Murder in Georgia

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Murder in Georgia Page 19

by Agnes Alexander

  Janice gasped. “Mama, Derrick wouldn’t do that.”

  “Honey, Derrick knew things. Things he shouldn’t have ever known.” She began to cough. When she got her breath, she said, “Janice, honey. I’m awfully tired. Let’s talk later.”

  “But, Mama.”

  “Please, dear. I need to rest now.”

  “Okay, Mama.”

  Janice kissed her mother’s forehead and went into the kitchen. She grabbed the phone off the wall and dialed the number her brother had given her in case she needed him in a hurry.

  * * * *

  “Well, is he still not back?” Elsie looked at Connor’s closed office door. “You said he’d be here this afternoon.”

  “He told me to call him when you came in the office, Elsie.”

  “Oh, that’s good. Call him and tell him to hurry back. Tell him we’re going to have a wonderful evening. We’ll go dining and dancing and then we’ll go to his house and I’ll give him a night of loving like he’s never had. Not from Sue Ann and not from silly Nicole either. When he’s had Elsie he’ll never want another woman again.”

  Paul was dialing the phone and didn’t answer her. “She’s here,” he said when he heard Connor’s voice on the other end.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Paul hung up and dialed another number. “She’s here now.”

  “I’ve already taken Mattie to your mother and I’ll be right there.”

  Connor arrived first. He came into Paul’s office looking tired and worried.

  Elsie jumped up from the side chair. “Connor, darling, I knew you wouldn’t turn me down now Nicole is out of the picture.”

  Connor dropped into the chair beside her. “Where is Nicole, Elsie?”

  “I don’t know. Does it matter? She’s out of the way now so we can have a wonderful night. I want to go eat a good meal then go dancing.”

  “I’m sure you know where she is. I’d just like to know how you worked it all out for us.”

  She smiled at him. “I’m pretty smart, aren’t I? I knew I had to get her out of the picture. She’d keep us apart if I didn’t make her go away. Now she’s gone and we don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  Connor bit his lip. When Paul told him he thought Elsie was on the verge of insanity, he didn’t believe him. Now he was beginning to think his brother was right. He wanted to grab the woman and shake the truth out of her, but he knew that’d never work. “I know she’s gone, Elsie,” he said quietly. “I just want to see how smart you are. I’ve always known you were a smart woman.”

  “I am that. I’ve always been the smart twin. Erline could always get the boyfriends, but I could take them away. I was a better lover than her.”

  “Elsie, let’s get back to how you got rid of Nicole.”

  “Why do you want to know, Connor? All you need to know is she’s no longer in our way.”

  “As I said, I just want to see how you worked it out. It’ll tell me how smart you are.”

  Erline came to the door. She paused when Paul motioned with his hand for her to stop. She stood quietly and listened.

  “Alright, Connor. If you must know, I paid Cliff to snatch her on her way to work this morning.” Her mouth turned up in a cynical smile. “It cost me a thousand dollars, but it was worth it.”

  “Who’s Cliff, Elsie?”

  “Janice’s boyfriend.” She laughed. “She would have a fit if she knew Derrick had hired Cliff to beat up his mother. Derrick wanted Dora killed, but Cliff said that would cost another two thousand.” She continued to laugh.

  Connor let out a sigh of relief when she added, “He said he’d kill Nicole for the extra two thousand, but I told him to hold off on that. I want her to know you and I are together before she dies.”

  “What did Cliff do to get Nicole?”

  “He told her that her friend was hurt and needed her and she was stupid enough to get in the car. He said when they got wherever it was they were going she wouldn’t shut up screaming so he hit her in the head.” She laughed. “He said it popped and he thought he’d killed her. But later he said she was still breathing when he left.”

  “Where is this Cliff person, Elsie?”

  “He’s in a motel.”

  “Is Nicole with him?”

  “No.” She became agitated. “After I went to the hotel and saw her there, I left and went to the bank to get the money. He took her somewhere while I was gone. I don’t know where. He didn’t tell me. You’re asking too many questions, Connor. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I want to go have dinner and go dancing.”

  He looked at his watch. “It’s too early for dinner, Elsie. We’ll go in a little while.”

  Before she could answer the phone rang. Paul answered it and talked in a low tone.

  Connor saw Erline in the door and motioned for her to come inside. She did and smiled at her sister. “Hello, Elsie. I didn’t know you were here.”

  Elsie smiled back. “Yes. Connor and I are finally going out on a date. We’re going to dinner and dancing.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it will be.”

  Paul stood. “Elsie, why don’t you tell your sister about the date? I need to show Connor a file. We’ll be right back.”

  Connor saw the look in his brother’s eyes. “Yes, Elsie. Talk to Erline for a few minutes and I’ll be back.” He followed Paul into the hall.

  Paul whispered, “That’s Janice Hildebrand on the phone. She wanted to talk to you because she says she knows something about Nicole’s disappearance.”

  “Okay. I’ll take it in Dad’s office.”

  “Sure. He’s gone home to let Mom know what’s happening. Said to tell you to call him as soon as you found Nicole.”

  Connor nodded and opened Martin’s door. They went inside the office and Connor grabbed the phone. He punched the blinking light. “Hello, Janice.”

  “Connor, I think my boyfriend might have had something to do with Nicole disappearing.”

  “How, Janice?”

  “I introduced him to Elsie and I think they cooked up a scheme along with something else.”

  Connor ignored the last remark. “Who is your boyfriend, Janice?”

  “Cliff Meeker. He’s staying at a motel out on Lizella Road.”

  “Which motel?”

  She told him and gave him the room number of 221.

  He thanked her and turned to Paul. “Call the police. If possible get Detectives Milo and Collins.” He took a card from his pocket and jotted down a note on the back. “Here’s the room number and the name of the motel. I’m heading there. Give the police the address.” He shook his head. “Sorry to dump Elsie on you, but you know I have to find Nicole.”

  “I know.” Paul smiled at his brother. “Don’t worry. I’ll distract Elsie while you slip out.”

  “Thanks, Paul.”

  The two men went into the hall. “Wait one minute.” Paul rushed to the break room and came back with a cup of coffee. “Now when you hear the ruckus in my office, get out of here.”

  Connor nodded.

  Paul went back into his office. He held the cup of coffee up. “I decided I needed something to...” There was a loud clatter and Elsie let out a little scream. Paul said, “Damn, I didn’t mean to stumble. Did I get coffee on you Elsie?”

  “Yes, you did. What’s the matter with you, Paul?”

  By this time Connor was out the door and headed to his car.

  Chapter 31

  Nicole’s head throbbed. She wanted to reach up and hold it, but she couldn’t. Her hands were tied behind her back. Where was she, and what was she doing here? She tried to think.

  She knew she’d come to Macon with Katrina and Cliff. He was going to do some morning fishing and she and Katrina were going sightseeing. They planned to go to the little town where Fried Green Tomatoes was filmed and then shop until Cliff came back. They all planned to go to lunch.

  Wait, her mind screamed. Cliff made Katri
na go with him on the boat and told me to meet them at the mall for lunch. He came back without her. I met him at the restaurant in the mall like we planned. He said Katrina was waiting for me in a department store because she’d found the dress she wanted to wear for the wedding.

  But she wasn’t in there. Cliff said she must be in the bathroom and then we found the lounges. I started to go inside to look for Katrina, but he laughed and said Katrina was dead. He’d drowned her because she was pregnant and wouldn’t get rid of the baby. He didn’t want a baby, but he knew I’d tell on him. He said he was going to kill me next. I wanted to run and get away from him. I got the door open to the ladies room and thought I was safe, but then I felt this terrible pain in my head and everything went blank. Oh, God, am I still in the department store bathroom? Where’s Cliff? Maybe I’d better be still. He might be watching. Oh, Katrina, did he really kill you?

  Nicole began to cry.

  * * * *

  Connor’s heart pounded when he pulled up to the motel parking lot. He wondered if he should go to the office and demand a key. He shook his head, knowing they probably wouldn’t give him one. Or maybe they would. This place wasn’t a four star hotel. They probably didn’t care who got keys as long as the bill was paid. It was worth a shot.

  He opened the office door. A bored woman who looked to be in her sixties sat behind the counter reading a movie magazine. She laid it down when Connor walked up. “Can I help you?” She asked with little emotion.

  “I hope so.” He forced a smile. “I’m supposed to pick up a key to room 221. I’m meeting a friend there.”

  She turned and looked at a peg board behind the desk. “Looks like two of the keys are already out. I’ve only got one more.”

  “I’ll return it when I finish my business with Cliff Meeker.”

  “Just a minute.” She flipped through a book on the counter. “Well, since you know his name, I guess it’ll be alright.” She took the key from the peg and handed it to him. “Be sure to bring it back now.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Connor was glad the room was on the back of the motel. If things got rough, there wouldn’t be as many witnesses. He parked his car in the back of the lot and walked to the metal steps leading to the second floor. The walkway was empty as he went directly to room 221. He eased the key into the door knob and hoped there wasn’t a safety lock on the inside. There wasn’t. The door opened easily. He shoved it wide and stepped inside.

  “What the hell?” The long legged man sprang from the bed where he was watching a game show on television.

  Connor didn’t give him a chance to get entirely upright. He shoved the man backward to the bed. “Are you Cliff Meeker?”

  “Who the hell wants to know?” He scrambled toward the end table drawer.

  Fearing there might be a gun, Connor grabbed his arm. Bending it backward, he said, “Tell me. Are you Meeker?”

  “Damn, that hurts.”

  “I’m going to break it if you don’t answer me.”

  “Yes, fool. I’m Cliff Meeker. What’s it to you?”

  “Where is Nicole Lynch?”

  “How the hell should I know?”

  Connor twisted the arm a little further. “You’d better start knowing.”

  Cliff got hold of the remote control with his other hand and whammed the side of Connor’s head with it. It stunned Conner a little, but he didn’t let go of the arm.

  “I’ll give you to the count of ten to tell me where she is or I’ll not only break your arm, but I’ll turn you into a soprano for life.” Connor used his other fist to hit the man below the belt.

  Cliff doubled over. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Who’s Nicole Lynch?”

  “You know good and well who she is. I’m to number seven.”

  “Then you find her on your own—”

  Connor hit the man in the groin.

  Cliff screamed and fell to his knees. Connor still had hold of the arm. He heard it snap as the man hit the floor.

  “Okay! I’ll tell you,” Cliff yelled when Connor twisted the broken arm.

  “Tell me fast.”

  “She’s dead, man. I killed her.”

  Any control Connor had seeped away. He grabbed Cliff by the head and slammed it to the floor. He began pounding on the man with his fists. He was only vaguely aware of the door slamming against the wall.

  It took two people to pull him off. Meeker.

  “Cool it, man. We’ll take care of this,” William Milo said.

  “He said he killed Nicole,” Connor said through his rage.

  “We heard him,” Trudy Collins said. “He’s going down for that.”

  “She’s not dead,” Cliff screamed. “I just told him that. She’s alive.”

  “Where is she?” Connor started for him again.

  William Milo stopped him.

  “Arrest that man. He came in here and broke my arm. He’s a maniac.”

  Milo looked at Collins. “I didn’t see anything wrong going on here, did you?”

  “Just a couple of men having a slight disagreement,” Trudy said.

  “Yes, and it could escalate if Mr. Meeker doesn’t tell us where Nicole Lynch is. If he refuses, I think we should turn Mr. Cottingham loose on him. What do you think?”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.”

  “You can’t do that. You’re the police, aren’t you?”

  “Did we say we were the police? Maybe we’re just friends of Mr. Cottingham.”

  “Damn all of you.” Cliff held onto his limp arm. “He broke my arm and you keep acting like—”

  “Where is Miss Lynch?” Milo stared into Cliff Meeker’s eyes.

  “Who wants to know?”

  “I want to know.” He held out his badge. “If you don’t tell me right now I’m putting you under arrest for the murder of Nicole Lynch and several other charges I can think of.”

  Cliff grabbed the drawer to the night stand and jerked it open. Before he could reach inside Trudy Collins came down on his hand with her night stick. He backed off.

  “Well, well, well, what have we here?” Detective Collins looked into the drawer. “Looks like a gun to me.” She looked at the man. “That could mean attempted murder of a police officer.”

  “I didn’t attempt to murder you.”

  “Then why were you going for the gun?” He looked at his partner. “Maybe we should shoot him, Collins.”

  “You people are crazy. I didn’t try to kill anybody. I’m just trying to protect myself.”

  “Maybe the best thing to do is to let him get the gun in his hand. That way we can say he tried to fire at us.” Trudy Collins looked at her partner.

  “Or we could let Cottingham kill him. It wouldn’t involve an internal investigation or anything.”

  “That might work. He could claim self-defense and we’d be able to back Cottingham up.”

  “Look, I don’t want to die.”

  William Milo turned to the man and said in a deep voice. “We can avoid all this violence if you just tell us where Miss Lynch is.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You said you killed her.”

  “I didn’t.”

  “We heard you.”

  “I mean I didn’t kill her.”

  “Look, Milo. Maybe we don’t need him to say anything. Here’s a key to a lock and a contract where he rented a storage unit. I bet she’s locked up in that unit.” She looked at Meeker. “I bet he planned to let her stay there and starve to death.”

  “No, I was going to let her out.”

  Trudy Collins held up the paper. “Here’s the address. We can’t get in without a search warrant, but you can. You can give this back to me later. We’ve got a lead to check Jeff Bowie’s office, but we’ll have some uniform officers meet you there. We’ll get there as soon as we can.”

  “Quit talking and let me have the key.” Connor reached for it.

  “I was only talking to get you calmed down.” Sh
e handed the paper and key to him. “Now, go.”

  Chapter 32

  Dora lay back on her pillow and closed her eyes. She’d just told Lita about the terminal cancer.

  “I can’t believe this, Dora.” Tears came to Lita’s eyes. “I wish you’d said something sooner.”

  “I wanted to, but there were some things I had to do first.” She told Lita about getting pregnant and giving the baby up for adoption. She then told her about the baby’s death.

  “Oh, Dora, you’ve suffered enough. Why don’t we talk about something else?”

  “I have to tell you everything, Lita. You haven’t heard the worst part yet.” Dora sighed. “I know your heart is breaking over Nicole’s disappearance, but I think my time is near. The doctor said if I lasted two weeks it’d be a miracle.”

  “Then tell me what you must, Dora.”

  “You have always been my best friend and my worst enemy, Lita.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Lita wrinkled her brow.

  “You were always there for me as a friend, but you were my enemy because you were married to the man I truly loved.”

  Lita stared at Dora in disbelief.

  “Our affair started soon after I went to work for Sal. As you may have guessed, he was my baby’s father. We’d seen so many terrible abortions we decided to give the baby up for adoption. Sal saw to it that she got a good home with loving parents. Then I met Don. I wasn’t really in love with him, but Sal encouraged me to marry him. He also encouraged Don and me to buy this house so I’d be near him.”

  Lita was crying. “How could you do this to me, Dora?”

  “I know it was wrong, but we loved each other so much. Sal would’ve divorced you and married me, but you had three children. He couldn’t turn his back on his kids. So we decided to have a secret love affair all our lives.”

  “You mean even after you were married...”

  “Oh, yes. We were lovers until the day Sal died, Lita. It hurt me as much as it did you when he passed. I never stopped loving him.”

  Lita tried to control her tears as she spoke. “That explains a lot of things. Sal’s distance at times. His going on those long medical conventions without me. I remember now that at the same time, you’d take off to visit some sick relative or to attend a wedding or funeral. You were meeting him, weren’t you, Dora?”


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