoulders. My hands slide behind to unclasp my bra, then I hear a growl coming from the door. I hurriedly cross my arms over my chest to stop my bra from falling. “Oh, Roman, I forgot to lock the door,” I lie, feigning innocence.

  “Bullshit, baby. Don’t stop. I love the sexy show. Strip for me,” he demands, standing there completely barefoot, and he’s lost his shirt. My pussy is soaked, just watching him with his arms crossed waiting for me to continue. There’s no way I can deny him the pleasure when I know he’s going to give me so much more. I drop my hands, letting my bra slide down my arms. His penetrating gaze sends shivers through me, and it my core in full force. Is it possible to come without being touched? I doubt it, but it’s going to be close. He stalks toward me. “Enough,” he barks out. With a strong grip, he grabs the edge of my panties and tears. My body is shaking with need. “I need you now.” He reaches in the shower and shuts it off. “We’ll save that for later. I want your soaking wet pussy on my tongue now.”

  He lifts me onto the vanity, parts my thighs, and drops to his knees. Roman moves his hands up and down my thighs, understanding that he’s pushing me over the edge with every little gasp that seems to fall from my lips. I’m so lost to the need, I don’t even feel the least bit of nervousness. I want him to make me scream his name. I want to come for him over and over. His tongue slides across my seam, dipping in to lick me. I throw my head back, nearly hitting the mirror, but none of that matters because I’m in heaven. I feel his strong hand part my pussy, while he pushes one finger inside. His mouth sucks and licks with each thrust of his finger. I fall apart, coming so hard I can’t think straight. “Roman, Roman, take me now,” I shout, dragging him up to me and kissing him insanely. I can feel him undo his pants and the tip of his cock at my entrance.

  “This is going to be quick, baby, but I’m going to make it up to you.” He lunges forward, sending his cock deep inside of me, tearing my barrier to shreds. The pain is there, but it’s only a pinch and a sting. Then he slaps my ass—hard, and I don’t feel a damn thing on my pussy but pleasure. Fuck, I’m practically gushing from that. “I would say I’m sorry, but I think your pussy likes when you get spanked.” He did it again, and I had to agree. I loved it. Holy hell, I clench around his thick cock that’s practically breaking me in two, and yet, I want more. He bends down and takes one of my boobs in his mouth while his strong hand pucks and squeezes the other. Each pump gets faster and faster until I feel him unloading deep inside of me.

  I think he’s done, but he’s not. While still inside of me, he kicks off his pants and underwear and walks us back to the bed completely naked. I moan with each step his cock pumps inside of me. He sits on the edge of the bed, then lays down with his feet on the floor. “Ride me, baby.” Shy, I bounce slowly up and down. My movements aren’t right because this is the first time. He growls, and grasps my hips, helping me fuck myself on his cock. He slides one hand in front and stroke my nub as I get the rhythm that feels incredible. He slides his hand around my waist and drags me
down to him for a kiss while rolling his hips. I’m so close that I start moving, rocking my hips forward and rubbing my pussy on him.

  With another manly rumble from his chest, I find myself on my back in the middle of the bed, and my lover dominating me with his weight and strength. He takes his time, slowly moving back and forth until I’m dancing on the edge of my orgasm. Lowering his head, he whispers, “I love you,” then claims my mouth.

  I come harder than the first time, screaming his name forgetting that anyone else is here. “Roman, Roman.”

  He roars out his release, coming deep inside again. With my eyes hazy and body perfectly soar, he pulls out and lies next to me. “You’re mine,” he whispers, kissing my neck and snuggling me in his arms.

  “Yes, I am,” I say before sleep takes me.

  Chapter 13


  I roll over and see that we’ve slept for several hours. I get up, leaving my future wife lying in bed with a sheet barely covering her naked body. Leaning down, I kiss her bare shoulder. “I’m going to see about dinner.” My phone has a blinking light, so I check it. I chuckle and sit down on the edge of the bed next to her sexiness. “Baby, Katherine is making her way to your place. She claims she wanted to make sure you had more clothes.”

  “Hah, she’s going to check on Brent. Please tell me she didn’t go alone.”

  “No, Dan and Denver are escorting her there. Are you hungry?”

  “For you,” she moans, spinning onto her back with the cover sliding down and revealing her breast to my eyes. I growl, lowering my head and snatching her nipple into my mouth sucking on one while my hand teases the other. She cries out, rubbing her thighs together. The sheet slips between her thighs and moves with her body rocking and looking for more. I pull back enough to ask her something.

  “Baby, do you want to come again?”


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