Her Silent Knight

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Her Silent Knight Page 4

by Siren Allen


  Sinclair Rose. The witch he’d been sent to kidnap. The witch who’d brought him to his knees. The witch whose face he was seeing for the first time. Kaede’s gaze roamed over the female heading in his direction.

  There was a sway to her hips. A sexy sway that he was pretty sure she wasn’t aware of. He’d been around seductresses before. Their tactics were always over the top, easy to decipher.

  If this female was up to the same antics, her ways were subtle, which made her more dangerous then the female assassins he’d encountered in the past. Sexy walk or not, he wouldn’t underestimate this witch again.

  Steam rose from the cup she held. She lowered her lips to the rim of the mug and blew, attempting to cool the beverage. The sight of her pursed lips sent a shiver down his spine. Kaede drank in the sight of her.

  She was fucking beautiful. Shockingly so. Or maybe he just hadn’t been around clean women with combed hair in a long time. Her straight dark brown hair fell to her shoulders. Her brown eyes held a hint of gold in their depths.

  And she had a body that was made for fucking. Though she was completely covered, clothes couldn’t hide her curves. Her thick thighs were wrapped in some tight jeans that weren’t actually jeans.

  They were too flimsy to be jeans. He’d seen them on other women. They hadn’t looked this sexy on anyone else. Her dark blue shirt was loose fitting. It dropped to mid-thigh on her.

  Despite being a size too big for her, it didn’t hide the swell of her breasts. There was no hiding those. His mouth watered. He was sure no other female had ever made him feel the things he was feeling for this witch.

  Things even he couldn’t explain. That stirring inside him increased, becoming slightly uncomfortable. This made her even more dangerous to him. Her gaze dropped to below his waist. Fuck! He had a hard-on. The first one he’d had in a long fucking time. A smile crossed over the woman’s face.

  “Not only have you woken up, it seems your little friend has also.”

  Did she really just say little? She winked at him. There was nothing little about him. If he could speak, he’d tell her that.

  “Let’s put you both back to sleep. I’ll get to the torturing part after I’ve had my hot chocolate.”

  Wait. Torturing? The woman strode across the room, heading for him. He jerked his hand again. Nothing. There was no getting free. If his team could see him now, they’d be disappointed in him.

  They’d laugh, but they’d be disappointed. Him, the captor, had become the captive. Kidnapped by a woman who didn’t even reach his shoulders in height. A curvy woman who he could toss over his shoulders easily and race home without breathing heavily.

  That woman had done something others on this plane had attempted to do, but failed. She’d captured Kaede Oshiro. And from the sneaky grin on her face, he knew she meant what she’d just said.

  She meant to torture him. Not if he could help it. Normally, he didn’t kill women. The few times he’d done so had been in order to save his own life from women who’d been sent to kill him by his enemies who were too cowardly to face him on their own.

  He hadn’t enjoyed doing the deed those few times. Had even wished he’d been able to find a better way to stop them. However, if it came down to him or them, he’d always choose himself.

  Kaede’s teeth sharpened, his claws elongated. With his dragon dormant, he couldn’t shift, but that didn’t stop him from calling on the energy of his sleeping dragon. He wasn’t ready to die.

  He couldn’t die until he’d made those who’d betrayed him suffer. He lived for revenge. He would continue doing so. If that meant killing the sexy witch striding towards him, so be it. He watched her set her mug down on the unmovable end-table.

  Once she was close enough, he reached for her with his free hand and pulled her into his lap, intent on using his sharp teeth to rip her throat out. If he killed her, whatever spell she had on these cuffs and this table would end.

  However, the moment she landed in his lap, on his cock, the dragon inside him roared. Smoke billowed from Kaede’s nostrils. Dragon smoke. That hadn’t happened in decades. His beast... his inner animal... was awaking.

  Shocked and unable to move, he stared down into the face of his beautiful witch. This witch, she’d awakened his beast. Earlier, her touch had made him able to utter a word. Now, his dragon was raising its head, making its presence known.

  That was something the creature hadn’t done in decades. No matter how hard Kaede had tried to awaken the beast, his monster wouldn’t rise up. Now, it was roaring. And it was all because of this witch seated on his lap.

  He’d done the impossible. He’d found his fated mate. She touched her hand to his cheek. Kaede’s tense body instantly relaxed and he found himself leaning into her touch. He’d really found her. Here, of all places.

  Happy didn’t begin to describe what he was feeling. He had a mate. Another being to accompany him in this tough everlasting journey called life. And she wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t immortal. An immortal witch. No wonder she was strong enough to subdue him.

  He’d been gifted someone powerful enough to match his strength. For the first time in a long time, the Fates were showing favor towards him. Despite his fucked-up situation, he couldn’t help but be thankful. His witch caressed his cheek.

  “Sleep,” she whispered.

  Her voice. He’d never grow tired of hearing it.

  “Sleep, wolf.”

  Why did she insist on calling him a wolf? He was a dragon. Her dragon.

  “Sleep now!”

  Pain gripped him. His eyes widened. She wasn’t caressing him because she was happy to have found her mate. She was using her magic on him. This witch...

  “Now,” she shouted, hatred etched into the lines of her face.

  Then the darkness swept up and pulled him down.

  Fucking witch!



  Her magic was off today. Sin placed her hand against her head, waiting for the dull ache to go away. She’d felt a similar discomfort the first time she’d put this wolf to sleep. What was it about this loser that made her magic act strange?

  Sin glared at the sleeping wolf. Once sleep finally claimed him, he’d fallen back onto the couch, out cold. Right before he passed out this time, he’d looked happy. Why had he looked happy?

  Headache gone, Sin leaned forward to peer into his face. Why had he appeared to be happy a moment ago? This wasn’t a happy situation. He wasn’t hanging out at a friend’s house for a weekend sleepover.

  He was locked up in her cottage and handcuffed to a spelled table. There was nothing for him to be happy about. Yet, she could’ve sworn his lips had lifted in a slight grin while he stared down at her a moment ago.

  She also could’ve sworn he’d leaned into her hand when she touched his cheek. It was as if he’d enjoyed the warmth of her touch. Sin shook her head. Maybe she was just imagining things.

  Her dad always said she had a wild imagination. There was no reason for this wolf to smile at her. Now that she thought about it, he didn’t really give off wolf vibes. He seemed to be something bigger, much bigger. Sin placed her hand against his chest.

  “What are you?” She asked out loud.

  Of course, he couldn’t answer. He was out and would remain that way for a couple of hours or until she told him to wake up. What was he? Closing her eyes, she left her hand on his chest.

  In Guardian Training, she’d been taught how to sniff out a shifter. Not sniff in the literal sense. Witches didn’t have a discerning nose as animal shifters did. They couldn’t use their sense of smell to determine what kind of animal a creature was.

  When they said sniff, what they meant was feel. Witches were taught to feel vibrations. This male’s vibrations screamed shifter. So did his aura. The first time she’d seen him, she’d gotten a wolf vibe from him.

  Wolves were dominant and cocky creatures. According to the updates from her sister, one of her friends back home had been given
a wolf shifter to watch over as her final test before becoming an official Guardian.

  Her friend, Tiana, already had an attitude bigger than Texas. Being given a wolf shifter was going to make her final test hard to pass. On top of that, she was given a shifter she had a horrible past with.

  Right now, it sucked to be Tiana. Sin hoped her friend passed her test. However, she was enjoying the updates from her sister on Tiana’s progress. It was the closest she could get to a drama or soap opera here.

  Then again, maybe it was she who had been tossed headfirst into a drama. The creature she thought was a wolf, wasn’t. She’d brought a shifter into her home and she had no idea what kind of shifter he was.

  Who does that? He definitely wasn’t a wolf. Or even a bear. Now that she was up close and personal with him, she was realizing her mistake. There was a huge beast inside him, but it hadn’t been awake earlier.

  Now, it was. His heartbeat was faster and stronger than before. He smelled of fire. His body temp had even gone up. A rumble vibrated through his chest, causing her hand to tremble.

  Gasping, Sin jerked her hand away from him. Could he be? No way. There was no way she’d stumbled across a creature even her Elders had never seen before. A creature they’d only heard stories of.

  A creature who was rare and damn near extinct. She was really sitting in the lap of a dragon. Wait, I’m sitting in the lap of a dragon. A dragon sporting a massive erection. With a yelp, Sin jumped to her feet.

  Her cheeks heated in embarrassment. All of her cheeks. Face cheeks and ass cheeks. She couldn’t believe he was still hard. He was out cold, but that dick was wide awake. Wringing her hands together, she wracked her brain for a spell that would make him go down, softened.

  They didn’t teach this type of shit in Guardian Training. What to do? She couldn’t just leave him like that. Then again, this could be a form of torture. Sin drummed her fingertips against her chin. Nah, she wouldn’t do that to him.

  From the corner of her eye, she spied the sheet on the floor. She snatched it up and tossed it over the lap of the dragon shifter. His cock tented the sheet. That didn’t entirely solve the problem.

  She grabbed the sheet and bunched it up a little so it could hide the bulge. There, out of sight, out of mind. Except, it wasn’t out of mind. It was still on her mind. Every hard inch of it. She could still remember how it felt pressed against her ass.

  She hadn’t sat on a dick in over two years. She didn’t think she’d ever sat on a dick of that size. Poor guy. Who the hell could he fuck with a dick that big? Not her. She was pretty sure her twat couldn’t swallow him. Mouth either.

  Her mouth chose that moment to water as if saying, “Witch, yes I can.” Sin swallowed, gaze moving to the bunched-up sheet on his lap. Stop thinking nasty thoughts, she told herself.

  He was here to be taught a lesson, not treated as a dildo. If she wanted sexual gratification, she had ten fingers she could use to achieve it. Anything else was unacceptable while she was on this plane.

  With one last look at the bunched-up sheet, Sin grabbed her cup of hot chocolate from the table. She sat down in her love seat then stared to the right, where her chests of torture toys were.

  One chest belonged to the previous owner of the cottage. His weapons were now hers. Thanks to that sadistic bastard, there was a torture wall in her living room. To keep the room from looking killery, she’d placed a cute curtain up to hide the wall.

  Over the past two years, she’d obtained a shit-load of her own weapons from beings who’d been sent by The Deciders to kill her. There were also weapons in the chest from beings who tried to kill her simply because they wanted to drink her blood or eat her.

  And not eat her in the good kind of way. Not the tongue on twat way. They wanted to roast her dead carcass over an open fire and feed her to their village. This plane was home to a group of cannibals.

  They were the most dangerous group of creatures on this plane. Mainly because they looked normal, innocent. Most members of the group had been here for hundreds of years. Only immortals could survive on this plane. Sin wasn’t an immortal.

  She shouldn’t be able to survive here. She shouldn’t have been able to be transported here at all. On top of that, she should be aging or decaying or something. She wasn’t. She hadn’t changed a bit in two years.

  That wasn’t a long time, but still. According to her friend, Winter, Shade must have the power to create immortals. Winter had only heard of two other witches who had the ability to do that.

  Both had been hunted down and captured by beings who craved immortality. Winter didn’t know what happened to those witches. However, she knew it wasn’t anything good. Those witches were probably being held captive, forced to use their powers for the profit of their captors.

  To keep Shade safe, just in case she did have that power and it wasn’t just some fluke, Sin’s family wasn’t telling their coven about Sin’s location. Her coven thought Sin had run away after passing her Guardian Trials.

  It wouldn’t be the first time a witch had passed the Trials, gotten her tattoo and then ran away. Her former bestie did it. All she left behind was a note saying she couldn’t do it, she couldn’t live her life the way the coven wanted her to.

  According to Carolee’s letter, she’d become fed up with living amongst the coven. She hated going through the Guardian Trials. She hated everything their coven represented. Both the good and the bad. She was tired of it all.

  She’d met a guy and she was going away with him. The note said not to look for her. That hadn’t stopped the coven from trying. They tried scrying for her. It hadn’t worked. They hadn’t even been able to locate the locator beacon ink in her guardian tattoo.

  It seemed her friend had been planning her escape for a long time and covered her tracks well. Very well. Sin hadn’t even known Lee was depressed. She never acted like it. Then again, that meant nothing.

  Sin had experienced moments of depression herself. And no one had ever noticed. Not her parents, not her sister, not her friends. Instead of being disappointed in Lee, maybe she should be happy her friend did something to put an end to her depression.

  Just like everyone had been upset and hurt by Carolee’s actions, they were going to be hurt because of Sin. They couldn’t know the truth. And with her parents backing the lie, they had no choice but to believe it.

  Even though that disappointed Sin, there was nothing else her family could say without putting Shade at risk. Sin’s teachers and friends were more than likely upset with her. Maybe one day she’d be able to tell the truth. In-person.

  After she was freed from this hell-hole. Until then, she had to try to stay out of the way of the cannibals who lived up near the mountains. Even the kid cannibals. She once saw a child standing near her gate.

  The poor thing had looked lost and hungry. Against her better judgment, she’d gone out to help the kid. The creature hadn’t wanted the warm bread and cheese Sin offered her. She’d wanted a bite of Sin’s fingers.

  If Sin hadn’t punched the child in the throat, she would’ve bitten her finger clean off. That day she learned, never help children on this plane. It was hard to ignore their cries when they were outside her gate at night.

  Some of them sounded so pitiful. But, ignoring them meant she got to live another day. Those children were just as ruthless as the adults who raised them. She wondered if her captive had any ruthless baby dragons.

  She chanced a glance in his direction. Still hard. Why wasn’t that thing going down? She took a sip of her beverage that was beginning to cool off. Sin gripped her mug tightly and whispered, “Heat.”

  The heat began in the tips of her fingers then spread to the cup. A few seconds later, the hot chocolate was bubbling.

  “Enough.” The temperature of her fingers returned to normal and the beverage ceased heating. Steam once again rose from her mug. She blew on the liquid before taking a sip. Mmmm, chocolate.

  She was almost out of it. She’d planned to crea
te a fire Christmas tree tonight for Winter in exchange for more chocolate and other sweets. Unfortunately, a certain dragon had gotten in her way. Her gaze returned to her captive. Still hard.

  “Come on,” Sin groaned. “There’s no way that thing can stay that hard for this long. What are you, Iron Man?”

  There had to be a spell to make that thing go down. Challenge accepted! Sin took another sip of her hot chocolate. She’d just try a few spells and see what worked. Smiling, she placed her cup on the end-table and stood up.

  It was time to make his dick soft.

  Chapter Five


  Twelve spells and two coffee breaks later, she was no closer to softening his dick than she had been when she first started. Soon, the sleep spell would wear off and she’d have to start torturing him.

  She didn’t want to torture a man sporting a hard-on. That just seemed like cruel and unusual punishment. Plus, it would be too distracting. Staring down at the sheet covering his crotch, she tried another spell and then waited to see what would happen.

  Nothing. Just as with the twelve before it. She wasn’t one who liked to admit defeat, but in this, she had no choice. The great spell casting witch had been defeated by a dick. What would her friends say about her current predicament?

  Tiana would laugh and tell her to ride it. Her friend Lisa would tell her to try licking it. Then there was Posey, who’d probably tell her to shoot it. Let’s not forget Shani, who would probably tell her to just ignore it.

  Shani for the win. For now, she was going to avoid it. Her captive stirred. Shit. The spell was wearing off. Sin rushed over to her chest of toys. What to use first? Fuck. First, she had to get him into position.

  He wasn’t awake yet. She still had time to move him. She returned to his side and waved her hand over the end-table then over the cuffs. The end of the cuffs attached to the table clanked to the floor.

  She eyed the dragon. The noise hadn’t awakened him. Good. Now, it was time to move this big hunk of a man. She was strong, but she didn’t feel like testing out her strength. This was where her powers would come in handy.


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