Murder in Georgia

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Murder in Georgia Page 15

by Agnes Alexander

  “Oh. When will she be back? Later today?”

  “She won’t be in today.”

  “Oh, hell. I wanted to ask her something.”

  “Is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Yes there is. Where’s Connor?”

  “He’s out of town on business.”

  “I know that, you idiot.” Her voice was sarcastic. “I want to know where he went on business.”

  Again Paul had a feeling he shouldn’t tell her. “Why do you want to know where he is?”

  “If you must know, brother-in-law, I thought I’d go to wherever he is and surprise him. He needs someone to relax with after a long business day.”

  “I thought he made it clear he wasn’t interested in you. So, I don’t think you should go anywhere near him, sister-in-law.” His voice was sarcastic too.

  “And why not?”

  “Elsie, Connor doesn’t want to have anything to do with you, so there’s no reason for you to keep pursuing him. He doesn’t want you to comfort him or cheer him up or surprise him when he’s on a business trip.”

  “He just doesn’t know what he wants. I know how to treat a man. Once I get him in bed, he’ll change his tune and quickly.”

  “I can’t see that happening.”

  “Damn you, Paul. Why not?”

  “Elsie, I hate to be blunt, but maybe it’s the one thing you’ll understand. Connor is not interested in you, because he thinks you’re a slut.”

  “How dare you say that! I don’t believe Connor thinks that at all. Where is he?”

  “I’m not going to tell you.”

  * * * *

  “Bastard!” Elsie slammed down the phone.

  “Watch your language, sister,” Erline said when her twin turned around.

  “I can’t help it. That no good bastard husband of yours makes me furious. How can you stand him?”

  “I said, watch your mouth, Elsie.”

  “Why should I? He won’t tell me where Connor is, and I’ve got to know.”

  “Why do you have to know where Connor is?”

  “Because I’m going to find him and surprise him with a visit.”

  “Elsie, why can’t you accept the fact that Connor doesn’t want you?”

  Elsie threw her hands in the air. “Why does everyone keep saying that? There’s no man on earth who can resist me if I decide I want him, and at this moment I want Connor Cottingham. I intend to get him and show everybody how wrong they are.”

  “Elsie, you’re impossible. Why have you always been so hard-headed?”

  “Well, my dear sister, I’d rather be hard-headed than be the snob you are.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, come on Erline. I see how you slink around and pretend you’re better than everyone else. You flaunt your country club friends and your private playschool in everyone’s face. Remember, I know where you came from. Our parents were dirt farmers and still are. I know we both decided we’d dig our way out of that life, and when we made it we’d never look back. Now look at you. You sit here in your fancy house and pretend you’re special. Well, you’re not special at all. You’re just like me. Only I’m not the snob you are.”

  “I’m nothing like you,” Erline shouted.

  “Oh no? You married the first man who you thought would give you a life of luxury. Paul Cottingham is no prize. Maybe he has money and maybe he loves you, but does he turn you on as much as Slim Ring did?”

  “How dare you bring up that name!”

  Elsie laughed a deep hearty laugh. “So it still bothers you, does it? Remember how he used to sneak over to the house and meet you in the barn even after he married Sally? You two really got it on in the hayloft.”

  “Shut up, Elsie.”

  She laughed again. “Did I ever tell you I used to sneak up there and watch you?”

  Erline looked shocked.

  Elsie laughed again. “I bet you never knew I posed as you and met him one night when you were gone somewhere, did I?” Erline’s face turned red and, Elsie went on. “Yep. I gave him the night of his life. He said it was the best you ever were and he couldn’t wait to do it like that again.” She almost cackled. “Never did tell him any different. That’s why you kept asking me if there was something wrong with you because you didn’t seem to remember what a good time it had been.”

  “Shut your fifthly mouth and get out of my house!”

  “Try to throw me out, dear sister and see how quickly Mr. Uptight-and-Righteous Paul learns about your barn escapades not only with Slim, but with a few other men I could name.”

  Erline was shaking. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me and see.” She looked at her watch. “Isn’t it time you went to pick up that brat of yours? I’m sure the fancy little private playschool doesn’t like for parents to be late picking up their darlings.”

  Erline grabbed her purse and ran out of the house with tears in her eyes.

  This time Elsie laughed out loud. The ringing of the phone interrupted her. She started to let it ring, but changed her mind.


  “Elsie Franklin, please.”

  “This is Elsie. Who the hell wants to talk to me?”

  “Elsie, this is Janice Hildebrand. I can only talk a minute, but I have some news you might be interested in.”

  “Oh, what’s that?” Elsie immediately became calm.

  “Lita Mancini was here to visit mother a little while ago. Mom asked her why Nicole hadn’t been around to see her and guess what Lita said.”

  “I have no way of knowing, Janice, and I’m in no mood for guessing games.”

  “Okay. I’ll tell you. Lita said she was sure Nicole would visit Mom when she got back from her trip.”

  “What trip? Where did she go?”

  “She’s in Savannah with Connor.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. That bitch sure played it cool around me. I guess it’s true, you have to watch the quiet ones.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but you can bet your ass that whatever I do it won’t be pleasant for Ms. Nicole Lynch.”

  Elsie giggled as she hung up the phone.

  Chapter 24

  A couple of hours later Janice sat on the side of the sagging bed. “Cliff, why do we always have to meet in these cheap motels? I have a perfectly good apartment and we could be so much more comfortable there. Or we could meet at Mom’s house.”

  “I told you we can’t be seen together, baby.” The good-looking, dark-haired man said as he forced a smile. He ran his hand up and down her arm.

  “Why not? Are you ashamed of me?” She looked at him teasingly and traced the outline of the rose tattoo on his left arm.

  “Of course I’m not ashamed of you. I told you that Nicole chick knows me. I can’t let her see us together. She’d get the wrong idea.”

  “What is she to you, Cliff?”

  “Not a thing. I just know her from Atlanta. We lived close together, and I can’t take a chance on her recognizing me.”

  “Why? What have you done? Or what has she done?”

  “Damn it, Janice. Don’t ask so many questions. Just take my word for it we have to handle the situation this way.” He lit a cigarette. “Now you need to keep your little mouth shut, or I might have to...”

  Janice’s eyes grew big and her heart thumped. “What would you do, Cliff?”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry, babe. I’m not going to hurt you. Derrick would have my ass if I did.”

  “My brother has always been my protector.”

  “Yeah, I know that.” He reached out and took hold of her arm again. “Aren’t you going to get out of those clothes?”

  “When did you talk to Derrick last?”


  “Did he say when he was coming home? Mom is anxious to see him.”

  “He said he’d probably be here by the end of the week.” He crushed his cigarette. “Come on, Janice. I’m horny.
Get out of those clothes now.”

  She slipped her red sweater over her head. “I wonder what he’d do if he knew about us.”

  “Probably beat the shit out of me.” He flung his legs off the bed and stood. He unceremoniously dropped his jeans to the floor and stood before her in his white boxer shorts.

  “Why are you always in such a hurry?” She looked up at him.

  “Cause I can’t wait to get next to your beautiful naked body, that’s why.”

  She giggled as he reached down and pulled her to a standing position. He began fumbling with her bra. “Why the hell do they make these things so hard to get into?”

  “Just wait a minute. I’ll get it off.”

  “Well, hurry.”

  As soon as the bra fell to the floor, she took off her jeans. Before she had a chance to do or say anything else, Cliff shoved her down on the bed and fell on top of her.


  “Don’t talk! Now’s not a time for talking.”

  “Wait a minute, Cliff. I have to say this.”

  “What the hell is it, Janice? I’m ready.”

  “You forgot the condom.”

  “Oh, hell.” He rolled over and reached for the drawer in the table beside the bed. “I guess you’re right to stop me. We sure don’t want no damn baby, do we?” He laughed as he slipped on the condom then turned back to her. “Now keep quiet and enjoy.”

  A tear slid out of the corner of Janice’s eye as Cliff had his way with her.

  * * * *

  “After yesterday, I didn’t think I’d want another big meal like this, but here we are eating like pigs again.” Connor smiled at her. “But I guess after a day’s work, we deserve it.”

  “I can’t believe they signed so quickly. You’re good at your job, Connor.”

  “Thank you, my dear. Having you there with me made all the difference. I think it impressed them when I introduced my assistant. In fact I thought I’d have to flatten Mr. Smith the way he kept eying your pretty little body.”

  “You wouldn’t do anything like that. You’re too much of a gentleman.”

  “I have a hard time being a gentleman when some old codger is eyeing my assistant and has things on his mind that have nothing to do with business.”

  “I know you’ll always protect me.” She grinned at him. “By the way, I like being your assistant.”

  “I’m glad you do.” He winked at her. “How is your soup, assistant?”

  “It’s wonderful but I can’t believe I let you talk me into ordering an appetizer. I’m glad I didn’t get the scallops like you. Even though there were only two they’re as big as saucers.”

  “They’re good. I have half of one left. Want to try it?”

  “Of course I do. Want to taste my crab soup?”

  “Might as well. I want to see what it tastes like since they added the liquor.”

  “It was sherry, Connor.”

  “Whatever.” He chuckled and winked at her again.

  The waitress came with their salads which consisted of baby greens with pine nuts, fresh raspberries, and crumbled blue cheese with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

  “Did I tell you I read up on this place while you were getting dressed to go out tonight?”

  “No. Tell me about it.” Nicole began eating her salad.

  “Though it’s called the Olde Pink House now, the original name was the Habersham House. It’s told that Habersham’s wife had an affair with the architect, which led to Habersham’s suicide. He hanged himself in the basement, but it’s bricked up now.”

  “Oh, that’s sad.”

  “You’re so tender hearted. I love that about you.”

  “I’m glad. Did you learn why they decided to build a pink house?”

  “Well, the house didn’t start out pink. Its original red brick bled out and turned pink. Besides the original brick, there’re some other parts of the original house still here. The pine floors and some of the antique furniture for instance. They say one of the chairs actually belonged to Habersham. I don’t know which one.”

  Nicole looked at him. “Boy, you did read up on it, didn’t you?”

  “I thought you’d be interested. You seem to like soaking up the history in this city.”

  “You’re right about that. I think it’s fascinating.”

  “Well, if we’d eaten in the basement bar, you might have met Mr. Habersham himself.” He lifted an eyebrow teasingly at her.

  “Connor, the man has been dead two hundred years.”

  “I know, but they say he’s often seen sitting at the bar having a drink.”

  “I’m not in the mood for ghosts. I’m glad we’re eating in this elegant dining room.”

  He reached out and touched her hand. “I’ll protect you from the ghost just like I’ll protect you from lecherous old men.”

  Before she could answer their main course arrived. They had both ordered the special. Crispy scored flounder with creamy grits drizzled with an onion and apricot glaze.

  Nicole chose asparagus instead of the usual collards that come with the dish, but Connor had the collards. “I didn’t eat as many at The Lady & Sons as you did yesterday,” he said.

  Though they were stuffed they made room for dessert of ice cream served in a Pink House homemade praline basket.

  Back at the hotel they enjoyed evening port in the parlor. They’d just clicked their glasses when a voice interrupted them. “Well, hello there. We sure haven’t seen much of you two.” It was the couple from Dalton. “Where you been hiding?”

  “We had a business meeting today,” Connor said.

  “Oh, then you’re not on your honeymoon?” The woman asked as she looked suspiciously at them.

  “Not exactly,” Connor smiled. “I actually plan to take her to Europe on our honeymoon, but we had to come here on business.”

  “Wow! Europe? That’s wonderful. I’ve never been to Europe.” She looked at her husband. “Will you take me to Europe sometime?”

  “Good grief, woman, you know I can’t afford to take you to Europe. This is beyond our budget so you’d better be satisfied you got here for our twenty-fifth anniversary. We probably won’t be coming back here until we celebrate our fiftieth.” He looked back at Connor. “Did you get to The Lady & Sons?”

  “We had lunch there yesterday,” Nicole said. “It was delicious.”

  “We liked it too,” the wife said.

  “Where did you eat tonight?” The man asked.

  “The Olde Pink House,” Connor said.

  “I read a brochure on that. Kind of a fancy place, isn’t it?”

  “It was very nice,” Nicole said setting her drink glass on a table. “Honey, I’m getting tired. Are you about ready to turn in?”

  “I sure am. It’s been a full day.” He set his glass beside hers.

  “Well, what are you going to do tomorrow? Maybe we could get together and do something.” The man looked at them,

  “Actually, we finished our business today and we may head home tomorrow. We haven’t made up our minds yet.” Connor took Nicole’s arm. “We hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Savannah.”

  “Good night,” Nicole said as Connor whisked her away.

  Once they were in their room he took her in his arms and said, “I hope we don’t ever get like them.”

  “I think they just don’t know what to do with each other. Probably always done things with their kids or another couple and now that they’re alone, they’re strangers.”

  “How do you know all that?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just guessing because it happens to a lot of couples.”

  “Let’s you and I never get that way, Nicole. Let’s keep the great relationship we have for always.”

  “That’d be wonderful, especially if you’re taking me to Europe.”

  He laughed. “I had to say something.”

  “I know. I’m teasing.”

  “I know you’re teasing.” He kissed her. “Want to go to
bed or take a dip in the Jacuzzi?”

  “It would be nice to sit in that warm water and play toesies with you.”

  “Toesies, my foot.” He winked at her. “I can think of other games which will be much more fun in the water.”

  “I don’t mind playing your games,” she whispered.

  It was three o’clock in the morning when a loud boom woke Nicole. She put her hand on Connor’s chest and he stirred. There was another boom and he opened his eyes.

  “What’s going on?” He mumbled.

  “It’s a thunderstorm.”

  “In October?”

  “It can storm anytime of the year, Connor.” She snuggled close to him.

  “Are you scared?”

  “No. I think thunderstorms are romantic.”

  He chuckled. “It’s at least a good excuse to hold you tight.” He put both arms around her.

  “I meant to ask you earlier. Are we going home tomorrow?”

  “Not unless you want to.”

  “I don’t care if we stay for.... Well, I know that’s impossible, but I’d like to stay another day if we can. When I called Lita this afternoon she said everything was fine. Dora got home, but there has been no arrest in the assault.”

  “When I talked to Paul he was pleased we’d tied everything down. I told him we were going to stay here and play tomorrow.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said, ‘Connor, I believe you’re getting serious about our secretary.’”

  “He wouldn’t say that.”

  “I swear he did. I told him he was exactly right.”

  “Did you tell him the secretary was crazy about you?”

  “He’ll figure that out when we get home.”


  “Listen to that rain. Doesn’t that put you in the mood?”

  “The mood for what?”

  “Come on, Nicole. You know what I’m talking about.”

  “Oh, that.”

  “Yes that.” His left hand was fondling her breast.

  “I guess it would be okay,” she whispered as she reached up and nibbled his earlobe.

  “What do you mean you guess it’ll be okay?”

  “I’m trying to be coy like young women are supposed to be. Not tell you to come and get it, which is the way I really feel.”


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