Star Crossed

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Star Crossed Page 9

by Bonnie Hearn Hill

  “I’m not sure,” I told her. “My astrological sources are old, and sometimes, the language changes. I just need to do a lot more research on Alex. Do you know him?”

  “No, and I don’t care about what happens to him.” She stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. “All that matters to me is keeping Josh. Call as soon as you have the chart, okay? I’ve got stuff to do now.”

  After demanding that I drive three hours?

  I stood up as well. “Are you sure you want me to leave?” I asked.

  “Sorry.” She flashed me a nervous smile. “Thanks for coming. I have another appointment in a few minutes. Drive safely, okay?”

  She closed the door behind me. Maybe just a little too fast.

  So, all of a sudden, Arianna had an “appointment,” after insisting hours ago that she had no one to talk to? Henry Jaffa told me that if you pay attention, you can smell a lie. I was smelling one now.

  Might as well try to follow her, since I was here anyway. I went over to the alcove in the hall across and down from her room. If anyone noticed me with my book, they’d think I was studying and not getting ready to stalk a star.

  Minutes passed—five, ten, fifteen—and still no Arianna. Just as I was deciding that this was crazy and I really should drive home, the door to her room opened a crack. I put the book up to my face and peered around it. Any moment now, she would step outside. But she didn’t. Why was she hesitating?

  A guy dressed in white hurried past me, mumbling something on a cell phone. Although the chef outfit hid most of his body, nothing concealed those blond curls of his. The door to Arianna’s suite opened slowly, cautiously. Alex Keen rushed inside.


  By Logan McRae

  The Crab is going to be less interested in what you’re like on the outside and more interested in how much you understand him. If you have an insensitive bone in your body, believe me, he can tell it a mile away.

  Cancers are also protective of their possessions, and if you spill soda in his car or accidentally delete a special photo from his cell phone, you probably won’t get much farther into his life. Here are three ways you can captivate him. • Nurture. If he has a cold, bring him chicken soup. If you know he has to come in early to study, drop by with his favorite coffee drink, then leave before he’s distracted by anything other than your thoughtfulness.

  • Show interest. Ask casual questions about his parents and sibs. Cancers are always tied to their families, some in a good way; some not. Showing that you’re a good listener will score big points.

  • Be romantic. A funny card that goes almost over the line, but not quite. A text about an assignment with a compliment at the end. Romantic gestures will get that Crab out of his shell.

  What to say when he asks you out: “I thought you’d never call!”










  —Fearless Astrology

  Had I really seen what I thought I had last night? Were Alex and Arianna together? Poor Chili. No way could I begin to discuss it with her. Arianna and I were trined because she the Gemini, and I the Aquarius, were both Air signs. And although I did feel sorry for her, I couldn’t trust her now that I knew she lied about knowing Alex.

  It was the middle of the night by the time I got home. I managed to sneak in without waking my dad and was so exhausted that I didn’t know how I would wake up in time for class. I did it, though. When Chili and Paige picked me up that morning, they were both still excited about our trip.

  “I got a text from Alex,” Chili said. “I’m going to bring him some of my mom’s recipes when we drive you up on Friday. Can you believe this is happening?”

  I could believe it, all right, and I was already blaming myself. “What does Stella say?” I asked.

  “Just the usual Armenian mom stuff. That even though my dad’s older than she is, there’s no way she would allow me to date a twenty-one-year-old guy, no matter how famous he is. That kind of stuff.”

  “It sounds pretty sensible to me,” I said.

  “Since when are you sensible?” Both she and Paige laughed, but I couldn’t.

  “What happened with that elevator was pretty scary. A lot of people knew that Alex would be in it.”

  “You don’t think it was an accident?” Chili asked.

  “I’m not sure. I’m just saying ...”

  “Well if anyone messed with the elevator, it was Francis, the head chef. Can you believe that old guy?”

  “He was probably just upset because he had to turn over his kitchen to a celebrity chef who hasn’t paid his dues,” I said.

  She stared straight ahead as if trying to make eye contact with the road. “You don’t sound very happy for me, Logan.”

  “I’m just worried, that’s all.”

  “We were worried about Jeremy,” Paige piped up from the back. “But we supported you, even though we knew the relationship didn’t have much of a chance.” The words came out so easily, as if Jeremy and I were already over and done.

  My eyes burned. “You’re right, Paige,” I said. “All this magazine stuff is making me crazy. I do think something is going to happen at the Halloween launch party, and Alex might be involved.”

  “How can you be so sure?” Chili asked.

  I couldn’t tell her that I had seen him go into Arianna’s hotel room right after I left. At least not now when Chili was so determined that he was the guy of her dreams. “I told you. Because of what happened on the elevator.”

  “Can’t you check his chart?”

  “I’m going to, but I can’t find the year he was born.”

  “I told you he’s twenty-one.” Chili turned to me looking like her old mischievous self. “I can find out everything else for you when we go there Friday.”

  “How are you going to get out of school?” I asked.

  “Head cold,” Chili said, and faked a cough.

  “Cramps,” Paige whined.

  I had to smile. They had already figured it out. “On a Friday?” I asked. “All three of us? That’s pretty suspicious.”

  “What are they going to do?” Chili said, “Demand that we take a lie detector test? I’ve got to go there because I have a plan. I’m going to be so cute, hot, and interested in everything that he invites me to be his date for the launch party. What do you think?”

  What did I think? That she was absolutely out of her mind. “If anyone can do it, you will.”

  “And I’m designing their costumes,” Paige said. “Chili will be Catwoman, and Alex will be Batman.”

  “And you,” Chili said, “are going to be Sherlock Holmes. But don’t worry. It’s a very sexy design, and super short to show off your great legs. I saw Paige’s sketches.”

  Sherlock Holmes? Not a famous writer. Still, I kind of liked it. “What are you going to be, Paige?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, but it’s got to be good to impress the Platinum Dragon. If I could only grow a body like Chili’s.”

  “You don’t need a body like anyone’s,” I said. “You look great, and you have the talent. But tell me, why am I only now hearing about these costumes you two have been planning for us?”

  “Well.” Chili glanced back at Paige. “We weren’t sure how you would react to my mission of getting Alex to take me to the party. Come on, Logan, he is so fabulous. Please be happy for me.”

  As we pulled into the parking lot, I remembered how I felt when Jeremy had kissed me for the first time. How I felt that last day he said he loved me. Sure, the odds were against us, but no one could hav
e told me that at the time.

  I climbed out of the car, hugged her, and said, “I am happy for you. And, just for the record, Alex doesn’t stand a chance against a hot Gemini.”

  “Hi, Chili. Hi Paige. Hiiii, Logan.” Dina came toward us in the parking lot, still wearing her new flat hairstyle.

  “Hi,” I said, just so she wouldn’t start telling kids I was snotty.

  “So is it true?” she asked. “About the party?”

  I exchanged looks with Chili and Paige. “What party?”

  “The costume party for CRUSH,” she said, with a smirk. “Is it true that you girls are going?”

  I shrugged. “Where’d you hear that?”

  “Chili told Sol in journalism.”

  “All I said ...” Her face turned pink.

  “... Is that Logan is getting you and Paige into the party.” Dina beamed at me. “So, what I’m wondering is will this take place before or after the CRUSH model is announced?”

  “Halloween,” I mumbled, feeling my own face flush.

  “Before or after?” She cocked her head, ready to pounce on whatever I said next.

  “I’m not sure. Before, I think.”

  “That’s what I thought. See you later.” She left the parking lot, almost running, her A-line top hiking up above her new skinny jeans.


  That talkative Gemini has gotten me in trouble. Now Kat is going to claim that we are influencing Graciela to select Chili as our school’s model. Chili tried to explain that she was just so excited that she had to tell someone. And that someone happened to be the school newspaper editor. Now everyone is going to hate me. I need to talk to someone I can trust, someone reliable, like a Taurus. Maybe it’s time I actually called Jeremy. I take out my cell and look at the photo I took of him on the beach before he left. That thick, dark hair. Those Taurus eyes. I can still see the love in them. He didn’t fake that. He couldn’t have.


  Aries: Exciting

  Taurus: Dependable

  Gemini: Fun

  Cancer: Supportive

  Leo: Outgoing

  Virgo: Organized

  Libra: Tolerant

  Scorpio: Loyal

  Sagittarius: Optimistic

  Capricorn: Practical

  Aquarius: Honest

  Pisces: Creative





  —Fearless Astrology

  Bodmer waved at me in the hall. She wore one of her many pairs of black pants—flared ones this time—with a pleated burgundy top and the usual accompanying scarf. Today that scarf was purple and green.

  “Cool about the CRUSH party, Logan. I’m proud of you. Get Alex Keen’s autograph for me, will you? I have all of his cookware.”

  So the confiscated cell phone incident was behind us, and an Alex Keen autograph opportunity lay ahead. Good, except that Bodmer was speaking in her raspy, animated chemistry-teacher voice, which meant that what she had just said could probably be heard all the way to Santa Barbara.

  “The launch party thing is supposed to be confidential,” I told her.

  “Why wouldn’t you want to share such wonderful news?” She reached up into her streaked tangle of curls, pulled out a pair of sunglasses, but didn’t put them on.

  “Because not everyone thinks it’s wonderful.”

  “What do you care? If you were worried about spite, jealousy, and cruel high school gossip, you wouldn’t be where you are, would you?” She started to put on the glasses. “Think it over. I’ll see you in class.”

  “Wait,” I said. “I need to ask you something.”

  “What is it? Are you okay? You’re not letting all of this gossip get to you, are you?”

  “I’m fine. It doesn’t have anything to do with that.” I hated the way my voice broke.

  “What then?”

  “I was just wondering when your birthday is.”

  She laughed. “I’m a Taurus. That’s what you really want to know, isn’t it? Fixed Earth saved by a Leo Moon.”

  “So that’s where you get the hair,” I blurted. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean ...”

  “Of course you did,” she said. “I believe in science, including the sciences we don’t yet fully understand. Other teachers around here don’t, so you might want to keep a low profile about all of that.”

  “I have,” I said, and thought about Ms. Snider and her threat to end my internship if I didn’t give up astrology.

  “Maybe not quite low enough.”

  I didn’t like the way she said it. “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve had some good luck in the last year. You’re having some good luck right now. All it takes is one jealous person to suggest that it’s more than luck.”

  “What?” I asked. “That I’m a demon or something?”

  She gave me that steady yet concerned look again. “All I’m saying is be careful about how much you talk about astrology, Logan. Not everyone understands that it’s just science. Not evil.”

  “Evil? Now, that’s crazy.”

  “Some thought electricity was evil. A light goes on, and insecure people get scared.” She patted my shoulder. “You’re on a roll right now. Just protect yourself, okay?”

  “I’ll try,” I said.

  “And Logan.” She grinned. “I think you’re awesome.”

  “Thanks.” I wanted to say I thought she was the awesome one, but I was too upset by what she had told me.

  I hadn’t gotten far, when Chili appeared from around the building. This morning, she had looked happy and in love in her blue-leopard print top and skinny jeans. Now she looked confused, maybe even scared.

  She ran up to me and motioned me off to the side.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “It’s Kat.” She looked around and then lowered her voice. “That little bitch is telling everyone that you’re not normal. That you are some kind of ...”

  “... Witch?” I asked.

  “How’d you know?”

  “Bodmer.” I felt sick. “The rumor is already viral.”

  “She’s saying that’s how you got the internship, how you got us invited to the CRUSH party. She says you’re going to use it to get me picked for the magazine swimsuit spread.”

  “As if your face and body have nothing to do with it.” I was starting to get angry and remembered Bodmer’s advice. “If they’re so freaking stupid that they think astrology is witchcraft, that’s their problem.”

  “Except,” she said, “Somehow Kat found out about what happened in Monterey.”

  “So what? I solved a very old mystery.”

  “And some people got in trouble. Kat’s telling kids that anyone who crosses you ends up in trouble.”

  “Because of Monterey?”

  “Not just that.”

  Oh, that’s right. What had happened at the end of my sophomore year, when I had first discovered Fearless Astrology and figured out a solution to a totally different mystery. That’s what she was talking about.

  “So Kat claims it’s witchcraft and not astrology that has helped me solve two mysteries? And she’s trying to make kids think I might use it on them?”

  “You don’t get it,” Chili said. “Kat thinks astrology is witchcraft. She thinks you’re using it for your own gain, and that you’re willing to use it on anyone to get what you want.”

  “Thanks, Chili,” I told her. “I have more important issues to worry about than what Kat or anyone else at this school thinks about me. And so do you.”

  “You’re right about that.” The Gemini multitasking mind clicked into hot-guy gear. “Alex, for instance. I got another text from him last night. Eeee!”

  I bit back the impulse to say, Be careful. Tried to shut off the film in my mind of him sneaking into Arianna’s suite.

We hugged each other, went our separate directions, and I was left with how I really felt about this newest development. So astrology was now witchcraft according the gospel of Kat? I had been ridiculed, even hated, at this school before.

  Other than a few Goth kids, no one looked or spoke to me. Not that they obviously avoided me. They just made it a point to be noticing someone else or heading another direction when they realized that I was anywhere near them. It didn’t hurt me the way it had the first time, and it probably wouldn’t have hurt at all if I knew that I still had Jeremy.

  That night, my dad came home earlier than usual from the ad agency. I was at the kitchen counter with my laptop, trying to read about the sign of Sagittarius. It was the best I could do. Trying to do an Internet search for Alex Keen’s year of birth hadn’t turned up a thing.

  “Hi, sweetheart.” He entered the room with less certainty now. Before he and my mom separated, he was the force and the energy in this house. “Anything you need?”

  A family would be nice. Of course, I didn’t tell him that. “I’m okay, Dad.”

  “Have you eaten?”

  “Some leftover pilaf and shish kebab.”

  “Want one of my instant fabulous pizzas?”

  “I’m okay. I really am.”

  Without food to prepare, he looked a little lost. I realized that cooking for me was his preferred method of communication.

  “Could you use some extra money?”

  Now that was extremely out-of-character for his Virgo self, which he would define as simply thrifty, and I might call cheap.

  “I’m fine. Thanks.”

  “Well, sweetheart, as an intern at CRUSH, you probably should be updating your wardrobe, shouldn’t you?” So this wasn’t about Virgo tightwad parting with money. It was about my internship.

  “I’m doing all right at the magazine. And my editor likes the way I dress.”

  “I’m really proud of you. Everything you’ve accomplished, you’ve done it on your own. You know that don’t you? Astrology only helped, but you were the one who made it happen.”


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