Dungeon Spawned: Dark Dungeon 01

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Dungeon Spawned: Dark Dungeon 01 Page 10

by D. R. Rosier

  The dark mage fired off a curse and hit Sienna, but the spell was held at bay by Suzy’s light shield.

  She was frozen for a moment, not sure what the bigger threat was, but snapped out of it and launched an air bolt at the knight. The same kind that blew apart skeletons merely pushed him back a foot, as her spell broke on its shield.

  Sienna said, “Shit,” as fire raced out and smashed into the dark mage, and exploded harmlessly against its robes.”

  Suzy ran over to Jerrold, and started a healing spell, he looked dazed and confused.

  The knight started over to Suzy’s back, but at a normal walking speed, maybe he couldn’t do that rush speed thing all the time. The dark mage started to cast another spell.

  Sienna hissed, “The knight, and together this time.”

  She nodded and got her spell ready, and threw another air bold as soon as she saw the flash of Sienna’s fire.

  There was a huge explosion, which picked up the knight and threw him back several feet to land on his back. Yet, it appeared to be in one piece still.

  She gasped as darkness surrounded her, and this time Suzy’s spell broke, and she felt a lethargy enter her body. She wanted nothing more than to lay down, but fought off the feeling. Weakness would have been very effective against Jerrold, but against a mage who didn’t really use their muscles, it was merely an annoyance. A better choice against a mage would have been feeble mindedness, but fortunately for them, the undead mage was still basically a moron.

  Suzy must have finished, because Jerrold got up and approached the knight more cautiously, who was still in the middle of getting up, and swung his axe hard splitting the undead knight’s helmet and going into its brain.

  Which, didn’t seem to kill it.

  Sienna said, “Again, but the mage.”

  As she built another air bolt, she saw a flash of white cross the room from Suzy, which struck the mage and seemed to eat its dark shield. She smiled wide in anticipation as she released her bolt after Sienna’s fire. This time, there was nothing left of the undead mage as it exploded into fire, hit the wall, and disintegrated.

  The dark knight was back on its feet, and Jerrold was trading blows with it, using the spike of the axe to parry and block the knight’s sword. Her bolt spell was out of the question, it was too big, and they were fighting too closely together.

  She cast the blades of air spell, and aimed it at the dark knight’s head and neck. The helmet was in tatters, so it actually worked, and the head went flying off.

  She laughed a little hysterically when the undead knight fought on.

  Jerrold found an opening though, and took off the knight’s sword arm with a quick stroke, and then dove to the side when the knight tried a last ditch shield bash, and went flying past and fell on its face.

  She and the others repeated their attack on the mage, white magic to dispel, fire magic to burn, and air magic to explode that fire. The armor withstood the attack, but there were enough gaps that the body inside burned.

  Jerrold got up and grunted, “That was…”

  Sienna interrupted, “Awesome!”

  She started to giggle, it kind of was. A hell of a rush. She was also exhausted.

  Suzy got the curse off her with a dispel, and then they searched for loot. The armor and sword of the knight were good, so they took that but would have to get it identified at the guild, for a price of course, and then decide what to do with it. Most likely sell it. There were also some silver pieces, along with exactly four tokens, one for each of them.

  Jerrold grunted, “What are these?”

  Suzy said, “There’s a picture of stairs on them, with the number four.”

  She tilted her head, “Do you suppose this will open the normally one way door on the top of the shortcut exit stairs, and allow us safe passage down to the level three to four stairwell? So we don’t have to fight our way past the easy stuff again?”

  Sienna laughed, “Are you volunteering to check it?”

  She snickered, “That… nice one.”

  Sienna bowed but her eyes were full of mischief, “Please forgive me princess.”

  She sighed, and then stuck her tongue out. She hadn’t had this much fun in… ever really.

  “Are we pushing forward?”

  Jerrold shook his head, “No, I’m exhausted, and everyone but you is low on magic.”

  She blushed, she hated to be reminded of her unusually large aura. Not that she hated it, it would continue to grow, and if she ever reached master level it would make her very powerful.

  “Good point, we should celebrate, and then send you to test the token.”

  He laughed as they went into the next room, which was really just a small alcove with stairs going down on one side, and on the other the exit stairs from level three. From what she knew, the exit stairs were one way only, and the traps beyond deadly for anyone trying to sneak down them. She knew they’d verify it with the guild before trying to use the tokens, they hadn’t been in any of the reports.

  I was laughing on the inside, at the party’s comments. I’d put a token symbol on the exit door up top, maybe that would convince them it was safe? Although the exit stairs could be accessed from every floor going out, I only planned tokens for sections. So far, I only had two, undead and then demons, but the next token would be a level six shortcut to the stairs down to seven, when I had more floors that is.

  I also added a very subtle dark spell on it, if someone tries to sell or share the tokens with someone that didn’t earn it, they’ll very much regret doing so. Not to mention my memory was perfect, the tokens were mostly for the adventurer’s benefit. I already knew who’d defeated the third-floor boss, every single one of them.

  When that group had first entered, I was almost ecstatic there was an air mage, finally. But listening to their banter I found out she’s the damned princess, and will be a duchess of the ducal holding my dungeon is in. I wouldn’t play favorites, but I wondered what the fallout would be if she died down here. Bah, she probably doesn’t have a spell book with her anyway.

  I’d been thinking about my conversation with Boduna, and decided I really didn’t know anything new, but it was good to have most of my suspicions verified.

  Lila and Ebony seemed to be more cheerful as well, or at least, as cheerful as they’d ever been before the fallout of my mistakes. They were also far more relaxed in their interactions with me, and I wondered if that’s because I shared the truth about me. The demons and lower planar creatures that used dark magic were evil, but apparently, the higher planar beings that used dark magic were less easy to pin down that way.

  Which meant they probably weren’t worried I’d punish them for teasing.

  I was sure I could be evil, but it would be of my own choice. I wasn’t corrupted or designed to be evil like a demon was, but rather to have free will. Just like light beings could be good, or not. The hate within me for those that imprisoned and banished me, whoever they were, was come by honestly. I didn’t actively dislike anyone else, or at least I wouldn’t, until they proved themselves my enemy.

  I wondered if I’d been a little too self-analytical the last few days, but I did need to discover what I was, and where I came from. That seemed just as important as anything else.

  To my disappointment, Lila wasn’t displaying any of the signs from last time. It was a little amusing to consider that I might have been more sexually frustrated than the succubus sharing my prison. It was more than that of course, it was all the sensations of having a true body, and the remarkable feeling of that intimate connection we shared.

  I had to be patient.

  I was also exceedingly careful when thinking about that aspect of things, to use my partitioned mind for it. So far, I hadn’t made any more errors or slipups that way.

  Lila said, “Nurien?” in a voice so tentative it got my attention right away.


  She said, “I’ve been thinking, once we get out of here I might be… dest
royed again, and banished.”

  I replied, “Yes, but your soul is bound to me, I shouldn’t have a problem summoning you from hell.”

  She sighed, “Maybe, but a demon lord could strip it given enough time.”

  She still sounded tentative, way too much so considering what she was.

  I asked, “What are you suggesting.”

  She said, “Well. Even if the bond was destroyed somehow, if you had my true name…” she trailed off.

  I was shocked, and touched. Did she trust me that much? Of course, I could still destroy her right now, in the crystal, and I hadn’t. Still, if she planned to escape this would remove all hope of that, so obviously, she wasn’t. Planning to escape I mean.

  With her true name, I could summon her easily, bond or not. I could also do far worse. I think I loved her a little bit for that trust, it’s hard to say, because I didn’t really understand that emotion. Not yet, not back then anyway.

  “Tell me, if you wish.”

  She did…

  Chapter Fifteen


  Carlton wondered what the hell happened now as Cory walked in with a reluctance on his face. He still hadn’t turned anything up about what was going on with the dungeon, but at least he was sure it was something real and not just political paranoia.

  “What is it Cory?”

  Cory shut the door and cast a privacy spell.

  “Your grace, Verin’s team just got done trying to convince the duke to bring in a dungeon killer team. They went on about how it wasn’t really a dungeon, and was a dark evil deceiving them for fell reasons. The accusations went on for quite a while. Do you think it could be true?”

  He shook his head, “There is something off, but a dark evil? I don’t know, if that was true why didn’t Verin work through me. My guess is the princess ruined their plans to set up the dungeon somehow, and this is there desperate backup plan. Did they give proof of any kind?”

  Cory replied, “Not as such, they said the gods granted a vision.”

  He snorted, “Right, a vision. What did the duke say?”

  Cory said, “He said no, and dismissed them. But… he looked very pale, almost sick, when he did it. The other nobles were very dismissive, and called them paranoid. They very much have faith in the guild’s findings, and maybe even in the fact that you weren’t there to support their claim.”

  He shook his head, “Something is going on. What else, I can see it on your face.”

  Cory fidgeted, “One of them left with a dispatch. They didn’t go north to the crown city, they left out of the south gate, and went south toward Jennesar.”

  He nodded, “That clears up quite a bit, thank you. So that was the function of their envoy, and its Jennesar that wants the dungeon destroyed. I wonder what they offered Verin for that little favor to make the weasel help them? And why do they want the dungeon destroyed. The duke knows, or at least knows some of it, but we can’t exactly question him, can we.”

  Cory shook his head, “No sir.”

  He considered for a moment.

  “The duke said no when he had an excuse to go after the dungeon, even if a feeble one, which means whatever the duke does know leads him to believe whatever it is isn’t truly evil.”

  Cory replied, “Or, he doesn’t believe it can be destroyed, and believes the safest course is to just let it be. After all, his family had quarantined that keep for centuries. Seems like a waste of a good holding if it could be easily taken care of.”

  Carlton was startled by that observation, but it was a possibility he had to add to his considerations. Unfortunately, his hands were tied on the matter. Verin was his superior in the church and wasn’t telling him anything, and the duke was the true ruler here. Although, it was tempting to say fuck it, and just cast a truth spell on him. But… he didn’t get where he was being reckless.

  “Our options are limited, but I want you to set up a field training exercise to the south, put Merin in charge of it and have him keep his eyes to the south. I want to know when the messenger comes back, and if anyone returns with him.”

  He really didn’t know what to do, but since it was a conspiracy to destroy the dungeon, he couldn’t help but think it wasn’t a true threat. If it was truly a threat, there would be no need for secrets. At least, not on his level, the high cleric of the city should have been informed at the least.

  “You may go, and keep up the good work.”

  Cory smiled and left to take care of his tasks…

  Catalina felt like she was on fire, figuratively. They’d left the dungeon, went to the inn, and ordered ale and dinner. As the adrenaline wore down, it seemed like her libido rose in equal measure. She was thrilled to be alive, and excited that she was finally free to follow her desires.

  Her nipples were sore and swollen, and she was moist and hot below. She also had no one to help her take the edge off, and while she enjoyed the other adventurers’ company she was aware of their difference of station.

  Adventurers were rarely known for their circumspection.

  Worse, when she went to bed to take care of it, maybe with that air spell again, Sienna was right behind her. She’d forgotten she was sharing the room, and thought she might explode.

  Sienna said, “I might have to get my own room tonight.”

  She spun around, “Why?” and then berated herself for not simply pushing her out the door. She liked Sienna, and her company, but she could do with being alone herself.

  Sienna smirked, and broke eye contact to look around the small room nervously.

  “I have a confession to make.”

  She sat on the large bed they’d shared last night, there was plenty of room for two without touching. She watched Sienna curiously as she came over and sat down.


  Sienna nodded, and looked her in the eyes. Sienna’s brown eyes were really warm, but they were absent the mischief she could usually see in them. She also loved the fire mage’s red hair, it was so… luxurious looking, and beautiful. She liked her light brown hair, but it was straight and boring, where Sienna’s was wavy.

  Sienna said, “Your magic aura is large, but that’s not why I stared the first time we met.”

  She tilted her head, “Then why?”

  Sienna said softly, “Because he never told me how stunningly beautiful you are. How… how do you feel about women? Because I prefer them to men.”

  It took her horny slightly drink addled mind a moment to catch up. Sienna was attracted to her, Sienna wanted her, wanted to love her, right now in the bed. She’d never really considered being with a woman before, she’d grown up thinking about falling in love with a man and ruling the duchy together.

  Of course, she’d changed a lot since then, and right then she’d been wishing for a hot and discrete man. She’d never thought about being with a woman before, yet she was suddenly curious, and Sienna’s lips looked soft. The fire mage was beautiful, and had a curvy attractive body. Sienna was a huge flirt, but also showed generosity of heart.

  She was… intrigued. She also knew the members of her own party would be discrete for each other, and she was so damned horny that she actually considered it. She might not have if she hadn’t been so revved up, and it would have been her loss. To her surprise, the idea of kissing the woman in front of her didn’t turn her off at all. In fact, it spread the warmth of her core even further.

  She must have been thinking too long, because Sienna said, “I’m sorry, I’ll go find my own room.”

  She reached out and put her hand on Sienna’s leg to stop her, and got a questioning look in reply.

  “I’ve never been with a woman before. But… I would very much like you to kiss me now.”

  Truthfully, she’d never been with anyone before, male or female, outside of a few stolen and curious kisses, but she’d still told the truth.

  Sienna smiled shyly, but her words were teasing, “Where did you want it?”

  She flirted back, “Let’s
start on the lips, and then take it from there.”

  Sienna giggled, but then her face grew serious, and Catalina could see the desire in Sienna’s eyes as their heads came together, and eyes closed, as their lips touched for the first time.

  She sighed in pleasure, Sienna’s soft lips felt so good on hers, and she lost herself a little bit and melted against her.

  She was hot, desperately wanting things she barely comprehended yet, but something about that kiss slowed her down, and she gently explored Sienna’s body with her hands, as Sienna explored hers. Their kiss deepened and she moaned as Sienna’s tongue started to explore her mouth, and her play with her own tongue.

  It was just a kiss, and light petting, but she felt so close to the edge already, and it was a far more powerful feeling than it’d ever been on her own. It was thrilling, when she let her hands caress the sides of Sienna’s firm breasts through the robes, and when Sienna returned the favor she felt her core convulse, and gasped out at the little explosion of pleasure.

  It wasn’t a large orgasm, but it was still more intense than what she’d managed on her own.

  Sienna smiled and broke their kiss.

  “Goddess, your incredible, did you just cum for me?”

  She nodded, “I’ve never…”

  Sienna’s eyes widened for a moment, but then her smile widened, “Oh good, I can train you.”

  She giggled.

  Sienna said, “Off with those robes, and we’ll decide where I’m going to kiss you next.”

  She shivered at the thought, a good shiver that sent pleasure straight to her core. She couldn’t wait to see Sienna’s body either, and wondered where she might find her own lips soon.

  She smiled as she pulled her robes off, and absently set a spell just in case either of them got too loud. It was going to be a hell of a night…

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was late, but there were still plenty of people fighting. Adventurers had started to show up, so it wasn’t just the local people fighting anymore. I was paying attention to everything of course, but I had my focus on a group that had both an air and an earth mage. I’d never seen a human with two affinities before, and she was getting low on mana.


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