
Home > Paranormal > Determine > Page 1
Determine Page 1

by Viola Grace

  A teacher of etiquette and contract law with a fetish for Terran coffee meets a superhero who wants to get into her briefs.

  Hydrangea has been teaching contract law and other species etiquette in the Nyal Imperium for months. There is nothing to her life but marking, teaching and going for tea with friends. When one of her friends tells her that she knows of a Nyal food that matches coffee on the molecular level, Hydra has to try it out.

  The diner where the forty-seven-ingredient soup is prepared is a favourite haunt of the Guardians of Deyfell 4, four super-beings who risk their lives on a daily basis. Hydra doesn’t care, she just wants her coffee doppelganger.

  Starburn notices the strange alien who defies his teammate’s efforts to clear the diner. She has an easy smile and a relaxed attitude that he has not experienced since he became a Guardian. To his surprise she doesn’t know who they are and the ability to introduce himself without the weight of his actions as Guardian is so refreshing, he looks forward to speaking to her again.

  When the next opportunity proves that she is still as guileless as he thought at first glance, he makes up his mind to keep her and treasure the gentle heart that she shows to one and all. It’s a simple matter to have a teammate bring her to the base, and once she is there, there is no way home.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2013 Viola Grace

  ISBN: 978-1-77111-487-5

  Cover art by Martine Jardin

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  A Terran Times Tale


  Viola Grace

  Chapter One

  Hydrangea Graham looked around at the wreck of the table and heaved a sigh. “I think it may have been an error to ask the students to come along.”

  Liskey laughed. “Well, you gave them a decent meal for the week, possibly the term. I was surprised that you were able to get the instructors to loosen up.”

  Hydra laughed. “I had the server spike their drinks. Nothing major, just a little more than they ordered.”

  Liskey gasped, “You had them intoxicated against their knowledge?”

  Hydra chortled evilly. “No. I just had extra sweetener put in their appetizers. It relaxed their dispositions, just like it does during morning breaks. Mind you, my picking up the tab probably did more for their moods than anything else.”

  “That was very generous of you.” Liskey smiled and summoned the server again. “My friend would like the forty-seven-ingredient soup, please.”

  The server looked at the wreck of the table and nodded. “Of course. Coming up.”

  Hydra laughed. “I think we frightened him. So, are you sure this has all the compounds that I listed?”

  Liskey waved away her concerns. “I checked it nine times. It is dead on. The texture may be off, but the taste should be the same.” Hydrangea tented her fingers together as she contemplated that this small, tidy diner on Deyfell 4 in the heart of Nyal space might actually have something that approached a cup of coffee, even if it was disguised as a bowl of soup.

  “So, Liskey, you said that this little place had another claim to fame?” She sipped at her water and waited.

  Liskey looked around, made sure that they were the last ones in the restaurant and whispered, “The Guardians eat here.”

  “The Guardians?” The Guardians were the Deyfell system’s answer to the Sector Guard. Each world had their own super-beings that upheld law and order both locally and regarding incursions by other worlds.

  “Yes. Those Guardians. When they have a casual meal, they tend to congregate in places like this. Of course, if they were coming, we would have been asked to leave already, so it won’t be today.”

  Hydra didn’t care. She just wanted to try the coffee soup.

  When the server brought the forty-seven-ingredient soup, she inhaled before tasting. It smelled like coffee. She raised the spoon to her lips and sipped. Oh yeah, baby.

  Her blissful expression must have said it all.

  Halfway through the bowl, a strange prickle entered her mind. It was an urgency that she needed to leave and be somewhere else at that moment. Balls to that, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  Liskey started to fidget, and she said, “Hydra, I think we should be going.”

  “No. I am not going anywhere until I am done and I have another cup of tea.”

  She was enjoying herself and the bizarre compilation of forty-seven ingredients that ended up with a product that tasted like coffee. It wasn’t great coffee, but it was still better than anything she had tasted in a ration pack to date.

  When Liskey tried to get up, Hydra grabbed her wrist and held her to the table until the urge to flee passed. Liskey looked around in confusion and gasped as a chime rang, announcing another customer.

  Seeing Liskey’s gobsmacked expression, Hydra desperately wanted to turn and stare at the newcomers, the multiple nature of the entrance obvious as the footsteps behind her had to belong to at least four individuals.

  Instead of staring at the group, Hydra continued to calmly eat her soup. The server made a beeline to the table and rushed back to the kitchen with the order with more energy than Hydra thought he could manage.

  She chuckled and looked at Liskey. “It seems your earlier statement has been proven incorrect, Instructor.”

  Liskey blinked and then grinned. “Precisely. I do enjoy being wrong on occasion. It keeps me centred in the universe.”

  When she finished her soup, the group had their order delivered to them, and the server stood next to Hydra to take her bowl.

  Determined not to be rousted by local heroes just because they liked to be alone, she remained in her seat until the confused server returned.

  “Aren’t you done?”

  Liskey was getting uncomfortable, but Hydra was having fun. “A cup of tea, please, and a pay unit.”

  He looked at her. “You want a cup of tea?”

  “Please. I have an evening of tests to mark. I need to stay awake.”

  He disappeared into the back and reappeared with the pay unit.

  Sighing in surrender, she paid the bill and got to her feet.

  Liskey leapt up with relief.

  The server grabbed the unit and was on his way back to the kitchen when a voice said, “Excuse me, please.”

  Immediately, the server changed direction and headed to the table behind Hydra’s back.

  Soft words were spoken and the server rushed back to the kitchen, returning to her side with a pot of tea. “I apologize. I forgot about your tea, miss.”

  Liskey had a hot blush on her chalky cheeks, her red eyes were wide as someone approached from behind Hydra.

  She heard the scraping of chairs behind her, and the four Guardians were suddenly standing next to their table.
Three men and one woman smiled behind the masks that concealed most of their features. One male with dark mocha skin stood next to her. “May we join you?” Liskey squeaked in surprise.

  “What my friend means is please, join us. We are just recovering from a staff lunch.” Hydra smiled and tried to meet their eyes, but power was flickering behind each gaze, and she couldn’t maintain the contact.

  “This is Instructor Liskey Aldu, I am Instructor Hydrangea Graham.” She inclined her head politely.

  “I am Starburn, this is Breaker, Warp and Tangle.” He inclined his head in response, his snow-white hair sliding forward over one shoulder.

  “Pleased to meet you.” They all took seats, and Hydra had to ask, “So, it was Breaker that tried to get us to leave earlier?”

  The woman smiled, her dark hair shifted in a loose wave that denoted wind even though they were indoors. “We usually prefer to eat alone. Your presence here was a bit of a surprise.”

  “I do apologize, but my companion here got me across the city from the Academy with the promise of something that matched a beverage from my home world. I wasn’t leaving until I tried it.”

  Starburn smiled, “The soup? We smelled it when we came in.”

  Hydra grinned. “Yes. The compound tastes remarkably similar to something that I have been craving, but after eating an entire bowl of it, I think I am good for a while.”

  Warp chuckled. “You are braver than I am. It smells amazing, but I doubt that the taste matches up.”

  Hydra wrinkled her nose. “It doesn’t, but neither does coffee. It smells much better than it tastes, so the similarities carry over.” The conversation turned to food from home and the reasons that adults sought it out. Tangle tried to get Liskey involved in the discussion, but she merely sat and kept up her violent blush.

  Starburn asked, “What do you teach, Instructor Graham?”

  “Hydra, please. I teach interspecies contract law and etiquette. If you could believe it, Liskey teaches public speaking.”

  The table laughed, and Hydra winced as Liskey kicked her under the table. “Apparently, subversive combat should have been on her roster as well.”

  “Shut up, Hydra.” Liskey hissed.

  “Yes, miss.” Hydra checked the chronometer on the wall and winced. “I am sorry to have intruded on your private time, but Liskey and I have to get back to the Academy. Thank you for the company.”

  The men got to their feet, and Starburn helped Hydra on with her wrap. That small contact sent a flush through her cheeks, and she smacked herself mentally for losing her cool. “Thank you.” She ducked her head and waved farewell, hauling Liskey with her.

  The moment they were out the door, they grinned at each other, and as they were sure that they were out of earshot, they started laughing like naughty children.

  * * * *

  “Well, Breaker?” Starburn crossed his arms and scowled at their telepath.

  She chuckled. “Don’t worry, Starburn. She likes you, a lot. Liskey was just stunned by getting to sit with Guardians.”

  Warp blinked, “She didn’t find any of us attractive?”

  “She thinks you and Tangle are lovely. Starburn is a little dark for her taste, but I am just right.” Breaker laughed and preened.

  Starburn closed his eyes and remembered the creamy skin, the black and silver hair in a riot of curls and the devilish look in her eyes when she teased her friend. Instructor Hydrangea Graham was an interesting woman, and he wanted to cross her path again.

  Chapter Two

  Hydra couldn’t stop the soft smile that came over her features every time she thought of that day at the diner. Two weeks later, she and Liskey managed to make it back for another round of forty-seven-ingredient soup, just for comparison, and they felt that familiar prickle in their minds. Other customers collected their orders and left the diner in a few moments.

  This time, the prickle rapidly turned to welcoming warmth. Hydra grinned at Liskey.

  “Did you feel that?”

  Liskey was primping like a madwoman so that was answer enough.

  Chuckling, Hydra quickly ordered a pot of tea and a glass of water. It arrived on her table a moment before the Guardians arrived a little the worse for wear.

  The group staggered over to their table and pulled chairs in. Their armoured uniforms were covered with soot and grime.

  “What happened to you?” Hydra touched the back of Tangle’s hand. He seemed the most stunned out of the batch.

  Starburn looked at her hand and removed it from Tangle’s. “He had to use his talent for an extended period of time. He is a little tired.” She frowned with concern. “You all look like hell.”

  Liskey had been playing charades with the server, and a moment later, there were water glasses and teacups in front of everyone. Liskey poured the water and then did rounds with the tea.

  Tangle drank the first glass of water and held his cup between shaking hands for more. Liskey kept him topped up and summoned another pitcher of water with a glare at the server.

  Hydra noticed that it was a different server than the one she had seen when she and Liskey had arrived. “Breaker, is there a problem with our server?”

  Breaker looked at the young man with weary eyes and she nodded. “He is a reporter. Our regular server is stuck in the chiller.” Hydra was going to sort it out, but Starburn got to his feet and walked behind the counter. There were thuds and curses followed by a bright flash.

  The regular server came out bristling with the indignity of a wet chicken and quickly began taking orders.

  “What was the flash?”

  Starburn resumed his seat next to her. “I toasted his data scanner, but his first images were already sent through. Hopefully, you won’t be recognized.”

  He took her hand as casually as if it was something that he did every day, and damned if it didn’t feel just as natural to Hydra.

  She let him hold her hand and asked, “So, what did you risk your lives for today? I just had to deal with a Nyal noble who wanted me for his collection.”

  Starburn’s hand heated up when she said that.

  Tangle looked up, and the hydration had improved him dramatically. “A fire in a seven-story accommodation. Breaker kept them calm, Starburn pulled the flame away, Warp opened exits and I built ladders. Lots and lots of very tall ladders.”

  “No wonder you are tired.” She tilted her head.

  “What do you build them out of?” Starburn rubbed his thumb along the side of hers, “You honestly don’t know?”

  “I have been concentrating on learning new customs and how to find my way around a new world. I am not one to poke my nose where it doesn’t belong.”

  Tangle smiled. “A refreshing attitude. I grow vines and force their shape with my thoughts. Breaker is our mind reader, Warp rearranges molecules into strange and unusual shapes and Starburn controls fire and plasma.”

  “Ah. Well, that makes a certain amount of sense.” She smiled and shrugged at her ignorance.

  Breaker stared at her for a moment. “She is serious. She really hasn’t dug into our histories since we last met. Hydra, thank you. It is so refreshing.”

  Hydra blushed. “I frankly didn’t have time. This is the first day that I have even been able to think about getting back here for soup, let alone stalking the Guardians of Deyfell.” The table at large burst into laughter and food began to show up. The Guardians ate their meals, but Starburn did not release her hand no matter what he was doing with his other hand. She was going to ask him to release her, but Breaker shook her head slightly.

  Breaker shifted and leaned into Liskey for a moment, and Liskey had no objection to the contact.

  We need the contact, Hydra. Trust me on this.

  Starburn doesn’t even know he is touching you, he just feels better. Hydra blinked as the words dropped into her mind with the steadiness of water.

  She looked to Breaker who was making herself comfortable with Liskey. It was obvious that she was fe
eling better with the contact, but Warp and Tangle were still tense.

  Despite what Starburn wanted, Hydra leaned over and placed her fingers on the back of Warp’s hand. “I hope you feel better.”

  He brightened at the light touch and turned his hand for a moment to grip hers before releasing it.

  “Thank you.”

  She left his hand for Tangle’s and he took it for a moment, smiling brightly at her with surprisingly sharp teeth. He was a Deyfell 5 Nyal by the sharp edges of his teeth. She resumed her previous seat, and Starburn’s hand was still exceedingly warm until she settled out of range of his two companions.

  “Are you all stationed here on Deyfell 4?” Starburn nodded. “We do six-month circuits through the system and have bases on each world, though we do travel for attacks by outside forces when necessary.”

  Breaker sighed. “Fortunately, that is not often.” Hydra nodded and settled a little further in her seat. “How long do you have left on Deyfell 4?” Starburn rubbed her fingers with his. “Two weeks. We are on our way to Tangle’s home next.” She sighed in disappointment. “Two weeks. Well that… How long until you rotate back here?”

  “Three years.” Starburn was watching her closely.

  “Ah. I will be back in the Alliance by then. My contract here expires in eighteen months.” She shrugged, and Liskey had a flash of disappointment on her features.

  “I see. So, we will all be going our separate ways in time.”

  The table was mired in silence until Hydra lifted her chin. “Well, I think I have to return to my quarters. Liskey?”

  Liskey sighed. “I suppose I should get to going over those research reports.”

  Hydra tried to retrieve her hand, and it seemed for a moment that Starburn wasn’t going to let her go. She looked into those brilliant red eyes, and she was able to meet his gaze with calm determination.

  “I have to go now. It was nice meeting you again. I don’t think I will be able to come back here. I will have to find a recipe for forty-seven-ingredient soup.”


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