When Midnight Comes

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When Midnight Comes Page 26

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘I don’t want more money, Major. You know this is only a game.’

  He pushed the crystal ball towards her. ‘Tell me what you see. You did it for my father.’

  She gazed in to its depths with resignation, trying to clear her thoughts, knowing he wasn’t going to give up. Running her hand over it she remembered Elsie giving her this priceless gift and smiled inwardly with gratitude. Then she narrowed her eyes and looked closer. ‘There’s a big celebration going on at your home. People are coming from everywhere and there is much excitement.’

  ‘What are we celebrating?’

  ‘I don’t know, but it isn’t only gentry there.’ She covered the crystal with her hands. ‘I’m sorry, it’s gone now.’

  ‘You really can see things in there, can’t you? Father was right.’

  ‘I’ve got a vivid imagination, and always have had.’ She collected up one coin, refusing the other one. ‘That’s the end of your reading, sir. Thank you for coming.’

  He stood up. ‘Thank you, Miss Gloria. That was very interesting.’

  When he ducked out of the tent she let out a pent-up sigh of relief. What a day!

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Stuart’s house was in deep mourning when Charles arrived. ‘What’s happened?’ he asked the butler as he escorted him to the library.

  ‘The mistress died suddenly three days ago, your lordship.’

  When he walked in the room he said, ‘I’ve just heard the sad news, Stuart. I am so sorry. I knew your wife wasn’t well, but never expected this.’

  ‘Neither did we. It all happened quickly. She kept having lapses in memory and moments of anger, and then fell into a coma and slipped away peacefully in her sleep. The doctors could do nothing for her.’

  He studied Stuart’s drawn and weary face, and asked, ‘Is there anything I can do for you?’

  ‘No, thanks, everything has been arranged. The funeral will be held in Kent where her parents live, and after that I will be moving permanently to London. That is where my life is, and I only kept this place going because Angela seemed happier here. The journey to get back here on a regular basis has been inconvenient and time-consuming, but I had to do it to keep my family together.’

  ‘What about the children?’

  ‘Emma and Jane will come with me, with Nurse, of course, and Robert will stay at his school, but London will now be our home.’ He ran a hand wearily over his eyes, and then looked up. ‘Sit down, Charles, and tell me the reason for your visit.’

  ‘I thought you would want to know that Harry has found Chrissie with the Travellers, and she is well.’

  ‘Ah, that’s a relief, and one worry off my mind. When did Harry arrive back?’

  ‘I haven’t seen him yet; he wrote me a letter, and said she is refusing to come back with him so he is staying with the Travellers to try and change her mind.’

  Stuart frowned. ‘I thought he was going to make sure she was all right, and maybe see if she would come back. If she has refused, why is he still trying to persuade her? Is he intending to give her the stable lad’s job again?’

  ‘I doubt that very much because he strongly disapproved of a girl doing that kind of work.’

  ‘To be honest so do I. She is capable of achieving so much more in life, and I would willingly have given her a permanent job at my chambers, but she was adamant that she will not return to London permanently. Didn’t he say what he planned to do if she does agree to return?’

  ‘Not even a hint. All he said was that he wouldn’t be back without her and that could take a while. Oh, he did sign off by telling me not to worry because he was enjoying himself.’

  ‘That’s something, I suppose, after what he’s been through.’ Stuart gave a wry smile. ‘That sounds like the school friend I had years ago, full of devilment. Would you like a drink?’

  ‘Please. When are you leaving for Kent?’

  ‘Tomorrow. I’ll give you the address. Will you write and let me know what Harry is up to? Oh, and with everything that is happening I forgot to ask if you saw Edward safely on to a ship.’

  ‘Yes, he went quite eagerly. I also settled his debts here, and there is money and accommodation waiting for him at his destination.’

  ‘This has cost you a great deal of money.’

  ‘No cost is too much to keep my son safe. Too many of my family have died and Harry is all I have left.’

  Stuart nodded solemnly. ‘It’s hard, isn’t it, but at least I have three lovely children. When Harry does arrive back you must start hinting it’s time he married and had a family.’

  ‘I know what he’ll say if I try that. He’ll tell me to mind my own bloody business.’ Charles chuckled as he sipped his drink. ‘What are you going to do with this house?’

  ‘Sell it, if I can. When my wife insisted we buy this place she was already having problems, so it doesn’t hold many happy memories for me, and I’ll be glad to be rid of it.’

  ‘What about your staff?’

  ‘Nanny will be coming with the children, as I said, and I have told everyone else they can stay until a buyer is found. Hopefully, some or all might be kept on with the new owners. There’s a man in the village who is a retired lawyer, and he is going to deal with the sale for me, because I won’t be around to see any prospective buyers.’

  ‘And you trust this man?’

  ‘Absolutely. I’ve known him for years.’

  ‘That sounds like a good arrangement, then.’

  Stuart looked more relaxed now. ‘If Harry does return with Chrissie, please tell her there is a job waiting for her in London if she wants it.’

  ‘I promise, but it’s most unlikely, and if she does I doubt she would accept your kind offer.’

  ‘I know she wants open spaces around her, but give her the option anyway. If she has too much trouble with Harry, tell her she can come and work for me.’

  Charles sighed. ‘I wish I knew what he was up to. She wouldn’t take a job on my estate when I tried to give her one, and won’t consider the excellent opportunity you have offered. She’s far too independent for her own good, and look at the trouble it has caused her. To be honest, I believe he is wasting his time, but he can be very persuasive when he needs to be.’

  ‘That may be so,’ Stuart agreed, ‘but after the setbacks she has encountered since leaving London, I don’t believe she can be easily talked into doing something she doesn’t want to.’

  ‘She won’t be so trusting, either, which is a shame, but life’s ups and downs do tend to do that to all of us in time.’

  ‘Sadly, that is true.’

  Charles stood up. ‘I won’t take up any more of your time; I know you have a lot to do.’

  ‘Thanks for coming, and I’ll be intrigued to hear what Harry is up to.’

  Harry couldn’t remember when he’d felt so relaxed. This time with the Travellers was helping him to sort out his emotions and plan for the future. He gazed at the sea and felt the gentle breeze as it tempered the heat of August. He’d been with them for a week now, but all his efforts to persuade Chrissie to return with him had been met with a definite refusal. He watched her working with everyone, heard the laughter as she raced and played with the youngsters, and it made him question if he had the right to try and take her away. She was obviously happy here, and what could he offer her instead? The honest answer to that was that he didn’t know, didn’t even know why he was doing this. He’d found her and she was all right, so that should have been enough to ease their consciences. His, after the way he had treated a homeless girl who had nothing; Stuart, because she had been driven away by his sick wife; and his father because he liked her and was worried for her safety.

  ‘Beautiful, isn’t it?’

  He turned his head to look at Sandy, who had come to stand beside him. ‘Yes, it’s just what I need. It’s healing me, body, mind and soul, and I’m grateful to all of you for allowing me to stay.’

  ‘You work hard and mix in with everyone. I must say yo
u are an unusual gentleman, and you are welcome to stay for as long as you want to, but be aware we are watching you closely. If you try to hurt our girl again you will find yourself in trouble with us.’

  ‘You can rest assured that I will not.’

  ‘Then go home and leave her with us.’

  Harry shook his head. ‘I can’t do that.’

  ‘She’s only part-Romany, but we still consider her one of us, so why are you set on taking her home with you? It’s not the sort of thing a gentleman would do, unless he wanted her as his mistress. She’s very beautiful.’

  ‘Is that what you are all wondering?’ he asked sharply. ‘That is not my intention. My father told me she loves my estate and the horses we breed. She was happy there, and I took that away from her without finding out why my father had employed her. I want to correct that wrong and give it back to her. I don’t harbour any evil desires where she is concerned.’

  Sandy smiled then. ‘Thank you for explaining your reasons for coming after her. Now, we are packing up ready to move further along the coast, so will you give us a hand?’

  ‘Of course.’

  With all of them pitching in, everything was soon ready for an early start the next day, so Harry was on his way to take one of his horses out for exercise when Elsie called him. He went over to her home. ‘What can I do for you?’

  ‘Can you spare the time to come and have a cup of tea with me?’

  He climbed up the steps. ‘All the work is done and I’d enjoy a cup of your excellent tea. It’s a hot day.’

  ‘It certainly is.’ She looked up at him and then patted his arm. ‘Do sit down, Harry. You’re too big for my home when you’re standing. I was hoping Chrissie would come as well. Do you know where she is?’

  ‘I haven’t seen her for a while. Would you like me to go and look for her?’

  ‘No, I expect she’s still busy – or she’s hiding from you.’

  ‘That wouldn’t surprise me.’ He gave a deep chuckle. ‘I’m beginning to understand why my father and Stuart liked her so much. She isn’t afraid to speak her mind, and that’s refreshing.’

  ‘I’m pleased you find it so.’ Her look was penetrating as she handed him a cup of tea. ‘You look happier and more relaxed than when you first arrived.’

  ‘I am, and I’m even sleeping well. I will be sorry to leave, but I can’t stay for much longer. It isn’t fair to leave my father with two estates to run; he’s had that responsibility for too long now.’

  ‘Will you be sad to leave without my dear girl?’

  ‘I’m still hopeful she will come with me. Will she, Elsie?’

  ‘That is something you will have to find out for yourself, but if she continues to refuse, then you must go, for both your sakes. Don’t play with her emotions in order to ease your conscience, dear boy. You come from a privileged family, and her background is the opposite.’

  He sat up straight, frowning at what she was hinting, and remembering what Sandy had said. They were all questioning his motives! ‘I don’t give a damn about background! If I did, do you think I would be here living and working with a group of Travellers?’

  ‘A gentleman might find it amusing.’

  Placing the cup carefully on the table, he stood up. ‘You have all misjudged me, and I’m sorry about that.’

  ‘Sit down, Harry. I did not intend to offend you, but I needed to probe your character to find out what is beneath the picture of an elegant gentleman. We all care about Chrissie and were horrified to find out she had been wandering the countryside on her own. You don’t know this, but when she finally found us she could hardly stand. She didn’t have any money, was filthy from sleeping rough and was starving. We hardly recognised her as the happy, laughing girl we had known before.’

  He sat down again, appalled by what he had just heard. ‘She didn’t tell me.’

  ‘Why should she? I don’t feel now that you mean her any harm, but I’ve been watching you carefully, and you have become friendly – too friendly for a servant and master. If she did return with you, she could never be one of your servants again, so why are you doing this? You need to get that clear in your mind, dear boy. You come from different worlds, and the two cannot mix.’ She poured them both another cup of tea. ‘Unless you know exactly why you are doing this, then ride away, Harry.’

  He silently sipped the hot tea, his mind reeling as he realised what Elsie’s probing had brought to the surface. He had fallen in love with Chrissie. ‘You are asking too much,’ he told her softly.

  ‘I was sure you would say that, but now it will be up to you to make the right decision – for both of you. You are going to have to let your head rule your heart, I’m afraid, or both of you will be hurt.’

  ‘I’ll have to give this some thought.’ He drained his tea and stood up.

  ‘You do that, dear boy. I only want what’s best for both of you.’

  He bent and kissed her cheek. ‘You are a wise woman and I’m pleased to have had this discussion with you. It has helped to make something clear to me, and my only concern now is how to deal with it.’

  ‘There is always an answer, Harry. You just have to listen.’

  After leaving her he wandered to the beach, deep in thought, mulling over the implications of what he had just discovered, searching for the answer Elsie said was there. An idea began to form and he went over it time and time again, just to make sure it might be something Chrissie could accept. If she didn’t, then he would have to follow Elsie’s advice and ride away without her, as hard as that would be. He turned and walked briskly back to the camp. This had to be settled now; there wasn’t any point putting it off.

  He found her where he knew she would be, with Midnight and Red, and strode up to her. ‘They need exercise. Shall we give them a good run over the fields?’

  Her eyes lit up with pleasure, as they always did when given the chance to ride one of them, and her response gave him a glimmer of hope.

  The animals were soon saddled and as they thundered across the fields her joy was infectious, and he was aware just how much depended upon what he did and said now. His feelings for her must not show or she would disappear from his life as quickly as she could. If he was lucky the time would come, but that time was not now.

  Some fifteen minutes later they had reached a field with lush grass and began to canter through it until Harry stopped. ‘Let’s give them a rest so they can munch on the grass.’

  They found a fallen tree where they could sit and watch the horses enjoying the fresh grass.

  ‘I’ve brought you out here because we need to talk. I’m leaving tomorrow, and I’m asking you again to come with me.’

  ‘You know I can’t do that. I can’t be your guest because it wouldn’t be right. Can you imagine the gossip that would cause?’

  ‘I understand why you feel that way, and you are quite right. I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. I’ve given up on the idea of raising thoroughbreds, and we are going back to what we know best. These two fine animals are going to be the basis for a new breed of destriers. As you know, I’ve already purchased some fine mares and they are already in foal.’

  She nodded; her expressive face was alight with interest. ‘Yes, I saw them and they are lovely.’

  He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. ‘We are also in the process of setting up a farm to grow crops, and have cattle as well. We are making big changes, and I need your help.’

  She turned to face him, a deep frown creasing her brow. ‘What on earth could I possibly do?’

  ‘Work with me to make the stud farm a profitable business again. It’s going to take time, and we will have untrained warhorses to deal with, and you have a rapport with these animals that is astounding.’ He smiled wryly. ‘I swear you talk to them and they answer you, and they also respond to the love you have for them.’

  She had gone very still and he took a deep silent breath before continuing. ‘Come back with me so we can work together. What I’m o
ffering is the fulfilment of your dreams – a permanent home on a beautiful estate, working with the animals you love.’

  The silence stretched, and he waited, almost afraid to breathe. She hadn’t refused, yet.

  ‘You could dismiss me again,’ she said quietly.

  ‘No, that won’t happen again. You will be working with me on the same basis as the estate manager.’

  ‘What would the other hands think of such an arrangement?’

  ‘They would be pleased to have you back. Everyone misses you.’

  ‘Can I have my room in the barn again?’

  ‘Yes, if that’s what you want.’ His heart jumped in anticipation.

  ‘Can I wear breeches when I need to?’


  ‘If the time comes when you want me to leave, will you talk to me so I have time to make other arrangements? I don’t want to have to walk away at a moment’s notice again.’

  ‘I can promise you that, but I can also assure you it will never happen.’

  ‘You can’t use the word “never”, Major. Things change, and as the owner of that beautiful estate, you need to change staff from time to time. I know I shouldn’t be asking for assurances, but the circumstances are rather different. I am not applying for work – you are offering it to me. However, it isn’t clear to me just what the job is.’

  ‘I need someone who loves and understands these animals, and isn’t afraid of them. Someone who can help me buy mares, and another stallion. Someone who can oversee the training of the young horses, and isn’t afraid of the rough and tumble that will involve. And I honestly believe that someone is you.’

  She faced him in surprise. ‘I wouldn’t know how to do that.’

  ‘I’ll teach you. You have a special gift when it comes to handling horses, and that is what you should be doing. Not copying documents for Stuart, and not roaming around the countryside telling fortunes. Your real talent is being wasted.’ He watched various emotions coming and going on her face, still not sure what she was going to decide. He had done all he could, though.


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