Smoke in the Wind sf-11

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Smoke in the Wind sf-11 Page 17

by Peter Tremayne

  ‘Brother Meurig was a barnwr. I am a dálaigh holding an equivalent legal rank,’ announced Fidelma. ‘Therefore I am going to take charge of this case.’

  Gwnda was silent for a moment. The corners of his mouth turned down as he pressed his mouth tight shut for a moment. ‘By the Holy Cross, you are not!’ he finally responded with firmness.

  Fidelma returned his look without flinching. ‘Do you challenge my authority?’ Her voice was soft. Eadulf knew that it was when she spoke softly that she was at her most dangerous.

  ‘You have no authority here. Not in this matter, anyway. ’

  Fidelma stiffened. ‘I have the authority of King Gwlyddien of Dyfed,’ she retorted.

  ‘No you do not.’

  Fidelma’s eyes widened in disbelief. ‘Brother Meurig told you so when we arrived. You accepted it then.’

  Gwnda shook his head. ‘King Gwlyddien authorised you only to investigate the disappearance of the community of Llanpadern. He sent Brother Meurig here to judge the case against Idwal. You have no right to intervene in this matter. I am lord of Pen Caer and I shall be magistrate in this affair.’

  Fidelma swallowed sharply. It was true. Gwnda was right under the absolute letter of the law. She had no jurisdiction here. She thought for a moment and then realised that she could do nothing but back away.

  ‘Then I must plead with you, Gwnda. I believe that an injustice is happening. I should investigate this matter further if justice is to be served.’

  ‘You have authority to investigate at Llanpadern. That is all.’ Gwnda’s expression was determined. ‘You are welcome to the hospitality of my hall for this night. I presume that you will want to return to the abbey of Dewi Sant tomorrow. Until then I suggest that you do not wander far from the protection of my roof.’

  Fidelma’s eyes narrowed in annoyance. ‘That sounds suspiciously like a threat, Gwnda?’ Once more Eadulf heard a dangerously quiet quality to her voice.

  Gwnda’s expression was impassive. ‘There is no threat at all in what I say, Sister. I am but warning you for your own safety and the safety of your Saxon companion.’

  ‘That certainly sounds like a threat to me,’ observed Eadulf sourly.

  ‘When the news of Brother Meurig’s death has spread, there will be many who will be angered. The fact that Idwal was obviously responsible for Mair’s death was acknowledged by most people in Llanwnda. Now it appears that Brother Meurig has been killed by him. The people will be reminded that you stopped them taking their revenge on Idwal. Had they done so, Meurig would be alive now.’

  ‘It was not we who prevented the mob from murder,’ corrected Eadulf. ‘Brother Meurig was the one who stopped their foolhardiness.’

  Gwnda smiled thinly. ‘Brother Meurig has paid the price for his mistake. However, if you start wandering around Llanwnda, the people might recall that you were with him and bear collectively the responsibility for a further death here.’

  ‘That is a totally illogical way of thinking,’ snapped Fidelma.

  ‘I speak not for myself, of course, but for the people,’ Gwnda said evasively. ‘They are notoriously illogical when it comes to curbing feelings of vengeance against any who have wronged them.’ He turned to the door. ‘If you need anything further just ring that hand bell. Buddog will come to attend to your wants.’

  They heard his steps retreating outside and a short time later a horse left the stable.

  Eadulf was resigned. ‘So that is that! We return to the abbey of Dewi Sant tomorrow. At least we can-’

  He was brought up short by Fidelma’s scornful expression. ‘Do you think I would run away now?’

  Eadulf gazed into her fiery green eyes and suppressed a sigh of resignation. ‘I suppose not.’

  ‘Precisely so.’

  ‘Then what do you intend?’

  ‘I have never retreated from a mystery that I was pledged to resolve. Nor will I now.’

  ‘Then you will need to get the authority of King Gwlyddien to overrule the lord of Pen Caer.’

  She glanced at him and smiled. As usual, Eadulf had that ability of getting right down to the practicality. Her smile broadened. Eadulf read what was in her mind and groaned inwardly.

  ‘You want me to ride to the abbey of Dewi Sant and seek authority of King Gwlyddien?’

  She nodded affirmatively and added: ‘It is the only way.’

  ‘Do I have time to eat first?’ he asked petulantly.

  ‘Naturally. And to sleep as well. The best way to do this is for both of us to pretend that we are leaving tomorrow at first light. Then I shall find somewhere to stay outside Llanwnda while you go on to the abbey. If you ride fast, and the abbot provides you with a fresh horse, you could be back within twenty-four hours.’

  ‘What will you do for twenty-four hours?’ demanded Eadulf. ‘You will not be able to move around asking questions and there is the additional danger of our friend Clydog and his men to be avoided.’

  Fidelma looked rueful. ‘I will do what I can. But you are right, I will be very restricted until you return.’

  ‘I think that it is better we rethink this plan,’ Eadulf went on. ‘There is no way you are going to be able to ask questions about Idwal. Besides, Gwnda is right, you know.’

  She looked at him belligerently. ‘Right? In what way?’

  ‘This matter of Idwal is not really our affair. Our task was to-’

  She held up her hand to stop him. ‘Spare me what I have heard a thousand times,’ she snapped waspishly. Then, almost at once, she smiled apologetically. ‘Sorry, Eadulf, but you have pointed this out before — several times.’

  He agreed gloomily. ‘Facts are facts no matter how many times they are stated,’ he added in self-justification.

  ‘The fact is that I am coming to the belief that there is some common factor in all these events. I want to know what that connection is.

  ‘This is not the first time you have implied there is a connection. How can you say so? I have seen no evidence of any connection.’

  ‘I feel it.’

  ‘It is not like you to rely only on intuition.’

  ‘I do not rely on it, as well you know. But Brehon Morann once said that often the heart and emotions will see before the head does.’

  ‘And often the heart and emotions will be blind while logic shows the way,’ grunted Eadulf.

  ‘I thought we could work together,’ Fidelma found herself protesting. ‘Instead we seem to be arguing all the time. What has happened to us, Eadulf?’

  Eadulf considered the matter.

  He realised that it was true. Since they had come to this accursed country of Dyfed there had been a growing friction. It was not that argument was new to them. Indeed, they had often argued but each had retained their respect for the other; both had retained their sense of humour. Eadulf knew that Fidelma always teased him over their conflicting opinions on the Faith, over their differing philosophies. But the arguments were always good-natured and there was no enmity between them. Yet now, now. . what was wrong? There seemed a growing bitterness behind their words.

  He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

  ‘I think it is this atmosphere, Fidelma,’ he answered weakly. ‘I feel it is oppressive.’

  ‘You have been gloomy ever since we came on this shore. Perhaps I should have taken notice of what you said. Maybe we should have waited in Porth Clais and found another boat.’

  Eadulf knew that she did not believe what she was saying. She was in her element here, studying this mystery. To deny her that would be to totally misunderstand what made her function.

  ‘The fault lies with me,’ he said, after a moment or two. ‘I am the one who is the cause of the problem.’

  Fidelma looked quickly at him to check whether he was being sincere. Then she shook her head. ‘I think the fault might lie with the decision I took at Loch Garman.’ Her voice was without emotion.

  Eadulf compressed his lips. He said nothing.

  Fidelma waited a moment o
r two and when he made no other comment she added: ‘The sages say ne cede malis, but that is precisely what we seem to be doing. We are yielding to misfortune. We have never done so before.’

  ‘There is a curse on this land,’ growled Eadulf angrily.

  ‘A curse?’ Fidelma actually smiled, a swift glimpse of her old urchin grin of mischief. ‘I have never seen you retreating back into the superstition of your people, Eadulf.’

  Eadulf’s face reddened. He was well aware that most Christians from other lands did not regard the newly converted Angles and Saxons as truly Christian. He had not forgotten the body of the Hwicce in the tomb at Llanpadern and the talk of a Saxon raiding ship. He knew just how much the Britons of these kingdoms hated Saxons. He had always felt himself above the misdeeds of his people in their centuries-old struggle to drive the Britons ever westward and take over their lands. The Saxon wars were nothing to do with him. They were a matter to be condemned by the Church and he was no part of them. To have Fidelma associating him with. .

  He paused in his misery. Someone had entered the room and crossed to the table where they were sitting. It was Buddog.

  ‘I have come to set the table,’ she announced quietly, and suited the action to the word, beginning to place the plates from a wooden tray.

  Fidelma regarded the dour, taciturn woman with a speculative eye. ‘Have you heard the news?’

  The blonde servant did not pause. ‘Concerning Brother Meurig? I have.’

  ‘Gwnda is claiming that he was killed by Idwal.’

  ‘That is not my concern.’

  ‘I thought you were anxious to point out to Brother Meurig, when we were last here, that Idwal was deserving of some sympathy.’

  ‘I did not say that,’ the woman said brusquely.

  ‘Then what did you say?’

  ‘I said that if Idwal killed Mair then she deserved it.’

  ‘Ah yes,’ conceded Fidelma. ‘So you did. You felt that she was flirtatious and led men astray. Why was that, now? Remind me of your reason for saying so.’

  ‘Because Mair was sly. Capricious. She twisted men around her little finger. She could make them do whatever she wanted.’

  ‘Ah, so I remember. But what you are saying is that she was hardly the virgin depicted by her father Iorwerth.’

  ‘What did Iorwerth know of what she was up to? A virgin, indeed,’ sneered the woman. ‘She used men’s lust as a weapon against them.’

  ‘You seem to have known her pretty well? More so than her father,’ pointed out Eadulf.

  ‘I knew her. She was around here enough times.’

  ‘Ah, yes. She was Elen’s friend, wasn’t she? But as for using men’s lust against them — who do you say were her victims? Are you speaking of Idwal?’

  ‘And others.’

  ‘What others?’

  The door opened abruptly. They looked up and saw a dark, attractive young girl enter the room. It took Eadulf a few moments to remember that she was Elen, the daughter of Gwnda, lord of Pen Caer. She hesitated when she saw Buddog. But the blonde servant took the opportunity to leave, her eyes lowered.

  ‘Is it true?’ The girl’s first words were a breathless gasp as she faced Fidelma. ‘Is it true that Brother Meurig has been killed and that you are looking for Idwal to kill him in revenge?’

  Fidelma motioned the girl to a chair by her. Automatically, Elen obeyed the unspoken order and sat down. When she had done so she repeated with emphasis: ‘Is it true?’

  ‘It is true that Brother Meurig was hacked to death in the woodsman’s hut in the forest. However, it is not true that we are looking for Idwal to kill him. Indeed, your father made plain that we have no role in the matter. Nevertheless, we would like to find Idwal if only for his own safety.’

  The girl remained silent for a moment. ‘Brother Meurig told me that you were a famous lawyer from Cashel.’

  ‘When did you speak with Brother Meurig?’ asked Fidelma.

  The girl pouted thoughtfully. ‘He asked me some questions yesterday before I left.’

  ‘Before you left?’

  ‘I have just returned from Cilau and heard the news in the township.’

  ‘Cilau?’ Fidelma frowned. ‘I seem to have heard the name before.’

  ‘It is a small settlement not far from here. I have a cousin there,’ explained the girl. ‘I left there at midday to get here before dark.’

  ‘Did you know that Brother Meurig was going into the forest?’

  ‘I knew that he planned to go to the forest this morning to see where Mair was killed,’ Elen agreed.

  ‘Did you know that he was taking Idwal?

  ‘Didn’t he need Idwal to show him the spot where Mair was murdered?’

  ‘As I recall, you did not believe Idwal killed your friend Mair?’

  ‘Idwal would not harm anyone. You spoke with him so you must know that he is a simple youth. Simple but nice. . and he is so gentle. Sometimes, when a sheep or lamb under his care falls from a rock and injures itself, he can hardly bring himself to kill it. Only the fact that life is a greater misery with the pain of its injury gives him the courage to do so.’

  ‘You really like Idwal, then?’ Fidelma remarked encouragingly.

  ‘I know that he could not kill Mair.’

  ‘Have you heard that your father is convinced he killed Brother Meurig?’

  ‘My father never liked Idwal. I do not believe he could kill Brother Meurig any more than he could kill Mair.’

  ‘You seem to be thinking with your heart rather than with your head,’ Eadulf observed dryly. ‘Emotion is no judge of the facts.’

  Fidelma knew that there was an implied rebuke to her in his words and she looked at him quickly, but he did not catch her eye.

  ‘There is another question I would like to ask you, Elen, before we proceed,’ Fidelma said. ‘The servant, Buddog. She disliked your friend Mair very much. Has she been in this household a long time?’

  ‘Since before I was born,’ asserted Elen. ‘Poor Buddog.’

  ‘Poor? Why so?’

  ‘She is my father’s mistress. But I think that my father has now grown tired of her.’

  Fidelma relaxed a little. This explained much about Buddog’s attitude.

  ‘How well do you really know Idwal, Elen?’ Eadulf asked, interrupting her thoughts.

  The girl considered the question and then understood its deeper meaning. Her eyes widened. ‘I am not. .’ She hesitated. ‘There is nothing between us, nothing sexual that is. Nor will there ever be. He is just a simple, friendly boy for whom many feel sorrow. He is four years older than I am. He was abandoned in his youth and raised by a shepherd. . Iestyn’s brother, but I forget his name.’

  ‘We have heard Idwal’s story,’ cut in Eadulf sharply. ‘Your relationship is no more than that?’

  The girl flushed in annoyance. ‘I have said so.’

  ‘It seems curious,’ Fidelma said slowly, ‘that you are so adamant that Idwal could not have killed your friend Mair and that this opinion is based on no more than your feelings about the youth. I would imagine that we all have the propensity within us to kill if the circumstances were right. What I mean is that if we were outraged enough, or pushed into it by an overriding necessity which was more urgent than our moral code. .’

  ‘I cannot imagine any circumstances in which Idwal would be driven to such rage that he would do such a thing,’ Elen replied firmly.

  Fidelma regarded the girl thoughtfully. She appeared sincere enough. ‘Tell me more about your friend Mair.’

  Elen looked disconcerted for a moment. ‘What would you want to know?

  ‘How long had you known her?’

  ‘We grew up together. Here in this small township everyone knew everyone else, especially children growing up. Mair and I were the only two girls of our age. We almost looked alike and a few times visitors thought we were sisters.’

  ‘I believe that you know that Idwal is not guilty of the crime he is accused of for another rea
son. . another than simply a vague emotion of your heart.’

  Fidelma made her suggestion without preamble, surprising Eadulf.

  Elen was quiet, and Fidelma decided to explain further.

  ‘When Idwal was accused of raping Mair and taking her virginity, you knew that was not the case, didn’t you?’

  The girl shrugged. ‘Mair was not a virgin,’ she agreed. ‘She told me so many months ago.’

  ‘If Mair had a lover, the loss of her virginity is not a factor for compensation under the law, as her father is claiming.’

  ‘How did you know about her lover?’ Elen asked curiously.

  ‘Because Idwal implied it without intending to do so.’

  ‘Idwal is not artful enough to keep a secret for long,’ she agreed. ‘Did he tell you who it was?’

  ‘He would not even have told us that Mair had a lover if I had not drawn it out of him by a ruse,’ replied Fidelma. ‘He refused to give a name. He said that he had sworn an oath to Mair not to tell who it was. She wanted a certain message delivered. Idwal refused to take it. That letter was to her lover.’

  Elen lowered her head sadly. ‘He is a very moral boy. That’s a further reason why he could not have killed Mair.’

  ‘Granted that, do you know who this lover was?’

  ‘I do not. She was very secretive. She only told me of how it was, that first night. You know, the way girls talk about their relationships. The way it felt. Mair was very cynical. She was actually poking fun at this nameless lover. She told me that he was very clumsy and not at all expert in the techniques of love.’

  ‘And was Mair such an expert at the techniques of love?’ inquired Eadulf cynically.

  Fidelma suddenly leant forward towards the girl, her eyes searching. ‘Brother Eadulf does have a point. This conversation you say you had with Mair, was that truly the time when she lost her virginity or had she had experiences before?’

  Elen considered the question carefully, realising the implication, and then she shook her head. ‘At the time, she was boasting about losing her virginity. She was always a flirt. Always attracted to men — older men at that. As I recall, it was the first time that she had talked about sex, but I think she was implying that her lover was elderly and clumsy and that she felt superior to him.’


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