Dark Moon Dance [Fire Jaguars 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Dark Moon Dance [Fire Jaguars 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Nicole Dennis

  Kate chuckled at Isaac’s attempt to tease Etienne. She smirked when the Alpha smacked Isaac on the back of the head.

  “Ow.” Isaac rubbed his head and glared at his Alpha.

  “May I remind you we’re in front of visiting guests,” Alex said.

  “Sorry, Alpha,” Isaac mumbled.

  Etienne squeezed the bridge of his nose between his fingers and sighed. “As I mentioned, Lady Kate, I believe there is a way we could alter the plan.”

  “How do you mean to alter things? I don’t want to be trapped,” Kate said.

  “With your father’s and the Alpha’s permission, you could spend time at my home. It isn’t as grand as the Alpha’s guest home, but there’s enough room for the three of us without tripping over one another. I’ve been away on a long assignment, so things are a bit of a mess,” Etienne said. “You can move throughout the home without fear.”

  “Do you need a housekeeper?” she asked with a bit of playful snark.

  Etienne flushed, shook his head, and waved his hands. “No, no, my lady. I’m trying to explain the current situation. Things are covered in dust clothes, several growing families of dust bunnies, and a lack of warmth.”

  “Yeah, we got utilities back this morning,” Isaac said.

  Etienne hitched an elbow into Isaac’s side.

  “Hey,” Isaac grumbled and rubbed his side. “What he didn’t mention is we’ll need to go shopping.”

  “True. We’ll need to do this before things are comfortable.” Etienne glanced at the lady and the others. “Would you consider this arrangement?”

  “Could I help set things back in order?” she asked.

  “If you wish, I would enjoy the assistance.”

  “Father, may I leave with them?” she glanced back at Etienne. “Where is your home?”

  “At the north edge of town. I’m the last house,” Etienne said.

  “We can reach any home around here in less than ten minutes by car or five by cat,” Alex added. “Your daughter will be safe with Etienne and Isaac.”

  “I don’t want to roam around this guest house,” Kate said and waved a hand toward the house. “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel comfortable.”

  “Please, I have no anger with your decision. There are moments when I hate roaming around this house, too,” Alex said. “I’m continuing to fix it after my father’s ungraceful exit.”

  “I can help these gentlemen fix the home, keep busy so I don’t worry.”

  “Or try to run out on your own to find Naira,” her father said.

  “I promise not to hunt on my own,” she said.

  “I give my permission. You may stay in this other house. She’ll have her own room, as befitting a single female cat of the desert. We have strict standards for all females among our clan. I expect them to be adhered to at all times,” her father ordered.

  “There is a suite at the end of the hall which she can use. We’ll be on the other side, but within hearing distance,” Etienne said.

  “Needs a thorough cleaning,” Kate said with a bright smile.

  “A tornado type of cleaning,” Isaac said with a chuckle.

  “I don’t mind using a little elbow grease.”

  “You’ll need a couple of buckets for his place.” Isaac jerked with an “ow” when Etienne nudged him hard.

  Etienne glared at his partner and returned his attention to Kate. “Do you wish to stay at my home?”

  “Yes, please, I want anything other than being cooped up in one room like a caged bird.”

  “We’ll get your things and I’ll show you my home,” Etienne said.

  Kate slapped her hands together and rubbed them. She kissed her brothers’ cheeks and nodded to her father. The man waved his hand to give his permission. She led Etienne and Isaac to the back of the second SUV with one of the protectors, who held the keys. She pointed out the five matching luggage pieces.

  “I thought ladies could fill a car on their own,” Isaac said.

  “I came close to making it seven bags, but my father gave me the look so I pared down my shoes. I’m not tagging along on this trip for clothes, but for my sister. As the sheikh’s daughter, it’s my position to make an excellent, upscale appearance at any gatherings befitting my station.”

  “You needed to figure out the balance between the opposing factions of this trip.” Isaac nodded as he passed the last piece to Etienne, who carried and loaded his SUV.

  “It’s difficult to think of my sister suffering, and I’m worried about a pair of Manolo Blahnik sandals,” Kate said and followed Isaac. She settled in the backseat.

  “When you’re paying over five hundred dollars for a pair I can see how it is a tough decision,” Isaac said with a teasing grin.

  “How do you know how much they cost?” Etienne asked.

  “Duh. I keep up with the highest of fashions,” Isaac said with a fake fluff of his hair. “Like, oh my goddess, did you see those new Christian Louboutin shoes? I love those gorgeous red soles.”

  Kate giggled at Isaac’s behavior and high fake accent. “I have a shoe addiction. Yes, I brought a few Louboutins with me.”

  “Oooh. Can’t wait to see them,” Isaac said and closed the door.

  Etienne tilted his head as he stared dumbfounded. “What kind of a cat are you?”

  “Oh pshaw, I’m still me.” Isaac gave him a kissy face before sliding into his seat.

  “Don’t know a thing about clan history, but can name a freaking fashion designer for shoes. I don’t know about you.” Etienne massaged the bridge of his nose, walked around the car, and climbed into the driver’s seat. He drove away from the small gathering.

  Kate removed the scarf and shook down the brunette waterfall of hair held back in a thick braid. She opened the clasps of the cloak. “I apologize, but I hate the formal clothing. My father insists covering every inch of my body as tradition. At your home, I don’t plan on adhering to his ridiculous rules.”

  “As our guest, you’re allowed to do whatever you desire. We promise not to say a word to him,” Etienne said as he glanced at her in the mirror. His eyes locked on the fall of hair resembling the woman’s hair in his dreams.

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter 6

  After the males carried in the luggage and placed it on the floor, they took Kate on a short tour around the dusty home. Once she found the empty fridge and pantry, she asked for a longer tour with a pad and pen for someone to make a list of supplies.

  With Isaac chuckling at Etienne’s discomfort, Kate was shown around the home. She called out various supplies Etienne scribbled on the pad he left on the counter. When the list finished after several pages, they returned to the SUV and Etienne drove them back to the town’s central area.

  “This is the new clinic and hospital Alex ordered refurbished. After the original doc died, it fell into disrepair under his father’s reign. We have a brilliant new doctor, a nice lady who mated two guardians in a special ceremony.” Isaac pointed out the three-story building after they left the car and walked to the large market building.

  Kate flipped her cloak closed, but didn’t bother with the scarf. “I hate wearing this, but in the possibility of meeting my father without it and getting an hour-long lecture, I thought best to err on the side of caution.”

  “An hour-long lecture for not wearing a cloak. Seems a little harsh,” Etienne said.

  “My father loves giving me lectures.” She looked around and studied the building. “What happened with emergencies and cubs?”

  “It wasn’t good,” Isaac said. “The guardians took care of their emergencies with trained paramedics. As for the cubs, a few older females acted as midwives, but most retired when the doc arrived. A couple offered to help whenever there is a birth.”

  “Since most fathers-to-be are useless when it comes to birthing,” Kate teased.

  Isaac laughed. “Two are proving it since they fainted when told how many cubs were in their mate’s womb.”

Who fainted?” Etienne asked.

  “Sebastian and Raphael were knocked out cold when the doc told them Hillary was carrying four cubs,” Isaac said. “They were the first triad to be mated and blessed.”

  “Bastian and Raphael passed out. I don’t believe it.”

  “Oh, they did, ask Nathan. He had to go in and help get them back on their feet while Hillary and the doc cracked up laughing.”

  “I hope to see them soon,” Etienne said.

  “They have their bar and restaurant, but a pair of managers, younger cubs, runs things for them. You can find them there or at the hospital where Hillary is on ordered bed rest until she delivers.”

  “Sounds like a wonderful community,” Kate said.

  “Since Alex took over, it’s been getting better for everyone. He’s a fabulous Alpha, one who cares for every member and is warm and giving.” Isaac shoved a hand in his pocket.

  “He sounds like a wonderful leader. A true leader comes from his heart.”

  Walking a few steps behind, Etienne listened to the two flirt as they walked to the market, which stocked most of the supplies. His pace slowed as he glanced through the list and wondered if they would need to head to Paisley.

  A strange popping sound, similar to firecrackers, caught his awareness. He saw females gather their cubs and run screaming. More popping sounds were heard. Etienne lifted his gaze to one of the roofs. There, in the glimmer of sunshine, he caught sight of a long barrel of a rifle.

  “What the hell?” Isaac turned his head when he heard the second round.

  “Sniper! On the roof,” he shouted and hoped guardians were racing to the area. “Sniper! Get down! Everyone get out of the way. Take cover! Isaac, get Kate and go!”

  Before Etienne finished, Isaac pulled his gun, wrapped his arm around Kate, and threw them behind the nearest building for cover. “Etienne, move your ass!”

  “Don’t worry about me. Protect her. Move! Move! Go!” Etienne ordered as he raced in their direction to help protect the princess. He reached to his lower back and cursed when he realized he left the double back holster and matching Glocks at the house. No longer would he go unarmed while protecting this lady.

  More popping sounds rang out.

  Etienne grunted when he felt fire sear through his right bicep, race across the back of his damaged right shoulder, and ping around his body. Dark moon, I’ve been shot. Again! In the same fricking place. What the hell? He pushed through the agonizing burn. On automatic reflexes honed from years of training, he wrapped his arms around Kate and Isaac and shoved them into a depression which had cover. He made sure Kate was deep in the corner with him and Isaac surrounding her.

  When he heard answering calls, he looked over in time to see several guardians racing past their covered position. Three held guns while three others carried protective shields. He turned his head and pressed it against Isaac’s neck when he heard the answering gunfire and more screams, and prayed for the outcome to be good.

  By the time they heard the “all clear” signal, Etienne was fighting to stay alert and conscious. His entire arm and shoulder burned. He was astonished at how calm Kate remained during the crisis. He braced his good shoulder against the wall. He coughed a little. Blood bubbled up on his lips. He realized the bullet had pinged around his lung. He was in deep shit.

  He closed his eyes to handle the pain for a few brief seconds and let his mind drift away. This wasn’t going to be a good outcome. At least he’d protected his lover and the lady under his charge.

  * * * *

  In a bit of shock, Kate felt her heart pound hard and fast. She didn’t acknowledge the popping sounds as gunshots when Isaac had wrapped his arms around her. Between his weight and Etienne’s movement, she was swept off her feet as the guardians went into action. She couldn’t believe how they put their bodies between her and the gunfire as a living wall of protection. She buried her face against Isaac’s neck while her hands clutched both him and Etienne.

  With the shock, her gift flared when her controlled wall cracked. Pain flared through her. Worry addled her mind. Fury at how such a thing could be done within their small town. None of these feelings were hers, but battered against the walls as her empathy flared.

  “Clear. Clear. Okay. It’s safe to move,” someone called from a distance.

  There were calls, screams, and cries of the wounded, the panicked sounds as the cats tried to figure out what happened.

  “Are you okay?” Isaac asked as he leaned away to look around. “Holy dark moon, what happened? It’s never like this in town.”

  Ignoring his questions, Kate pulled in a few deep, controlling breaths to try and rebuild the walls. She pushed back against the various emotions. She stared at Isaac, amazed at how rock steady he sounded. He was covered in blood. She couldn’t help but panic and fear rose. She screamed as the emotions flared worse than ever. She couldn’t control this onslaught. Not at the sight of blood and pain.

  “What? What are you screaming for? The danger is gone,” Isaac said with confusion in his voice. He looked at her and around, the black gun prevalent in his hand.

  “You need to sit down. You’re hurt.” Kate worked through the emotions before screaming, “Help! We need help over here!”

  “What? I’m fine. I’m not hurt. You’re in shock.”

  “No, I’m not! You’re covered in blood. You’re either going in shock or coming off an adrenaline rush. It’s okay.”

  “No, I’m not hurt. I’m fine. Whoa! What the hell?” Isaac looked down and saw the blood on his shirt and on Kate’s shirt. “Day-ummmn. Did you get hurt when we tackled you? Shit, what a way to start a relationship.” He looked toward the street. “Medics! We need the doc!”

  “No. I’m not hurt. It’s not my blood.”

  “It’s not mine.”

  The pain flared stronger, but it wasn’t hers or Isaac’s. Under her touch, she felt nothing from him other than anger at the shooter and concern for her. The pain came from someone else. There was another person with them.

  Kate turned in time to watch Etienne slide down the wall until his ass hit the street hard. His entire right arm was covered in blood along with a smear down the wall. She gripped Isaac’s arm harder until he saw his partner.

  “Etienne!” both of them screamed in unison.

  “Wondered when look at me.” Etienne let out a wet, raspy cough. Bubbles of blood appeared on his lips.

  “Oh sweet Goddess! When did you get hit?” Kate crouched next to him, her hands fluttered around him. When she brushed his skin, pain skittered and flared in her head. Her shoulder and chest burned in the same agony he felt. “Oh, sweet moon, this is bad.”

  “Before I knock. You. Two out.” He coughed again, more bubbles appeared. “Hurts.”

  “I know, buddy, I know it hurts,” Isaac said as he slid his gun into the holster and hovered. “You need to hang in there with us.”

  “Oh Goddess, you’re hurt bad. I need a bandage or something. I need something to help stop the bleeding,” Kate said.

  Isaac yanked off his shirt, flipped it inside out, and balled it against the bleeding wounds. “Kate, here, use this and take over. Put pressure on the wound.”

  “Take off my cloak and add it to the bandage. We need more than your shirt,” Kate said.

  “What about—”

  “Do it!”

  Isaac released the clasps from her cloak. He bundled and folded it to create a long bandage. He wrapped it around Etienne’s shoulder. “Okay. I think we have it. Put your hands in place of mine.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to find the doc.”

  “Same frigging shoulder. Same damn shoulder,” Etienne whispered as his head knocked back against the wall.

  “This looks like more than a shoulder wound,” Isaac said as he moved Kate’s hands to press on the shirt and soaked in the bright-red blood. Together, they covered the shirt with her heavier cloak.

  Etienne groaned when she pressed d
own. “Lung. Hard to breathe.”

  “Shit. Do you think you can heal anything? How about a shift?”

  Etienne gave his head a tiny shake. “Mercury in bullet…Feel burn.”

  “Hang on, love, I’ll get the doc. She’ll fix you good,” Isaac said with a rushed kiss across Etienne’s lips before he raced out to the street to find someone.

  “Don’t leave us. I’m not losing you.” Kate leaned harder on the impromptu bandage. She lifted her fingers to move his curls from his face. She hated how she left blood behind on his skin.


  Kate grinned, not believing he would try to flirt with her. “Charmer. You’re a quite charmer in the midst of bleeding all over me. Do I even stand a chance with either one of you? I know you’re together, I can smell your scents all over each other,” she said with a flush. Their charming conversation helped her rebuild her wall and gather her scattered thoughts. She couldn’t pass out under the onslaught, not when Etienne needed her.

  “Bother you?”

  “No, I don’t mind.”

  “Be in middle.”

  Her mouth dropped at Etienne’s answer. She watched as he tilted his head on one side before he coughed hard again, bringing up more bloody bubbles.

  “Shh. Take it easy. Try to breathe steady for me,” she said as she held the makeshift bandage harder against his skin.

  “Hurts. Harder to breathe.”

  “We’re getting you help, I promise. You need to stay with me. I need you to hang in there. I don’t want to lay you down. I’m afraid blood may collect in your airways and choke you.” Kate brushed some of the blood from his lips. She felt the roughness of his scruffy goatee against her fingers. What would the bristles feel like between her legs? She shivered at the thought.

  She noticed he didn’t try to answer, but saw the need to reassure her he would make it out burning deep in his gaze. Even with her coaxing him, she could see the blackness and pain pulling at him, tugging him from her as his eyes began to close.

  “Etienne! You need to stay with me. Open your eyes,” she ordered in a sharp voice.

  Etienne dragged his eyes open at the sound of her voice. The pupils were a little dazed and didn’t focus. “Meanie.”


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