Her Silent Knight

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Her Silent Knight Page 7

by Siren Allen

  Still no response. She took another step forward. “How many people have you hurt? How many people have you turned over to TD?”

  Regret. That’s what it was. A look of regret crossed over his face before he quickly shut the emotion out and made his expression void of any emotion. She stepped forward again.

  Now toe to toe with her captive, she asked, “How many people are trapped in what feels like a recurring nightmare but is really their new reality, all because of you?” Her voice rose as her anger burst forth.

  “All because you wanted off this plane? All because you thought your life was more important than theirs?” Hands trembling, her anger rose with each word she shouted. The veracity dagger shook as if begging her to use it.

  Leaning forward, all in his face now, she continued to yell. “How many creatures are wishing they were dead because you thought your life was worth more than theirs? Because you thought you had a right to be free while they remained a prisoner on this plane?”

  Tears streaked down her cheeks. She hated the fact that she cried when she was mad. It made others think she was weak. She wasn’t weak. She was pissed the fuck off.

  “Say something,” she screamed as she raised the dagger. His gaze remained locked with hers, never straying away from her brown eyes. His silence only pissed her off more. Fuck it.

  She brought the dagger down with such force that she was sure she was going to cut deep. If he didn’t want to talk, he’d scream. Either way, she’ll get a sound from this smug bastard.

  The tip of the dagger stopped not even an inch away from his chest. What the fuck? No matter how hard she tried to force that damn blade into his flesh, it wouldn’t budge. She pulled it back and tried again.

  It stopped mere inches away from his chest. Her gaze rose to his. He too looked surprised by how the dagger was performing. He didn’t have powers. Not like her. He was a fucking shifter.

  It had to be the knife. Furious, and slightly embarrassed by her first failed torture attempt. She threw the dagger to the ground. His gaze moved from the discarded blade to her. She wanted to slap that smug grin off his face.

  This wasn’t over yet. She whirled around and headed back to the chest, ignoring the low growls coming from him. If the veracity dagger didn’t want to play, she’d find something that would.

  She grabbed another dagger. This one couldn’t force its victim to speak the truth. But it could stab. Right now, that was all that mattered. Gripping the hilt of the larger dagger, Sin returned to her dragon.

  He wasn’t looking as smug now. His eyes were on the dagger she was raising. She hesitated. His gaze returned to hers. She forced herself to think of all the people he’d hurt, some of whom was probably just as innocent as her.

  They hadn’t asked to be here. Yet, they’d gone from bad to worse because of him. Because he thought sacrificing them to save himself was the way to go. Sinclair brought the dagger down again, wanting to make him feel a fraction of the pain he’d caused others.

  Her wrist damn near fractured when the dagger stopped inches from his chest. Fucking daggers. Maybe there was something special about this guy’s chest. She raised the dagger and aimed at his neck.

  It stopped inches from his flesh. Shit. Try again. She aimed it at his face. He didn’t even flinch when she brought the dagger down. It stopped right before she was sure it was going to pierce his right eye.

  He didn’t even blink. Just stared at her. Fucking bastard. She was no quitter. She returned to the chest. Hands on her hips, she stared down at the items. Let’s try these bad boys out. Sinclair slipped her fingers into a pair of brass knuckles.

  Balling her hand into a fist, she stared over her shoulder to her captive. This was her first time noticing the blood on his wrist. He’d been trying to break out. There was no getting out of those iron cuffs.

  Plus, they were spelled. Her magic was strong. Her magic. She stared down at the brass knuckles. Maybe with a little magic involved, this weapon would be able to get the job done.

  Closing her eyes, she channeled her energy into the spell she was whispering. Strands of her hair rose as she chanted quietly. Behind her, the dragon roared. Ignoring all of that, she chanted the spell two more times.

  Just to be sure it worked. Sin opened her eyes and stared at her weapon that was now glowing. It worked. Smiling, she turned and stalked back in his direction. She didn’t hesitate this time. She didn’t pause.

  As soon as she reached him, she cocked her fist back and swung. Her brass covered knuckles connected with nothing but air. The force behind her punch caused her to stumble forward.

  Her face smacked into his chest. Her fist still hovered in front of his face as if frozen in place. Lowering her hand, she pushed away from his chest, ignoring the growls he was emitting. Needless to say, she was frustrated and beyond pissed.

  Sin tossed the brass knuckles to the floor and massaged her aching hand. Why wasn’t she able to fucking torture him? She met his dark gaze. There had to be a way to bring pain to a person who’d brought pain to so many others.

  He deserved it. She’d been able to use her magic to put him to sleep. There were spells that were able to bring pain. She’d only studied them as a last resort. They were dark magic spells, spells she’d never thought to use.

  Spells that could possibly turn her soul dark if she allowed it in. A tear dripped down her cheek. Was she really willing to allow the darkness in her heart, in her soul, just because of this creature?

  Her ancestors would be ashamed. They’d been given their power to help, to protect. They were Guardians. They only used battle magic. Never dark magic. Yet, here she was, all alone in a frozen world of chaos, contemplating opening her heart up to darkness.

  All because of a dragon whose soul was already dark. All because of a dragon who only knew how to destroy, not guard, not protect. She wasn’t going to taint her soul because of him. Not happening.

  Not today. Not ever. She wouldn’t allow this place or the creatures who lived there to turn her dark. Rhen was right, she wasn’t a killer, she wasn’t a torturer. It would be best if she left this stuff to him.

  However, she was a fighter. And there was no magic needed for an old fashion ass whipping. When she’d been unable to hit him with her brass knuckles, she stumbled into him, proving that she could touch him.

  Just not with weapons. Oh, well. She simply wouldn’t use weapons. Sin wiped her eyes. Why the hell was he looking like he felt sorry for her? Bastard. She didn’t need his pity. Didn’t he know he was about to catch these hands?

  This time when she cocked her fist back, it was all knuckle, all her. No brass needed. She punched him in the chest as hard as she could. She didn’t hold back. She should’ve held back. She cried out as pain ricocheted up her arm over her shoulder and down her back.

  What the absolute fuck? Clutching her hand, she dropped to her knees. She’d never felt pain like this before. What the hell was he? He couldn’t just be a dragon. He was something else.

  She’d fought a few shifters since being here. Hitting one never hurt her. It wasn’t only her hand that was hurting. Her head felt like someone was hammering on it. A wave of dizziness washed over her.

  Was the room spinning? Eyes drifting shut, she felt herself falling in slow motion. She raised her hand to brace herself for impact. Her hand connected with flesh before sliding to the floor.

  Her face landed against the same flesh. A leg? It felt like a leg. Sin patted the ground. A foot. Damn, she’d fallen against her captor’s leg. She wanted to open her eyes. She didn’t want to be weak, vulnerable, in front of her enemy.

  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t pry them open. Her consciousness was getting pulled down into an abyss of darkness. Before the darkness claimed her, she could’ve sworn she finally heard her captive speak.

  “I’m sorry,” a deep voice whispered.

  It sounded so far away. Too far away.

  “I’ll protect you, treasure. Just rest.”

  Strangely, that voice made her feel safe. Sin stopped resisting and did as he instructed. She allowed herself to rest. Not just slumber. But rest.

  Which was something she hadn’t done in two years.

  Chapter Eight

  SHE’S OURS, his dragon roared.

  There was no arguing that. She was indeed his. He’d found his treasure. Right now, all he wanted to do was free himself so he could check on his mate who was passed out at his feet.

  “Hurry,” he rushed his beast. “Use your fire to weaken the chains.”

  The heat of his dragon’s roar filled him, literally. It soared through him, strengthening him. Strengthening his muscles, his resolve, his determination to help his mate. Why hadn’t he thought of this?

  Instead of smiling smugly at her, angering her further, he should’ve been trying to stop her. Why hadn’t he remembered that mates couldn’t harm one another? It was physically impossible.

  And when they tried to do so, they only ended up hurting themselves. That was why his witch had passed out. He refused to blame his actions on the fact that he’d been here so long, with no hope of finding a mate, that he’d forgotten the mating rules.

  That may be true. It still was no excuse. His mate, the woman he was charged to protect for eternity, was lying at his feet. She’d experienced pain, because of him. She’d cried, because of him.

  Kaede’s roar joined that of his dragon’s. He didn’t care who heard. He’d destroy any creature who came near this cabin again. Smoke billowed from his nose with each exhale. He could feel the chains loosening.

  He inhaled deeply and with one final roar, he pulled his arms free. He knelt down and ripped the chains from his legs. Free, he scooped his mate up in his arms and held her against his chest.


  “Yes,” Kaede responded, staring down at his witch’s beautiful tear-stained face. “And look at what we’ve done to her.”

  Didn’t mean to.

  No, he hadn’t meant to. That was no excuse though. He’d never forgive himself for this. Never. Kaede lowered his forehead to hers. Mine. He was holding his mate. His arms were wrapped around his mate.

  He couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt this much joy. Now, he just needed to wake her up and apologize. Kaede carried her over to the couch and gently laid her down. Beautiful. Smiling, he kissed her forehead.

  We are blessed.

  “We are.”

  For so many years he’d yearned to have his voice back. He’d yearned for a mate to come along so he could get his voice back. Now he had her and he had his voice. He should be screaming at the top of his lungs, just to hear the sound of his own voice.

  He wasn’t. He didn’t want to speak. Not until she was awake. He wanted his first real conversation in over sixty years to be with her. If only she’d wake up, he’d go to his knees and beg her forgiveness.

  She will be okay, his dragon told him. She only punched us. She didn’t do any real harm. Had she actually managed to hurt us, the outcome would be worse.

  “I just want her to wake up,” Kaede told his beast.

  Squatting beside the couch, he watched her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. Kaede stared down. At least he wasn’t hard anymore. He returned his gaze to his mate. Seeing her pass out had quickly put an end to that. His mind was now consumed with protecting her.

  We can’t sit here forever. We have to dress.

  Oh, right. Clothes. Though he knew he needed to dress, he didn’t want to tear his gaze from his mate. She truly was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Her curves would fit nicely next to his as they slumbered every night.

  Now that his dragon was awake, his body temp would naturally run high. Far higher than others. His mate was a fire witch. That meant she could handle his heat. They were perfect for one another.


  Reluctantly, Kaede stood, eyes still on his mate. He needed to find the clothes she’d stolen from him. His lips lifted in a slight grin. She was the perfect mate. She’d managed to kidnap him and she’d stripped him naked.

  She’d even planned to torture him. His mate could handle her own. She was just what he needed. The Fates had truly gifted him with a fine life partner.

  Now, who’s the one that’s tame?

  Kaede growled. “I’m not tame. I’m just appreciative.”

  Appreciate some clothes. We must leave here and take our female with us. We have to figure out what to do about The Deciders.

  His dragon was right. He couldn’t stand here staring at her all day. He had to plot and plan. For what was to come, he’d need the help of his team. Kaede couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss her forehead one more time before going in search of his clothes.

  He already knew the layout of the cabin. He’d broken in twice when the previous owner lived here. Kaede had been hired to steal back items that had been stolen from people who lived in the village near his compound.

  The previous owner was a diabolical bastard who hadn’t deserved to live. However, someone had beat Kaede to killing him. The horrendous things the creature did to others when he was alive was known throughout the plane.

  He’d been an elusive bastard. Black magic had flowed through his veins. The Deciders sent numerous people after him. Many of those creatures ended up dead. No one could get close enough to him to finish him off.

  Kaede had gotten close a few times, only to have the male threaten to kill a child or some elderly person who was nearby, forcing Kaede to let him go. Kaede was no Saint. But he didn’t harm children and the elderly.

  Well, not normal children and the elderly. Those fucking cannibals were a different story. Those little monster kids ate whole people. He’d kill one of those bastards if he had to. Just thinking it made him feel sadistic.

  Maybe he wouldn’t kill the vicious brats. But he’d shake one of them until their teeth fell out. Women used to be on the list of beings he’d never hurt. He was ashamed to admit that changed over the years after more than a dozen of them had tried to kill him and rob him. The women here were nothing like the sweet demure women back home.

  They’d smile prettily and with that same mouth, they’d try to rip your throat out. You couldn’t underestimate the females here. He’d messed up in doing so with his mate. Good thing she belonged to him or he’d be missing a finger or worse.

  Kaede strode over to the flame tree and placed his hand near the fire his mate had created. Hot. He liked it. He inched his hand closer to the flame. Closer. Closer. The flames engulfed his hand.

  Kaede smiled. Now that his dragon was back, he was impervious to fire. And his mate’s fire felt similar to his. Normal fire caused by others, whether they were other dragons or fire pits, always felt intrusive.

  They didn’t hurt him. They also didn’t feel comforting. Kaede turned his engulfed hand over and stared at his palm. His mate’s fire was comforting. He stared behind him to where she was resting on the couch.

  Because of the back of the couch, he couldn’t see her. He’d just check on her one more time before going in search of his clothes. Removing his hand from the flames, he stepped away from the Christmas tree.

  When he reached the back of the couch, he peered over it. His mate was still how he’d left her. Why was it that every time his eyes landed on her, his heart started to race? He wasn’t some kid experiencing his first love.

  Wait... the kid part was wrong. He wasn’t a child. He was a grown-ass man. However, this was his first love. Twenty-seven and falling in love for the first time? That had to be some sort of world record.

  We’re not twenty-seven.

  “I feel twenty-seven,” Kaede countered.

  We’re wiser than our twenty-seven-year-old self. We know we can’t trust everyone. Especially those closest to us.


  He was our uncle.

  “Don’t compare our mate to that bastard.”

  I would never. I’m comparing the situations.

  “Don’t do that

  Just listen. We can’t trust her until we show her that she’s ours and we’re hers. If she wakes up right now, she’ll resume using her magic on us. She’s not a shifter. She won’t sense the mating pull as we do. We have to convince her to be with us.

  “Convince her? But she’s already mine. She belongs to me. I belong to her. End of story. I won’t accept anything else.”

  Neither will I. That doesn’t mean we won’t have to woo her.

  “Fuck that,” Kaede argued staring down at his mate. “We will tell her she’s our mate. Every creature of the lore knows what that means. When she learns that, she’ll accept it. She’ll accept our protection. And she’ll also tell us who’s been protecting her all this time. Because that person must die.”

  I agree. That person must die. But I don’t think she’s going to fall for us so easily.

  “I’ve seen it happen to other couples who’ve found their mates here. It will happen for us also.”

  I don’t think...

  “I’m tired of arguing with you beast. I must dress before she awakens.”

  Ignoring the growls of his dragon, Kaede headed to the bedroom. Knowing the layout saved on time. He found his clothes in his mate’s closet on the top shelf. They were in a box labeled ‘To Trade’.

  She’d planned on trading his items. He searched through the box to make sure all of his stuff was there. His weapons and syringes were missing. So was the sleeping toxin. Kaede dressed quickly.

  He found his boots in a separate box. After lacing those up, he went in search of his other items. He searched her makeshift dresser. The drawers were lopsided but they got the job done. That hadn’t been here when the previous owner lived here.

  Someone made this for her and they didn’t even do a good job. That person must die.

  Indeed. Kaede pulled one drawer out. Bingo. He found his syringe and his vial. Plus, other trinkets. He also found his comm device. He picked it up and checked it. Shit. It was cracked.

  He wouldn’t be able to contact the compound for a ride home. He’d have to trek through the snow with his mate. But that wasn’t what pissed him off. The words carved into the wood of the drawer was what pissed him off.


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