The Last Boyfriend

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The Last Boyfriend Page 7

by CMJ Publishing

  “I don’t know.” I bit my lip. “I’m almost done.”

  “I’m working on a documentary.” He paused. “It’s about the ’60s. Civil Rights and all that stuff. I think that you could really help me, as a historian.”

  “You make movies?” I looked up surprised and slightly bewildered. Why hadn’t he told me before that he was making a documentary about the Civil Rights Movement?

  “Well, not movies. Documentaries.” He smiled. “My dad makes blockbusters, I just dabble, so to speak.”

  “What’s your documentary about?”

  “The education system after 1954.”

  “You mean after Brown. v. Board of Education?” I asked excitedly.

  “Yes. I’m talking to people to see how the end of segregation impacted their educational experiences.”

  “Nothing really changed that much.” I paused. “Not for a long time.”

  “You know about the subject?”

  “A bit.” I drank some coffee and thought for a moment. “My senior thesis is related to that topic actually.”

  “Oh?” He nodded his head and smiled. “Well then it seems like you would be a better assistant than I thought.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You could be one of the interviewers if you want. Maybe use what you learn to help your research. Talk about an amazing primary source.”

  I nodded in agreement. It would be an amazing opportunity to actually talk to people who were alive and went through integration, as opposed to just writing about interviews that other historians had been a part of and written about. This was the sort of research that could get me into a top graduate program, which would offer me a better chance at a tenure track professorship at a top university.

  “I’d have to stay in school for an extra semester though.” I talked out loud, voicing my concerns.

  “What’s an extra semester when compared to the time of your life? Think about it, Lucky, you have your whole life to live as everyone else has planned for you. Do you know what that six months means to the breadth of your life? It means nothing. This could be a real growing experience. Opportunities like this don’t come up for everyone. This is an opportunity to break up the mundane, everydayness of your life.”

  “I just have a plan you know.” I frowned to myself. My plan had always been to graduate in four years, get married, go to grad school, have some kids, and become a teacher or professor. But where had it actually gotten me? It was like my boyfriend plan. Good in theory, but going nowhere. I was practically a nun right now, and there was no potential guy anywhere on the horizon, well, maybe on the horizon, if things went well with Braydon. “And I’m kind of seeing someone right now. I don’t just want to leave.”

  “I thought you didn’t have a boyfriend.” Zane’s voice was accusing.

  “I don’t, but I have a first date tonight.”


  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Are you going to come with me to Los Angeles?” He sat back, and I watched as he wiped his mouth with his napkin.

  “I …”

  “Take a chance, Lucky. I promise that you won’t regret it.”

  “I don’t even know you.”

  “Do you want me to talk to your parents? I can call them now and talk to them if you are worried about what they are going to say.”

  “I’m not worried.” I looked away from him, and stared at a little boy who was blowing bubbles into his chocolate milk at the next table.

  “This is an amazing opportunity, Lucky, I am sure they would understand.” I felt Zane’s hand reach over and grasp mine, and I turned back to him.

  “My parents don’t have to understand. They’re dead.” I saw the sympathy in his eyes as soon as I said the words and I cringed. I didn’t want him to feel sorry for me. I didn’t want every conversation we had from here on out to center around his pity for me. “And you don’t have to treat me any differently because of that either.”

  “I won’t treat you differently.”


  “Let me take you to dinner tonight.”

  “I have a date.” I frowned. “I told you that already.”

  “So I’ll just pick you up tomorrow morning then?”

  I nodded slowly. “I guess so.” And that was it. My decision was made. I think I had known as soon as he had asked what my answer was going to be. “I have to call Shayla and Maria at the diner to let them know,” I shook my head as I spoke. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  “You won’t regret it, Lucky. I promise.” Zane’s eyes looked slightly overwhelmed as he smiled at me. I didn’t really understand why. All of a sudden I wondered if I had made a mistake. How could I just give up college and my job? All for a guy I didn’t really know and a job I hadn’t even started yet. I bit my lip and sighed, all of my walls were crumbling down and I wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.

  Chapter 6

  “You look amazing, Lucky.” Braydon whistled as I got into his car. I was slightly annoyed that he hadn’t come to my door to escort me, but tried to dismiss those feelings from my head.


  “Do you like my car?” He grinned as he stretched his hands out and caressed his leather seats.

  “It’s a nice car.” I nodded, slightly uncomfortable at the way he was stroking the seats.”

  “It’s a Bugatti,” he continued. “Nice doesn’t even begin to describe it.”

  “Oh sorry.” I had no idea what a Bugatti was.

  “Don’t be sorry, just sit back and enjoy the smoothest ride you’ll ever feel.”

  “Uh, okay.” I attempted a smile, but I was pretty sure that it came out as a frown instead. Braydon laughed as he looked at my face and I felt even worse.

  “I’m sorry Lucky. I’m a bit over-the-top about cars. I guess it’s a guy thing.”

  “That’s okay.” I smiled, genuinely this time. “I’m just not one to know much about cars.” I laughed slightly at my comment. “Well, other cars, at least. I know a bit about mine.”

  “Oh, what do you drive?” He looked at me curiously.

  “A Toyota Corolla. 1991.” I laughed at his pleasantly, bored expression. “And right now, it’s in the shop, inoperable, so I’m not really driving anything.”

  “Oh, that sucks.” He pulled out into the street. “Well, let’s go get some dinner. I figured I would take you to the Rusty Pelican in Key Biscayne. That way we can look out on the water.”

  “That sounds great.” I smiled and looked out the window, feeling a little tense. Why hadn’t he asked me about my car? Or how I had gotten home last night. It seemed like he didn’t even care. Not like Zane did. I frowned as Zane popped into my head. There was no point in my comparing Braydon to Zane because I knew that Zane didn’t want a relationship and so there was no point in my thinking about him in that way. I had to ignore the feelings that his kiss had ignited in me, feelings that had been there from the first time I saw him. If I was honest with myself, I had been attracted to Zane from the first moment that I saw him, but I also knew that he was the sort of guy that I should avoid. Nothing positive was going to come from a relationship with Zane. If I could even call it a relationship, since the most he would want would be friends with benefits. That, I was sure of. And I didn’t want that. It didn’t fit in with my Last Boyfriend Plan at all.

  “Earth to Lucky.” Braydon’s voice interrupted my daydreams and I turned to him with an apologetic glance.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

  “Why, isn’t that a novel thing to do?” He laughed. “Most girls I know in Hollywood chatter inanely about their makeup and clothes.”

  “But I’m sure you still want to date them.” I laughed.

  “Well you know.” He grinned at me. “That was the old me. The new me is ready for a girl of substance.”

  “Oh yeah?” I studied his boyish face and smiled at him warmly. “You know I feel really weird driving in a car w
ith the Braydon Eagle.”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “It’s not every day that an every day girl like me goes to dinner with a Hollywood movie star like you.”

  “Well then, we should get some champagne at dinner to celebrate an extra ordinary day.”

  “This is an extra ordinary day.” I nodded in agreement, thinking more about the agreement with Zane than her date with Braydon.

  “I like your honesty, Lucky.” Braydon laughed. “I’m not sure I’ve ever met a girl like you before.”

  “I’m not sure I’m this exotic breed that everyone keeps saying I am.” I laughed self-consciously.

  “You are all that and more.” Braydon pointed to a high-rise as we drove. “I live over there.”

  “Oh yeah?” I peered at the window, but didn’t see anything other than a bunch of tall buildings.

  “You ever come to Brickell?”

  “Not really.”

  “It’s boring.” He laughed. “I’d much rather live on the beach.”

  “So you can party all day and night?”

  “Something like that. Though my manager wouldn’t like it if I did.”

  “Probably not.” I agreed.

  “So Lucky. Tell me the name of your favorite movie.”

  “Of all time?”

  “Of all time! Oh and it can’t be one of mine.” He laughed. “Just in case you felt obligated to name one of mine.”

  “Well you know …,” I giggled. “I think my favorite movie is My Fair Lady.”

  “Oh.” He paused. “The rain in Spain—”

  “—is mainly on the plain.” I finished for him. “I love Audrey Hepburn. She was such a classic actress.”

  “Yes. She was. It’s funny that you chose My Fair Lady because her co-star, Rex Harrison, is my favorite actor.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes, I love Alfred Hitchcock movies and I thought he was superb in Midnight Lace.”

  “Oh I’ve never heard of that movie.”

  “It’s not Hitchcock’s most famous piece of work, but I loved it. Doris Day is in it as well.”

  “I’m not sure who Doris Day is, I’m afraid.” I looked at him apologetically.

  “You don’t know Doris Day?” His voice was aghast. “Maybe we should skip the restaurant and just go and watch movies.” He laughed.

  “That could be a plan.” I smiled.

  “Doris Day was probably the greatest actress of her time. She starred in tons of movies with Cary Grant and Rock Hudson.”

  “Ooh okay.” I still had no clue who she was.

  “Okay, she sang that song about whatever will be will be, you know the one, Que sera, sera.”

  “Oh, yes. I love her.” My voice was loud with excitement. “I had forgotten her name. My mom used to watch her movies all the time.”

  “Okay, phew.” He laughed. “So you like My Fair Lady then, huh?”

  I nodded, my head filled with happy memories. “I don’t know why, but I always watch it when I’m down. It’s my go-to movie.”

  “I see.” He stopped the car and I looked at him in surprise. “We’re here.”

  “Oh wow, that was fast.” I looked out the window and saw the Yacht Club. “I’ve never been here before.”

  “It’s a pretty cool place. I’m not sure why they call it the Rusty Pelican though, there’s nothing rusty about it. We’ll get a table outside and stare out onto the water.”

  “And the bright lights.” I grinned.

  “Well of course, if there were no bright lights, we’d be sitting there scared that a gator might come out of the water and attack us.”

  “I certainly don’t want to be attacked by an alligator.”

  “Me either. Have you seen my face?” Braydon grinned and I laughed.

  “I sure hope you’re hungry.” He continued, happy I was laughing at his jokes.

  “Oh I am.” I nodded my head. I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. Zane had dropped me off after we had eaten and he had been slightly peeved that I hadn’t told him whom my date was with. I was annoyed, but upset when I got to my room because Zane had been so dismissive when I had gotten out of the car. I didn’t understand him. His moods seemed to go back and forth so quickly. I sighed. I was meant to call him when I got home so he could tell me what time he would picking me up to leave the next day. Everything was going so quickly that I barely had time to think about everything. I was starting to feel overwhelmed and had spent the afternoon in my bed watching TV instead of packing.

  “Lucky, are you home?” Once again, Braydon interrupted my thoughts of Zane.

  “Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.”

  “I can see that. I hope it’s not another guy.”

  “Oh no, of course not.” I blushed and turned away.

  “I like your dress by the way.” Braydon looked me over and smiled. “It’s very chic.”

  “Uhm, thanks.” I smiled gratefully and tried to hold in a laugh. I had gotten the dress from Target for $24.99 and I was pretty sure that Braydon was the only one who had used that adjective to describe the dress.

  “Let’s go eat.” He grabbed my hand and I followed him through the restaurant and then through a door.

  “Wow.” I stepped out of the door and saw the candlelit tables overlooking the great expanse of water that was lit up by the huge condos on the other side. “This is magnificent.”

  “I had to make our first date special.” Braydon smiled and we sat down. “And let me recommend the Strawberry Mule to drink, it is delicious.”

  “Done.” I grinned. “Alcohol and strawberries sound good to me.”

  “I love a girl that is easy to please.”

  “Well, that’s me.” I laughed.

  “On our next date, I’m going to take you on my boat.”

  “Oh.” I bit my lip and leaned forward. “About that …”

  “Oh no, did I do something wrong already?” He sighed and slapped his forehead.

  “No, no, no. Not at all.” I was quick to reassure him. I was actually enjoying my time with Braydon. More than I thought I would. “I’m having a good time, but I’m actually leaving Miami tomorrow.”

  “Wait what?’ He frowned. “For good? Aren’t you in school?”

  “I am in school.” I smiled, slightly embarrassed. “I’m going to withdraw from my classes and I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone.”

  “Sorry. I’m really confused here.”

  “I got a job. It’s related to my major, so I thought it would help me in my career, you know.”

  “Are you going to be teaching history to kids in Africa or something?”

  “No.” I laughed. “I’m going to be helping with a documentary that will be focusing on the era that I focus on in my studies.”

  “Oh wow. A documentary?” He looked intrigued and then the expression on his face changed and he looked somewhat angry. “Please do not tell me that Zane Beaumont is in any way involved with this documentary.”

  I bit my lip and stared at Braydon’s handsome face across the table. I didn’t know what to say.

  “He is isn’t he? That asshole.”

  “He’s not an asshole.” I spoke quietly, defending a man I wasn’t sure actually deserved to be defended.

  “He did this because of me you know.” Braydon hissed. “He must have heard me telling Evan how nice I thought you were and how I was interested in you.”

  “I’m sure he didn’t hire me because of that.” I frowned.

  “Trust me.” Braydon frowned. “I didn’t even know he was making a documentary.”

  “Well he is.” I looked down at the menu, uncomfortable with where the conversation was going.

  “He needs to just get over this bullshit.” Braydon swore and I saw his fists clenching.

  “What bullshit?” I asked curiously.

  “With Noah.” He frowned and looked out at the bay. “He needs to fucking move on.”

  I sat back and wished that I were still at home. Braydon’s mood h
ad changed and I was no longer comfortable in his presence. “What does Noah do?” I asked, hoping to finally get some information about Zane’s brother.

  Braydon looked back at me with clouded eyes, and attempted a smile. “Let’s not talk about the Beaumonts right now.”

  “Okay.” I tried to hide my disappointment. What was the big secret about Noah?

  “So where in LA will you be?”

  “I’m not sure.” I shrugged.

  “Can I come out and see you?”

  “Come out where?”

  “To LA, silly.”

  “Oh. Sure. Though, I’m not really sure how busy I’ll be.”

  “Can I ask you something, Lucky?” Braydon’s voice was serious and I nodded slowly, wondering what he wanted to ask me. “Do you like me?”

  “I think you seem like a nice guy, yes.” I answered, truthfully.

  “Could you see yourself dating me?”

  “I don’t know.” I frowned. “I don’t really know you well enough to answer that.”

  “Would you give me the opportunity to get to know you better?” Braydon looked bashful. “I’m not sure that I’ve ever met a girl that Zane and I both seem to like.”

  “Sorry, what?” Why had he brought up Zane’s name?

  “It’s obvious to me that Zane wants to get into your pants. I don’t know if he was interested in you before he saw us together, but I am pretty sure he wants you now. I don’t—”

  “Stop.” I held my hand up. “I like you, Braydon. You seem like a nice guy. Please don’t bring Zane into this. I would like to get to know you better. If you’re in Los Angeles, give me a call and we can talk.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt, Lucky. Zane’s not a nice guy,” Braydon said earnestly.

  “And you are?” I laughed, not quite believing that both guys had warned me off of each other.

  “I am actually.” He sat back. “I have a good family. My parents are still together. I’m looking for love. Real love. Not Hollywood love.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m sure plenty of guys say that though, right?”

  “Some do.”

  “I don’t expect you to trust me just because. I would like to prove myself to you.”


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